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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1911)
FRIDAY, MA- 5, 1011 WEEKLY ROGUE RITER COURIER FAGS nvn PERSONAL AND LOCAL 4 H. T. Woodcock, of Kerby, was a visitor ..In Grants Pass Tuesday. ; M. Morrison, of Williams, visited the county seat yesterday. ; 8. B. Buckner, of Gallce, was a day. I. W. Berry, of Medford, was a Grants Pass visitor Tuesday, looking after business matters. H. M. Lelghton, of Kerby, Is spend ing a short time Lcre with friends. R. H. Bullock, of Medford, was transacting business In this city Tues day. Try some gopher exterminators at 5 cents each at Cramer Bros. S. D. Klger, formerly a resident of Grants Pass but now living In Port land, was looking after business mat ters here Tuesday. He went to Med ford Tuesday evening and will re turn to Portland today. J. A. Sargent, F. Smith and Wilton Smith returned to Portland Wednes day, after spending Tuesday looking over business In Grants Pass. W. Hale, of West Pork, was a Grants Pass business visitor Tuesday. Henry Potter, of Crescent City, was a recent business visitor here. C. E. Harmon, of Love Station, was In town yesterday. Buy supplies at the Rogue River Hardware Co. The Big Red Front. 5-5-21 Mrs. W. J. Rogers, of Wolf Creek, was visiting with Grants Pass friends Tuesday. The John peere "Iron Clad" and Peter Schuttler has them all going The cheapest and best wagon on the marget. We'll prove It to you. Grants Pass Hardware Co. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Glover, of Gallce, were In town Monday visit Ing friends. Mrs. Delia Rounds of LeMars, Iowa, Is visiting with her brother, Grant Butcher and Mrs. Butcher, Mrs. Rounds has been visiting rela tives In California and is now on her return trip home. William Frelland, of Gallce, was a business visitor In Grants Pass Mon day. Mrs. D. H. Leech returned Mon day night from Eugene, where she has spent some time with her moth er, who has been in poor health. Mrs. Leech reports the lady much Im proved. A. H. Reed arrived here Tuesday evening to visit with Mr. and Mrs. TJ. A. Griffin. If you use Patton's Sun Proof Paint you get the best paint on the market. Cramer Bros, sell It. " . Mrs. A. T. Martin returned to her home at Hugo Tuesday evening, af ter spending the day here with friends. J. M. Epley left for Boise, Idaho, Tuesday to spend some time. . Mrs. Lelah Chllders, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Fred Roper, returned to her home In Central Point Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. E. L. Chllders, another sister, from Klamath Falls, Is also the guest of Mrs. Roper and will spend several days here. Lawn mowers sharpened and re v paired at Cramer Bros. Mrs. Harry Foster and little daugh ter returned to their home at .Jack sonville Tuesday afternoon, after vis iting with Mrs. Foster's sister, Mrs. W.'C. Hale. H. V. Stelnbaugh left Tuesday for Grayling, Mich., where he expects to remain. ' Mrs. J. W. Rogers returned to Wolf Creek Tuesday evening, after spend ing the day here on business. Mrs. J. C. K. McCann, of Wilder ville, was a Grants Pass visitor Wed nesday. R. A. Booth spent Tuesday In In Grants Pass. He returned to Eu gene In the evening. J. R. Cunningham went to Rose burg Tuesday evening to spend a few days. Mrs. Clarke Mannon, who has been vlBltlng with relatives for some time Ir Grants Pass, left Tuesday even ing to Join her husband at Berthoud, Cal. Rev. DeBusk and G. M. Rowley went to Portland Tuesday evening to attend the Free Methodist conven tion. Velle buggies, made for Oregon the biggest buy for the money In Grants Tass. Grants Pass Hardware Co. Miss Mattls Williams came down from Central Point Tuesday evening to spend a few days with friends. Bicycles repaired at Cramer Bros. I. A. Roble went to Medford Thurs day morning to spend the day on business. Dr. C. H. Smith name down from Gold Hill on professional business Thursday. Roy Jordan went to Medford Thursday morning to look after bv:- ness matters. Mr. Farmer now Is the time to equip your barn with a modern hay McMinnville's Mayor Advises Mayor Myers on, Street Paving CITY OF McMINNVILLE Oregon Leroy Lewis, Mayor Lloyd E. Lancefleld, Recorder - April 80, 1911. w iiu a luuuci u uaj i . carrier outfit. The Rogue River Hcm- J- L- Myers, Hardware Co. has a big assortment on hand. B-5-2t F. K. Spaulding, of Ashland, -was a Grants Pass business visitor Wed nesday, returning to their home In the evening. , Chicken remedies and chick feed at Cramer Bros. Mrs. H, C. Perkins went to Gallce Wednesday evening to spend several days with Mrs. Leigh. Jesse Mash, who has recently re turned from an eight month's visit to his old home state of North Caro lina, thinks that Grants Pass is about the best place he has found during his travels. Mr. Mash says that the east ern climate Is too severe for him and he was glad to return to this city to. again take up his permanent resi dence. He was accompanied home by his niece, Miss Ada Bare, who will make her home here with her uncle. Wooden pumps, iron pumps, spray pumps, gasoline pumps any old kind of a pump but a stomach pump. The Grants" Pass Hardware Co. Yes, Medford won the game, but Williams of Grants Pass won the shoes from the Best Shoe Store for the Best Shoes offered by H. L. Truax for a home run ball over the fence. He selected a pair of Packards. 194 You can get a strong 1911 bicycle with coaster brake for $27.50 at Cramer Bros. Mrs. F. W. Reld went to Medford Wednesday noon to spend several days with friends. She will return to this city Sunday. Orantn Pass. Oregon. , Dea, Sir: I understand that your city is contemplating making some Improvements on your streets by placing a bituminous dressing on a stone foundation. We can only learn these things by our own experience or by the experience of others. I hope you will pardon the privilege on my part of giving you our experience In this matter. Last season we laid some macadam streets In residence districts and undertook to experiment to see ir we could not construct a cheaper roadway for residence streets than hard surface pavements. Con sequently we experimented on one block at the city's expense. After placing the crushed stone on the subgrade according to the usual mac adam specifications of graded stone, we added one and one-half gallons of hot asphaltum, on which we placed halMnch fine rock and thoroughly rolled It. On a portion , of the bloc we placed an additional coating of asphaltum and a sprinkling of fine rock and rolled to a finished Bur face. It made a very nice appearing surface at the time, but It has been down less than a year and we find it is a failure. To begin with, It Is impossible to place hot asphaltum on cold stone and get a union. The as phaltum surface Is like a saddle blanket over the entire block and is apparently not bound at all to the rock base beneath. I was on the street today and th9 wearing surface Is apparently all gone , where the travel occurs. In many places the coarser rock of the foundation has worked through 'to the Burface and is not betterthan the balance of the macadam street. From this experi ment we have adopted the policy of macadamizing outlying streets which are not practical to pave until the property owners are satisfied that they want hard surface paving. We are progressing well, I think, In our work and I hope soon that we will be at work laying hard surface streets. In regard to Third street will say that the pavement will ex tend the full length to I street and 10-foot sidewalks the whole length. I would be glad to hear from you et any time from your practical ex perience in matters which are of in terest to us" in our public improve ments. Believe me, as ever, Yours very truly, (Signed) LEROY LEWIS CLASSIFIED ADS FOR 8 ALE COW for sale, six years old, gentle. good milker. Price $40. H. Wood, route No. I. Phone'7064 4-28-2t THOROUGHBRED Poland China hogs for sale by J. H. Robinson, route No. 1, Grants Pass. 4-28-4t 45 ACRES unimproved land near Murphy for sale; miles to school; on county road. Price $25 per acre. Address E. Loughrldge, " Wlldervllle, Oregon. 4-28-3t FOR SALE Fine brown mare, suit able tor light work or driving, age nearly 4, value $175, will exchange for heavier work horse, must be sound. P. S. Bosma, Frultdale, phone 7033. 4-28-2t ACRES Improved, snb-lrrlgatel land two miles from P. O. on Mer lin road, for sale; orchard and berries, chicken yard and coops; five-room house, modern. Price $2,000, terms to suit. Address A. Morris, route No. 1, box 2, Grants , Pass.' v - ,' ' . 4-2 8- THOROUGHBRED Poland China hogs for sale. J. H. Robinson, R. F. D. No. 2, Grants Pass, Ore. FOR SALE Single-comb R. I. eggs for hatching; 10 No. 1 for $2.50. Utility stock $1.00 a setting. C. R. Britchtbill, N. 10th st. 2-24-12t FOR SALE--!! Bain wagon 1b good shape. Also thoroughbred S. C. Brown Leghorn eggs. $1.00 per setting. Inquire of I. W. Ryan, 704 W. D st. 8-17-tf BROWN Leghorn hens for sale, also pen White Wyandottes. Phc e 887 Wlldervllle. 4-7-tf CITY OF McMINNVILLE . Oregon Leroy Lewis, Mayor A. C. Chandler, Recorder Street Commissioner, Geo. Elliott. McMlnnvllle, Ore., May 1, 19U. To Mayor Myers, Grants Pass, Ore. Dear Sir: The bituminous or as phalt macadam pavement laid down last year by us last June has not proved satisfactory; scaled off and did not stand the traffic once the rainy season set in, the surface breaking Into holes, and we do not consider it any improvement on the macadam, and the cost is consider ably more. GEO. ELLIOTT, Street Commissioner. P. S. The city contemplates lay ing fifty city blocks of bltullthic pavement this season. FOR SALE Barn. 40 by 50 by IS, Frultdale. Price $55; If taken at once, easily moved, practically new. Address O. C. ' H., care , Courier. 3-24-tf FOR SALE Home-grown Tokay grape vines by Earl V. Ingels, Cal-vert-Paddock building. x 8-17-tf FOR SALE 40 acres of land on Grave Creek, and- one 2-year-old Jersey bull, from first-class milk and butter stock. Address Geo. C. Howard, Placer, Oregon, for prices and description. 4-2 1-5 1 WANTED to buy a relinquishment or farming land in Southern Oregon or northern California. Address Otto Tlmues, 453 5th street, Av torla, Oregon. v WANTED A small tract of land either improved or unimproved suitable for fruit. Not too tar from town on good road. Give full description, prices and terns first letter. Owners only. Bex 511, Grants Pass. Ore. MISCELLANEOUS ARTISTIC photographs, postals, stamp pictures, amateur finish ing. Come and see samples at the Angelo 8tudlo, 605 Sixth street Mid-summer prices. $-l-tf FOR SALE Single-comb R. I. Red eggs for hatching; pen No. 1 for $2.50. Utility stock $1.00 per Betting. C. R. Brechtblll, N. 10th st. v 2-2 4-1 2t FOR SALE Timber claim. NWU Sec. 24, Twp 87, 7 West, Jose- ' phine county. For particulars address H. Walter, conductor, 3rd and Townsand streets, 8. P. Co., , 8an Francisco, Cal. 9-8-tf RANNIE, the plumber, Is ready at any minute to repair your plumb ing. 609 H street. Telephone 140-R. ' 4-8-tf EARL V. INGELS, B. 8. Best equipped custom assay office aid analytlcay labratory In Oregtn. OreB, coal, soils, fertilisers, water food and spray products, etc., an alyzed. Toxical analysis. Reomi 201-3 Cal vert-Paddock building i Dr. H. C. Dixon DENTIST Prices reasonable. All work guaran teed. Examination free, rhone: Office' 228-R; res. 196-J. Office Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 6;30 p.m Location: Schallhorn Building, Grants Past, Ore. Men Who WaaH the Kest Come Here for Clothes! Have you ever noticed that the Best Dressers in this locality come here for their Clothes? WHY IS IT? It may be the Quality of our Clothes and then again, it may be the price. We're inclined to think it is a com bination of both these important features. Ederhea ner-Stein Young Men'i Clothes Come in, Sir, and allow us to show you our handsome Spring Garments and other Outfitting Hats, Shoes, Shirts, Neckwear, etc., etc. See our $15, $18 or $20 Suits, our $4 or $5 Shoes, our $3 Hats, our 50 cent Neckwear and a few other of our good things, and we believe that you will be quick to see why "Men who wear the best always come here for clothes." Peerless Girthing Compaay. "If men wear it, we have it" Mil 111- m 1 L4 I Ederheimer-Siein Young Men'i Gothei