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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1911)
FRIDAY, .rf.U 5, 1911 WEEKLY ROGUE RIVER COURIER run: kivkn Scrawberrles Fooled Her John Taylor, living on M street, in the southeast part of town, has ripe Btrawberrles In his patch. The ber ries, which are of the Gold Dollar tarlety, were ripening on the Tines all last week. One lady who saw the berries remarked ' to Mrs. Taylor, "That must have been a difficult Job to tie all those berries on, those vines." On examining the vines, how ever, she found that though strange, it was nevertheless true tbat the ber ries were growing and not tied to the vines. C FX K l IK ATE SlATTSlXfH BIRTHDAY OF JOHN PATRICK COUNTY TREASURERS REPORT For SI n Made of Hard, Stiff Wire, of Honest Quality t40 - Woven-Wire Fences must be heavy, as they have to turn animals by the sheer strength of the wire. Why? A fence with barb3 is protected from excessive pressure because the animal fears the barbs. Remove the barbs and the greatest strength of the animal is thrown upon the fence. Hence its wires must be larger and stronger. Therefore, to have a longlife woven-wire fence you must have a heavy fence. Among the valuable features that distinguish American Fence is the Hinged-Joint (patented). We back this feature with all our experience as the largest makers of fence in the world. Under side stress and strainthe resilient Hinged Joint yields to pressure and quickly returns to its old form without bending or breaking the stay wires, the strain being taken up by the heavy horizontal bars. The real test of a fence is the service you get out of it. Test, judge and compare American Fence under any and all conditions, and you will find that the steel, the structure and galvanizing are equal in durability, strength and efficiency to the hardest usage. If you want the best all-round farm fence on the market, get our No. 1846 AMERICAN, which has 13 lateral wires, Is 46 Inches high, has a No. 9 top wire and weighs 10 pounds to the rod. We sell this particular fence for only forty-eight cents per rod, which is about the same price you would pay for the common, smooth wire In rolls ($4.80 per 100 pounds). We also have the BEST and CHEAPEST RABBIT FENCE. . On the market. Come In and let us show you the fence and talk the mat ter over with you Rogue River Hardware Co. (The Big Red Front.) More than 60 persons gathered at the Newman Methodist Episcopal chuch Tuesday evening to help cele brate the sixty-sixth birthday anni versary of John Patrick. The ar rangements for the party were In the hands of the Ladies' Aid of the church and they are deserving of much credit for the thorough success and enjoyment of the evening. Old fashioned games, such as the older people present had played in their childhood, were entered into with zest and enthusiasm unequaled in any of the younger circles of the so cial world. The old and always ex citing game of "hunt the thimble" was played with a musical accom paniment, keeping the "children" In a high state of excitement through cut the play. No children under 20 years or age were in attendance. Mr. Patrick was presented with a handsome rocker, the gift of the la dies of theachurch, while the gen tlemen presented him with a gener ous silver offering. The presenta tion speech was made by Mr. Her rick, of the Grants Pass Banking ft Trust company, and he told In an In teresting manner the pleasure It af forded the people of the church to have this opportunity of expressing their gratitude and appreciation of the faithful services of Mr. Patrick for so many years. Mr. Patrick re sponded, expressing gratitude to the friends who had celebrated his an nlversary In; a manner which would always be remembered as one of the most enjoyable events of his later years. Refreshments of Ice cream and cake were served, after which another surprise was in store for the gueBt of honor, when he was pres ented with huge birthday cake, con talnlng his name and age. This was presented by A. B. Cornell on be half of the company and was ac companled by a short speech by that gentleman, after which a shower of post cards was tendered by the guests. One of the extremely enjoy able features of the evening's enter tainment was the reading by Mrs. 1,11a Harper, delivered In her usual charming manner. The large crowd in attendance will long remember this event as one of the pleasantest of their experience, where love and good comradeship reigned supreme, and were the ruling spirits of the evening. " General Fund Balance from last report.. $21,163. 25 State and county tax 70,593.55 Warrants received on taxes 5,271.34 Clerk fees 2,370.30 Sale of cemetery lots 50.00 From state treasurer scalp bounty 93.00 Justice fines 203.95 'erry license .'. 24.00 Sheriffs deed 3.00 Months Ending 1011. March 31, FIGHT FOR GOLD TAKEN' FROM CLAIM $99,777.39 Contra Warrants cancelled and interest $27,461.79 Transferred to county school fund 18,854.60 Oregon ' Library commls- slon ..... . 304.00 Feeble Minded institution 72.66 Balance 53,084.34 ' ' $99,777.39 School and Other Funds Balance from last report..! 6,101.89 School special tax 25,295.67 Road tax .... 10,422.97 County school apportion ment 18,854.60 City of Grants Pass 18,857.41 General road fund 6,157.86 Institute fund 49.00 Justice fines . 125.00 $84,864.40 Contra School special tax .......$19,113.42 Road districts 4,454.19 County school apportion ment 18,885.05 State school apportion ment 405.12 City of Grants Pass..... 10,905.26 Institute fund 95.00 General road fund 5,223.69 Justice fines 212.40 Balance 25,570.27 Sheriff W. C. Smith yesterday af ternoon, acting on an order of Judge Calkins of the circuit court, made a hurried round trip to the Kerby re gion and brought to Grants Pass gold bullion which Is valued at more than $10,000 and deposited the treasure In the vaults of the First National bunk This action grows out of lltlga tl n over a mineral claim. Two boys, Gei.rge Thrasher and T. J. Snderson. are the principals In the trouble. It is contended by the Thrasher lad that he and Anderson found the claim while prospecting as partners; that they had been at the work together for sometime previous to the rich dis covery; that now the Anderson boy and Anderson's father claim the en tire property and that he (Thrasher) la being deprived of his share in the property. The matter got into the courts, a receiver was appointed, the Andersons refused, it is alleged, to turn the property and bullion over to the receiver, contempt proceed ings resulted and were heard yester day before Judge Calkins, and taken under advisement by the court. However, the Andersons yesterday agreed to turn the property over to the receiver and further agreed that all bullion and amalgam be deposit ed with the First National tbank, pending a trial of the case to deter mine ownership. George W. French Is a principal in the case as guardian for the Thrasher boy, the plaintiff. WASH THAT ITCH AWAY DEATH SlAKES SIX CHILDREN MOTHERLESS J C. F. COOK, President and Manager F. H. COOK, Treasurer F. JF. NEWMAN, Secretary Rogue River Valley Nursery Co. Incorporated MEDFORD, OREGON BULBS OF ALL KINDS SEEDS OF ALL KINDS Growers' of Reliable Nursery Stock, Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, Roses, Vines, Palms, Small Fruits, Etc. 4 Write for Prices Office 23 West Main Street Phone 1201 Portland Rose Festival TO BE HELD IX Portland, Oregon, June 5 to 10, 1911 WILL BE A MOST BRILLIANT Floral Fiesta and Civic Jubilee Portland, the "Rose City," will be a scene ct splendor and the. center of world wide tnterect for one week REDUCED FARES TO PORTLAND FROM ALL POINTS ON THE Southern Pacific-Lines in Oregon To keen nerfectly posted on all Important matters relatin to Tw.!!?..P!"J I, ',,.11 nn local agents for circulars and printed this great event, cull WM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent matter, o write to PORTLAND. OREGON Mrs. Alice B. Patterson, wife of L. C. Patterson, died at her home in the western part- of town Sunday, April 30, 1911, after an illness of three weeks' duration. Deceased was 44 year old at the time of her death, which was caused by a complication of diseases, terminating In paralysis. Mrs. Patterson was a loving wife and mother and an estimable woman She is survived by her huBband L. O. Patterson and six children, Arthur, Line, Alfred, Charles, Llllle and Olive, all of whom reside at the family home In Grants Pass. Funeral services were held at the liousse at 2:30 Monday afternoon, Judge Jewell officiating. The serv ices were In charge of the Royal Neighbors, of which order deceased was nn honored member. Interment was In Ornnlte IT111 cemetery. J. M. Unwell, a popular druggist of Greonsburg, K, says. We use Chamberlain's Cough Remedy In our own household and know It Is excel lent." For sale by nil good dealers $84,864.40 I, J. E. Peterson, do hereby certify that the foregoing Is a true and cor rect statement or the amount re ceived, paid out and remaining In treasury of said county for the six months ending March 31, 1911. Witness my hand this, the 29th day of April, A. D. 1911. J. E. PETERSON, Treasurer of Josephine County. DRAFNESS CANNOT UK CI RED It Is said that there are certain springs in Europe that give relief and cure to Eczema and other skin diseases. It you knew that by wash ing in these waters you could be re lieved from that awful itch, wouldn't you make every effort to take a trip to Europe at once. Would you not be willing to spend your last cent to find the cure? But you need not leave home for these distant springs. Relief is right here In your own home town! A simple wash of Oil of Winter- green, Thymol and other Ingredients as compounded only In D. D. D Prescription will bring Instant relief to that terrible burning itch, and leave the skin as smooth and healthy as that of a child. It you have not already tried it, get at least a 25 cent bottle today We assure you of Instant relief. M Clemens. . To Whom it May Concern: Notlea Is hereby given that I, the under signed, owner of one-half Interest U the Sugar Pine mine at Galice, Ore gon, will not be responsible tor aay, debts incurred against said Sugar Pine mine or for any labor or im provements performed thereon; also that no person entering on said prem ises for any reason whatsoever shall remove therefrom any ore, mineral or timber. Dated February 23, 1910. (Signed) F. E. KN1QHT. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Ore , Ma.-ch 13 1911. Notice is hereby given that Flor ence DeBar, whose postofflce address is 189 E. 11th street, Eugone Ore gon, did, on the 11th day ot June, 1910. file in this office sworn state ment and application No. 06378, to purchase the NH NE and SEH NEK, section 14, townsntp 5T ., range & west Willamette Meridian, and the timber thereon, under th provisions of the act of June 3, 1878, and act amendatory, Known as in 'Timber and Stone Law," at sucn value as might be fixed by appraise ment, and that, pursuant to suck application, the land and timber thereon have been appraise $610.00, the timber estimated l, 161,000 board feet at SO cents per M, and the land $30.00; that said applicant will offer final proof li support of his application and sworn statement on tne ztstn aay oi jnay. iOn, before W. W. Calkins, Unite States Commissioner, at Eugene Ort- gon. Any person is at MDerty to pro- tost this purchase before entry, tr lnltlntcs a contest at any tlm bora pineal Issues, by filing a corrobor ated affidavit in this office, alledif faas which woual defeat the entry. BENJAMIN F. JONES, Register. IN THE COUNTY COURT FOR JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREOOH In the Matter of the Estate) of Frank 8. Wilson, De-) ceased. ) Notice ot final settlement. Notice Is hereby given that Fraak C. .Wilson, the administrator on tka estate of Frank 8. Wilson, decease!. has filed In the above entitled court and cause his final account, and that Saturday, April 29, 1911, at the honr ot two o'clock p. m. at the county court room at the court houBe at Grants Pass, Josephine county, Ore gon, has been fixed by order of th court as the time and place for hear ing said final account, and all per sons having objections to said ac count are hereby notified to tllo and preseit the same on or before tall date. Dated this 31st day of March, A. D., 1911. FRANK C. WILSON. Administrator. by local application, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of tre ear. There Is only one ay to cure deaf ness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness Is caused Ly nn inriamea condition or the mucous lining of the Eustachian tube. When this tune Is Inflamed you hsve a rumbling sound or '.niperfect henr- lng, and wh'on It Is entirely closed. deafness Is the result, and unless the Inflammation (an be taken out and this tube rea'ored to its normal con dition, hearlnr wlil be destroyed for ever; nine cases ont of ten the caused by catarrh, which Is nothing but an mnamed condition or tne mucous zurfnees. We will give One Hundred Hollars for any case of deafness (caused by catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall s Catarrh Cure. Send for cir culars free. F. .1. CHENEf k CO. Toledo, O. Fr Id by drugging "Tt Take Hall's Fain!!" rills for con- stlpatlon. County Commissioner C. L. low was looking after county ness in Grants Pass Tuesday. Bar-busl- Merlln, was here Joe Hester, of Tuesday. J. F. Kelley, of Eugene, was a Grants Pass business visitor Monday. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION t Department of the Interior, NOW WM IS THE BEST f th yaar to har your tmtta out and pint nd brldgawork don and bar It tha plact to got Ih baat paluleiit wuik powlbl. Cntpart mr i'neu. 1 "a nnl.h pin i lirl'lx- mult to, I nf . una trn la Jona liar If dMlraa. j l'atnliM Of travtlaa I fr lirn r 'J tirtilgft work 1, araar. "'I. IrN jNcluCrooni $5.00 22kBrid(,Ttl4.03 Cull Filimii 1.00 ?nim.r;ij.a 1.00 -?S.I.,r r,ii:-f( .50 .Married In Grants Pass Elmer E. Hanscam and Miss Viola 12. Anderson, both of Josephine coun ty. were married In the parlors of the Grants Pass hotel Thursday, April tf, 1911. Judge Stephen Jewell officiated. if L Jmwmi i"' Good HuUff v..,'; f . '. -A rut. y- . .., V -, .1 8m R 6.C0 d Rutkar t 7.5Q M.W.l.llt, Pnwirn tMuMM PiWmi lilrTM .U' nut ntiHain Mttiai hit aiTHODi AH work full? runrnntawl far rifl faar. Wise Dental Co.,mc. Painless Dentists 'itflftf sirllolni. Wii ft Wlihlnflotl rORTUHO, 0RL IIlvUir: 11 U Utt.M. ;. IUI Scvs Rig Gold Strlk R. C. Robertson, of .Parish, N J., and whose Bon, Frank C. Parish, Is engaged In mining In this country, returned yesterday from a trip to tn!:e a look nt the rich mine Just sold by Assnyer Hlgglns In the Kerby re don. Mr, Robertson Is a visitor here and did not want to return to his eastern home until he had soon the 1 l KtllUf. Ituy supplies Hardware Co. nt the Rot?iie River The ni? Front. G-5-2t r HOT LAKE OANATORIU M .11 J allritol PortiM- J O. a. N. Hallw,,. RrM ,qulp.4 .aaloliim aa ur.rr I Nw ! BOIUNG HOT SPRINGS Highly Mlnrti Utrd Ak ag prtl ' '"" nt Writ, lot lllwtfatra' aoofclet Is there anything In all this world that Is of niori1 Important- to . yon than good dlg-iton? Food ni'-.M !f mtcn to Hiistntn llf and mnt l" dlgcptfil and i ii'i vrted Into blood. Whon lb digestion falls tlw whol I body suffers. ChamlM'rlnlri's Tabb-N inre a rational and r'Habl euro for Mndlgfstlnn. Tb''V InTroa the flow jof bile, purify t In- Mood. Mreagthrn ihe slnmneh. and tone up the whole j digestive nppnrntim to a natural and Ib'nlt'iv action. For cnle by all good denUTS. For ".oronenn if Ibe ln:m-e u belli. er Ind'irf'd bv vbde.-i', ren o or li- rirv. Chamberlain's Mn'men: l ex relelnt. Thl Itrilmen' Is al-n Ui-h-v esteemed for th" i 'I f " pfforsd I" rane. of ln. "'"id !' all good dealers. U. 8. Land Office at Roseburg, Ore., April 10,1911. Notice is hereby given that Silas Elmer Ducemmun, of Kerby, Ore gon, who, on Jahuary 6. 1910, made HomeBtead entry serial, No. 05792, for Lot I and SWVi of NEK, Sec tion 18, Township 40S., Range 7 west Willamette Meridian, .has filed notice of Intention to make final commutation proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before County Clerk, Josephine Coun ty, Oregon, at Grants Tass. Oregon, on the 23 day of May, 1911. Claimant names as witnesses: John Griffin, of Kerby, Oregon; Henry Houck, of Kerby, Oregon; Joseph Skeeters, of Kerby, Oregon; George Houck, of Kerby, Oregon. BENJAMIN I. JONES. ReglHter. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATRIX SALE OK REAL PROPERTY In the County Court of the State of Oregon In and for Josephlno County. In the Matter of the Estate of Ruth Irene Kerley, dercuHed. Notice. Is hereby given, pursuant h an order of tho Hon. Stephen Jewell, county Judge for Josephine county. Oregon, made and entered on the 3rd day of April, 1911, in tho matter of the estate of Ruth Irene Kerley, deceased, directing the Mile of the real' property hereinafter do wribed, and providing and specifying the terms and conditions thereof, that I, the duly acting and qualified, administratrix of the above entitled rstate, will on and after the fith dny of May, 1011, sell at private sale to tho highest and beat bidder In the manner Pillowing io-wit: nevvn hundred anil fifty dollars rash, and the balance or the purchase price. In di for red payments, evld need by promhsory notes, duly secured by Ilrst mortgage to run for a period of three years or b which real estate U ns follow. An undivided one half Interest In and to lots 7, H, and !, In b'n l , " .r the original town-1 site of the town of Grants Pass, Jose thine comity, Oregon, as same Is 1 latted and on file In Hie office of the county Herk of wild county and tat inbjert to the confirmation of I be court, and rertaln Hens held by the city f-f Grunts Pass for Improve ments In front of the property. L. E. KERLEY, Administratrix of Ruth Irene Kerley I Estate. C. II. Clements, Attorney for Estate. IN THE COUNTY COURT FOR JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON In the Matter of the Estate) . of James N. Hall, Deceased) Notice of sale. Notice Is hereby given, that pur suant to an order of sale ot the real property hereinafter described, duly mado and entered In the above en titled court and case on March 27th, 1911, I will on and after Saturday, April 29, 1911, sell at private sale, for terms cash In hand, or on Install ments of not less than 10 per cent cash In hand, with the balance In annual Installments, at not to exceed five years time, and bearing inter est at not less thaa 7 per cent per an num, payable annually, and secured by first mortgage upon the premises, all tho right, title and Interest of the Estate of James N. Hall, deceased, In and to the Southeast of the North weRt Vi, the South of tho North east V, , the Northeast of the Northeast VI . all In Section B, Town ship 39 South, Range 6 West of Wil lamette Meridian In Josephine Coun ty, Oregon, together with the ditch and watertight appurtenant there to; subject to confirmation by the court. Rids for the said premises will he received by the undersigned upon the said premises, or at tho law office of H. D. Norton at Grants Pass In Josephine County, Oregon, Dated this 31st day of March, 1911. MOLLIE HALL, ' Administrator. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of tho interior, IT. S. Land Office at Roseburg. Or., March 13, 1911. Notice Is hereby given that Edith Pennle, of Iloqulnm, Washington, who, on October 29, 1908, mado timber and stone, No. 020C1, for SIC Vi, Section 12, Townshllp 38 S Range 7W. Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make fin al proof, to establish claim to the land above, described, before Regis ter and Receiver, U. S. Land Office, Itnseburg, Oregon, on tho Cth day of June, 1911. Claimant nnrncH an wltnesncs: Frank E. Johnson, of Grants Pnss, Oregon; Solomon C. Blono, of Grants rns"., Oregon; William T. lurnnam, of Grants Pass, Oregon; Joseph E. Verdln, of Grants Vnnn, Oregon. ni2NJ. I. JONES, Register. NOTH e" OF" I I N A L K I2TT t ,12 M 12NT Noll'o Is hereby given, that D. O. Mayes, the administrator of tho entiite of Lemuel T. Green, decenned, filed bin final aeeount In tho County Court for Josephine County, Oregon, In the. matter of said eutr.te, and that by ord'T of the Hon. fltrphen Jewell, Judge of said court, dated April 13, 1911, Saturday, May IB, 1911, nt the hour of two o'clock p. m. ot the County Court room nt tho Court House In Josephine County, Oregon, Is hereby fix id as the time and place for hearing and settling said aeeount. and all persons having objections thento are hereby noti fied to fll and prcseat the same on or before said date. Dated April 14, 1911. D. O. HAYES, Administrator.