WEEKLY ROGUE RITEB OOCRIEB R1DAY' JVXR PAGE BIX PROFESSIONAL OASDS II -V I I ""Hfc. H C. FINDLEY, IL D. Practice limited to 1TE. EAR, N08E and THROAT aliases fitted and furnished Office boars 9 to 12; 1 to S: and oa appointment. Phone 181 ant 1M-R. Granta Pau, Oregon T. L. DIMMICK, D. M. D. Deatbt Fetich bldg., cor. 6th and 0 street. Phone I0S-J. Crown. Bridge Work and Fillings of all kinds a specialty Office Hoars to II a. m.; 1 to S p. a. All Work Poeltlrely Gnnuitcd GRANT8 PA83, OREOON E. 0. MACY, D. M. D. accessor to Dixon Bros., Dentists f . First-Class Work 10 H South Sixth, Grant Paaa, Ore. J. P. TRUAX, 11 D. PHT8ICIAN AND BURGEON Phones: Office, 126; Res. 124 Albert Building, Sixth Street GRANTS PA38 - OREGON Oalls answered at all hours. Coon- try calls attended to ' DR. H. C. DIXON DENTIST Prices reasonable. All work guaran teed. Examination free. Phone: Office 228-R; res. 19 6-J Office Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Location: Schallhorn Building, GranU Pass, Ore. D. NORTON, ATTORNET-AT-LAW Practice In all 8tate and Federal arts. Office Opera House Bldg Grants Pmo, Oregosi OLIVER 8. BROWNE LAWYER Grants Pass Oregon 0. S. BLANOHARD, ATTORNET-AT-LAW Practice to all State and Federal Courts. Banking & Trust Co. Bldg. Grants Pam, Oregon lira. Nina Brumbaugh ' Lessons in China Palatlng. Orders Solicited. Itudlo: Tit North Eight 8treet I. I). WURTSHAUGII Attorney nnd Coanerlor nt Law Notary Public In office Ifftce In Howard Block. Phone 61-J GRANTS FA88. OREGON 1). L. JOHNSTON ASSAY lu; Rooms 6 and 7 Opera House 111, ! North Stairway GRANTS PASS, OREGON -M. 0. II. DAY Contractor and HniMor Residences a Specialty rians and estimates furnished Residence East A St. Phone ItJ-J Singer and Wheeler CSX Wilson SEWING MACHINES for sale or rent, on easy t payments. Supplies and repairs tor a'l makes. Storking darner and cotton. 1 T. HASSELL Front St. dram POLK'S GAZETTEER i A lltmthi'i! Plr'inrv pfr.v h riiv. 'I'kwii hikI Ulan III nn.i ;tl.lli.tl, irlMul H 1V. i lptt Hki'lrll ij h (ilHI't". I.,. ill m, Mlj'llh K 1 1 U I r ill,, I H I . v tut ri(. n.i It. I.. I M K t (. lur t PERSONAL AND LOCAL 4 W. D. Mcintosh, of Wolf Creek, spent Tuesday with GranU Pass friends. L. Brlggs came in from Placer on Tuesday to spend the day looking af ter business matters. H. B. Reed and family came In from Kerby Tuosday to spend a week or more. A. B. Cunningham arrUed from San Francisco Saturday and will hn?e chtrge of the electrical appliance de partment for the Grants Pass branch of the Rogue River Electric com pany. Mrs. W. E, Ruefly came In from Murphy Monday and left In the even ing for nillsboro, where she will spend several weeks visiting with ber parents. Mrs. Ben Evans, who arrived here rom Coram, Cel., Sunday to visit sitta her father. N. Snow and other lelatlves, went to Portland Monday rvenlng to attend the rose carnival She expects to return to Granta Pass In about two weekt. Miss Laura Mitchell went to Pot. lend Monday evening to- attend the rose carnival and to visit with her friends for a week or more. Fred Blackman went to Portland Monday evening to take In the rose carnival and will visit at other north ern points before returning to Grants Pass. Miss Jennie Dnnkle returned to Portland Monday evening after a vis it of several days at the home of Rev. Robert McLean, of this city. Mrs. Mary DeLamater arrived here Monday evening from Oakland, Cal., to visit with her danrbter, Mrs. E. T. McKlnstry and family. Mrs. DeLamater'a home 1s In Portland but she has been visiting with her Bister. Mrs. Kane, at Oakland. Tom 8hattuck arrived here Mon day evening from Springfield, Mo., to visit with relatives In Grants Pass. Mr. Bhattnck waa formerly a resi dent of Grants Puss, but he has been absent from this place for a number of years. 0. H. Carner, A. L. Fryer and Ed. H. Allen, of the Grants Pass Lum ber Co., returned Sunday night from Glendale, where they had been on a business trip connected with the lum ber business. MIbb Bess McColm came In from Wlldervllle Tuesday to visit Grants Pass friends and Wednesday morning went to Wllllama to visit at the 'ohn's farm. J. T. Weston, of Murphy, was shop lng and looking after business here o Wednesday. Mrs. B. Williams, of Williams, )re., was visiting Granta Pass friends on Tuesday. E. Snell, of Williams, was a Grants Pbbb visitor Tuesday and Wednes day. Geo. H. Howard, of Placer, spent Tuesday In Grants Tass visiting with friends. Mrs. F. J. Burtschell came over from Crescent City Tuesday to spend a few days hero with frleuds. N. H. Cooper, of Portland, who pout somo time in Grants Pass a short tlmo ago, roturned Tuesday mornlns and will bo hero for the next 10 tliiys nttendlng to business Flint tors. Mrs. O. K. McLano and baby ore vlBitlug with relatives at Tolo for a few days this week. Miss J osle Vando walker visiter rol ntlves ntul friends nt Gold Hill Tues- ! day. returning In the evening to Grants Pass. A. K. Arnold, wife and two chll- jdren, who recently arrived hero to j reslilo permanently, moved Into their now home, the Mrs.Ora Hood pluco on East A street, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Macduff left Tuesday evening for Albany. whnr , they ro to live permanently. Mr. Macduff will tie assistant forest sup jervlsor In that city, the same position he occupied here. Mrs. 11. F. Seaton nnd Mrs. A. K. Neal returned Tuesday evening to Merlin, after spending the afternoon here. Mrs. Pick Wand spent Tuesday lth relatives nt Medford and Jink tonvllle, rcturnlnn to her home In Jtants Pass In the evening. W. J. Anderson returned to his oik at lUcndulo Tuesday eveultiK ft ... ....... .ti i. . , . inmi !-('uuiiis me iu previous unvs visiting with his family here. Mrs. lloy McLean was v!stlnn with Grunts Pn.ss relatives Weilncsil.iv j Mrs. M. Sargent. f Williams, Ore., "as vltiltlm; with fr. tids In thl city ! 1 lesday. ! Mrs. I'nuiia C, N,.y.-, ,,f fVn'tlo i vtn- has spent the tii - t ' we.-u wit), , her daughter. Mrs ,! .1 Perry, f j Grunts I. f T'l.'s.hy . v.-nhn' f,.r , i her home ADVISES MINERS TO GO SOUTHERN OREGON (From the Albany Evening Herald.) The Grants Pass Daily Courier of Tuesday of this week Issued five thousand copies of a sixteen-page ed ition, eight pages of which were de voted almost exclusively to a resume of the gold mining Industry of southern Oregon since the discovery of the precious metal In that section of the state. The edition contains Interesting stories of the mines of Josephine county, many of them well "llustrated with half-tones. These rtlcles are of great Interest to both nlner and Investor, and the 5000 ed tlon should have a great Influence u the development of the mining ln iustry of southern Oregon. One of the contributors to the edi tion who has lived In that section of Oregon for many years and has been more or lees Interested in mining during his residence there, estimates that the output of gold for Josephine county alone, from the time the yel low metal was discovered In that section, has been not less than $135, 000,000. This is a large sum, but In the light of common knowledge easily attainable anywhere in south ern Oregon, these figures do not seem at all exaggerated. Of course, there Is no way of telling just how much gold has been taken out for the reason that the section was pros pected and sluiced many years be fore there was a bank In the Rogue River valley, or any of the other conveniences of modern commerce. Then every miner was his own bank er, his own secret service man and private detective, to use The Cour ier's expression. In spite of the great quantltlen of gold that have been taken out In Josephine and Jackson counties, It Is singular that most of it has been taken out In pockets and from the placer diggings, and that as a matter of fact, there has been very little practical or systematic mining In the district. Thb has perhaps been due somewhat to the benevolence of na ture In the matter of climatic con ditions. A living was easily obtained and there has not been the same Im petus for exploitation which has characterized some of the other min ing districts of the country. It is a singular fact that many of the gold discoveries made In Jose phine county from time to time for many years past which hava caused little or no excitement whatever, would have resulted In a stampede lr Colorado, Nevada or Alaska. Many of those discoveries have been ptosecuted little beyond the cleanlns out of the pocket, containing all the way from a thousand to five thons and dollars' worth of the precious metal, when the lucky prospector left to spend his pile and the excitement died out without further Investiga tion. There Is little quostlon but that southern Oregon, and particularly Josephine county, will eventually be cdino one of the most active nnd Im portant gold mining districts on the Pacific coast. There Is little doubt us to the fact that there are great quantities of the metal there; It Is simply a matter of securing the nec essary capital and the application of practical knowledge In mining. To lie sure there aro some few quartz mines In the vicinity which have been developed to n limited extent along practical lines. But for tho most part the gold-hunter of southern Oregon has confined himself to the placer diggings and pocket hunting. The Courier Is to be congratulated in. on Its enterprise In presenting the hpl.tidld mining number of last Tuesday, and the people of Grants Pass and Josephine county, ns well as all southern Oregon for that, mat ter, mo greatly Indebted to The Courier for this service. It will doubtless do more to attract, the practical miner and the necessary money for tho development of the mining Industry of that section than anything else which might have been done. It s in this way that the live newspaper does more for the ; opmeiit of a community than other one single force. INmt Oakland, California T ie only Woman's Collcue on th Pacific Coi. Chartered 18"- -N'r w0 rcat L niversitiea. ftra? tai. thrcKhout the year.. Kntrance and graduation remi.rement. equivalent to ?hoe of Stanford and I nivermty of California. Laboratories tor science m vj--r ment. Kxcellent orportunities . ..nnmicd. library study, for home munc ana an. .. . f- M-dern eymnasiiim. N-ccia care jor (f students, out-uoor me. ' i 'n pA7 i... ,,., II . Litt. U.. LL. D. for catalogue address Secretary, Mills College I ()., California. Hand Made Harnes ARE YOU WRETCHED IX BAD WEATHER? v.. an v I M'lotMNC TIKE CALM'S INJURY TO DRIVER CHICAGO, May 30. An hi.. ',r.. Her. s. verely Injured today wh t, th r nrr oi ms Ample ar i n professional autnmnbilo i-!v.t for the Inrr. of th. .;,or .. b. . c-mo a professional wh-n th. ' r. alter..,! mi.k'ng It r.(, for an nmn'i er i, . nmprt.. i I n.f,-t'r.'l. AVhn-uih ... ,u'cr ,, th J',,: team. . ,v '': I Keeping the Kidneys Well llaa Kept Many tirauts 1'uwt People Well Many Grants Pass people find that bad weather brings on a dull pain in the back, or rheumatic aching, neu ralgia, nervousness, irritability, and weakness. If, when you get wet or cold, it "settles on the kidneys," and there is a shivery, chilly sensation in the back, it shows kidney weak ness, which is often the beginning of disease. ' Doan's Kidney Pills should be used persistently until the chilly feeling Is gone, and the flow of urine is natural. Doan's Kidney Pills have saved Grants Pass people much suffering. J. A. Niday, 303 1 street, Grants Pass, Ore., says: "Last winter 1 was troubled greatly by disordered kid neys. The kidney secretions passed too frequently, especially at night, and during cold weather my back became lame. The contents of one box of Doan's Kidney Pills corrected the kidney weakness and removed the lameness In my back. This rem edy is worthy of the strongest en dorsement." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-MUburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. s .Ire admittedly a better lmrness than a factory liarnwg -wear longer, don't rip, fit better, and the material is picked st I lien we make it. OURS IS THE PIO NEER HARNESS SHOP OF GRANTS PASS For years the Jewell Hardware Co. lias been making harness this locality, two men working all the time. Work guarantee Xo experiment when we do your work. ' WL HALTERS COLLARS, WHIPS, ROBES, AND QUICK REPAIRING Jewell Hardware Company GREENVILLE, Mich., May SO. In circuit court last week In case of Mrs. Myrtle Spencer against William llae, Peter Hansen, Feter Johason and A. L. Balles, Greenville saloon keepers, and the Michigan BondLnc and Surety company, a Jury return ed a verdict of J2.550 for Mrs Spencer. lue plaintiff's husband, John Spencer, left his home In Ios-i county, dry territory, and went tJ Greenville on March 9, 1910. He fell from a tram at GreenvIIlo and wsn badly Injured. Mrs. Spencor and for damages, alleging lo3s of support, and also alleging that her Lushaud had becomo Intoxicated from UquGr sold to him by the saloonkeepers, this causing him to fall from the train Greenville, (Mich.) Independent. Hendricks & Crouch Real Estate, Insurance and Notariet Public Loans. See us for city and oountry property, One of the oldest realty and insurance offices in Southern Oregon. Office over Josephine County Bank Grants Pass, Oregon. 7 ' Our Insurance companies are the best, to-wit: MUTUAL COMPANIES THE NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL FIRE, OF SEATTLE, WASH.; THE OREGON FIRE RE LIEF, OF M'MINNVILLE, ORE.; THE HORTI CULTURAL FIRE RELIEF, OF SALEM, ORE. The Michigan Commercial, the German Alliance, and the Fire, man's of San Francisco, Standard Companies. THIS IS ONE OF OUR GOOD BARGAINS: . POPE ril'S INTERESTED IN AIR NAVIGATION CALIFORNIA HANKER (iONE. 1.0 Y ALTON, Cal., June 1, J. J. Miller, cashier of the Sierra Valley bank, has disappeared and with him the combination of the bank's safe. Miller had full charge of the bank and was the only person who could open the safe. He has been mlsslns since Tuesday nisht. Classified ads are winners cheap, too. ROME, May 31. Pope Plus X is evincing great interest in the Paris Turin aviation race. He arose early this morning to take a place of vant age in the Vatican gardens from which to watch for the appearance of the birdmen. Which of today's store ads con tain money-saving facts for you? O HOT LAKE Tiff OANATORIUM 31S mlletmt ot Portiiu. m O. K. h N.Rillwiy. Best cqulptd Sanatorium and Surgtry in NonavMi B0IUNG HOT SPRINGS Highly Mineralized Aak agvoto ior apaclal lata round (rip rickt. Wrila for lllualraird booklet Medical Supt. and Mgr. HOT LAKE, OREGON iM, T FLOOR 17 1 VARNISH 1 WlrT. L. It I'll... lltmnrr" II it with a Hammer, you may dint t lie wood. lit you can t crack Hie van.ish. YU allied by anyone. Sold in all ,i J!! ROGUE RIVER HARDWARE CO. THE RIG RED FRONT ( 111 W 1 iiimaai. If II I II r RAISES the DOUGH Better than other powder.- produring light, dainty, whole. loma cak.fi and pattriei CRESCENT BAKING POWDER u ki(h rrad and moderate in nrke 25c lb. tin at trxM 2LXT lr: in r 'i Italia F'r j ,i CHICHESTER S PILLS Iff". " w A C. F. COOK, President and Manager ' F. H. CXK)K, Treasurer F. J. NEWMAN, Secretary Rogue River Valley Nursery Co. Incorporated MEDFORD, OREGON IU LRS OF ALL KINDS SEEDS OP ALL KINDS Growers of Rjliable Nursery Stock, Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, Roses, Vines, Palms, Small Fruits, Etc. Write for Prices Office 23 West Main Street Phone 1201 With youk money ? you can fill & Bucket DUOP BY DROP Jfou ccwu 0 Put it mfm bank BANC 0NE DOLLAR A DAY$6 a week. This sum and the interest on it, will in twenty years, make you a comfortable fortune. The interest on this fortune will support you the rest of your life. Make OUR Bank YOUR Bank. We pay liberal interest consistent with safety, 4 per cent. Josephine County BanK H HANTS PASS, ORE. i 3 "'I. S IT bi - --'-rr.Y'iBaa i w 'hit f v Mil.', whiTo !,, i.i . . rVMTMt.'Zga. Tll ,i 0.1 Jr tfl , ,;,irr,f