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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1911)
FRIDAY, MAY 5, l8U PROFESSIONAL OABDS M. C. FINDLEY, M! D. Practice limited to XYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT Olasiea fitted and furalabed Office hours 9 to 12; 2 to 6; and cm' appointment. Phones 182 ant ne-R. Grant Pau, Oregon V. L. DIMMICK, D. M. D. Dentist FeUch bldg., cor. 6th and O atreet. Phone JOJ-J. Ciown, Bridge Work and Filling! of all ktndi a tpectaltr Office Honrs 9 to 12 a. ra.; 1 to 5 p. m. All Work Poslllvol Guaranteed GRANTS PASS, OREGON E. 0. MAOY, D. M. D. accessor to Dixon Bros., Dentists Flrst-Class Work fH South Sixth, GranU Paw, Ore. J. P. TRUAX, II. D. ' PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phones: Office, 225; Res. 124 Albert Building, Sixth Street GRANTS PASS OREGON Galls answered at all hours. Conn try calls attended to tt. D. NORTON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Practice In all 8tat and Federal arts. ' Office Opera House Bldg GranU Paas, Oregon OLIVER S. BROWN, LAWYER Gnats Pass Oregon 0. S. BLANOHARD, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Practice In all State and Federal Courts. Banking ft Trust Co. Bldg. Grants Pass, Oregon llrs. Nina Brumbaugh Lessons In China Palatlng. Orders Solicited. tudlo: 76 North Eight Street I D. WURTSBAUGII Attorney and Counselor at Law Notary Public to office ' Hflee In Howard Block. Phone to-J GRANTS PASS, OREGON I). L. JOHNSTON ASSAVKIi Rooms 8 and 7 Opera House HI, North SUIr GRANTS PASS, OHEUON M. T. UTLKY CARPKXTEIt GKxicn.iL ro.NTiucroit IUILDKIt Jobbing Work a Specialty Phone 41 713 N. flch Street, UraiK I'nus, Ore. M. 0. II. DAY Contractor and IMiiMer Kcaldencea a Specialty Plans and estimates furnUhed Keatdenc East A 8t. Phone 103-J Singer and Wheeler & Wilson SEWING MACHINES tttttttttttttttti t PiU0.AL ASU LOCAL f C. S. Hebrard, of Woodville, spent Sunday In Grants i'aaa. Ida E. DlUworth, of Wilder ville, vm vialtlng with Grants I'aaa friends on Sunday. Mrs. E. Edgar, of Kerby, spent gunday with GranU Pass friends. W. T. Beverldge, of Medford, wan a GranU Pass visitor on Sunday, re turning la the evening to bis home at that city. E. W. Smith, of Butte Falls, Is (pending several days In Grants Pass with friends. J. W. Lozier, of Medford, was In Grants Pans Sunday with friends. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Wilson and son, of Los Angeles, are spending sev eral days in GranU Pass looking ever the business possibilities here. Miss Flo Ilolcomb arrived here Monday morning from Spokane, Wash., and will make her permanent home In Grants Pass with her broth er, A. C. Holcomb, of the Peerless Clothing company. Miss Holcomb has been a student at the Deacon ess Hospital at 8pokane, from which institution she graduated last week. C. Nickols, of Medford, was vis iting GranU Pass friends on Sun day. Thos. 0. Jackson was a Grants Pass visitor on Sunday. Mrs. Fred Williams, who has spent the past month with relatives and fi fends In San Francisco, returned 8unday evening to her home in this city. jonn Hippie, or Medford. was a Grants Pass visitor on Sunday. 0. Shattuck, of Gallce, was vlslt- l g with Grants Pass friends and tak ing In the ball game here Sunday. Fred W. Dunn, of Pickett Creek, was a Grants Pass visitor of Sunday. F. M. Daughtery, of Kerby, was in Grants Pass visiting friends Sunday. F. 0. Hero and J. W. Lozier, of Medford, were visiting in this city on Sunday. S. S. Mitchell came down from Ash land on Sunday to visit with friends during the day. Miss Dama Sexton spent Satur day and Sunday with her sister. Mm J ss Everton in this city and return u4 to her home at Hugo Sunday even ly. Miss Gertie Cahlll returned to her school duties at Hugo Sunday even ing-, arter spending the day with her" parents here. Miss Cora 8mith soent Saturda and Sunday with her mother in this city and returned to Merlin In the evening. J. R. Entrlken, of Galto. I Inr a few days with his wife In thin city. Tom Fuson returned from Mfnr,i Sunday evening, where he hurt anf Hip day. J. 0. B. Gunn went to Snn Prim. Mseo Saturday on hiinlnoBs. Miss C. Whelploy. of Contrnt Pninf was a Grants Pass visit ouy ana was vlsltln trior. .,- shopping while hrrp. Miss Daisy Colo, who Is teaching nf Williams spent Sunday with her rnrents here. Miss Edith Allen non with her pnrontfl and returned In the evening to her Rchool duties at Wolf Creek. Walter Koelin, of Wolf Creek was a Grnnts Pass bnslnesa vuit. nn Pntnrdav. Mrs. W. Voglll, who snent "Ml dnys with her daughter, Mrs. K T.. Andrews, returned to her home Medfo'rd Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. Jnrvls. of riM.i Hill, were Grants Tn vMtnv. winciiiy. Inking, In the ball en mo he , twoon Medford and thU ei. Tk.. H'fiirno.t to their horn,. ,''., t,vn. Iig Mrs. w. n. Walker nn.1 son lv, vlHe. Mr-. Walker's fl,.r, Mr' rry. of Oratitx.ras Sun,av. M ler " the nfornoon train to th.. l"'fie nt (lol.l Hill. ''''Mr I.ampman. of tj, (;,,-1 1 1 f ? t N'eH. spent Sunday In Gr.v.ts It. Steelhatmnor whs M.Mfo', M-'.ior on Simhy, returnl;... ,i, , ti'"!' In t.. , V( n ni;. K'-v nn,l V:- r.t-sll,. lu; e,!c.r,1;,v rV,lni? t, J. J. Casey came In from 8elma Monday to visit friends and transact business here. Mrs. Arthur Pugsley left Monday for Philomath, Ore., where she will visit for some time with relatives. Clarke J. LeRoy, of the Edwin Hooker Investment company, of Port land, Is in town today on business connected with his company. Mr. LeRoy Is accompanied by his wife. J. W. Murdoch, of Gallce, is spend ing a few days In town looking after business. W. A. McGllvroy, of Wolf Creek, was a Grants Pass visitor on Monday, returning in the evening to his home. M. Morrison was In from Williams Mender, spending the day with friends. Mrs. Randolph, of Hugo, and sis ter-in-law, Mrs. H. M. Stackpole, of Ketchikan, Alaska, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. T. McKInstry Mon day, returning In the evening to Hugo. I. A. Robertson ha3 sold his old home on J street and has moved his family to the old McGrew place on West G street, where they will live permanently. H. Honor, of Wenatehee, Wash., who has spent several weeks In Grants Pass, left Wednesday morn ing for his home. Mr. Honor expects to return to Grants Fass In a short time to make this place his perman ent home.1 John Denlson, of the Gibson Gro cey company, went to Glendala Wed ncsday morning. Mrs. Robert 0. Smith and little daughter, Helen, went to Ashland Wednesday morning to spend the day with friends. Fred Mensch went to Three Pines Wednesday morning to spend sev ernl days on survey work. E. M. McKeany, of Medford, who 1b representing the Producers' Fruit company, with main office at Sacra mento, is spending several days In Crants Pass looking over the fruit prospects of this county. Mrs. G. L. Davis, Mrs. C. W. Palen of Medford, and Miss Ida Erb, of Ashland, were among the out of town visitors to Grants Pass yesterday. .M) II HAD AND WHISKERS DEBATED AT WASHINGTON By United Press Leased Wire. WASHINGTON, May 5. Barber ohops did no more than the ordinary amount of business today and hair tonic counters were not visibly af fected as the result of last night's debate at the National Press club on "Resolved, Whiskers are a Great er Detriment than a Bald Head." Senator Robert L. Taylor of Ten nessee and Congressman Nick Long worth of Ohio ably handled the af firmative, while former Speaker Joe Cannon" and ex-Senator Carter of Montana opposed. Referee Scott C. Bone, president of the club, called the bout a draw. IMPROVEMENTS FOR PASCO Plans Adopted That Will Necessitate Considerable Activity in Street Improvement Work This Year CROrP CONQUERED rveiy Mother Should Read and Re i member This In any home where a child has a tendency to croup, a bottle of HYO mm (pronounce It Hlgh-o-me should be keDt constantly on hnnrt A sudden attack of croup with dlf- wi:im creaming ana extreme distress is api io come on at any time. The COUrse to ha miranoH la nlnln Send for your doetor at once, and In me meantime drop so drops of IIYO MEI Into a howl hold the child's head over It, cover un a towei or cloth, so that only the air filled with T-Tvnmni .ron- i v.... . tain;, 13 ureainea. This method of treatment has mivea many a cnild's life, and moth era of cronpy chlldrea should see to it nat it yum EI Is always on hand Full Instructions fnr or croup la In enrh nnH A 50 rent bottle of HYOMEI Is all you need In treating croup. This Is Known in an drug stores as Extra nouie nyomei inhaler. 0. H Dema ray and druggists everywhere sell It ireathe HYOMEI. It Is guaranteed .m mtarrn. croup, sore throat nrnnrhltta ....!. . lui'miN, ana colds, or money nneif. To break up a cold In a few minu tes try this: Pour a teaspoonful of Hyomel Into a bowl of boiling water put towel over head and bowl, and hreathe the soothing, healing vapor that arises, n ,nko!, yor ))on(, f , r ear In two minutes. It Is pleasant ""V- Fro,, trial saniplo of HYOMEI 'v. !. ohtnlnod by writing nooth's "vomei Co., Riiffnlo, N Y -OaMl'l!!! ll , I DIE I', f y. PASCO, Wash., April 28. Pasco ntands for progress. Last night the Council awarded contracts that pro vide for the Immediate paving and Improvement of the main streets of the city. For some months the Council com mittee has been busy with trips of the Pacific Northwest for the pur pose of determining the most de sirable kind of paving for use in this climate. Their report covered wide experiences by various cities, with concrete, asphalt, hassam, west rumite, bltullthlc, brick and wood blocks. The committee reported un animously In favor of bltullthlc. Bids were received from companies, representing most of the pavements above named. Prices varied consid erably a number being offered for less per square yard, than bltullth lc, but In view of the favorable re ports In the towns where this form of pavement has been tested for a long period of years, it was consid ered that bltullthlc is unquestion ably the cheapest In the long run. Lame Shoulder Is nonriv inin uue io rneumatism or thn mmMu and aulcklv vleldn cation of Chamberlain's Liniment For sale by all good dealers. COAST VAR8ITT EIGHTS TO CONTEST AT SEATTLE UNIVERSITY OF WASmvr!Trv Seattle. May 3. The varsitv eht'. representing the University of Wash ington and of California win cntaat on Lake Washington Thursday, May 25. The freshmen crew from Stan ford will row against the Washing ton first year men. on th sumo rfow Contracts with both universities have heen signed and Washington e,mr. antees them $600 for expenses. For some reason, unknown here, Stan ford will not race against Wsh!n-. ton. This Is cause for much disap pointment, as the Washington rowers wanted to compete for the rhmninn. smp or tho Pacific coast. A Mower Your hay will soon be ready to cut and we are ready with the best mower made for cutting this crop. We handle only McConnlck mowers. There is no better machine made. You can get either size machine you desire 4 or 5-foot cut. . , , McCormick Mowers will cut anything that's cutable. They the always ready for work, and they are made to stand hard wear. McCormick mowers are light of draft, and convenient and easy to operate. Don't wait until the last minute before getting your mower, but call and make a selection. A McCormick mower won't cost you any more now than it will later. Drop In, examine our line, and we will tell you why it is to your Interest to deal with us. Remem ber, we are not here today and away tomorrow. We are always here and always ready to supply your wants. Rogue River Hardware Company. THE BIG RED FRONT ' IN LIFE'S MAY DAY AND TOUR PAX DAT THEN RUT MONEY IN THE BANK to. it- 4 ' In cases of rheumatism mitof nam makes slppn ond ihls may be obtained by applying Chamberlain's I.lnlmonf rn . ' . II good dealers. lAI-MNO If .ins n Knsllv lie Slop ,; Also , ,, r"r,r '""1 Itching Scalp Ing hair. Iiehin " , . . " (I.ii,i..f V -"'i'. .inn ernuieate iiandriiff In two w....l,s r tr n ray stands reartv to -neywljhontarginnent or red tape ra,Sn:?l!.Lf-'-!''- f. ,, - -""""ll unir in a 1 " wii r. v'-n,,-: "Mother-Hhilrbeuan to rnmo ' v;;r- b-r senlp wn, so ' ' u ki (iii anytiun? air. proved a grand AW bU.MI(;HT NEED 1 T ho? tF TTi1 th? ?oney yu make and Put Jt fa he SSfw ? jU3t fS dollars a week in our bank in SNUG FORTUNE n ft WiU hQ a Make OUR Bank YOUR Bank. We pay liberal interest consistent with safety-4 per cent. Josephine County Bank GRANTS PASS, ORE. 'an it. Pur " -''? way. I mm' hair stopped "t' inir en .l.,.,.i....c .... ., 1 ' i i (i i jjea I - ''11 left t!v scalp nnd ''niip: In nirain v.M'v 1'.. f f I. .If, I V. 1 i r 'j ". neniarnv's, lniiil, tents at r t,i it f.-t M' ! 1 for nale or rent, on msy payments. Supplies and repnlrM for a'l makes. Stocking darner and cotton. Clarl 1 t'aiiio np 100 T. HASSELL Kront St. (inuit CHICHESTER S PILLS r,V ' IK III III. AMI. - I.I . Ko. (rrSl l'U."..,l TlraA , I'HI. In ... I U) I ' . ''I 'lll '!. Kil. V I 11-. t t..r v I Mr and Mm. ,. c, t . . I 'i-iiiiie . ,in,;..y to vls't I vlth Mn Clark.-' mother, Mr, I on. i i J' 0 tester, of r, ,,, WM t''n"ctliiB ti f iller in t,u (.i.v M (lav. i 11. Wl'.llams '"KfM' trip, north I Ji.ln hi -i mi In-law. jlhe tw, i-iTtlenini ('.It I'K'S'? ili- ;;i l; ni NoiMMir Portland. Mrv M.i.v i ttvlll Our t;:J, , ?t I on llvrd lN thin mur Iw.i Tlc- (h. llmMI ml- , '(C'.'fli'tlnii ' ,f? y r n 11 r - rn rin On 8aa)i q4 WUli'ltl, Vs. V TV. , "fc- u. t,f( ,i,nr 1 HI VUOMI IIMWll Nlli,... I'COtJl I'inc V lf her Hentner, f vr s erenlnis fr her horn,. V M.....I ... , ' " n..i ior i where he v. n W a. w. Ve.!; w 1 ;:!',' I1, ''I" r:e"H.i 1 "'t- i-.ii. iw, jZ?. rA t.,n; tr Mi.:t. X"-- 1 1 0. B. W III A MS CO. 1043 Tlrtt Av. a. Btttt a jw Voi THFl I, AVIATOK FALLS HIT WILL THY A(J.IX LONG rtKACH, fal., Mav S.Un ileterred by hU mishap yesterday, "hen his aeroplane was wrecked. S. French, n youthful Inventor of l.eni; Hoinh. nnonnced today thr.t he vi!l attempt a s.vord flkht In his l ir.o-innde machine within a few lays French was only (.'.Uhtlv '"v.lseil In his 60-foot plunse. 'timrner Days !'1 V H- :l :l;:hf,r ? r., ' ( 1( ( I 'l'"e. left Mon.i,.. mMLK'S gazetteer " ' " ''I V .f r I, i ;.v ! ' III IM. , ,,, fi ' I ' " I."' e I I I 11, II VI GRANTS PASS TRUCK CO. UIMH IllttW.. Pn.irtM,n. HIOMIT VM KKI.IAP.LK SI U U K I'tiiiion mid Orpin.t Fnnfully Heinoxitl lMione: I l-L and 2(MKK Grant Pass, Orv. Keimiid us ol tenting times, and we besiu f- nok at our old tent, and find it is in . a.l conditi,,,,. Xo llsc , ,., .,, "i size and jinoe from 7 by 7 feet at $175 to 12 by 18 feet at $1650 , will he jflajl to have you rail an.l decide vlnlo tho nssortnicnt is Remember the place. Jewell Hardware Co . SOlOBVDRHGISTStUMUHlRt w"h 8 ,; 's'.:;' ';.-. y nt Chehnll.