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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1911)
PAGE SIX COUMT NEWS. WOODVfLLE ITEMS Miss N'lna Summer was the guest of Misses Elsie and May Tetherow. Harve Sparlln has returned from California, where he went to work In a mine. TW 1 ..I 3 T"t T I ..J 1 1 . a a uo .auitTi w wuuuvme uuvQ pui Mr. Brlstow was the guest at Mr, in an ice cream parior in connection and Mrg a A rjougle's Friday. Wllu ruum una so lar . Frank Bryant went to Grantg pags u nas proven a aeciaea success, xne , Monday. ,u.CB uuv vo aaTe tne traveling u-, Tom WUkineon and family went to UBre u, wi.-anBuay ana men HjGrant9 Pfl3S Saturdayi returning win do open to the public oa wed- gun(jay nesday afternoon and Saturday af-j M,ag'Bertha Miller Is quite 111. uuuu cvuuiiis. s Preaching services were held at J. W. Jacobs has gone to Bedford the Baptist church Sunday by Rer, to assist In the II. C. Kentner Co.'s.McKee, a missionary. He also vis sale there. , ted the lower Williams school. J. Hammersley, of Gold Hill, hasj A big dance Is going to be given his printing office located here nowipt the public hall May 6. aud win be ready to publish the A dance was given at Frank Le Woodvlllo pnper next week. i Roy's home Saturday night. Rev. M. E. Coen was a Medford ! visitor on Saturday, Mrs. John Illllls and children re turned Monday from a week's vis It to their ranch on Evans Creek. A Rebekah lodge was Installed In Woodville last Saturday. About 50 Tisltlng Rebckahs were present and ?9 ladles Joined the lodge here. The lodge was Instituted In the afternoon, and the Odd Fellow lodge also held exercises In the afternoon. At 5 i ciock a D.inquet was given to all visitors. MURPHY Dfll Osburn had ripe strawberries for dinner Sunday, April 30, which i3 remarkable, considering the cloudy weather and frosty nights we have had for the past two weeks. Ralph Alnsworth and Roy Reed left last week for Clear Lake, Intend Ing to make their fortunes riding bronchos. The Murphy base ball team Is mat Ing quite a name for Itself In this vnllnv thla vpnr fln fur rhpv tinvn Mrs. Dr. Chlsholm spent Monday not been defeated, and last Sunday and Tuesday In Gold Hill visiting Nv0n from Applegate by the score of i 18 to 8. -.u ..mii-wi is nuuamg a lum- The dance at Murphy Saturday .r snea across the track and will , n,Rnt was a decided success, the larg pnt In a lumber yard as soon as It W crowd attending that has been to in rompinon. The Improvement club will hold Its regular buBinoM meeting next Wed- a dance here In several years. Adolph Maler and C. B. Fowler, of Grants Pass, were at the Michigan nesday at the home of Mrs. James1 mIno lart w'eeki repairing the tank ' , i and pump, preparatory to starting Mrs. DuffMd and Mrs. Lance, of ; operations at the mine. Medford, daughters of Mrs. Charles cieve Summers and George Reed Poftmore Bpent Saturday and Sunday m leave In a few days for La 00lvU"- Grande, where they will stay for the Ham Sandry was a Medford vis-!Bumm0r. por on Friday. the last day of school, April 28th. The house was crowded to even to standing room. Everybody of the neighborhood was present and a num ber of families from upper Deer Creek and several parties from Ker by. All had a general good time. C. E. Harmon, of Loves station, in. dt- a business trip down the river here Monday. Josiah Rhoads and family, who have beea running , the Enterprise hotel at Selma for over a year, are moving back on their place near the Anderson ranch. Tbe little, three-week-old son of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Tucker has been very sick the pat week with pneu monia symptoms, but seems to be better at present. Mrs. Oma Sioval, of Grants ram, spent Sunday night with her sister-in-law, Mrs. S. E. Chastaln, of Se'ma. Owing to the Hlggins gold strike and several others In the vicinity, the trail is lined with prospectors and everything looks like a lively summer down the river. It Is reported that the . Naucke place on McMullen Creek was sold and Ceorge WImer, who has been running It will give possession be fore long. J. E. Edds made a trip down on Rogue river Sunday after some ma chinery. Ben Carlyle and mother, of McMul len Creek, spent Sunday with J. T. Stevens, of Squaw Creek. Mr. Mattlson, of Galice, and an other gentleman are spending a few days down In the mining district of the Chetco this week. Jack Shade was In Selma Tuesday after supplies for the lower country. Wheoler Osburn left for Grants Pass Monday evening to work for a few weeks on the Irrigation ditch.. The following Murphyltes took in Mm. James Horr wag a TasB visitor last Saturday. HUGO ITEMS ! Mrs.A. 0. Larson, of Kellogg, Ida-1 ho, Is visiting her niece, Mrs. J. Mc-' Kay. ! Dr. Findley and family, of Grants Pass, autoed to Woodvlllo on Sun day and called at the homo of J. t j uiu nun ta'ne ai urnnts rasa Sunday: Grants i l. V Carson, T. E. Hayes, H. L. ; Darncillo, Miss Winnie Osburn, Miss 'Oro Wilson, Wheeler Osburn, and a few others. Vcdilor Bros, can, without doubt, boast of the best alfalfa field In the COlinlv. ThMr nlfnlfa lo O. 8. Drown was In our city last 'about 18 Inches In bright. They also ZZl'JT g 8t'0r bU8lnm i I'flve a fine crop of peaches coming , wl'l'-h shows that the recent The ball game played on the Hugo frcc.e did but little damage in this diamond Sunday between Merlin and favored section Hugo was won by our boys-It was j The deadly 22 rifle came near get an interesting game and largely at- tin nnnthr inm . ...... . tnn,1 l,v k.t. ... I . " ,vw ua B root en. hi ra V7 1 i. l . , ; lK"7- 01 we, is Dora Perry. He was handling the Rando h g ' t0r' Mr8, R- Wh,rh ,n BOme - xr t w o u ; charged, the ball just grazing b!a r" MondaT WPnt t0 GranttI"'1", but enough to make ... Jn , , serious wound. This makes about hr moth- r,fln M!tr of Murphy In wium ii, recent Mr. Daniels, of Three Pines, was! fatal. een or our streets Sunday. Mrs. icminir Mill Delnrss No. 10 - Southern' Pacific train No. 19. southbound," scheduled to arrive In Grants Pass at 10:12 p. m. Saturday, reached here Sunday morning at 6 o'clock, having been delayed at Lcona, a sawmill town 20 miles north of Roseburg, on account of a $70, 000 mill fire which occurred late Saturday night. Upon reaching Lcona the heat was so Intense from the burning buildings and lumber piles that the train was unable to pass. Millions of feet of lumber and the entire plant, owned by Portland parties, was destroyed, with many smaller buildings and residences. The town was without fire protec tion and narrowly escaped being wiped out entirely. Passengers on No. 19 gave a graphic description of the conflagration, which on account of its extent was spectacular In the extreme. Hose Festival Committees All the committees connected with the rose festival will meet Wednes day evening at the Commercial club : rooms at 7:30. It Is urged that a full attendance be present. Mrs. J. F. Burke, president. S. C. Lee, of Merlin, was visiting Grants Pass friends Monday. LOCAL FIRM WILL CONTINUE MRS. WEIDMAN DIES WEEKLY ROGUE RIVER COURIER " MAY r T j slalMMIi : I 1 TSli i VALUABLE AGENCY. MISSOURI FLAT A. W. Guthrie and family left Tuesday for WInnehucca, Nevada. They are going via San Francisco, and at Napa Mrs. Guthrie will stop o visit her sister, who will later ac company her on to Nevada. Mr. I test the Guthrie will so direct to Wlnnemuc OF BRIQHT'S DISEASE C. H. Demaray of this city has just closed a deal whereby he will continue to be agent of ZEMO the well known remedy for Eczema, Dandruff.and all disease of the skin The 'extraordinary leap that this U '-teemed pioneer Death w cieaa liquid external treatment tor skin affections has made into public favor In the last few years proves its wonderful curative properties and makes It Indeed a valuable addition to the fine stock of remedial agents carried by the C. II. Demaray Drug Store. In the death of Mrs. Rose Weld man Saturday evening, April 29, 1911, Grants Pass losses a mostly as caused from Brlght's disease, which claimed her as its victim In the stety thlrd year of her life. Twenty-two years ago Mrs. Weld man engaged In the millinery busi ness In this city and continued for twelve years, selling out and taking both Merlin and Hugo : in the person'of Charles Perry, aged about 13 years, oldest child of Mrs. year!!, one of which proved Klllff returned to her home In Olendnke Tuesday, after spending' annio time with her sister, Mrs. C. ' flexton, who has been very 111. I We are soon to havo some Im provements on our depot, something flrently needed. , J. Parsons made a business trip to (rnnts P:ks lnsl week. Miss Damn Sexton spent Saturday and Sunday visiting In Grants Pass SELMA ITEMS Georgo Anderson was In Selma Fri day. He has sold hla plnce on the Illinois River nt the mouth of Ratirhercp Creek to Mr. Weslby. H. K. Christy has purchnsed a slx tiu'h pump and has moved his saw mill, engine and boiler out on the rreek nnd Is preparing to Irrigate thin summer. The capacity of the W. O. Hall, nf Rnn ninwn P.I . Pump Is nboilt 700 pnllnno nnr mln rived In Hugo Sunday to look after vf"- ,Ip hn8 R fl"o tract of land his ranch nnd visit nt the home of wnpn 1)0 P0,s vnt on It- Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Martin. WILLIAMS ITEMS Lincoln Savage, tho county school uperlntendent. was .visiting the schools on Williams Inst week, t . . . irs. jonn Anderson wn halilmr PVPrV nun hands with old friends. Misses LIjiIo Lemon David Kennedy W.lllnm Nell, who sold his mine on Josephine Creek last fall, started down the river Thursday with his pack stock In search or another mine. He seems to think finding mines Is a paying business nnd wp pups would think so If thev rould sell as well as Billy did. and Pearl: Mrs. Oma Senvnl f ninnta ro.,.. son were the cnest Tm. . , , ' uih id ppenu a ipw days with relnllvo Ihl. Mrs"r JT1"1! Bl' " Hudson made a business trip Mrs. E E. Topplng'8 last wPek. to the Pa.s Friday ""irr'l oo,,o Christy made a bu.ncss . " v" inp 10HmR trip down the river Friday. T " , , , , ' Thp school teachers Tom Jonps and Sidney Fulton tim'...i ..i... ,. . rone to Cllfomi. i " 1 ""m 1 " n vral people of , " J' uu u iuo river friday inp scnool teachers, aided ty the school children and several people nl Ml.i n..l,.l.).....l..... I Mrs Edna (VKfliw. itwt . . : K"o an exception. wm out i Z Z " ,U,,e ",Ster:;,,y r -Ung ahou, Mr.. MtJvJ'n..;. 4 ...... . '0"r ho flnJ Hno .kill tor mi.. i. ' i I:. ! uK-,n training, at the school h - .. ...... .,,.. nrc ,nfl gWn.t fc( urJ( . . i ca. Quite a number of the Missouri Flat people witnessed the Applegate Murpby ball game, ' at Applegate Sunday. Tho Murphy boys trotted around the diamond at a 19 to 2 pace. Chas. Basye and daughters, Zepha and Cora, were here Sunday from Jacksonville visiting L. C. Basye and Mrs. J. T. Cook and family. Gladys Cousino, of Grants Pass, visited relatives here Saturday and Sunday. School was out here last Friday and now the children are enjoying a vacation. Not so many sold out as wns ex- i- u-ii, m innsi, no one Here cot nnvi second payment on their places and will now be content to stay "at home." Wood Jeter Is working on the O'Brien ditch above Applegate. George Swlnney completed his con tract on the Laurel Grove ditch and also the flume across Williams Creek Thursday, and now has a full head of water In that and the north side ditch. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. L. Wooldrldge were in Grants Pass Tuesday. Come From New Hampshire In Grants Pass from Littleton, N. If., are C. F. Nutting, hardware mer chant; Charles Davis, druggist, and C W. Wllmot, manufacturer, who fire hero because of cood reports sent them by their former acquaintance, D. L. Woodruff, the horticulturist, who recently located In Grants Tass. The visitors are much pleased with conditions here. Sick headache results from a dis ordered condition of the stomach, and enn bo cured hy ,hp use of ChamDer Inln'a Liver Tablets. Trv It For " mi noon dealers T'riov Viova o Hml orl onnnlv r f cam. pies, one of which will be given free a much needed rest from business cares, iwo years ago she again went into business, taking charge of the Chapeau on Sixth street, conducting to any skin sufferer who wishes to merit of the medicine. A booklet "How To Preserve The Skin," will also be given to those Interested. on account of falling health She was a noble Christian woman, a faithful member of the BuptJ church. She is survived by her husband, J E. Weldman, and one son, Wllli'anl R. Weldman; one brother, J. d Drake, all of this city, besides a na! phew and niece, Russell and Miss Mil lie Drake, and nephew, Mort Luckett Besides these relatives she Is mourn, ed by a wide circle of friends, wio loved her for her nobility of charac ter and Inestimable worth. Funeral services will he held at the Baptist church on Tuesday after noon, at 2 o'clock, Rev. F. C. Lovett officiating. The services will be In charge of the Woman's Relief corps, BUSINESS POINTERS Dr. Flanagan, Physician and Surgeon. J.E.Peterson.PloneerlnsuranceMan. Rexall Remedies at Clemens, sells Jrugs. Diamonds and watches sold on the Instalment, plan to responsible par ties at Letcher's jewelry store. Alfred Letcher, Registered Opto metrist and Jeweler In Dixon's old ttand, Front at. Eyes tested free. this establishment up to two months! which order she has been a faith ago, when Bhe gave up the business f,.l worker for many years. 01LS.BRUSHES. &c. Office stationery and all kinds of ! printing at The Courier Job ! print shop. PUT IT ON TO LAST P.. .SAVE ( V7 KIV mm rm ill RalscsthcDouh Chemists and Authori ties stale that Crescent is pure and whole some. Sold by Grocers m i i i" i'OI .N I ( RISCKNT MFG. ( OMi'ANY, SHATTI.K nM "" '' -C flu) igj I i rt 1 1 - . : 17" III '"" 1 . i III Hendricks Brighten ud vour house, wvinf i less you enjoy life? , . , Good paint will also keep your house from rotting. It is an investment as well as a luxury. As j y0xurr g00d wif 9 if she doesn't want the house newly tamwM. x ou owe something to her, really, don't you? Coron-Booth Hardware Co. Phone 377-R 102 North Sixth Street, Grants Pass, On PLUMBING AND SHEET METAL SHOP. For the Bowels ACUr,I;rC,!!.n:r.Cinstipatlon. Torpid LW.r ...6uidr uovci Movements. Mrs, C. 0. Ttlirlnw'. Mrs. Rdnn O'Kelly. Mrs. T,lit1 ' CouRle and Mm. Mary RarKent. Misses , Viola 1.MM8, Um9 T.omon and Tearl nnvldson. Mr. I,nrns, Charles! Klneatd and Mr. -Sterns werp all thoi fuests at Mr. and Mrs. Charles nose. ' Charlie Davidson, our road hoss, 1 doing some pood work In our valley. I Miss Palsy Cole, the lower W11-' Hma srhool tearhrr, went to Cranls r rrlday.' Mr. Woolrldge and Mr. Swrelland ' were seen on Williams CrffV Pntnr-dsy. ouse Pat- !th, in houor of 'trl!' men; ur n! b it . j ).Uiro Pr..vnl.,n. ..'J iro ii-Ki phifnieiil ro women tultrr -.. . .,.u,nyorrt Ihe o,h wJ,h .K.f. iv-x. Yellow lvor ami i-fi i 'r UUr Wirumatl"m. 'n thouch th,y cscaro th, ' ifc'L " . 1"l"- constipated! u.llr.j pior or )c Tllov h ivf , 1 Hr!,,,:s r0 always ff-vt In ti iK1Wl.,,. ,, , n ,. " a mo,t tdm'rabU rut u prompt rhr,-k rn Ult h P' V ,"K .un,, rflalnK. It ffM. Iicmiluirn ... . . ... ''""n'. Wind In th hn.i. . k IIiiia i.,... ' .-...V HUM MVI.IIU." wakiulnr7t ifgh" dre",,n,M ,n ay- Price 50c per Bottle. WWMItron IT. LOUIt, M8. It rur. & Crouch Real Estate, Insurant an(J Notaries Public Loans. See us for city and country property. One of the oldest realty and insurance othecs in Southern Oregon Office over Josephine County Bank Grants Pass, Oregon, Our J,r,nce r0,pa,PS nre (h (o-wt. MITI AL COMPANIES ULTUUL HUE 11 FX IKK, OF SALEM. ORE, MMU II ltl.V I1K "'K Hlti UKU KltO.NT CO. ---ii-iMl,,ii(i'i ?ri r A lfl ft. i ,, , . ' National Drug Store THIS IS OXE OF OV U (;fHm HARflAINS: