Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, April 21, 1911, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    FRIDAY. ATIIIL 21, 1911
Yuu get more wearing qual
it y when you buy our shoes.
Try them and see what cash
will do.
Bishop Bros.
613 G St.
Grants Pass
Mrs. B. A. Williams returned
Tuesday afternoon from Merlin,
where she had been visiting with her
son, Ed Williams, and Lis wife.
H. L. Andrews, George Donnell
and George S. Calhoun were business
visitors to Medford Tuesday.
Guaranteed full weight tents can
be found at the Rogue River Hard
ware, the. Big Red Front. ' 4-21-2t
J. A. Baxter, of Gold Hill, spent
Tuesday In Grants Pass.
E. J. Edwards was In the city Irom
Jump-Off-Joe, coming In to do shop
ping and look after other matters.
C. W. Canfleld and F. M. Ander
Bon, of Kerby, were business visitors
here Tuesday.
G. A. RIggs, who has been spend
ing the past few days with his father,
S. H. RIggs, and other relatives in
this city, left Tuesday evening for
tls home in Portland.
R. H. Tucker, who for the past
several months has held the posi
tion of operator in the telegraph de
partment of the Pacific Telephone
and Telegraph company's office In
this city, has been, transferred to
Ptrtland and left for that place Tues
day evening. Mrs. Tucker will re
main in Grants Pass until the lat
ter nart of the month.
G. N. Williamson arrived Tuesday
from Aberdeen, S. D., to visit friends
and look, over this part of the coun
try. Use Orwood shingle stain on your
roof. It is cheaper, looks bettor, lasts
longer and preserves the shingles.
Sold only by the Rogue River Hard
ware Co., at the Big Red Front.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Eads arrived from
Portland Tuesday and will make
their permanent home in this city.
Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Evans arrived
Tuesday evening on their honeymoon
and will spend several days with Mr.
and Mrs. C. W. Stutenroth, after
which they will go to their home at
Aberdeen, S. D. Mr. Evans Is asso
ciated with , the St. Paul Fire and
Marine Insurance company and he
and hla bride are old-time friends of
Mr. and Mrs. Stutenroth.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Whiteside and
Mr. and MrB. A. V. Myers, of Med
ford, were visiting with Grants Pass
Mends Tuesday.
Nelson Warner, of Williams, spent
the day at the county seat transact
ing business.
Mrs. M. L. Stevens, of Leland, was
visiting with Grants Pass friends
Chas. Ellis, of Leland, was look
ing after business here Tuesday.
R. H. White was here from Gold
Hill Tuesday to spend the day.
Dwight Reece, of Drain, was a vis
itor to this city Tuesday.
Miss Irene Decker, of Merlin, is
vlaltlnc Grants Pass friends.
B. F. Rowland, of Salem, president
of the Oriole Mining company, is in
the city today consulting with mem
bers of the company. Mr, Rowland
has Just returned from an eastern
trip and expects to return to the east
on business in the near future.,
Mr. and Mrs. T. II. B. Taylor have
returned to Woodvllle, after spending
the past five months at Red Bluff,
Cal. Mr. Taylor has decided that
southern Oregon is about the best
place there Is, certainly the best he
has discovered in years of travel.
!tfrs. Hazel Larson and. baby and
Mrs. Charles Ferdlne went to Wood
vllle Wednesday morning to Tislt re
latives. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Gllklson, par
ents of Mrs. H. B. Hendricks, "return
ed to their home at Cottage Grove
Wednesday morning, after spending
the past two months In this city.
They are so well pleased with Grants
Pass that they Intend to return to
loccte as soon as they can dispose
of their property at Cottage Grove.
E. R. Crouch Is spending this week
on business atHhe "Spotted Fawn"
mining claim on Coyote creek.
A good, strong. 1911 bicycle for
only$27.r0 at Cramer Bros.
Miss Theresa Bell arrived from Le
land Wednesday afternoon to spend
a few days with Mrs. H. L. Wilson
and family.
J. E. Gardner returned Wednes
day from Portland, where he had
been spending several days on busi
ness. Mrs. Bertha Peterson and three
sens went to Roseburg Wednesday
to Bpend a few days with relatives.
Mrs. A. U. Bannard went to Glen
dale Thursday morning, near which
place she will spend several weeks
with friends on a vacation in the
mountains near Glendale.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Campbell and
Mrs. E. Dimlck, old time residents
of Grants Pass, who are renewing old
acquaintances and visiting with re
latives here for a few days, have
been visiting in California for the
past several weeks and stopped here
en route to their homes. .Mrs. Dim
lck lives at Portland and Mr. and
Mrs. Campbell at Roseburg.
Mrs. A. McCurdy, of Glendale, has
been visiting with her brother,
Thomas Dyer, and his sister, Mrs.
Geo. W. Colvlg.
Mrs. George Parker, Mrs. T. P.
Cramer and Mrs. W. L. Ireland went
to Woodvllle Wednesday noon to at
tend the Presbytery, returning in the
evening. .
Mrs. B. F. Seaton, Miss Ada Brock-
man and Miss Esther Mitchell re
turned to their home at Merlin Wed
nesday, after spending the day here
on business.
Lester Coburn and Miss DeEtte
Tetherow went to Medford Thursday
morning to spend the day with Miss
Tetherow's sister, Mrs. H. L. De-Armond.
Rev. Robert Leslie and Mrs. Les
lie are at Merlin, where they will en-
Joy an outing of a week or two.
Senator H. D. Norton went to Eu
gene Wednesday on a business trip.
Mrs. Minnie Chase left Wednesday
for Wolcott, Wyoming, where she
will spend so ie time with relatives.
Mrs. Bisbee, who has been visit
ing with Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Blanch
ard, left Wednesday for Mason City,
Iowa. ,
Mr. and Mrs. George Cramer went
to Hugo Wednesday, returning to
Grants Pass on the late train.
Sam Bowden, of Canyon creek, was
a visitor to Grants Pass Wednesday.
sJohn Slpple, of Medford, was look
ing after business matters here Wed
C. M. Roarko, of Dryden, was In
Grants Pass Wednesday looking af
ter business mr.tterB.
George B. Chamberlln arrived
Wednesday from Cedar Rapids, Iowa,
to look over this part of Oregon with
a view to locating hero.
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. ProvoBt, of
Ashland, were visiting with Grants
Pass friends Wednesday.
The National Drug store Is Install
ing a new soda fountain, which Is
complete with modern Improvements
and handsome fixtures. The foun
tain works automatically and Is an
iceless electric carbonator, which
greatly facilitates the making of so
das, and Is installed on the north
side of the store, making a hand
some addition to the National.
Dr. M. B. Taylor and wife, of
Cmiss Valley have been spending the
past few days with relatives and form
er Grass Valley friends In this city.
The doctor, who Is a brother-In- law
of Lester Heath and F. M. Nichols of
this city, la the leading physician of
Sherman county and also owns a
drug store In his home town. He Is
one of the largest property holders
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Dunbar went
to Hugo Wednesday morning to
spend the day with friends.
A. D. Knight went to Williams
Wednesday or the day.
Elmer Spauldlng, who has been
attending the Behkne-Walker busi
ness college at Portland, is spending
the vacation period with his parents.
J. C. Campbell, of Roseburg, Is a
Grants Pass business visitor today.
St. Ann's Church -
Thursday afternoon at 2:30, April
20th, the ladles of the Altar society
will give a social at the residence of
Mrs. John Sauer. Everybody cor
dially Invited. Admission 10 cents.
Milliners Will Put in Hardw
RIely & Becker, proprietors of the
"Chapeau," will have in a hardware
window tomorrow. See their display
announcement In this Issue.
Rig Tire Shipment . '. ;
The Fashion -Garage & Machine
shop received a bumper shipment of
40 auto tires Tuesday. The propri
etors of the big garage are filling
their supply room these days to the
top with most anything in the line
of extras the auto enthusiast needs.
Pastor Goe East-
Rev. Samuel M. Dorence, who has
been rector of Trinity Episcopal
church at Ashland for about three
years, has accepted a call to St.
George's church, Central Falls, R. I.,
and will sever his connection with
the Ashland church June 13. His
successor has not yet been selected,
but the matter is In the hands of
Bishop Scaddlng. Mr. Dorence Is
well known in Grants Pass, having
many friends here.
New Paint and Wall Paper Store
L. Lund, of Seattle, arrived In the
city Tuesday with his family and
has leased the building at 507 E
street, In which he will run a first
class paint and wall paper store. Mr.
Lund Is an experienced paint man
and was in Grants Pass some months
ago. He states that after looking
the various towns over up and down
the line, this city appealed to him
as one with a bright future, with the
result as above stated. He will carry
a full stock of paint, oils, varnishes,
brushes and a big line of wall paper.
Mr. Lund says his Btock Is now on
the road and should arrive not later
than Monday, enabling him to open
for business the middle of the week.
At Grants Pass, Thursday,' April 6,
1911, to Mr. and Mrs. William Fallln,
a daughter.
Marriage Licenses Issued
Marriage license were issued
Thursday, April 13, 1911, to Robert
F. Swan and Miss Rose Pearl Whe
man, both of Josephine county.
Every gallon of Heath and Milll
gan Paint makes five quarts of paint
when It Is thinned properly to apply
on your house. Sold only by Rogue
River Hardware Co., at the Big Red
Front. 4-14-2t
There are funds In the treasury
to pay all warrants registered on or
before January ICth, 1908, and in
terest will cease from April 15th,
J. B. PETERSON, Treas.
Grass Valley, but Is very much
pleased with this section of Oregon.
Dr. Talyor returned Tuesday even
ing to his home, but Mrs. Taylor
will remain for several weeks with
relatives and friends.
Wednesday afternoon as C. F.
Wlttorf stepped to the street from
the Clemens' drug store, Christmas,
the dog belonging to Chris Elsmann,
made a lunge at him and there was a
lively mix-up for a few minutes.
Mr. Wlttorf was not slow, however,
In landing a well-aimed kick at the
dog's head, which sent him reeling
back Into the store with a how of
pain. The canine's teeth came In
close contact with Mr. Wlttorf s
left hand, leaving marks sufficient
to tell of the encounter, although he
was not seriously hurt. "Christmas"
recovered from his chastisement In a
remarkably short time and was soon
barking about the street, although It
Is probable he will keep shy of Mr.
8. T. Scott and Fred Moos came up
from Glendale Wednesday to visit
with Grants Pnss friends for a short
E. D. Townsend, of Placer, was a
visitor to the county seat Wednesday.
CaTorle cookers. No heat; no work.
O'Neill will tell rou about them.
D. M. Lowe, of Ashland, spent
Wcdnesdsy In Grants Pass on busi
Did you ever stop to think that
you can buy American fence for Just
the same price you would pay for
the common fence wire In colls?
It's a fact though. The Rogue River
Hardware Co. Is selling 46-Inch
fence that weighs 10 lbs. to the rod
for only 48 cents per rod. 4-14-2t
The Glue
That Makes
Stick is
Competition does not make
it harder to sell good clothes,
but only harder to sell bad
You men who want the best
clothes made the newest
things in clothes better
come. here to see what we
have in
m w fe)
' ( )!' khalftwr St Mart
Hart Schaffner & Marx
Spring Suits
You'll find the most practical clothes in the highest grades
of domestic weaves and imported English and Scotch
Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes Once, Means
Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes Always
It's human nature to go back to where you come forth
The Home of the Best Clothes Made
MONTCLAIR, N. J., April 20.
Just because one of the belles of
Montclalr was "shaken down" in a
bridge whist game here for $40 and
her papa made a "holler" when he
found It out, Recorder Henry L. Yost
announced today that the air-tight
state gambling laws of 1898 will
hereafter be enforced to the letter.
The "blue laws" prohibit poker,
bridge, shaking dice, raffles and i ll
other games of chance. "Even if
only a cent is bet on 'old maid,' It Is
gambling," says Recorder Yost.
Williams, Ore., April IB, 1911
Whereas, by the death of our be
loved sister, Ada Morrison, our
grange has lost a noble and devoted
patron: and be It
Resolved, that Williams grange,
No. 899, extend to the bereaved fam
Uy Its most sincere sympathy; and be
It further
Resolved, that our charter be
draped In mourning for sixty days
and a copy of these resolutions b
spread npon the minutes and sent
for publication In the local paper.
When you buy paint for your
house, why not get the best? You
are sure of getting the best and the
cheapest (In the Jpnit runl, If rot
use Heath and Mtlllgan'a. The
Rogue River Hardware Co. carry
Mg stork and will be glad to assist
you In selecting your color. 4-14-2t
The new Harness Emporium of tho
Grunts 1'unti Hardware Co. is now
open and ready for IuinIiichs. We
have put in u full lino of
W. A. Fern, with his family, who
recently arrived from Chicago for
the purpose of permanently locating
in this jiectlon, has purchased the
Wining ranch on the Applegate. and
Mr. Pern Is making extensive Im
provements, which, when completed,
will give him a fine farm. He has
also purchased a five-room bungalow
from Mrs. Martha Wichman, on L
ctreet between Fourth and Pine,
where his family will reside pending
completion of the ranch Imple
The Fern family are the kind of
people needed In this section, as they
come here, not only pleased with the
country, lut determined to do their
I rt toward Its development.
Keep your chickens clean and
healthy by using Conkcy's Lire Pow
der and poultry tonic bought at
Cramer Bros.
Mrs. E. (. Mcleod went to Hose-
burg Tuesday evening, where r.he
will visit with relatives for a short
time and then go to North Bend
for several months.
Mrs. Fred Myers, of Ahlr.nd, was
visiting Mr. snd Mrs. B. F. Sklll-
"nn Sunday. She returned In the
evening to her home.
Garden tools of nil kinds, also
Plnnet Junior seeders at Cramer Bros.
Mrs. J. A. DeVall and daughter.
Miss Rose, and Mrs. Phil Kdley and
son. Floyd, were visiting and shop
ping In Grants Pass Tuesday. They
returned to their home at Leland In
the evening.
And from now on will be prejMired to give careful
attention to all special orders or repair work.
Good ruining in every day. Nliop not yet com
plete, but. we ran take rare of any and all orders
In the bent possible way. Don't forget we carry
every sort of home goods made such aw, collars,
harness, single und double, Iii-IiIIch, halters, whips,
blankets, combs and sundries,
We Manufacture
Anything Made of
TIiIh department lit to lx managed by Thomas
Morcland, an i-xH'rt lianietm man. We
will manufacture all our own
good. Work guaranteed.
Give us a trial.
The Dependable
HM-id, endurance, economy, with free engine clutch tho greatest
hill iltmiwr -see sample.
604 South Sixth, Near L Street
(niitttt 1'iimk, Ore,