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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1911)
FRIDAY, APRIL u.lB PAGE EIGHT WEEKLY ItOGlE IlIVER COURIER Poultry Supplies CUICK FEED OIL MEAL GROl'XD JJOXE OYSTER SHELL FEED OF ALL KINDS J. Pardee THE GROCER 417 O Street MR. MurM I'RRAY'S I'lTILS GIVES POPULAR RECITAL A. II. Gunnell wont to Portland Wednesday evening to spend a few days with his wife, who Is visiting friends at that place. Tom Galvln returned Thursday morning from Woodvllle, where he had been on a business trip. A fair-sized audience greeted the liiplls of Prof. J. 8. MacMurray at the recital given In the opera house Tuesday night. The program was cpened by a chorus. "Fondly We Greet You," which was well received After this the pupils carried out the program, each number being ren dered In a creditable manner, several being enthusiastically encored by, the audience. There were" 14 numbers In all and Just before the last one E. S. VanDyke appeared on the platform and stated that Prof. Mac- Murray had prepared several addl tonal selections In rase any of his pupils failed to appear and If the audience desired It he believed the professor would sing a solo. The en thuslastlc gathering was not slow In voicing Its desire and Mr. MacMurray responded with two vocal solos, his rich, melodious voice holding his audience entranced and his technique showed his thorough competency as a musician. The last number on the program, "America," was sung by the entire chorus, and the patriotic hymn, always enthusiastically re- ceived wherever sung In the land of the, free, was almost drowned In a loud round of applause as "Old Glory" was unfurled and the stars and stripes Joined in the closing of the recital. i 'I 1 . I W i ilit Mitt Mitilnn Mm VtT 9 1(lu Mm Mitilnn Mtft YOU,LL see without any trouble the advantages of such clothes as these; young men especially appreciate the styles made for us by Hart Schaffner & Marx As soon as you look at the clothes, and see the perfection of style, the finished tailoring, the correct fit. you 11 want them. I hey 11 cost you only as much as such clothes ought to cost; the prices arc economical considering the clothes. Now ideas ; suits; Slmpe nuikoi, Varsity ; now idea in colors, pat- -terns, weaves. Suits $18 ami up. Other makes $10 and up See our Spring and Easter showing of Hats, Shirts, Neckwear, Hosiery, Etc This stoix is tho homo of Hurt Schatlii-T Mar elothes Calhoun's Outfitters to Nov and .Man COUNTY .NEWS. T1IKEE FIXES The weather of the present week l. a great menace to the fruit condl tions in this part of the valley. The morning of the 10th there was snow to the depth of three Inches. This, however, was uone before noon Throughout the day there were fre quent snow showers. Trees white with bloom and covered with a man tle still whiter was a novel sight. The eleventh was ushered In with with the mercury at 27 on some ther mometers and others at 28. Ground frozen, cloud and fog were a sav-in- Interference, as that condition prevailed. It is too early to forecast the effect entirely. If much damage has not resulted there will be much rejoicing at the mysterious workings of nature. . Grandma Sexton, who has been In very poor health, was at the latest re port not Improved. Airs. w. B. Stennett, who Is in Grants Pass for treatment, Is reported as doing well after a surgical oner atlon. The bad weather conditions have been a source of delay In repairing the flume of the Three Pines Timber company. Still as the old savin eoes "what Is ones loss may be another's gain" Is somewhat exemplified In this case, for Colby and Regis, who nave the business of the hotel at this point well under way and had srone to Ihe assistance of the mill company on tne flume, were enabled to resume work on the Interior finishing of the building, where the inclement weath er did not Interfere. D. W. Davis, of Wolf Creek, la now employed on the Three Pines Timber company's office building, wmcn win soon be ready for oc cupancy. The last meeting of the Glee cluh was held at the home of Geo. D. For- est. The next win ha tioM . . - w mwa hi ma residence of Geo. Bear. Mrs. Etta Whalen. a sinter nf Mr. B. 8. Corliss, has taken chirra nf th uimoer company's hotel at Mountain, 'hero their mill Is situated. Mr. Parsons, a real estate operator, was calling on friends at this point and looking over the Drosnect. Th outlook must appear encouraging, as we nave noted his presence on other orcaslons. Some of the recent arrival fmm Wisconsin and Michigan are growling about the weather. They should feel mucn at home, as these spells are the regular program there while here tney are a rarity. i voting at the Underwood home for, re past month. Mr. Harris has been on the sick list, but has recovered and Is able to be at work again. J. V. Cogswell and son, Leslie, and Albert Harfield were visiting in Frultdale Tuesday. There lives a man In Frultdale, And he Is wondrous wise, He has his corn all planted To Fruitdale's great surprise. With apologies. Word has been received from Mr. nH fra. William Breltmayer since there departure, saying that they were received In Jackson, Michigan, their destination, by a raving snow storm and are already longing for Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Cogswell, of Evanston, Illinois, are new arrivals In Frultdale. Arch L. Riddle, of Chicago, 111., is helping clear a piece of land for J Harris. Mr. and Mrs. A. W Bates, of Sal- 1'saw, Okla, have come to stay In Fruitdale They are the guests of the Stanbrotigh's until definitely lo cated. Every gallon of Heath and Mllli- gan Paint makes five quarts of paint when it is thinned properly to apply on your house. Sold only by Rogue River Hardware Co., at the Big Red Front. 4-14-2t Garden seeds In bulk atid packets at Cramer Bros. KILLING FROST GENERAL THROUGHOUT WEST Oregon Frosts EUGENE, April 13. Some damage was done to fruit In Lane and Marlon counties last night, but no serious losses were sustained. The tempera ture went as low as 25 degrees. LA GRANDE, Ore.. April 13. Very slight damage was caused to the fruits In this section by the frosts this Week. The aDnle nWhnrHa mora uninjured. Patton's Sun-Proof Paint protects, preserves c beautifies. nf surest moments and oil. with lust the right Paint Protection The practical painter says when your house is cov ered witn Patten's Sum-Proof Paint and the paint rW. ered by a 5 year guaranty you have the best possible protection to your house and. purse. I . -o ,. . j 1 A P- 01 Z1UC allll ICttU unu v wu4M.ya niuuwuu!) HUQ and rain, heat and cold twice as long as hand made paint. Guar anteed to wear well for five years usually lasts fwice that long. Send for book of Paint Knowledge and Advice (free) to P ATT ON PAINT CO., Uk St, Milwaukee, Wit, Cramer Bros. Odd Fellows Block. BRUSHES OILS AX ATTRACTIVE SHOWING OP HARDWARE MILLINERY NEW HOPE ITEMS r Mr. ana .Mrs. John Scherz and nughle nrk and Miss Florence Wvn- unt attended tho literary club at Miss onrl Flat and reported a good time. Mr. Warner and father made a business trip to town Saturday. Arthur Messinger Is on the sick list. Messrs. Bert York and Clarence Wynant spent Sunday at the home ( f Mr. and Mrs. MoCa'Hstcr. Mr. and Mrs. Dutcner and Miss Maude Hooper spent Saturday In town. Pan Lolth was seen on our atr-wt. Sunday nfter a load of hav. I'. S. Wynant and daughter mn inde a business trip to town Wcd , i osulay. less York spent Sunday n the 1 0 ran I to. j Mrs. II. s. Wynant made a busl ! noss trip to tnwn. j Fred McCnlllster wa at Grants , "a one d:iy last week. ! Earl llm.l went to town Friday. Frosts in Washington NORTH YAKIMA, Wash., April 13 With two nights of severe frosts, with a two-minute hail storm one day and a snow storm the next, the fruit crop in the immediate vicinity of North Yakima seems to be problem atical. K Growers are divided In their opin ions about the damage done. The cherries and apricots are thought to have suffered, and some damage to the pears Is feared. PULLMAN, Wash., April 13.-Loss nrlniiHly estimated today at from ?:.oo.noo to $snn,onn, was sustained by fruit growers in the Sunk riv district on account of heavy frosts, wnien practically killed the entire crop. The buds on the peach, apri cot and cherry trees were destroyed. i urn and prune orchard m-.iv m-n. (luce a fair crop unless another freeze i-ceiiis tonight. The cold was so futons,, nt wn vnl ami IVnnwwal. on tho Snr. 'Ivor, Inst ni-lit that Ihe L-rn.mrf f,. to a depth of three Inches. From larkston to Rlparla. a dMan t m miles, the fruit crop was practically uv. u is not believed that he apple3 In the uplands were in ured much, as they had not advanced far enough. ln Pnman th!g 11 was S degrees below freezing One of the most ingenuously ar ranged window displays which have been seen In this city for some time Is that which appears in the south window of the Rogue River Hard ware company on South Sixth street. The display Is a burlesque on a mil linery display of pattern hats and has caused much amusing comment from passersby. Especially Interest ing to the masculine element of the city are the grotesque make-ups on display. A wax figure is adornea with a hat which Is really a credit to the -masculine hand which fash ioned It. The hat is made of rope and is adorned wtth a waving "wil low plume" falling gracefully over the brim, while' a band composed of black steel rings, linked together with a brass chain, completes the artistic adornment. Around this model, grouped on pedestals' of various kinds, Is "headgear" of wonderful creation, embodying every lmaein- able cooking utensil, trimmed with feather dusters, knives, strainers, paint brushes, etc., imitating ex tremes In the millinery art. One hat especially deserves honorary mention its body being composed of a large tin pan with a steam gauee. a rWI drill, two small fly spatters artistic-! ally arranged as ornaments and the crown Is banded by a steel tape mea. ure, ln zigzag effect, amusingly m, the latest trimming on beautiful creations in millinery. There an small hats, large hats and mlddl. sized i hats, composed of choppim bowls, dish pans, stew pans and strainers, adorned In a manner highly complimentary to the window dresser, who, apparently, missed hli calling in taking to the hardware business in preference to millinery, FRANK 11ENSOX, OREGON'S STATE SECRETARY, DEAD REDLANDS, Cal., April .14. Frank V. Benson, secretary of state ot Oregon and former governor, died here at 4:30 this morning. Deati was due to complication of kidney trouble, following a general break down a year ago. The end was hastened by an at. tack of la grippe laot week, from which Benson failed to rally. Mrs. Benson was present at her husband's bedside. Fine onion Bets at Cramer Bros. F. M. Dougherty, of Newton, Kan., and M. G. Morgan, of Chehalls, Wash., arrived a' few days ago and are expecting to go Into the Kerbr country on a prospecting tour. i ;i ii iu: iii:,s 'I I'" Whist cluh was ent,M-, i.. .... Mr- Mm- Inst S.UunMy h pastime. The h,.t .. '"' "as enjoyed by l- 7 "'most regret that the soason of '''"'I' xlsalhandnmltho whist mo,,. "' I'o discontinued our list of arrival. Is ,Vfr ,,,,. "'''''l Carl (inn unlay from South Dakota and will '" , the homoad n(lloil)nc Vl H.-),.r on Hoard Shanty Crork. "'"-i Horrioy, Rtatihor,,,,.), .. . it i " r ti t (I II '""' "T hnvo (.... 1 "f '"! frgm tho mnn.y ,,', ' ' nemrx ranrh. Tu' lW I' Mint ,,f ti,., x..,.. , . - Id with Mrs. Herr.v. T,'! to (lls-nntl,,,,,, " ' aft,.,. u, nM?hAXIS'Apr""---d.m. nse to he peach and cherry crops In ;ho vicinity of Spokane Is predicted by farmers as a result of the frost " , ' teml'"ature at some olnt. dropped to right degree, be I ,re"ln?- Far"s expect to got crop or peaches, and are . noperul of the cherry crop. When you buy pn,nt for hy not wl the bost? 'y "re of RottlnR the best and tho rhoapoM (In the long run), f Heth and Milan's. T Hoguo River Hardware Co. carry a i In selecting your color. 4.4.:t All Wagons Look Alike to Some People EXAMINE summer I' ! ' il.MV ,.r .:. ' M on Sum,! ,, ""' I' incut w.-at),..,. "frtvM the usual ailn, v. Mi'iui.orlt,. M,.vt.r , p CENSURE. tonsure and crld.Msn. never u, nnyhody. If true they show " '""k P-'Ints and fore-,!.,,,,,,,, Ll'.-'l Vlnrrl . ...... , " '-.mnj. -I ., K. ,, . , "inn. HI. f.,-,., ,. " ;lIIV 'tOp The WEBER Hpavipo'" fi"'1 BETTER WORKMANSHIP,' HICKORY , ,,o ,v,,,,.k an,! lihtrst run on the market. Rogue River Hardware Co. mujNb. I nil and tluMn at the BIG RED FRONT American Fence Alfalfa Renovator L i !