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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1911)
WEEKLY ROGUE RIVER COURIER PAGE SEVEN Portland Rose Festival TO BE HELD IN Portland, Oregon, June 5 to 10, 1911 WILL BE A MOST BRILLIANT Floral Fiesta and Civic Jubilee Portland, the "Rose City," will be a scene of splendor and the center of world wide Interest for one week REDUCED FARES TO PORTLAND FROM ALL POINTS ON THE Southern Pacific Lines in Oregon To keep perfectly posted on all important matters relating to this great event, call on local agents for circular! and printed matter, o 'Write to WM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent PORTLAND, OREGON ' S . .... - A WELL CONDUCTED BANK Is not only a great convenience but is almost an in dispensable necessity to any business community. Seeks in every possible way to make itself felt for the good of its depositors and the general benefit of the people. Grants Pass Banking & Trust Co. Grants Pass, Oregon Excursion Fares East 1911 During the months of May, June, July, August and September, on dates shown below, the SOUTHERN PACIFIC Will sell round trip tickets from GRANTS PASS, VIA PORTLAND as follows . TO FARES Chicago $ 81.45 Council Bluffs Omaha Kansas City..... 68.9a St. Joseph St. Paul St. Paul, via Council Bluffs 72.8a Minneapolis, direct 68.95 Minneapolis, via Council Bluffs 72.85 St. Louis 78.95 Boston 118.9a New York 117.45 Washington, I). C, 116-45 Sale Dates May 16, 17, 18, 19. 22. 23, 24. 25, 27. 28 and 29. June 5, 7, 9, 10, 12, 16, 17, 21, 22, 28, 29 and 30. July 1, 2. 3, 4, 6, 6, 19. 20. 26. 27 and 28. August 3, 4. 5, 14, 15. 16, 17. 21, 22. 23, 28, 29 and 30. September 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7. SiOp-overs within limits la either direction. Tina! return limit October 31. For fares one way through California in quire of any Southern Pacific agent, or write to WM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. CHICAGO WOMAN WANTS GRANTS PASS HUSBAND (llEAVY GAIN IX Postmaster Donnell this week re ceived the following letter from a girl In Chicago, who evidently Is anxious to secure a western hero. The letter follows: ; "Postmaster, Grants Pass, Ore. ! "Dear Sir: As postmaster of the :town of Grant Pas, Ore., you will j doubtless be able to give me the In ; formation I desire, which la this: Are there any young men in the town of Grants Pass who are lonesome for the society of a nice, companionable wife? . "If you, by any chance, know of any, put them in communication with me. You think it strange, perhaps, jthat a girl from a big city like Chlc j ago should make such a request. The j truth la this, I prefer a real, live westerner to a ten-lollar-a-week candy kid. If you know of any, kindly put them In communication with me and I will give them any In formation they may desire about me." There now, you "lonesome boy," one fair charmer from the far east has gallantly offered to brighten your lonely pathway through life. Who will be the first to send the glad tidings of acceptance to this shy little young (?) miss. Now, as a matter of fact, Postmaster Donnell has not been able to detect any alarming symptoms of loneliness in the Grants Pass boys. Still, appear ances are often deceptive, and any young man (candy kids excepted) wishing to lay his heart at the feet of the Chicago lady, may receive fur ther Information by sending he a let ter. . i RECEIPTS OF FREIGHT j Freight receipts in Grants Pass for TO CONSTRICT HOTEL OX RIVER RANK E. J. McCormick. iwentlv nf Pnrf' the quarter ending March 31, 1911, , . . . . . A, u v . land, has prchased a fraction of an exceeded those of the same period in 1910 by 158 carloads. A compari- ( acre' Btr,p of round 75 fe son of the business for January, Feb-. an 200 feet- long, adjoining the ruary and March shows the follow- j r,yer on the east side of Sixth street ing: January, 1910, carloads, 79;; end has begun to improve the prop. January, 1911, carloads. 106; Feb-' erty oy beginning tho construction of ruary, 1910, carloads, 64; February, boat tywe and refreshment stand 1911, carloads, 107; March, 1910, for tno U88 of the public. He will carloads, 85; March, 1911, carloads.'"1 once Put ,n stairway to lead to 163; or a total increase of 158 car-ithe water's edge, where will be kept loads. These shipments represented all classes of commodities Intended for consumption in Grants Pass and vi cinity, reflecting the increased busi ness due to the growth of the city. This breaks all records of incom ing freight, and of it more than on 3 carload per day, on the average, brings groceries and dry goods. "Grants Pass Is making rapid strides as a distributing center," de clared an official of the Southern Pacific, "and will soon be the metrop olis of southern Oregon indeed." The figures here given are based entirely on the whole car shipments, as It is hard to gauge accurately movement of freight ta tees than carload lots. It is reasonable to be lieve, however, that this class of business has grown in proportion to the carload haul. JOSEPHINE HOTEL LEASED TO PORTLAND PEOPLE WHAT CURES ECZEMA We have so many Inquiries lately regarding Eczema and other skin diseases, that we are glad to make or answer public. After careful in vesltgation we have found that a sim ple wash of Oil of WIntergreen, as compounded in D .D. D., can be re lied upon. We would not make this statement to our patrons, friends and neighbors unless we were sure of It and although there are many so called Eczema remedies sold, we ourselves unhesitatingly recommend D. D. D. Prescription, ' ' ( Because We know that it gives Instant relief to that torturing itch. Because D. D. D. starts the cure at the foundation of the trouble. Because It cleanses, soothes and heals the skin. Because It enables Nature to re pair the ravages of disease. Because The records of ten years of complete cures of thousands of the most serious cases show that D. D. D. is today recognized as the ab solutely reliable Eczema Cure. Drop into our store today, Just to talk over your case with us. M. CLEMENS "IMPORTS" HEAVY RATTER FROM CENTRAL POINT The Medford Mall Tribune says: "Court Hall will send his baseball team to Grants Pass again Sunday and the boys are determined to win this time. Heavy practice is on the program this week, especially in bat ting, in which department the local players were deficient last Sunday. It is rumored that a heavy hitter from the direction "of Central Point Is to be tried out, but the lineup will probably be the same as formerly. Medford Is believed to have the shade on Grants Pass, and but for a had Inning at the 'first of the game should hav won the Sunday game." When Manager Roper of the Grants Pshs team was shown the above he "Jes laffed." Wed In Grants Pas Thursday, April 20, 1911, Thomas B. Pearson and Miss Julia Anne St. John were married at the heme of Judge Stephen Jewell In this city, Judge Jewell officiating. Both bride and groom are residents of Josephine county. At 6:15 o'clock Saturday a deal was closed and papers signed whereby Metschan brothers of the big Imperial hotel at Portland lease the Josephine hotel from F. H. Blake for 15 years, and agree to enlarge the building and remodel it in such way that when completed It will be one of the most modern hotels in the state. Closing of the deal brought much satisfaction to the few residents of the city who learned of It last night, as the Metschans are the foremost hotel men of the state and among the most prominent on the Pacific coast, and it means that Grants Pass ir to have a large caravansary which will be up to date and commodious. The new lessees will remodel the Interior throughout. Hot and cold water will be Installed, baths will be attached to every other room, steam heat will be used, and in every other regard the hotel will be sparkling new. The ground on which the building stands measures 75 by 180 feet, but the present building only occupies 60 by 100 feet, The additional 25 feet on the north will be used In the new plans, making a building' with 75 feet frontage, and it is theexpecta tion to extend the rear 25 feet far ther. Edward I Ister, the present lessee, will close the hotel May 1, move his furniture, and workmen will begin the. same day to rebuild the Josephine and rush It to completion, as great need now exists In Grants Pass for hotel accommodation. A hotel company Is to be organized to take over the lease and of this company the Metschan brothers will own the majority of the stock. Grants Pass business men will ovn the re mainder and It Is a happy fact that the home subscription was all made In eight hours from the time the mat ter was put before the business men. The Portland men were brought to Grants Pass by and the deal closed through George II. Durham and J. R. Harvey. Naturally these two gentle- a number of row boats and gasoline launches. He will also keep for hire fish poles and lines for the use of those who desire them. This is the beginning of an Im portant undertaking which is to end in the large hotel on the bank of the river for the accommodation of tour ists and home people who enjoy fish ing, boating and bathing. One of the features of this hotel will be that all who desire may get fish dinners cn short nottce and it is the purpose cf Mr. McCormick, who is a hotel roan of experience, to have an estab lishemnt, which will be popular with thope who visit the park or care to enjoy their dinner wtth' friends by the riverside. , So far the work undertaken is only temporary, but in another year the hotel project will bo in evidence. The parties aisoclated with E. J. McCormick in this undertaking be long In the interior of Alaska. They consist of his two sons-in-law, who are now in the interior of Alaska. These two gentlemen and their wives accompanied Mr. McCormick to Alaska when the great strike was made in the north in 1897 and have remained there.. The last named gentleman was obliged to leave that country last year on account of his health. The Alaska parties have large holdings there which will be closed out this summer and the whole party will start for Grants Pass on one of the last boats of the season, and then the hotel proposition will be pushed vigorously. This city has need of Just such an enterprise as these people propose to establish. This Is making use of the river, one of the most valuable assets of this city. We offer One Hundred Dollars' Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and finan cially able to carry out any obliga tions made by his firm. Waldlng, KInnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials Bent free. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all drugglBts. Take Hall's Family Pills for con-Rtlpatlon. NOTICE To Whom It May Concern: Notice Is hereby given thai 1, th uuder signed, owner of one-half Interest ta the 9ugar Pine mine at Gallce, Ore gon, will not be responsible for any debts incurred against said Sugar Pine mine or for any labor or im provements performed thereon; also that no person entering on said prem ises tor any reason whatsoever shall remove therefrom any ore, mineral or timber. Dated February 23, 1910. (Signed) F. E. KNIGHT. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior U. 8. Land Office at Roseburg, Ore , Ma.-ch 13. 1911. Notice is hereby given that Flor ence DeBar, whose postoffice address is 189 E. 11th street, Eugene Ore gon, did, on the 11th day of Juae, 1910, file in this office Sworn State ment and application No. 06376. to purchase the NV4 NEH and 8HU4 NEH, section 14, township ST 8., range 5 west Willamette Meridian, and the timber thereon, under the provisions of the act of June 3. 1878. and act amendatory, known as the "Timber and Stone Law," at such value as might be fixed by appraise ment, and that, pursuant to such application, the land and timber thereon have been appraised 1611.00, the timber estimated 1.- 160,000 board feet at 60 cents per M, and the land $30.00; that said applicant will offer final proof la support of his application and swora statement on the 26th day of May, 3J3, Before W. W. Calkins. United States Commissioner, at Eugene Ore gon. . person is at liberty to ro- tekt this purchase before eutry, or inltlntt a contest at any time be. ore patent Issues, by filing a corrobor ated affidavit in this office, alleging uius wnicn woiwi defeat tne entry. UifiiNj AMIN F. JONES, Register. IN THE COUNTY COURT FOR JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON In the Matter of the Estate) of Frank 8. Wilson, De-) ceased. ) Notice of final settlement. Notice is herebv riven that Prink C. WilBOn. the administrator on tka estate of Frank S. Wilson, deceased, has filed in the above entitled court and cause his final account, and that Saturday. Anrll 29. 1911. at thn hnn- Of tWO O'clock n. m. at thn onnnHr court room at the court house at urants Pass, Josephine county, Ore gon, has been fixed bv order nf tha court as the time and place for hear ing said final account, and all per sons having objections to said ac count are hereby notified to file and presest tne same on or before said date. Dated this 31st dav of Maroh A. D.. 1911. FRANK C. WILSON, Administrator. U NOTICE FOR PIRLICATION Department of the Interior, S. Land Office at Roseburg. Ore.. April 10,1911. Notice Is hereby given that Silas Elmer Duconnnun, of Kerby, Ore gon, who, on January 6. 1910, made Homestead entry serial, No. 05792, for Lot I and SWVi of NEH. Soc tlon 18, Township 408., Range 7 west Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make final commutation proof, to establish claim to the. land above described, before County Clerk, Josephine Coun ty. Oregon, at Grants Pass. Oregon, on the 23 day of May, 1911. Claimant names as witnesses: John Griffin, of Kerby, Oregon; Henry Houek, of Kerby. Oregon: men feel much satisfaction at the i0R0)h sJ,',e. of Kerby, Oregon; , ut-urge iioiick, or Kerny, uregon. i BENJAMIN I. JONES, J Register. success of their efforts. I First National Bank of Southern Oregon A COMMERCIAL RAXK j DEPOSITS i Subject to Caeck j Demand Certificates I Tlmo Certificates EXCHANGE ' Domestic Foreign 'ilegraphlc letters of Credit ! LOANS L. D. Hall. President. J. C. Campbell. Vice-President. H. L. Gtlkey, Cashier. H. K. Hnrkctt, Asst. Cashier. J. T. Fry, Asst. Cashier. AMERICAN PRISONERS ) AT ALAMO RELEASED WAsrrivfiTnv Anrii oc n J porting to the state department today V S. Consul Schmucker at En sonada, Lower California, telegraph ed that the Americans Imprisoned at Alamo had NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATRIX HALE OF REAL PROPERTY In the County Court of the State of Oregon In and for Josephine Cpunty. In the Matter of the Estate of Ruth Irene Korley, deceased. Notice Is hereby given, pursuant been released and that ' an order of the Hon. Stephen tho lnsurrectos had abandoned Al amo. Consuls at Camperhe, Puebla, Dur ango and Slnaloa reported out breaks there .' NOW 'iBr TIME Jewell, county Judge for Josephine county, uregon, made and entered on the 3rd day of April, 1911, In the matter of the eRtato of Ruth Irene Kerley, deceased, directing the sale of the real property hereinafter de s rlbed, and providing and specifying the terms and conditions theroof, that I, tho duly acting and qualified, administratrix of the above entitled estate, will on and after the 6th day of May, 1911, sell at private sale to the highest and best bidder in the manner following to-wlt: Seven hundred and fifty dollars cash, and the balance of tho purchase price In deferred payments, evidenced by promissory notes, duly secured by first mortgfiKo to run for a period of three years or lens, which real estnte Is as follows An undivided one Imlf Interest In and to lots 7, 8, and 9, In blork 77 of the original town Kite of the town of Grants ress, Jose f.hlne county, Oregon, as same is fiilM fi.rJQ ! rinttrrl nnri nn flln In Ih. nfri.. pi. ", 7 GO u roil,1,y ,,,,rk f nld county and r.i.i...f.!fii.. '60 H,ttt0' "ubjoet to tho confirmation of hit nitmodi 'he court, and certain liens held bv An rk ruiir tuartutMd ntfmm fn. j'ho city of Grants Pais for improve- Wise llrilfnl t.n..lnr I ""'' " rront or the property mi is yr Ui Bit y.iur Uwlb out ind pint utid prtdjKwork dir ind h'r It th plv to f l lh ''-t"w I .iron. It . ." 'l,'' I','" "" i J '. ' otlrM! j i . , ' ii"lin i ,t ' 1 'Tidf- wirk I. ,,. ' r.7 f.l.rCr..n,$5.00 r ii una ft I Mil V r:n: 1 fid lUf'l t Klll'f BJ I.VW fmm.1 Mi,r,,i l.fjQ 0.00 ML W. A will, fmrnm m Wmmm iw mmmm m una 1'ainiCSS Dentists l Administratrix of Ruth Irene Kerley fffrliriitfhi.TMr4it4rViihiA(i(iii mstianH.OsI Estate moans: lAti uir.L. i-.Di.ri, 1 1 i ... . . . L. E. KERLEY, ' C H. Clements, Attorney for Estate. IN THE OOITNTY COURT FOR JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON In the Matter of the Estate) of James N. Hall, Deceased) Notice of Bale. ' Notice is hereby given, that pur suant to an order of sale of the real property hereinafter described, duly mnde and entered in the above en titled court and case on March 27th, 1911, I will on and after Saturday, April 29, 1911, sell at private sale, for terms cash in hand, or on Install ments of not less than 10 per cent cash in hand, with the balance In annual installments, at not to exceed five years time, and bearing Inter est at not loss than 7 per cent per an num, payable annually, and secured by first mortgage upon the premises, nil the right, title and Interest of the ERtate of James N. Hall, deceased, In and to the Southeast 4 of the North west '4 , the South 4 of the North- enst U . the Nnrlhnnat 1. nt t, Northeast '4, all In Section 5, Town- snip a a Houtn, Range 5 West of Wil lamette Merlillnn In Tnannhlnn rn.,. ty, Oregon, together with the ditch and water right appurtenant there to: subject to confirmation by the court. Hid for thn unlit nrnmlani will t received by the undersigned upon the snld premises, or at the law office of H. D. Norton at Grants Pass In Josephine County, Oregon. Dated this 31st day of March. 1911. MOLLIE HALL. Administrator. NOTICE FOR ITRLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. S. Lund Office at Roseburg. Or., March 13, 1911. Notice Is hereby given that Edith Pennle, of Hoqutam, Washington, who, on October 29, 1908, made timber and stone, No. 02051, for SK Hi Section 12, Townshllp 38 8., Hango 7W, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make fin al proof, to- establish claim to the land above described, before Regis ter and Receiver, U. 8. Land Office, RoseburK. Oregon, nn thn nth ria of June, 1911. Claimant names as witnesses: Frank E. JohnRon, of Grants Pass, Oregon; Solomon C. Rtono, of Grants Pass, Oregon; William T. Turnham, of Grants Pass, Oregon; Joseph B. Vcrdln, of Grants Pnns, Oregon. HENJ. I. JONES, Register. NOTICE OK FINAL KETTLEM ENT Notice Is hereby given, that D. O, Hayes, the administrator of the estate of Lemuel T. Green, deceased, lins filed his flnai account in the County Court for .Inpiliinn rn.t Orciron, In tho matter of snld estate, ana mat hy order of thn Hon. Stephen Jewell. Judee of haM mnrt a April 13, 1911, Saturday, May II, mil, ni mo nour or two o clock p. rn. at the County Court room at the Court House lr Josennlni, rviin Oregon, Is hereby flxd as the time snci pinco ror hearing and settling Snld acrount. Anil nil nnnnni havlnv objections .thereto are hereby notl- riivi 10 rile and present the same on or before snld date, Dnted April 14, 1911. D. O. HAYES, Administrator.