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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1911)
FRIDAY, SEPTEMRER 1, 1011 PROFESSIONAL CARDS M. C. FINDLET, M. D. Practice limited to EYE, EAR, NOSE and TH??VT GlaBiei fitted and furnished Office hours 9 to 12; 2 to 6; and . appointment. Phones 182 ant l-R. Grants Pass, Oregon V. L. DIMMICK, D. M. D. Dentist Fetich bldg., cor. 6th and Q street. Phone Isl-J. Crown. Bridge WorK and Fillings of all kinds a specialty Office Hours I to 12 a. m.; 1 to 5 p. m. All Work Positively Guaranteed GRANT3 PASS, OREGON E. C. MACY, D. M. D. successor to Dixon Bros., Dentists First-Class Work 1MK South Sixth, Grant Put, Ore. DR. H. C. DIXON -: i- r Prices reasonable. All work guaran teed. Examination free. Phone: Office 228-R; res. 18 6-J Office Hours: 7:80 a.m. to 6:10 p.m. Location: Schallhorn Building, Oranta Pass, Ore. DR. L. C. McCABE PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office, 206-207 Albert Block, Phone 241. Residence, 605 North Sixth St., Phone 24S. Prompt attention to city and country calls. GRANTS PASS, OREGON. DR.F.M. HARTSOOK PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office ,202 H South Sixth Street. Of fice hours, 9 to 12 a. m.; 1 to 6 p. m. Phones: Office 18; Residence, 234-J. D. NORTON, ATTQRNEY-AT-LAW ctlce In all State and Federal urts. Office Opera House Bldg Grants Pass, Oregon OLIVER S. BROWN, LAWYER druts Pnss Orrgon O. S. BLANCHARD, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Practice In all State and Federal Courts. Banking & Trust Co. Bldg. Grants Pass, Oregon 1. D. WURTSBAUGH Attorney and Counselor at Law Notary Public In office if flee In Howard Block. Phone 56-J GRANTS PASS, OREGON if. L JOHNSTON ASS.U I .!. Rooms 6 and 7 Opera House .11 . North Stair h GRANTS PASS, OREUO w. 1 . II. DAY Contractor and Builder Residences a Specialty Plans and estimates furnished ..esldence East A St. Phone 103-J Singer and Wheeler (EL Wilson SEWING MACHINES for sale or rent, on easy payments. Supplies acd repairs for 'l makes. Stocking darner sod cot ton. T. HASSELL 196 Front St. Grant Pnss trie Dough Better! 25c Pound Cn All Crocen 3?. 1 IIP PERSONAL Mrs. Rhoda Bedell arrived here on Saturday evening from ,Los Angeles to visit her mother, Mrs. Swinden and other relatives. Ulysses Lloyd of Marysville, Mo., arrived in Grants Pas today to visit his sister, Mrs. G. W. Sturgeon. Mrs. Henry White came down from Ashland Saturday noon to visit with ber uncle, John McArthur who has been ill f0r the past month in thi city. She returned Sunday morning io Asniand. Miss Marjorie Fleming of Twin Falls, Idaho, who has been visiting with her cousin, Miss Wllna Gilkey, of this city, left Saturday afternoon for Medford, where she will spend the 'remainder of the summer with her sister. Mrs. B. F. Skillman went to Med- ford Saturday afternoon to' spend a week with relatives. Mrs. O. P. Harvey, who has soent the summer at the Harvey-Adams sawmill at Worden, returned Sunday to her home in this city. Phil Metscnam of Portland. Is spending several days here on bus iness connected with the hotel Jose phine which the Metscham brothers are having remodeled on an extensive scale. O. H. Bernard returned from Alas ka Sunday after some time spent there on business. Mrs. O. E. McLean returned from Portland the latter part of last week after attending the wedding of her sister, Miss Josie Vandewalker to C. E. Smyti of Tacoma. William Young and little daughter Dolly, returned Sunday from a visit with relatives at Portland. Tom Gerber, who was operated on for appendicitis two week3 ago, has so far recovered that he was able to be taken to his room at the G. R. Satchwell home Sunday. This morn ing Mr. Gerber walked down town and will be able to be about his usu al duties at the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph office in a short time. L. Asher, who has been visiting with his mother in this city left Sat urday evening for his home In Port land. Mrs. A. J. Wilson left Saturday ev ening for her home at Vancouver, Wash., after a visit of several days with Mrs. H. C. Perkins. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Palmer, who have been visiting with Mr. Palmer's mother, Mrs. J. E. Palmer and other relatives, left Saturday afternoon for their home at San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. 'Davis, who have spent the past four months In Grants Pass, returned the latter part of the week to their home at Clanton, Mo. Mr. Davis Is a brother-in-law of John L. Shaver, one of the salesmen of the Golden Rule store. Mr. and Mrs. Davis were so well pleased with Grants Tass that they expect to return here next summer to reside perma nently. James Tuffs returned Wednesday morning to the sawmill at Dorrls, Cal., after some time spent with rel atives in this city. E. T. McKInstry and Victor Brown were visitors In the Love Station country Tuesday, looking after real estate business. Deputy Sheriff Eugene Coburn left Tuesday evening for a two weeks' vacation which will be Bpent at Port land iind Astoria. C. W. Martyn, assistant superin tendent of the Southern Pacific rail way, came up from Portland Tues day to spend a short time here on of ficial business. He returned to that city on train No. 16 Tuesday evening. MISS MXOLM MARRIED. Chester Jones of Klamath Falls and Miss BchhIc McColm, formerly a resident of Josephine county were united in marriage at Klamath Falls Saturday, August 26, 1911. Miss McColm Is well known In Grants Push, where (she has spent a glint deal of her time while a resi dent of this county. Last year she was a teacher In the Klsriiath Kalis s hoot. IlLST IX IK WOMEN n Fn'iniitlnff Ujidiiinrr Into Woman's Half rut TarUlan Sage Is without the leant vestige of o doubt the most remark able hair grower, Invlgorator and beautlflor ever compounded. It is so far ahffid of all commer cial tonics that C. II. ln-ninrar guar antees ft o eradiate dandruff. Ptop fulling hair and Itching srnlp In two week, or m. !)') bnik. I'nrlHian Sk' I (b'luh'f ully f fP uhlng and Is not Micky or gnnsy. It dcann the f"n! and rtf;-s nil (lon rt panellation Infntitly. A larK- bottle fT " rt" n Dfmtray'i. The girl with the an I tirn lmlr cn v ry parknn". WEEKLY ROGUE RIVER COURIER GRANTS PASS LADY AMONG NOTED WRITERS ! In a recent issue of the Cincinnati Times-Star appeared an article eom inienting on the work of ten women j writers of that city, who had achiev jed more than local distinction. Among those mentioned was Mrs. Watts, au jthor of "Eben Holden," a popular novel, and Mrs. Alice Williams Bfotn" erton, a poet whose verses appear in several standard magazines. '.She j wrote "The Seven Ages of Women," i which was read at the Federation of Women's clubs held In Cincinnati in 1910. Among the names and pic tured faces of these women was a fa miliar one, that of Miss Celia Doer er, whom we are proud to claim as (a resident of Grants Pass. She has ! contributed several beautiful poems (to The Courier during the past two ; years. We are glad to see merit rec Jognized and congratulate Miss Doer ner. VISIT TO CRESCENT CITY , AND W00LEYP0RT (Continued from Pasjd 2.) personal Inspection, and diligent ques tioning of seafaring men, Wooleyport has the greater possibility, and after all the success of Wooleyport means the success of Crescent City and for every dollar that Mr. Wooley can pos sibly make Del Norte county will make a thousand. With a harbor; good highways and a railroad the space between Wooleyport and Cres cent City will Boon be built up with summer cottages and homes of resl The possibilities of money making at Crescent City are great, although the land values at present seem to be much higher than conditions warrant. Big ranches of 1,000 to 2,000 acres with only a few hundred in pasture and under cultivation are In the ma jority and the owners seem to delight in the number of acres they possess rather than In the profits produced by those acres. When these people be come willing to part with some of their lands to people who will Im prove the property, then will the county reap the benefit. The same Is likewise true In a measure with city property. Lots assessed at a few hundred dollars are priced at as many thousand dollars. What Crescent City needs is higher assessed valuation and higher taxes which will of necessity tend toward smaller holdings. Smith River, 14 miles up the coast, Is a town of memories and fine cat tle. Old settlers speak longingly of the early days and recount reminis cences of long ago when the town was booming. The big hotel has housed many prominent Callfornians In Its time and still Is rendering excellent service. The' hotel yard Is a bower of beauty filled with. Its wealth of old time favorites, beautiful fucla bushes growing as rank as lilacs, and over topped with a stately acacia which brings up memories of the long ago. In the valley vast herds are graz ing, many numbering In the hundreds, and these with their products repre sent a good percentage of Del Norto's wealth. While all the facts In connection with mining, farming, fruit growing, the lumber Interests, and the general business along the line from the Rogue River valley and the necessity of an outlet on the Pacific are con sidered, It must be admitted that the outlook tor the building of an Im portant city at Wooleyport or Cres cent City Is very bright. DOWNWARD COURSE Pant RoIiik Ilenllml by Grants Pns People A little backache at first. Dally Increasing till the back Is lame and weak. L'rlnary disorders quickly follow; Dropsy and finally Bright' dis ease. This Is the downward course of kidney Ills. Don't take this course. Grunts Tass residents should profit by the following experience. A. Betf, ISO Front street, Med ford, Ore., says: "I am Just as will ing to recommend Doan's Kidney Pills today as I was in September, 1907, when I publicly told of my ex perience with them. I (suffered from kidney trouble for at leant five years and as time passed, I Krew wow. Sharp pains darted through the Mnsll of my back and somot lines the attacks were so severe that I nmld hardly stoop. At night my lituk iwh'd Intensely and wound deep a out. of the question. Dclnii 1old to try Poan' Kidney Pills. I pro-rur-d n supply and they goon save lr;p relief." For mo- by all dealer". Price &0 icn'F. Ko.Mt'r-Mllljnrn Co, liuffalo, New Ynrk. ai:"iiM for the United S'f-'e. I rn n. i. r the name !'; ; , (,'ile h't Other. LIST OF TEACHERS FOR THE COMING YEAR Following is a list of teachers for the Grants Pass public schools, who will take their places as assigned at the opening of the schools on Mon day morning. September 11, Prof. R. R. Turner, superintendent. Riverside Building. Seventh Gra"de, Miss Myrtle Shore, principal, v Sixth grade, Miss Kathryn Ryan. Fifth grade, Miss Agnes O'Connor. Fourth grade, A, Miss Maude Hoff. Fourth grade, B. Miss Ethel Davis. Third grade, Mrs. F. M. Nichols. Second grade, Mrs. Ava E. Thomp son. First grade, Mrs. Mollie Belding. Fast Building. Seventh grade,' Miss Flora Shaw, principal. Sixth grade, Miss Augusta Parker. Fifth grade. A,' Mrs. Nellie Wood ward. Fifth grade, B. Miss Grace Al brecht. Fourth grade. Miss May Roberts. Third grade, Mrs. Edith Eddy. Second grade, Miss Inez Sheldon. First grade, Miss Emma Fetzner. Central Building. Eighth grade, A, Miss A. Blanche Crane, Eighth grade, B, Miss Minnie L. Tuffs. Second B and First A Miss Linda Todd. , High School Biiildlng. L. W. Turnbull, principal. ; Miss Christina McLean, commer cial. Miss Evelyn Wahrer, History. E. R. Hulblrt Mathematics Sci ence. Miss Lois E. Owens, English. Miss Isabell Duff, Latin. Miss Ruth Young, German. Miss Edna Bryden, Domestic Scl ence. Miss Helen McAdow, Music and Drawing. , Hugh N. Herrlck, Manual Train ing. ' INDIGESTION DEPARTS. Stomach Agony and After Dinner Distress Stopped In S Minutes. Why should any sensible person continue to suffer day after day with terrible stomach ailments when C. II. Demaray guarantees MI-O-NA stomach tablets to cure even the worst C8B6 cf Indigestion or money back. If your stomach rebels after eat ing and food sours or ferments In the stomach, causing gas, pain, heart burn, and heaviness, two MI-O-NA tablets will drive away the misery In five minutes and leave the stom ach feeling splendid. A. large box of MI-O-NA stomach tablets costs 50 cents at C. H. Dem aray's, and leading drngglBts every where. It you have stomach trouble of any kind, start to use MI-O-NA stom ach tablets today. They not only build up the stomach, but they act as a tonic to the entire body. They am makers of rich, red bloed and nerves that never flinch; they In- crease vitality and make the weak more vigorous. Camden Mitchell, who has spent the summer with his parents at the saw mill at Worden, has returned io Grants Pass to attend school this full, Mrs. Mitchell Is expected to arrive this evening. BUSINESS POINTERS Dr. Flanagan, , Physician and Surgeon. J.E.Peterson, PloneorlnsuranceMso Rexall Remedies at Clemens, m drugs. Diamonds and watches sold on tb Instalment plan to responsible par ties at Letcher's Jewelry store. Alfred Letcher, Registered Opto metrist and Jeweler in Dixon's old tand. Front st. Eyes tested free. GRANTS PASS TRUCK CO. Bl'XCH BROS., Iroirletr PROMPT AXI) RKLIAULK 8KRV1CK Pianos and Organs Carefully Removed Phones: 4 Mi and 200-K G' miits Pm. Ore. Are You Planning to Build Schools, line kyifi, Ciritn rio, I'up dfruorn, or ny Knifinrrriiijj I'ruirri' II.A I i ill XI. Hi I. l IT Will. I' A V TOO 10 I'llHIULl C ' GFJJSBLXK ENGINEERING CO. &04 Blake McF.ll Bldg. .Vi'.? !',"!; CHICHESTER S PILLS Al !-IM I 1 A I i.l-rkNt.t r'a Mam.'oiT llrn4 l'lli it Ui 4 ! I l4 '. W -... - "-. V.-t.m. 'I ! ft wit. Hr,.ftr . !! 'II . Ti ll MUM r l 'i . 1 1 -. f . j I C i iiu Absouiefy Pure The only Baking Powder mado fromRoyalCrapeCrearnofTartar NO ALUM, NO LIME PHOSPHATE TflOS. WALLACE BROUGHT BACK FROM PORTLAND Thomas Wallace, who waa brought from Portland by Deputy Sheriff Co burn and charged with a statutory crime in which a girl from Gold Hill Is the prosecuting witness, together with her father, was arraigned In Justice Holman's court on Monday A portion of the testimony heard and the case postponed until tomorrow at the request of the defense, Wal lace wanting to secure anotner wit- nesa. The case will be resumed at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. At the trial this morning the girl, who Is only 17 years old, testified that she went through a marriage ceremony with Wallace, that is she bolieved It was a bona fide marriage, She stated that the ceremony occur red In Grants Pass, in a "little frame house," but where the house is lo cated she does not know. She testi fied that only one person was pres ent, the man who performed the "ceremony". She says she was told turners ncn, prickly neat, etc.ln la the man was a minister. '"MLY! ?? T 'V?"1, . . . Indorsed and sold by druggists ev No witnesses and no record of a erywhere and In Grants Pass by C. 11. marriage license can be found. Deniaray's Drug Store. HAIR AND SCALP TREATMENT Keeps the scalp clean, makes the hair soft, thick and fluffy. Rexall Hair Tonic ..............600 Rexall Shampoo Paste 25c Price for complete treatment 7tc CLEMENS, Sells Drugs. Tk o fiaxa&JL Store EXPERIENCED FARMER WANTED. FOR 1 YEAR BEGINNING SEPT. 1. . - to go on 34 acre ranch S miles west of Merlin. 1 WILL PAY $25 PER MONTH. the first 6 months for work: as directed, leaving tenant one-half his time to clear land for the wood on It. 8 acres to clear. Will pay extra for plowing. Will make fair deal for crops on shares for next season. Ranch already one-half cleared, 7 acres fine, black garden lund, remainder rod; 4 -room cottage clean and In good order must be kept so. Spring water piped; barn, sheds and chicken yardB. Applicant must understand setting out and caring for fruit trees. Should have at least one horse. Write and arrange Interview. M. O. EVANS, JR. iM pik save When you build that new house or repair the old one remember that good paint is not only needed for appear ance, but absolutely necessary for preservation. Paint h au investment as well as a luxury. Ask the painters who uso our paints, putty and glasi if they are not the best. Coron-Booth Hardware Co. GRANTS PASS, OREGON. PAGE THREE R Jfllr3 Xf Mrs. Grace White arrived here oa Tuesday evening from Weed, Cal., to spend a few days with relatives. IP YOU HAVE ECZEMA OH ANT SKIN OK SCALP TROUBLE HEBE IS GOOD NEWS. You have probably tried one or more remedies with small success. This costs money and it Is uncertain. We want you to try ZEMO, the clean liquid remedy, but we do not want you to pay for it unless you are satis fied with results. We have so much faith In Zemo that we want you to try it by sending to the E. W. Ross Medi cine Co., 3032 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo.', 10c In stamps to pay postage for a generous sample of ZEMO and ZE MO (antiseptic) SOAP and our 31 page booklet on skin diseases OR get a bottle today at C. H. ,Demaray'a Drug store and If you are not pleased with results they will refund your, money. ZEMO Is a clean scientific prepar ation that washes away and destroy! the. germ life and tho poisons that cause the trouble. ' Stops the Itch ing at once and results can be seen after one application. ZEMO abso lutely cures eczema In all Its forma ae well as hives, rashes, acne, tetter, 1 Grants, Pass, Ore. 3