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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1911)
j PROFESSIONAL CARDS M. C.FINDLEY, M.D. Practice limited to EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT Glasses fitted and furnished Office boun 9 to 12; 2 to B; and appointment. Phonee 182 ant 1M-R. Grants Put, Oregon V. L. DIMMICK, D. M. D. Dentist Fetach bldg., cor. 6th and G itreet. Phone S03-J. Crown, Bridge Work and nillngs of all kinds a ipeclalty Office Hours 9 to 13 a. m.; 1 to 5 p. m. All Work Positively Guaranteed GRANTS PASS, OREGON E. 0. MAOY, D, M. D. MSMHMSMS successor to Dixon Bros., Dentists First-Class Work 1MM South Blitli, Grants Paso, Ore, J. P. TRUAX, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND EURGEON Phones: Office, 125; Res. 134 Albert Building, Sixth Street GRANTS PA38 - OREGON Calh answered at all hours. Coun try calls attended to Sfr. D. NORTON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Practice In all State and Federal hearts. Office Opera House Bldg Grants Pass, Oregon OLIVER 8. BROWN, LAWYER Qrants Pnss Oregon 0. 8. BLANCIIARD, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW , Practice In all State and Federal Courts. Banking & Trust Co. Bldg. Grants Pass, Oregon Mrs. Nina Brumbaugh Lessons In China Palatini. Orders Solicited. Itudlo: 726 North Eight Street r. n wuRTsiiAuan Attorney and Counselor at Law Notary Public In office Ifflce In Howard Block. Phone 56-J GRANTS PASS, OREGON 1). 1, JOHNSTON ASS W I . Rooms 6 and 7 Opera Houhh North htalrw . GRANTS TAS3, OKK'J M, T. UTLKY CARI'ENTKH GKMC11AL CONTHACrOK HI'II.DKU Jobhl'iK Work a Bjreelaltj Phone 241 718 N. ftcii Hlrct-t, Grauls I'm, Ore. M. ( II. DAY Contractor and ltufltler Residences a Specialty iMuirs and t'Btltriatei furuUhed !teldenoe East A Bt. Phone 103-J Sinjjer and Wheeler (Q. Wilson (or imIo or rent, oo easy paytueuts. Supplies and repairs for a'l makes. s Stocking darner and cot ton. T. HASSELL IDG Front St. lir:mt Tiiss CHICHESTER S PILLS !M!'Trf!A m.K:iV..;;i4;:V; v k,r V hr.r. A,. w( III ll . rme i.tcV..M kiumi HMtkx.uii.i.o4,Ai.,k-. . SOID BY Dill GlilSTS tVLKUKlKi . 1 I - ' - a aaawi 11 ' 11111 --mmmm sssaiaiaaia WMM,'i"MM'MMM'',,,,,lll'M,1'1MSMS1SSWBSSSWsSMS ,444 4 I' am al H. M. Glover, of Gallce, was a Grants Pass business visitor Monday, C. E. Coon, of Gallcfl, was In town Monday shopping and calling on friends. Len Martin came In from Gallce Monday to spend a few days on bust- necs. ' Mr. and Mrs. Stanton Rowell and Mrs. Rowell's sister, Mrs. Troy, and son, Smith, spent Sunday on tho Ap - plegate. They drove out In the! mbrnlng and spent the day In pic- nlc style and taking pictures. Some fine views of the Applegate country are among the collection. Mr. tnd Mrs. Ralph Shaw, of Oak- land, have been visiting with Mrs. Shaw's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Morey. Mr. Shaw left Sunday even-; jay with Mrs. E. A. Neal at Mer Ing for Seattle, where he will be nn returning to their home here Joined later by his wife. M. LaPonte, of San Antonio, Ttx., has been spending a few days 'In (Grants Pass, looking over the roun - try- j Misses Gladys Curry and Viola A good Job Is rarely found ex- gwlnney Bpent Saturday at Wood cept through a business way of L11Ie an(J Gol(1 mil, where they vis searching for It. The accepted b-ir.!- tp(j wjtn frends. ness way Is the want ad way. i M,sg L)da Fyf,eld pent Sunday at u. w. unmg came aown irom uen- tral Point Monday to spend the day. a. u. iiii.uuia, ui i lUTUii, w an u j town visitor on Monday and was shopping and looking after other bus iness while herj. C. B. Lelth was looking after Im- portant busings matters here Mon-S wlth Grants raS9 friends Tues day, and returned In the evening to j day- his home at Provolt. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Entrlken, of Mrs. Geo. Loud, of Woodvllle, wasiGallne, are spending a few days In shopping with the Grants Pass mer- this city, visiting friends and looking chants Tuesday morning. She re- after business, turned to her home on the afternoon i George H. Mood, of Kerb, was in train. town Tuesday for a short visit with Thomas Duffy and J. A. Wall, of Crescent City, who have been visiting friends In San Francisco, arrived Monday evening and will remain In Grants Pass for a short time before going to their home on the coast. Mrs. John Taylor and little grand- -". v.,..irilla .., lUjt0 Medford Wedne8day morning to Hugo Monday evening, being sum-1 the day wUn fr,endg moned there by Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Lanterman, who celebrated their fifty-eighth wedding anniversary on that evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. Eads, who were ex pected to arrive here last week from Portland, but were delayed at that time, arrived here Tuesday morning and expert to make their home In this city. , Tuesday morning to do survey work, j Marcus Robblns went to Portland Monday evening to spend several ! days visiting with friends and attend- J ,n-'aw. Mrs-. Hlnes, left Tuesday ey ing to business matters, jenlng for Portland, where they go to E. W. Smith, of n.itt Falls. w. Grants Pass business visitor Monday, j Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Rlggs and tie daughter, of Three Pines, were' Grants Pass visitors Mondav and spent the day visiting friends and looking after matters of business. Ooo. Calhoun returned Monday' as a l,rants Pa?,s business visitor evening from Medford. where he had i T"08JaJr- spent the dny on business. j John MoCarvel, of Woodvllle, was Mrs. Maude Miller, who has been ln town on DU9,neBS Tuesday, return assisting in caring for pnttonts at ln 1np sam day' the South Pacific hospital, wont to) ' P- n,1,man crt Tuesday in her home at Merlin Tuesday morn-! 0nnf,, Pn look,nS ar business lug. where she will spend several mattfr9 nm1 returned to his home at days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. riarPr on T"M,1nT T. M. Renshnw, at their homestead V W Moon- of Centra' Point, was near that plnee. ,n town Tuesday, visiting friends and Mrs. E. K(Iar, of Kerby, was In '.' k,n,J aftor town Monday visiting with Ornnts Mrs' F- R- Bellinger and Mrs. G. Pass friends. Fisk returned t0 their home at Med- 11. V. Ritchie, of Hugo, was a r'1u1 T,1,,?(l;iy afternoon, after spend Grnnts Tnss business visitor Monday.- ' ll-'.v with their brother, D. W. IVasey was up from Three f',nrp,' McPherson. and family, of Pines Monday for a short business Ml,R r"-v- visit. r.lnroln Smith, who 1ms heon snnn. V.ha Conger, of Jacksonville, wns here Monday t0 visit with relatives Mrs. C. n. Sox'on, of Hnn. was the Kuest 0f nor daughter. fr, jP p.Tenon, or tnis eity, Monday. She returned lr fVe evrnlm. tn fc. ,. ! ' Have,, ,- -,,,,,1 ,0 I home at Meri'.n Mond:iy eveulm; if. ,r-i-spenuiui; tire artornoon 'leve plug and vlsltliu friends. I Mm. Mary Close S(, relallves, left Monda i-venlr n, ,i i. .... i i.i-ii m-i ii m n nine, ae name. I i;einn i . a,.,,,. two rirt and m,. No, 1 . r,.!-!au. They moth,. and I n-ill. in ,.f rs Mn,-on ra'!o- n . of UN ,-Hy. Mr ami V,s C. ;i!,-Ml, arrived t'eie Monday event!--; from Cole, cal.. wl-tv they have ipendl'ii: h Imm u ,ias vMt!, (heir son. Humm 1 ''u f;u,,uV Mr litl lefe h.- I - - H-i llerr' -h., .... !, . ,.,.lHvi ' , ' , v. ' ' vt r,tt ' ' r' II'"'1 .IV . V'M Mi for 5. , ,,,,.,, K " r s' ' ' ' 'MMeh will be 'vm of d",'v WKEKLV ROGUE RIVER COURIER H. C. Kinney left Monday after noon for Hornbrook, Cal., where he will spend sererul aya on business. ! fif will visit various points on the ; Kamath rlver before returning to j th)g cJty : yrB p. p. Love, who has Bpent j tne past few days with her daughters, Misses Annis and Helen Love, of this : city,. returned Monday evening to her home at Myrtle Creek, I C. H. Vegbte was a business call- ! er to Grants Pass on Monday, return- ling the same day to his Lome at ; Ashland. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mattison came up from Calico Sunday to spend a I day In town with friends. Mr. Mat itlson, who Is manager of the Oriole mine at that place, reports every- j thing In fine ahapo at the mine, j Miss Kate Newell and sister, Mrs Eva Coe and little son spent Sun- Sunday night. Mrs. J. H. 8tacy went to St. Paul, Minn., Saturday evening, where she , PxpPCted to remain for :,ome time Glendale wjth her 8lster Mr8. A. 0. Clhrke W. R, Blalock, of Leland, was transacting business with the Grants Pas3 merchants Tuesday. C. A. Somers, of Murphy, was vls- friends. George Ellsworth was here from Medford Tuesday to spend the day looking after business. George Russell, of Glendale, was a Grants Pass visitor Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Lamphcar went Mrs. D. D. Bishop returned Tues day evening from Berkeley, Cal., where she has spent the past two weeks with her sisters. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mattison re turned to their home at Gallce Wed- ! !:P9da5'' after 9Pendln5 the Pnst tw i daya here with frlenda' R. E. Doan, mining man of Los Angeles, spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mr8, J" C Mattlsou ,n th'3 W & Ieit ,n ine evPn,ng Ior ""- Mr8, Robert Tucker and mother- !Jo,n Mr- Tucker, who was transfer- wd to thftt p,are by the Paclflc Tele" Ht-!pnone Bna eiograpn company. vv' 11 "arr ana l- s- La,ra- 01 nl0Ta were 'ran" ss business Vls't0rs Tl,e8(lay- ll' L "&art' or Cottage Grove. lne ,hp m,,!t ,nrPP months with his1 Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Smith, re-j ,"rnn(1 Tuesday evening to his homej t Portland. j nipnieu and Andy Colvln1 were Glendale visitor. a Pass Tuesday. They ,,1(,,r nom', ,n 'he evenl l,U1' trner went to Portland, Tuesday evening to spend severnl davs. Fred Mark, of the Ahlf butcher : shot', who has l-een 111 with typhoid' fever for several weeks, was able to! '" 0,1 tho Greets for the flrit time Tuesday. J. R Pelton. of PvosebnrR. Is spend-1 Ini? a few days ln this rltv on h.i .: ress. II. F. Sewers and son and M. F Nipper, of Atlantic City, were in' Grants ras Tuesday and left the "me dav for Cre-enf Pit.. Mis. 11. K. C.tlmua, of Uangor.i - " 'HM1H' was i,,l"U'iled as far as Portland bv " ir:;.son. who will visit with ... , , , 1 llu ,,a'h I" that city for sevc-al ,!is -iv..n Uh :'!nii:g at The Courier Mrs. W. H. Flanagan went w Roseburg Wednesday morning to spend a few dayt with her father. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Wiley went to Myrtle Creek Wednesday morning, v.aere they will stay Indefinitely. George W. Lewis, who recently sold the Fashion garage ln this city, left Wednesday for Yreka, Cal., where he will visit friends for an In definite time. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Daniels, who have been visiting with their rela tives, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Corbett, of this city for the past few days, left Wednesday morning for their home at Three Pines. While here Mr. Daniels was taking treatment for hi Injured hand, he having severed the thumb of the left hand about two weeks ago while cutting kindling. W. T. Perry returned Monday night from Portland, where he has spent the past week on business. Mr I 'ry expects to leave ln a short time for Alberta, Canada, to spend ln summer on his property there DIAMOND BROOCH IS FOUND IX QUEER PLACE OCEAN PARK, Cal., April 26. A brooch set with 20 diamonds, lost three weeks ago, Is again ln Mrs. Walter Keatlng's possession, after having traveled over two counties stuck In the tire of her automobile. It was found Imbedded next the rim, It did not strike the ground. ' h machine during the period the Irooch was lost traveled 300 irlles. i Lame Shoulder la nearly alway? due to rheumatism of the muscles, and quickly yields to the free appli cation of Chamberlain's Liniment. For sale by all good dealers. Penth Takes Mrs. M. M. Pankey Mannle M. Pankey, wife of W. H. Pankey, of Central Point, died at the South Pacific hospital ln this city Monday and the remains were taken to Jacksonville, where funeral serv ices will be held today. Mrs. Pan key was 38 years of age. In cases of rheumatism relief from pain makes sleep and rest possible. This may be obtained by applying Chamberlain's LJnlment. For sale by nil good dealers. Jacob Single Jacob Slagle died at the home of his sister, Mrs. York, at 801 H street, Monday morning, at the age of 67 years. Mr. Slagle was a native of Kentucky and unmarried. The re mains were taken to Williams creek today, where the funeral services will be held, with Interment ln the family burying lot at that place. THE LADIES' FAVORITE Wherever Parisian Sage is Known it Has the Cull. Parisian Sage, that most efficient of all hair restorers, Is a very de lightful and refreshing hair dress ing. Besides possessing these qual ities it will positively make any woman's hair soft, luxuriant and at tractive. C. II. Demaray sell Is for 50 cents a large bottle and will re turn your money If It does not cure dandruff, falling hair and itchine scalp in two weeks. "I had given up hopes of ever be ing cured of dandruff, when I pur chased a bottle of Parisian Sage. It has entirely removed the dandruff and started n growth of new hair, and all this after having been trou bled IS years. I cheerfully recom mend Parisian Snt?e." Mrs. Eliza beth Anderson, Mechanlcsbnrg. Pa. Stop In at '. II. Di'iiiuiay's and iret ii free wimple of ZI'.MO and ZEMO SOAP. The surest and most e.conomtrni treatment for eczema, pimples, dand ruff and nil diseases of the skin and scalp. Do not neulect this. They will give you prompt relief and put you on the road to a cure. Good for infants, as well as grown persons. Order your calling cards nf Ti Courier. - - dSUmWf'- $t jJK V '"" Z2?JJ iiS, lSi' "with strength nd ease they always please" TWO HORSE OVERALLS MADS IV LEVI STBAUSS CD. CO. GRANTS PASS TRUCK CO. Ill-XCH HI'.os., I'n.prtfi., I'UOMIT VM IIKLIAIH.C SKltVIt K I'lanoa ana Orunns Carefully Uemoved Phones: 4II and SOO-K (runts Puns, Ore. KVUMERATOR ARRESTED AT SPOKANE ty United PreBS Leased Wire. SPOKANE, April 2 1. Charged with falsifying several hundred names while he was employed as a census enumerator, Detective Nick FIcca was arrested In the police sta tion on a bench warrant Issued by Judge F. H. Rudkln. FIcca's arrest results from the testimony before the grand Jury ot Special Agent Newton, The Dependable RECORD MAKER Speed, endurance, economy, with free engine clutch the greatest hill climber eee sample. THE TYPEWRITER McINTYRE 604 South Sixth, Near L Street. Grant Paae, Ore. HERE'S tffl)ER&W m A I A A A A rsAA, A - l-.U'.js yu -- i- ' 1 . .- . I M 7jQx YlTi!Pfef For your garden don't you need a whole lot of new tools? , . . We have them. Don't borrow your neighbor's. ' We do not "go to seed" in our business, but keep up to date with all the reliable brands of hardware in abund ance. "We have it." Coron-Booth Hardware Co. Phone 377-R 102 North PLUMBING AND SHEET METAL SHOP. Summer Bays Kemmd us of tenting times, and we begin to look at our old tent, and find it is in a bad condition. No use to try and mend the old one when you can get new ones ramrimr m size and price from 7 by 7 feet at -..$4.75 10 12 by 18 feet at $16.50 We will be dad to have you call and decide n one. while the assortment is good. Remember the place. Jewell Hardware Co. c. p. cook . "1 "nu Mwr p. H. COOK, Treasurer F. J. XKWMAX, Secretary Rogue River Valley Nursery Co. Incorporated MKDFoni), OlllXiOX iii-Lns OP ALL Kixns SK..ns OF all kinds C.rowers of llellMc Xnrsery Stork tv,.if . i HhruU, ose 1 Trw. Write for TrleeS . ' Office 23 Wrt Mnln Street FRIDAY, APRILS who was sent to chwlToveMhr turns made by census enumerator. Spokane. There are five connts 2 the indictment One of the co H charges that FIcca padded a J! report with 1600 names. 01 Amos Anderson Stricken. Amos Anderson of the Anderso confectionery store, on Sixth treat, suffered a Btroke of paralysis on in! day afternoon. The attack was llJ and his physician hopes that Hr A derson will, rercover ln a short 'ubT" Sixth Street, Grants Pass, On