Fill DA V, APRIL 14, 1911 IMr.E SEVEN -NEW COMMISSION' FIRM SUPPLIES PUBLIC NEED REPORT OF COMMITTEE OX PUBLIC SAFETY Fares Form the Middle and Eastern por tions of the United 8tatee te OregonWashington and the Northwest will prevail DAILY MARCH 10th TO APRIL 10th' oyer the Southern Pacific lines in Oregon From Chicago at 133.00 St. Louis 32.00 Omaha ' 25.00 Kansas City 25.00 St. Paul ' 25.00 and from other cities corresponding ; 1 low. Yon Can PREPAY Fare The" colonist fares are West bound only, but if you have relative or friends or employes in the east whom you desire to bring to thk state you can deposit the va)"9 ot the fare with your local railroad gent, and an order, for a ticket will be telegraphed to any address de- . aired. Let the WORLD Know ; Of our vast resources and splendid opportunities for Portland, Oregon HOME BUILDING Call on the undersigned for good Instructive printed matter to send East, or give him the addresses ot '. those to whom you would like to have such matter sent. WE McMURRAY ;. General Passenger Agent SHOT LAKE nT ANATORIUlVi J I S mil MM ot Porta, u. aa O. R. N. Railway. Beataqulpad Sanatorium and Surf try la North M BOIUNG HOT SPRINGS Highly Minerolixed Aak agioJat lor .pactal lata round trip rickata. Writ (or llluatralad booklat M.dlcal Supt. aad Mgr. HOT LAKE, OREGON WILL Bell four acres on Merlin road for J 300 if taken at once. Half mile from Lawnrldge addi tion. McCracken. Courier office. The new commission firm of H. M. Axtell and Company is meeting with great success in disposing of its first shipment of fruit and prod uce, and from the encouragement given them by the merchants of this city generally they expect to do a first-class business and be of mutual benefit to the merchants and pro ducers alike, which will work to the good of the consumer as well. Mr Axtell says that while his first ship ment was a mixed car lot, be still Is able to meet the Medford commis sion merchants' prices. This class of merchandise has come principally from Medford heretofore. He says Le can practically lay down produce in Grants Pass from Sacramento, Cat., at the same rate as is paid from Med ford here, which makes a saving to the local merchant of from 20 to 30 cents per hundred; and when bis business warrants him in buying fruit and vegetables direct from the California Growers' association in full car lots, the rates will be materi ally lower. In speaking of his undertaking Mr. Axtell said that he will get in close touch with all local growers and Instead of letting the home mar ket become glutted at times with produce and fruit that merchants are really forced to buy to accom modate their farmer trade, and which many times prove a dead less to the merchants, the commission house will keep track of these local conditions and assemble carload ship ments for Portland, Klamath Falls, and, in some cases, Medford, with a return shipment of other produce His firm Is tabulating the names of the ranchers in this vicinity and as certaining the amount and kind of crons planted by each. With these farmers on the rural telephone line he is enabled to secure on short no tlce what he wants that is locally irrown and knows lust when and where to find It. The new commission company will buy any produce that Is marketable and pay cash for It. This, Mr. Ax tell claims, will be a great benefit to the farmer, as he will have cash to oo his trading with, instead of get tine due bills. The Ahlf block is Ideally' fitted with cold storage fa clllties for commission house pur Dcses and the company will have plenty of room. Prices will be regu lated by Portland quotations. There are 50 or more retail stores in the territory of which this city Is prop erly the distributing center. Grants Pass, Ore., April 4, 1911. To the Honorable Mayor and Com mon Council of Grants Pass. We, the undersigned committee appointed by the mayor to Investi gate school houses, lodging houses, skating rinks, theaters, opera bouses, etc., in regard to fire escapes, rear doors and exits, report as follows: We do hereby recommend two steel fire escapes on Riverside school house, one on the east side upstairs at the end of hallway and one on the west side at the end of the hallway upstairs. We would further recommend tour steel fire escapes, one on each side of the Central school building, also that all doors be hung to open out We also recommend that there be two doors on the north end of the skating rink opening out and that the one at the south end be hung to open out. We also recommend that the rear door in the Electric theater be hung to open out, also the shed door back ot the Electric theater to be left un locked and open during all perform ances. We also recommend that the door at the west end ot the hallway up stairs at the Josephine hotel be hung to open out. , We further recommend two steel fire escapes, one on the west siae and one on the south side of the Grants Pass hotel, also a steel fire escape on the south end of the George Hansen building occupied up stairs as a rooming house, and that the door at the foot of the stairs be hung to open out and the rear door ot the Bijou theater be hung to open out. We would further recommend that there be two steel fire esiapes on the north end and one on the south side of the East school house. We further recommend that the property owners pay for these Improvements. WANT ROAD BUILT SOUTH BANK OR RIVER NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department ot the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Roseburg. Ore., April 10,1911. Notice is hereby given that Silas Elmer Ducemmun, ot Kerby, Ore enn who. mi January 6. 1910. made south bank of Rogue river between j Homestead entry serial. No. 05792, A move is being Btarted improvement of the road for the on the Grants Pass and Rock Point, and to, this end a committee representing the land owners along the route have planned an automobile trip over the for Ix)t I and SW of NE, Sec tion 18, Township 40S Range 7 west Willamette Meridian, has filed notice ot intention to make final commutation proof, to establish claim to the land above described, AMERICAN SPRINTER DEFEATED MELBOURNE, April 12. Donald son ot Victoria this afternoon defeat- d Holway, American in the world s 100-yard race by three feet. rnnri la la chnwn bv the following before County Clerk, Josephine Coun ty, uregon, ai urnius sraaa, vregi'u, on the 23 day of May, 1911. Claimant names as witnesses: communication: The land owners along the public road on the south bank of Rogue river between Rock Point and Grants Pass have a plan to secure the Imme diate betterment of this road, which hey w ill submit to the county courts cf Jackson and Josephine counties, the work to be of a permanent char acter and such as can be' used In making it a macadamized highway that will be a section of the Pacific highway, now under course of con struction between Seattle and San Llego, and on which the state of Washington Is emplbylng its convicts, and for which California recently voted a bond Issue of $18,000,000, the greater part of which Is to be ex pended In building the highway through the state. To enable the members of the county courts of Jackson and Jose phine counties, and others who are interested In the proposed Rogue River Valley boulevard, a tour of inspection of the above mentioned John Griffin, of Kerby, Oregon; Henry Houck, of Kerby, Oregon; Joseph Skeeters, of Kerby, Oregon; George Houck, of Kerby. Oregon. BENJAMIN I. JONES, Register. Signed: C. C. DANIELS. F. D. STRICKER. J. F. WOLFERSBERGER, BUILDERS HARDWARE i i v n V i We offer One Hundred Dollars' Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh cure. F. J. CHENEY ft CO., Toledo, O. We. the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last IB years, and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions ana finan cially able to carry out any obliga tions made by his firm. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces or tne system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Take Hairs Family yma ror con Btlpation. NAILS. Screws 5AV5 Axes. WIRE A builder has a good reputation if he uses good build ers' hardware in the houses he builds. Our builders' hardware has the best reputation, be cause the best builders come to our store to buy their supplies. Not onlv do we keeD coarse coods for heavy building, but the very finest materials for finishing the insides of fine houses. Coron-Booth Hardware Co. Phone 377-R 102 North Sixth Street, Grants Pass, On PLUMBING AND SHEET METAL SHOP. ' THE LADIES' FAVORITE Wherever Parisian Sage Is Known It Hus the Call. Parisian Sage, that most efficient of all hair restorers, is a very de lichtful and refreshing hair dress ing. Besides possessing these qual ltles it will positively make any woman's hair soft, luxuriant and at tractive. C. H. Demaray sell is for 50 cents a large bottle and will re turn your money if it does not cure dandruff, falling hair and Itching scalp In two weeks. "I had given up hopes of ever be ing cured of dandruff, when I pur chased a bottle of Parisian Sage. It has entirely removed the dandruff and started a growth ot new hair, and all this after having been trou bled 15 years. I cheerfully recom mend Parisian Sage." Mrs. Eliza beth Anderson, Mechanlcsburg, Pa. ad will be made op Sunday, April 23, but If there should be rain on that day the Inspection will be made on the following Sunday. The trip will be by autos and the route will be down Rogue river by the south bank road and back by the north bank road. The start will be from Medford at 9 a. m. sharp. Dinner will be had in Grants Pass. The com mittee has arranged for autos and dinner for the party. . The Josephine county guests will be expected to mo to Medford on the morning train bo as to make the round trip with the party, they returning . to (.rants Pass by the evening train It they prefer. Their carfare will be furnished by the committee. Judge J. R. Nell, Commissioner James Ownes, Commissioner George L. Davis and Road Engineer W. W. Harmon, of Jackson ' county, have accepted our invitation and they heartily approve of this trip of road inspection. The newspaper men of Medford, Grants Pass and Gold Hill and a number of good roads boosters Ifve been invited to he members of the party. CHARLES MESERVE, C. W. McDONALD, R. L. McBRIDE, Committee representing land own ers along road on south bank of Rogue river. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATRIX SALE OF REAL PROPERTY In the County Court of the State of Oregon in and for Josephine County. In the Matter of the Estate ot Ruth Irene Kerley, deceased. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to an order of the Hon. Stephen Jewell, county Judge for Josephine county. Oregon, made and entered on the 3rd day of April, 1911, in the matter of the estate of Ruth Irene Kerley, deceased, directing the sale of the real property hereinafter de scribed, and providing and specifying the terms and conditions thereof, that I, the duly acting and qualified, administratrix ot the above entitled estate, will on and after the 6th day of May, 1911, sell at private sale to the highest and best bidder in the manner following to-wlt: Seven hundred and fifty dollars cash, and the balance of the purchase price in deferred payments, evidenced by promissory notes, duly secured by first mortgage to run for a period of three years or less, which, real estate Is as follows. An undivided one- half Interest In and to lots 7, 8, and 9, In block 77 of the original town site of the town of Grants Pass, Jose phine county, Oregon, as same Is Platted and on file In the office of the county clerk of said county and state, subject to the confirmation of the court, and certain Hens held by the city of Grants Pass for improve ments in front of the property. L. B. KERLEY, Administratrix of Ruth Irene Kerley Estate. C. H. Clements. Attorney for Estate, NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court ot the State ot Oregon for Josephine County. In the matter ot the Estate) of Ruth Irene Kerley, de-) ceased. ) Notice is hereby given that L. B. Kerley baa been appointed aa admin istratrix of the estate of Ruth. Irene Kerley, deceased, by order ot the County Court for Josephine County, Oregon, dated February 11th, 1911, and all persona having claims against said estate are here by notified to present the same, duly Itemized and verified to the under signed administrate or at the law office ot C. H. Clements at GranU Pass, Josephine County, Oregon on or before six months from the date ot this notice. Dated February 13th, A. D. 1911, at Grants Pass, Oregon. L. fi. KERLEY, Administrate of the estate ot Ruth Irene Kerley, deceased. I-14-lt ALL MY PIMPLES UONE NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department ot the interior, U. S. Land Office at Roseburg. Or., March 13, 1911 Notice is hereby given that Edith Pennle, of Hoqulam, Washington who, on October 29, 1908, made timber and stone, No. 02051, for BE 4, Section 12, Townshilp 38 8 Range 7W. Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make fin al proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Regis ter and Receiver, U. S. Land Office, Roseburg, Oregon, on the 6th day ot June, 1911. Claimant names as witnesses: Frank E. Johnson, of Grants Pass, Oregon; Solomon C. Stone, ot Grants Pass, Oregon; William T. Turnham, of Grants Pass, Oregon; Joseph E. Verdln, of Grants Pass, Oregon. BENJ. I. JONES, Register. IN THK X)UNTY COURT FOR JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON Order engraved calling cards The Courier. at GRANTS PASS TRUCK CO. HUNCH BROS., Proprietor PROMPT AND RELIABLE SERVICE Pianos and Organs Carefully Removed Phones: 41-Land209-K Grants Pass, Ore. Girl Tells How a Blotchy Skin Was Cleansed by Simple Wash. "I was ashamed of my face," writes Miss Minnie Plckard, of Al- amahaw, N. C. "It was all full of pimples and scars, but after using D. D. D. Prescription I can say that now there Is no sign of that Eczema, and that was three years ago." D. D. D. has become so famous as a cure and Instant relief in Eczema and all other serious skin diseases, that Its value is sometimes over looked in clearing up rash, plmpleB, blackheads, and all other minor forms of skin impurities. The fact is, that while D .D. D. is so penetrating that It strikes to the very root of Eczema or any other serious trouble, the boo thing Oil ot Wlntergreen, Thymol and other in gredients are so carefully compound ed there is no wash for the skin made that can compare with this great household remedy for every kind of skin trouble. D .D .D. Is pleasant to use, per fectly harmless to the most delicate skin, and absolutely reliable. A 25 cent bottle will give you positive proof of the wonderful effectiveness of this great remedy. M. Clemens. NOW "bSTtTIME C. F. COOK, President and Manager F. II. COOK, Treasurer F. J. NEWMAN, Secretary Rogue River Valley Nursery Co. Incorporated MKDFORD, OREGON HULKS OF ALL KINDS SEEDS OF ALL KINDS Growers of Reliable Nursery Stock, Fruit and Ornamental Trevs, Htirubn, Hows, Vines, Palm", Small Fruit, Etc. Write for Prices Office 23 West Mai- Street rhone 1201 f th T.aT to kT jour laatk wit and pl.t tad kr1d(awork dnoa nd kart It tka plan la f.t tht kttt ptaDltM wk aoatlklt, Comftt ur i"rUu. W. I.l.k ytatt tml hrl-lra ork M mV f-fa l-atraa. la on dar If 4 It. I'aJal-a aitraatlaa fr uaa a taa al bride wort I. ardat. "JA CtatuHtllM Ira. SACrtwM IS. 00 2airltfi.TMta4.00 GUr;illri 1.00 hmi riiiw(t 1.0 .1. V V, V ' . Sibar rMl.nit baa Hut bar Pl.t- D.UU St R.. . ftlaU.a nif'llaa tar aimtoa tt. M k. Wilt, amm lata mm amaiaM rwiuat At warh fullf rwaraatawd far flrtaaa taara. Wise Dental Co.,i.c. Painless Dentists flttafluHdl.TlNf4lndttiHtM MrTUKO, Ml (fla. II Ma irk. laaaaa., ttal In the Matter of the Estate) of James N. Hall, Deceased) Notice of sale. Notice is hereby given, that pur suant to an order of sale of the real property hereinafter described, duly made and entered In the above en titled court and case on March 27th, 1911, I will on and after Saturday, April 29, 1911, sell at private sale, for terms cash In hand, or on install ments of not less than 10 per cent cash in hand, with the balance In annual installments, at not to exceed five years time, and bearing Inter est at not less than 7 per cent per an num, payable annually, and secured by first mortgage upon tho premises, all the right, title and interest of the Estate of James N. Hall, deceased, In and to the Southeast V of the North west "4 , the South 4 of the North enRt '4, the Northeast of the Northeast V,, all In Sotrtlon 6, Town ship 39 8outh, Range 5 West of Wil lamette Meridian In Josephine Coun ty, Oregon, together with tho ditch and water right appurtenant there to; subject to confirmation by the court. Rids for the said premises will be received by the undersigned upon the snld premises, or at the law offlro of II. D. Norton at Grants Pass In Josephine County, Oregon. Dated this Slst day ot March, 1911. MOLL1R HALL, Administrator. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Ore., December il, 191Q. Notice Is hereby given that Jenkla Bertram Harker, whose postofflce adk dress Is Linden, Wisconsin, did, 04 the 16 day ot March, 1910, til It this office aworn statement and ap plication, No. 0S985, to purchase tt NU NBVi SWK NKVi. section 14, township S4 S, range 4 west, Willam ette meridian, and the timber there on, under the provision of the act o! June 8, 1878, and acta amendatory, known ag the "Timber and ' Stoae Law," at such value as might be ttiel by appraisement, and that, pursuaa! to such application, the land and tin ber thereon have been appraised at $637.50, the timber estimated 469 000 board feet at 7 5 eta per thou sand, and the land $300.00; that said applicant will offer final proof in support of his application and sworn statement on the 4th day el April, 1911, before the County Clerk, Josephine County, Oregon, at Grants Pass, Oregon. Any person Is at liberty to protest this purchase before entry, or Initi ate a contest at any time before lat ent Issues, by filing a corroborated affidavit In this office, alleging tacts which would defeat the entry. BENJAMIN F. JONES. Register. NOTICE To Whom It May Concern: Notice Is hereby given that I, the under signed, owner ot one-half interest la the Sugar Pine mine at Gallce, Ore gon, will not be responsible for any debts incurred against aald Sugar Pine mine or tor any labor or im provements performed thereon; also that no person entering on said prem ises for any reason whatsoever shall remove therefrom any ore, mineral or timber. Dated February 28, 1910. (Signed) F. E. KNIOHT. NOTICE OF FORFEITURE To Wm. W. Brown, his heirs or assigns, Qreetlngs: Notice is here by given that the undersigned has, In compliance with the Revised Sta tutes of tho United States und the laws of the state ot Oregon, per formed the annual assessment or development work upon the "Whiskey Point" quarts mining claim, situated Ip the Kerby (un organized) mining dUtrtct, Josephine county, Oregon, for the ;ears nine teen hundred nine (1909) and nine teen hundred ten (1910), and that unless you, the said Wm. W. Brown, pay your Just and due proportions as owner of an undtvlded one-third In terest in tho said mining claim, to wlt: The sum of Two Hundred Dol lars (1200) for the years 1909 and 1910, within ninety days from date of the first publication of this notice, your said ono-tnira interest in me aforesaid mining claim will become the property of - the undersigned la accordance with law. Date of first publication December 9, 1910. CHARLES F. LANE, Co-owner. IN THE COUNTY COURT FOR JOHKPIHN'E COUNTY, OR1XJON Nursery Stock Get my prices before or dering nursery stock. I handle nothing but first-claw stock. I can. furnish anything In my line. Agent for Fresno Orchard Heating Co. In the Matter of the Estate) of Frank S. Wilson, De-) ceased. ) Notlco of final settlement. Notice ls.hereby given that Frank C. Wilson, tho administrator on the estate of Frank 8. Wilson, deceased. has filed In the above entitled court nnd cause his final account, and that Saturday. April 29, 1911, at the hour of two o'clock p. tn, at tho county court room nt the court house at (Irunts Pass, Josephine county, Ore Hon, hns been flxod by order of the court us the time and place for hear Ing snl4 final account, and all per sons having objections to said ac count nre hereby notified to file and I present the cmne on or before wild date. Dated this 31st day of March, A. P., 1911. FRANK C. WILSON, AdmlnlMrntor. GEO. H.PARKER NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION Calling cards, Invitations, band Mils and all kinds of artistic job trlntlng done by The Courier. Department of the Interior S. Land Office at Roseburg, Ore , Mach 13, 1911. Notice is hereby given that Flor ence DeDar, whose postofflce address Is 189 E. 11th street, Eugene Ore gon, 'did, on the 11th day ot Juse, 1910, file In this office Sworn state ment and application No. 06376, to purchase the Ntt N1S4 and NK'A, section 14, township st b., range 6 went Willamette Meridian, and the timber thereon, under the provisions of the act ot June 8, 1878, and net amendatory, known as the "Timber and Stone Law," at such value ns might be fixed by appraise ment, and that, pursuant to such application, the land and Umber thereon have been appraised $fil0.00, the timber estimated 1, If 0,000 board feet at 60 cents per M, nnd the land $30.00; that said applicant will offer final proot In support ot his application and swore wlatemeut on the 2Cth day of May. i'jn, before W. W. Calkins, Uulted Elates Commissioner, at Eugene Ore gon. iir person U at liberty to pro test this purrh.ue before "iitry, or Inltliito a contcH-. st any lma bcicre intent Issues, by filing a corrobor ated alfldnvlt In this office, alleging fiius which wouid defeat tho entry. DCNJAMIN F. JONES, Register,