1 FRIDAY, JUNE 2, 1911 WEEKLY ROGUE RIVER COURIER PAGE SEVEN V'. P DITORCE COLONY : ' LOSES A MEMBER RENO, Nev., May 81. Mary E. 1 Thurston, sister of the late Edward , H. Thunton, la planning to leave ? the dUorce colony here today, pay ing been granted a decree from her f huiband, Charles 8. Thurston, a Bos- ton attorney. No property rights or I children were Involved. Mrs. Thurs ton hat retained her maiden name, Mary Emons. SPECIAL BARGAINS AS LONG AS STOCK LASTS 15,000 tt. 3x4 Dry O. O. OutU-rlug, lung and chort lemrtlis. ht ft So lOO.iHK) ft. Quarter Kmind, i -Inoti. olonr. kiln dried tlr, per 100 ft.. ..30a FlmirinR, No. 1 mid 2 ttunclsrd, 4 hh1 II ft. lenrtlm, per M $11.00 SOME REGULAR CATALOG PRICES im iiii, it mr.i-n, inn. .... i i.ou iiJ ( ottnro Front Door. .3.B0. J2.45 & 2.85 rt I 1 Aft T Art Front ltnors $5.00 up a Window Trim. H''tn, K. D SO ..) Inslile Iioor Frmites. K. l 75 (J Sand U Your Litt (or Etimting jTj SEND FOR CATALOG No, 3 Raises theDough Chemists and Authori ties state that Crescent is pure and whole some. Sold by Grocers full or POUND OC CRESCENT MFG. COMPANY SEATTLE j THE 1 3 yj V J IMI ll iaSrfflii 111 ! Run Lighter, Cut Cleaner and Last Longer Than anv other mower on the market. WHY? localise they have larger drive wheels, higher speed of knife and built on the most practical principle? Another Reason Whv vou should buv a McCormick mower is that the 'Rogue River Hardware Company always have a full stock of repairs on hand. No mat ter what part of a McCormick mower you wear out or break you can get the ronajr at our store. This is true of no other mower sold in Grants Pass. ROGUE RIVER HARDWARE COMPANY THE BIG RED FRONT WAPPENSTEIN CASE WILL BEGIN TOMORROW SEATTLE. May 31. Having com pleted and sworn In the jury, the opening statement' of the prosecution examining one witness, everything was ready for a day of testimony in the C. W. Wappensteln case, but the court granted a. holiday. Evidence taken formally will begin tomorrow. Prosecutor Murphy In outlining the things that the state will Beek to prove, accused Wappensteln, as po lice chief, with proposing to build two houses In the restricted district. Wappensteln, .Murphy says, tele phoned to Secretary pf State Nichols that Tupper was all right, and on recommendation, Tupper was grant ed a lease on the parish house. Mur phy says that Clarence Gerald had Introduced Wappensteln and Tupper ten days before Wappopsteln became police chief. At that time It Is al leged Wappensteln told Gerald, ''There'll be a chance for all of us to make some money." Whooping cough Is not dangerous when the cough Is kept loose and expectoration easy, by giving Chara erlaln's Cough Remedy. It has been used In many epidemics of this dis ease with perfect success. For sale by all good dealers. PORTLAND VETERAN'S DEDICATE MONUMENT PORTLAND, May 30. Grand Ar my posts, Spanish war veteran camps, Relief corps, fraternal organ izations and citizens of Portland to day observed Decoration Day by par ticipating In various programs and decorating the graves of the dead. A monument to the unknown dead was dedicated at the Mllwaukle cem etery this forenoon by the A. J. Smith Grand Army post During the afternoon parades were held In East and West Portland In which Civil war veterans marched shoulder to shoulder with the young er veterans of the Spanish-American war. v Bpt j0D printing at The Courier. WOODVILLE ITEMS The business men of Woodvllle are planning a celebration for July fourth. S. D. Potter, of Evan's creek coun try, attended I. O. O. F. lodge in Woodvllle last Tuesday evening. Miss Grace Stevens is clerking for J. W. Jacobs & Co. The Ladles' aid will observe Mem orial day with appropriate exercises. There will be speaking in the park in afternoon. In the morning every one is asked to march to the cem etery and decorate the graves. Jim Herr is building a tower for his windmill this week. The H. C. Kentner Co.'s store in Woodvllle changed hands this week. Mr. Kentner has disposed of his in terest in the store, and now the firm" name will be J. W. Jacobs & Co. The W. C. T. U. held a very inter esting meeting In the church Sunday evening, which was led by Mrs. James Martin. Mrs. Lou Merrlam has been enjoy ing a visit from her parents from Yoncalla for the last week. Judge Gllmore will deliver the Memorial day address In the park next Tuesday afternoon. George Ager, of Talent, has been engaged as principal of the school for next year, and Miss Bertha Dally will be the primary teacher. Miss Holmes and Miss Hash, will teach the first and second Intermediate rooms. MISSOURI FLAT Sam Call, of Medford, Is visiting with J. K. Wooldrldge this week. Provolt and Missouri flat put up a good ball game Sunday. The Miss ouri flat team had Just organized, and this was their first game. The score was 9 to 10 In favor of Pro volt. They will play at the Missouri flat grounds next Sunday. K. L. Kubli is enlarging his store and will have his dry goods and gro cery departments separate. Lizzie Lemon, of Williams, was visiting Pearle Davidson Saturday and Sunday. J. W. York- is able to be oiit again after several days illness. WASH THAT ITCH AWAY It is said that there are certain springs in Europe that give relief and cure to Eczema and other skin diseases. If you knew that by wash ing In these waters you could be re lieved from that awful Itch, wouldn't you make every effort to take a trip to Europe at once. Would you not be willing to spend your last cent to find the cure? But you need not leave home for these distant springs. Relief is right here in your own home town! A simple wash of Oil of Winter green, Thymol and other ingredients as compounded only in D. D. D. Prescription will bring Instant relief to that terrible burning itch, and leave the skin as smooth and healthy as that of a child. If you have not already tried it, get at least a 25 cent bottle today. We assure you t Instant relief. M. Clemens. LLAMDS OPERATOR FOR WRECK ON BURLINGTON LINCOLN, Neb., May 31. Offi cials of tho Burlington railroad today ttated that tho failure of the tele graph operator at McCook to deliver the meeting orders to the eastbound train was responsible for the wreck at Indlanola last Monday. Two pas sengers, Hiram Feekln and Grace Dean, died last night. This brings the death list up to 19. It Is esti mated that claims and damage suits aggregatlns $250,000 will bo brought against the Burlington as a result of the wreck. " - 4 - r v U I knowwhnlrou want 1 bavp!int ymi tiMMi-H -,t qnnlitr SASH AND lioona, )kwptlimlntitrkforoulfk riVllvrry. I hav- but otm Jrlr anil w!! for f .h Or.iy. J I Iit tti) own factory . It coati mn much Iran to maka my gmula ml k m la Mil llipm lirrquM I muk ami Rnll In Urge quantii-a. J Thww prlw r Ukrn fmm tnf fUI CfJF vt wiikh I win tiviir mail on rr-ntmti Front Door. double third (laac 12.2 S up ranrr front Ptor. .trlh 15.00 up a 9.i"' vp I I2 I 11.30 wt ii.eo S-eroM ! Door, for painting B-croM Banol Door, for atainin NvwOaltamaaDoor.forbunaalowl Zliit Window, chatk rail . 7mP 4-lifht Barn Sn . . 42c p Camboard Door, with plain ! $1 OO K.IIJtonr rraw7!te,K.I.ftMbrtair BUc I n nut fail to arnd ma rmir Uirt of ma la rial for prtr H fr ill -hart. Ak Im Cataio Na. )? m FISHING SCHOONER IS CONFISCATED VICTORIA, B. C May 10. The gasoline fishing schooner Edrle, of Seattle, was condemned and confis cated to Hit Majesty the King, at a prize by Chief Jostle Hooter today for fishing within the three mile limit off Lani Island at the west end of Vancouver Island, where the washed la February by the Canadian cruiser Rainbow, which fired a blank shot, c&nslng the Edrle to heave to and sent an armed party on board, who took the Teasel In tow to Vancouver, where the evidence was heard. The ease had been remanded to allow the chief lattice of making an examina tion of the vessel and Inspecting the range of the firing apparatus of the Rainbow. OPIUM SMUGGLER GETS THREE YEARS MELBOURNE, May 31. Opium smuggling Into various parts of Aus tralia la a vastly lucrative business, If one la to Judge from the facts re vealed in a cape heard in the courts in Sydney. The crown authorities in making out their case against a young r charged with criminal Interest in the business, asserted that he made aa much at $350 In the course of a tingle night. Hit modus operandi was declared to ha as follows: He In duced Europeans to bring opium from China to Canada, robbed them there, and then escaped to Queensland In order to dispose of his booty. He was sentenced to three years Imprison ment. A HOPEFUL MESSAGE TO SCALP SUFFERERS AND MEN WHO'S HAIR IS THINNING Dandruff now bald later. The Ranie Is true of scalp diseases. In fact baldness Is a scalp disease. The trouble with the greasy salves and lo tions, the so-called dandruff and scalp cures you have tried so far, that they don't do anything but tem porarily relieve the Itching and rake the dandruff so It doesn't fall until It dries out' again. Nothing can cure really cure such troubles but a real scalp medicine that will kill the germs causing dandruff and scalp disease. Learning from leading fellow druggists throughout America that they had found a whirlwind cure for dandruff, eczema and all diseases of the Bkln and scalp the C, H. Dom aray Drug Store, on proving to the laboratories compounding the treat ment that It la the most prominent drug store In this city Bocured the agency for the remedy. This remody Is ZF1MO, the clean, liquid prepara tion that kills the germ of disease and ZEMO SOAP to wash the scalp or Bkln clear and clean of the dnnd ruff or scale and by Its antiseptic qualities soothe and heal. Sold and guaranteed by drugglBts everywhere and In Grants Pnss by C. II. Domaray. Mrs. W. H. Hodktnson and little daughter, Pearl, expect to t leave Monday, June Kth, for a visit to Mrs i Hodklnson's old home In Illinois, where they will spend the summer. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the State of Oregon In and for Jose, phlne County. In tho Matter of the Estate) of Robert P. Cheshire, de-) ceased. ) ! Notice Is hereby given that J. E. Cheshire, has been appointed as tho administratrix of the estate of Robert P. Cheshire deceased by order of the county Judgn of tho cotjnty Court of tho State of Oregon In and for Josephine county, which said order Is dated the 29th day of April, 1911, and all persons having claims wfnlnst said estate are hereby notified to present the same to tho undersigned administratrix or her attorney at Grants Pass. Oregon, on or before bIx months from the date of this notice. I Dated at Grants Pass, Oregon, on the tith dny of May, 1911. ,T. E. CHESHIRE, AdtnlnlHtratrlx of the estate of Robert P. Cheshire, dweased. C. H. Clements attorney for the NOTICE OF MARSHAL'S HALE City of Grants Pass, ) Judgment Hen creditor) vs. ) The Western Development) Co. (a corporation, ) Judgment lien debtor.) Notice is hereby given, that by virtue of ordinances numbered 411 and 421, approved by tho mayor of the city of Grants Pans, Josephine county, Oropon. on the 9th day of July, 1910, and on tho 19th day of Augunt, 1910, aud by virtue of the lnws of the Stud' of Oregon, and tlty charter of said city, tho common ouncll has rnndo and provided for local Improvements In front of and abutting upon the hereinafter de scribed premises, and pursuant to I ajnld ordinance tnd the law the said common council In regular course lot business before It assessed the 'benefits accruing to tho hereinafter I described premlne in the sum of ! $146.81 for such improvernentt a made tnd provided for and rau Mo ths same to be entered In the city Hen docket, tt psee 116, on the lOtb day of August, 1910. That thereupon such assessment thus entered of record In the time aud manner as by law provided be came entitled to the force and ef fect of a Judgment, and within twenty days thereof the auditor and police judge is authorized to Issue a warrant for collection of such as sessment based upon the foregoing proceedings, the law and the public records,' the said auditor and police Judge of said city on the 25th day of May, 1911, duly Issued out of his office a warrant of ' execution for the collection of such delinquent assessment in the above entitled proceeding, to me directed as mar shal of said city, and duly attested by said auditor and police judge on the 11th day of May, 1911, wherein and whereby said warrant of execu tion directed that I forthwith ' ad vertise the property herlnafter de scribed and against which such as sessment was made, or other prop erty against whtcb such assessment it a lien and sell the same, or such part thereof as in my opinion can be sold separately to advantage, suf ficiently to pay such assessment, to gether with the Interest, costs and disbursements, In the time and man ner provided by law. That pursuant to said warrant of execution I did on the 25th day of May, 1911, levy upon and seize the following described real property in the City of Grants Pass, Josephine county, Oregon, to-wlt: Lot 8, block 51, of the original townslte of the town of Grants Pass, Jose phine county, Oregon, as the same is platted and on file in the office of the County Clerk of said county and state, and accordingly I will on Tuesday the 27th day of June, 1911, at 10 o'clock a. m., of said day at the front door of the county court house In the City of Grants Pass, Josephine county, Oregon, Bell to the highest bidder at public auction for cash in hand, the aforesaid described premises, and all the right, title, in terest, claim and estate of said The Western Development Co. (a corpor ation), the Judgment Hen debtor herein, in and to said premises. Dated this 26th day of May, 1911. C. E. McLANE, Marshal of the City of Grants Pass, Josephine county, Oregon, NOTICE OF MARSHAL'S SALE CITY OF GRANTS PASS, ) Judgment lien creditor,) vs. ' ) A. B. Benson ) Judgment lien debtor.) Notice Is hereby given, that by vir tue of ordinances numbered 382 and 396, approved by the mayor of the City of Grants Pass, Josephine Coun ty, Oregon, on the 21s,t day of Febru ary, 1910, and on the 14th day of April, 1910, and by virtue of the laws of the State of Oregon, and city char ter of said city, the common council has made and provided for local Im provements in front of and abutting upon tho hereinafter described prem ises, and pursuant of said ordi nances and the'law tho said common council In regular course of business before It assessed the benefits aecru- ng to tho hereinafter described prem ises In the sum of $115.18 for such Improvements ns made and provided for and cnused tho same to be enter- c In volume two of the city lien docket at page 42, on tho 15th day of April, 1910. That thereupon such assessment thus entered of record In tho tlmo and manner ns by law provided be anie entitled to tho forco and effect of a Judgment, and within twenty lays thereof the auditor and police udKo Is authorized to Issue a war nnt for collection of such assessment i.'ised , upon tho foregoing proceed- iiks, tho law and tho public records, he snld auditor and pollen Judge of aid city on the 22d day of May, 1911, duly Issued out of his office a war- ant of execution for the collection of such delinquent assessment In tho above entitled proceedings, to me di rected as marshal of tho snld city, and duly attested by snld auditor and ioIIph Judge on the 22d dny of May, flu, wherein nnd whereby snld war rant of execution directed that I iirthwltli nilvertlse the property here, nnfter described and against, which hucIi assessment was made, or oth- r property against which such as sessment Is a lien nnd sell the rnme, or such pnrt thereof ns In my opinion nn he sold separately to advantage, mifflcleiit to pay such assessment, to gether with the Interest, costs nnd disbursements, In the tlmo nnd man ner provided by law. That pursuant, to said warrant of xeeutlon I did on the 22d day of May, 1911, levy upon and seize tho following described real property In the City of Grants Pass, Josephine, Oregon, to-wlt: Beginning nt the southeasterly comer of - lot 8. In block M of J. Bourne's First Ad dition to the Town of (irnnts Pass, Josephine County, Oregon, as tho nine Is platted nnd on file In the olflie of tint county clerk of said county nnd state; running thenc. northerly along the westerly line of Mghlh street. 72 feet; thence wester ly parallel with the northerly line of School street 188 feet; thenco soulh i rly parallel with tho westerly lino of Eighth street 72 feet to the north erly line of School street; thence easterly along the northerly lino of ii hool street 188 feet, to place of be- cltmlng; and accordingly I will on Tuesday, the 2"th day of June, 1911, nt 10 o'clock of snld day at the front door of the county court house In the City of Grnnts Puss. Joitephlno Coun ty, Oregon, sell to tho highest bidder st public auction for rush In hand, the aforesaid described premises, nnd nil th right, title, Interest, claim snd estate of said, A. II. Benson, tho Judgment lien debtor herein, In and to said premises. listed this 2f.th dny of Mav, 1911. C. E, McLANE, Murshnl of the City of Grants Pass, Josephine County, Oregon. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land Office, at Roseburg, Ore, May 9, 1911. Notice Is hereby given that Har ley T. Keyte, of Merlin, Oregon, who, on September 23, 1909, made Home stead entry serial No. 05433. for SWKSWK, section 32, township 34 B., range 8 west Willamette mer idian, has filed notice of lntentlo to make final commutation proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before County Clerk, Josephine county, Oregon, at Grants Pass, Oregon, on the 24 day of June, 1911. Claimant names as witnesses: Ed Bland, of Merlin, Oregon; Garr Weatherwax, of Merlin, Oregon; Lou Glpson. of Merlin, Oregon; Rob ert Crocket, of Merlin, Oregon. BENJAMIN F. JONES, . Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Ore , Ma.-eh 13 1911. Notice tt hereby given that Flor ence DeBar, whose postoftlce address is 189 E. 11th street, Eugene Ore gon, did, on the 11th day of June, 1910, file In thla office Sworn State ment and application No. 06376. to purchase the NV4 NE and 8E4 NE, section 14, township 37 8., range 5 west Willamette Meridian, and the timber thereon, under the provisions of the act of June 8, 1871, and act amendatory, known as the "Timber and Stone Law," at tuch value as might be fixed by appraise ment, and that, pursuant to such application, the" land and timber thereon have been appraised 1610.00, the timber estimated 1, 160,000 board feet at 50 cents per M, and the land $30.00; that said applicant will offer final proof la support of his application and swore statement on the 26th day of May, 3 011, before W. W. Calkins, United States Commissioner, at Eugene Ore gon. .ay person is at liberty to pro test this purchase before entry, er initiate; a contes: t any tlma lc.ore patent Issues, by filing a corrobor ated Affidavit In this office, alle.ag ffiUs which. woual defeat the entry. BENJAMIN F. JONES, Register. IN THE COUNTY COURT FOR JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON la the Matter of the Estate) of Frank S. Wilson, De-) ceased. ) Notice of flaal settlement. Notice Is hereby given that Frank C. Wilson, the administrator on the estate of Frank S. Wilson, deceased, has filed In the above entitled court and cause his final account, and that Saturday, April 29, 1911, at the hour of two, o'clock p. m. at the county court room at the court house at Grants Pass, Josephine county, Ore gon, has oeen fixed by order of the court as the time and place for hear ing said final account, and all per sons having objections to said ac count are hereby notified to file and preseat the same on or before said date. Dated this 31st day of March, A. D., 1911. FRANK O. WILSON, Administrator. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior U. S. Land Office, at Roseburg, Ore. May 3, 1911. Notice is hereby given that Martin N. Teterson, whoso post office ad dress Is 14 Union avenue, Portland, Oregon, did, on tho 20th day of Sep tember, 1910, fllo In this office sworn statement and application, No. 0G614, to purchase the 8W, sec tion 30, township 39 8., rango 8 west Wlllnmctte meridian, and the tim ber thereon, under tho provisions of tho act of Juno 3, 1878, and actt amendatory, known as the "timber and stone law," at such value at might be fixed by appraisement, and t lint, pursuant to such application, the land nnd timber thereon have been appraised, $370.07. the timber estimated 200,000 board feet at 25 cents per M, and the land nothing; that said applicant will offer final proof In support of his application and sworn statement on the 28th day of July, 1911, before county clerk, Josephlno county, Oregon, at Grants Puss, Oregon. Any person Is at liberty to protest this purchase beforo entry, or Initi ate a contest at any tlmo before pat ent Issues, by filing a corroborated affidavit In this office, alleging facts which would defeat tho entry. BENJAMIN l JONES, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. fl. Land Office tt Roseburg. Or., March 13, 1911. Notice Is hereby given that Edith Pennle, of Hooulam, Washington, who, on October 29, 1908, made timber and stone, No. 02051, for SB , Section 12, Townshllp 33 S., Range 7W. Wlllametto Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make fin al proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Regis ter and Receiver, U. S. Land Office, Roseburg, Oregon, on the 6th day of June, 1911. Claimant namet ns witnesses: Frank E. Johnson, of Grants Pass, Oregon; Solomon C. Stono, of Grants Pass, Oregon; William T. Turnhsm, of Grants Pass, Oregon; Joseph . Verdln, of Grants Pass, Oregon. BENJ. F. JONES, Register. NOTICE r To Whom It May Concern: Notice Is hereby given that I. the under signed, owner of one-half Interest la the Sugar Pine mine at Gsllce, Ore gon, will not bo responsible for any debts Incurred tgalnit said Sugar Pine mine or for tny labor or Im provements performed thereon; also that no person entering on said grem lins for tny reason whatsoever toall remove therefrom any ore, mineral or timber. Dated Pehrntry 33, 1119. (fl! Ml) r. B. KNIGHT.