i FRIDAY, JUXE 2, 1011 WEEKLY BOGUS RIVER COURIER rAGE FIVE i i r J' PERSONAL AND LOCAL W. R. Blalock spent Wednesday In Grants Pass on a business trip and returned in the evening to his home at Leland. C. Rothey, of Medford, was a Grants Pass business visitor Wed nesday. W. D. Mcintosh, of Wolf Creek, ,was visiting with friends here Wed nesday. F. 0. Taylor, of Kerby, was in town Wednesday. H. L. Lewis was a visitor to the county seat Wednesday from Gallce. ' Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Henry, of Dil lard, are spending a few days in Grants Pass. 'r Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Donnell spent Decoration day with Mr. and Mrs. U A. Griffin at their country home on Rogue river. Tents in all sizes and two weights at Cramer Bros. C. M. Speel, of Medford, was a .Grants Pass business visitor Wed nesday. F. M. Anderson came in from Ker by Wednesday on business. K. M. Thompson, of Portland, was transacting business with the Grants Pass merchants Wednesday. Mrs. T. H. O'Neill, of Haywards, Cal., Is visiting friends In" Grants Pass. A. L. Pugsley left Thursday for Philomath, to visit relatives. G. A. Dykes, of Glendale, Is spend ing a few days with Grants Pass friends. ' R. S. Simpson, of Roseburg, Is a Grants Pass business visitor. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Reed and chil dren came In from Kerby Wednes day to spend a couple of weeks with friends. M. L. Dunn and G. Gibson, of the Gibson Garage company, went to Portland Wednesday evening to spend a short time. Mrs. Jessie Howell spent Wednes day arid Thursday with Grants Pass friends, returning Thursday evening to her home at Glendale. E. T. McKInstry and mother-In-law, -Mrs. Mary DeLamater, went to Med ford Thursday morning on a business r!i, - If you have smaJl chicks, feed them only prepared chick food. The diamond brand at Cramer Bros. Rheumatism Can Be Cured AT Hot Lake Sanitorium Hot Lnkc, Oregon. "xTTri'i.Uj "iiot Wxekal HATIIS. Hot Luke is not far distant nntl Health Itest oral Ion In not so expensive there. r , We "v a n Cure Kunhirp our itui,,,ro IlupiUlls without Danger. f( Write to us regarding hi In ,,is ,(,"(,'f"i ,)n, vvv Substitute for Mercury iu'.st i:7ri ppifn sax Toit- It.M IX XOKTIIWKST. ASK I'Olt SPECIAL IM)IM TRIP i: XCl'KSK )X TICKET. witni; rim i iu:7: iiooklct HOT LAKE SAXATORll'M, Hot Nike, Oi'euon. Ice Prices On and after June 1st Ice will be delivered to residences at the following prices: 201b and under, one cent lb 301b to 901b 70c per 1001b 1001b to 1901b 60c per 1001b 2001b and over COc per 1001b No delivery less than ten cents. Ice will be sold at fac tory at SOc per 100 pounds In all quantities from 20 pounds up. nut please do not ask us to open our Ice room doors and rut a nickers worth of Ice. We cannot afford to do it. Soliciting your patronage, Cold Storage Co. ; Rev. D. H. Leech, of Grants Pass, anc" Rev. F. S. Cleir.o, of Williams, went to Medford Wednesday to at tend the Klamath iDstrict Ministeri al association In session at that place. Mr. Leech is on the program to de liver an address. Mrs. Chas. Eilis, of Jacksonville, was vlstlng with Grants Pass friends Wednesday, retum'ng In theafter novi. , , Frank Williams and A. Zack, of, Crescent City, who have been ook lrifi after business matters here, have retimed to Crescent City. Members of the Margaret Mande- ;ll company spen'. Wednesday at Gold Ray dam on a fishing trip. Herman Westerheld went to Ash land Wednesday i.ftomoon on fciisl aess. , If the weeds are getting ahead of you, try a Planet, Jr., single wheel lioe from Cramer Bros. ?J!ss Myrtle '..ee, ho has npent the past two years In I.os Angeles, re turned Wednesday to her. home In tbis city. Miss Lee went by boat to Portland, where she v visited with friends before coming to Grants Pass. Miss Minnie Ireland returned Wed nesday evening from a three weeks' visit with her sister, Miss Myrtle Ireland, at Portland, and witfr friends at Corvallls and Newport. Mrs. E. Chaelson visited Ashland l-latlves Wednesday. Prof. J. S. McMurray left Wednes day evening fo. a two weeks' visit with relatives In Chicago. Robert Veatc i, formerly a resident of Grants Pass, arrived here Wednes- L4xy evening from Eugene to spend sewial days here and at Waldo. Mrs. W. H. Flanagan went to Med ford Wednesday afternoon to vlsit with her daughter, Miss Winifred, who Is a student of St. Mary's Acad emy at that place. Tho school will uold graduating exercises thh week. Mrs. Flanagan will return to Grants Pass 7r'-iay, accompanied bv Miss Winifred. If it Is garden hose you need,' you will find plenty at Cramer Bros. Ruth Caroline Miss Ruth Caroline Hackett ar rived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy K. Hackett early Tuesday morn ing, May 30th, 1911, and will make her permanent home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Hackett are receiving con gratulations. v PROYOLT. Beginning next Monday Apple gate and Williams valley will have a first class auto service for pussen ger travel. E. V. .llerrlot will put a car on which will ply daily, Sunday excepted, between Grants Passand Williams and the. Rogue River Auto delivery will also have a car on the road which will run six days in the week between Grants Pass, Williams and Applegate post-office. From the reports that are In the air Grants Pass will need several wagons to haul their knockers in, in their 4th of July parade this year. Mrs. L. M. Spencer has sold her fine farm at this place to C. C. Pres ley, of Grants Pass; the purchase price being J15.000. E. N. Provolt is doing some good improving on his farm in tho way of fencing. Road Supervisor C. T. Davidson is busy in good rond work, cutting down the hill at the middle Williams creek bridge, which has long been a burden to teams. May of this year was tho banner GRAND ROSE CARNIVAL BALL? To be given at Coliseum Rink WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14. 1911 Good floor, good music, good time. Everybody come and help make this effort of the ladies a grand ' success. Gents $1 Spectators 25c vLady Dancers Free month in the history of the Apple-gate-Wnilams Creamery company, having made over 8.000 pounds of gilt edge butter. v Every day along the Applegate "val ley shows marks of progression. Old rail fences are being torn away and replaced with new woven wire, new ditches being dug, more land being cleared, and more alfalfa being seed ed, all of which means more hay and dairy cows which makes our valley so prosperous. H. F. Bailey was In Grants Pass the first of the week on business. Jack .Boyce returned from Rose burg last week, where he has been at tending school. Ellis Imbler returned from Sum mer Lake, Ore., last Sunday, where he has been the past two months. Mr. Imbler states that he has rented a ranch near Summer Lake and will move tils family there soon. , R. F. Lcwman and A. L. Bally have their irrigating ditch completed and a fine head of water, which will add much to the value of their prop erty. THREE PIXES This place is still one of the live ones. Improvements are being In augurated every day. The Farwell Construction company Is sinking the well that will supply this community with plenty of pure water for' all domestic purposes, as well as for local irrigation. Fred C. Farwell, of the company, Is clearing a five-acre tract and will plant to pears. D. W. Davis and son are rushing to completion the shop previously mentioned in these letters. Regis and Colby are putting in the concrete foundations for the school house. The Jumber company is extend ing the flume and making more yard room. Mr. Dean has moved Into his new house. F. A. Wilson has moved his house keeping outfit here and is awaiting the arrival of Mrs. Wilson to make their home here on the land recent ly purchased from J. D. Cook, who is meeting with good results in dis posing of the i Three Pines fruit tracts. Mr. Cook will go to Portland in a few days to purchase pipe for the water system. ' The new home of W. L. Regis had a fire one day recently. Children visiting with their mother at the Regis home secured matches and set fire to the paper on the wall In the hall, and this was communicated to (lie bed room adjoining. Much of Mrs. Regis' clothing was destroyed be- f re Mr. Regis could extinguish It E. P. WiJdron, president of the 'Valdron Shoe company, of Boston vho Is making a tour of the Pacific f oast In the Interests of his company, spent a few days with the family of Mr. Steel. He Is a son-in-law of Mrs. R. M. Steel. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Cook were Orants Tass visitors one day thi,; week. The pupils of the Winona school gave a pleasant party nt the kail on .Junip-Off-Joe Friday night. Good mukIc whs furnished and the lnrge nsscrnblngo' enjoyed themselves to ilie fullest extent. It was a genulii'' sociable time, not entirely lacking In formality, and just such a gather ing and neighborly inteniourre as inn not he well Improved on. The oung ladles In charge deserve much credit for the entertainment. A THE STORE OF RIGHT PRICES lountiful lunch was served. Mer lin and Hugo were well represented. Thsl place also sent a largo delega tion, and all are awaiting another tall to a similar event. The Dully Courier Is much appre ciated here by those who read It. More copies would come here if the mail service wore bettor. Frequent ly tho paper goes up on train 16, i:ud gets here tho next dny on 13. Thus news that would bo read here the day of publication Is 18 hours behind time. A betterment of the service In this respect would be ap ; i eclated here and a benefit, to The .'(Miller's publlfter. SELMA v In the past two weeks John Halrd and Miller Jefferson have been In the hills hunting for cattle. Mr. Uulrd and Mr. Jefferson hnd several close calls with mean cattle, which caused them to be stiffened up In the knees. , ,, Thermos bottles for camping pnr tles at Cramer Bros. It is said that Sunday school will bo held at central sehoolhouso Sun day. , June (5 there Is to bo a dance at Murphy. Several boys will go from Deer creek. Clarence Saner was at Selma on business. Hen Carllule has started a side walk southwest of his homo about a mile. Clar nee nnd Miller will do nate work on It. A big time will be that on Deer (reek July 4, when all kinds of rac ing and other sports will be on. Ev erybody Invited. JEltOME PUAIIUE C. S. Morey and son, Clark, of Crants Pass, made a trip to their property here on Wednesday. After a week's attention to busi ness affairs In town, J. M. Kemp re turned Monday to the care of his trchard. Mrs. Stickles, who Is vlnltlnn with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mcfurdy, Brent Saturday and flundny on Roriip river with her brother. Kdwln and T.anlnK flchoonmakcr, "f Ilomewood fnrm, ar preparing for a trip to Medford. where they expect te attend th nvlntlon meet Satur day. W. W. Tucker and son, Elbert, are now busily encased building a Copyright Hart SchaHner Mr You'll see, when you , come to look At our new models in HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX clothes, how the, "ordinary" sack suit doesn't look ordin ary at all. There's a distinction of style about these goods that you get in no others. FINEST OF HOT WEATHER UNDERWEAR, SHIRTS, HOSIERY, HATS, ETC. CALHOUN'S OUTFITTERS BOY AND MAN. new house on their place. Rev. Chas. Hoxey, formerly of Med- j for a consideration of 7000 to Mr. ford, but now of Wlldervlllo, will j Huff, of Holona, Mont. We under-" preach at the school house iriiinedl- stand that Mr. Huff has since sold ately after niblo school Sunday morn- 'ten acres of the tract for $5,000. lng. j I J. If. Robinson recently sold his 40-1 Send In your bicycles for clean acre tract, that his son, Luther, has lng or repairs to Cramer Uioh. The "Alaska" The Best on Earth it savesztzzzzzz: YOUR ICE, YOUR TEMPER, KEEPS FOOD SWEET AND GOOD The cue i. filunator where ilirio N mi hIhkiiimii air, A miiNiJint I mi lit I Ion of colli dry nir lliniuuli In yen, ,,f IiiiitohI, imikhifr It Mhsolulely KJtiillur) nii'iiMMild. 'Hie liixiilnllini of ln " IhkW It M-rf(Tl, uitliiK Ice iiikI, IIhk f,.ii-( money. HU t,iA'n, nml price ulllilll the rencli of nil, A FAMILY NECESSITY A WORLD-WIDE FAVORITE Grants Pass s3 3 had chnrgo of for the last three yciirs, Hardware Co.