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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1911)
FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 1911 WEEKLY ROGUE RIVER COURIER PAG flYB PERSONAL AND LOCAL W. A. Fuller was a 'business visit or to Medford Wednesday, returning to Grants Pass Thursday morning. C. E. Selleck, of Frultdale, attend ed the fruit growers meeting at Med ford Wednesday, returning to Grants Pass Thursday morning. Mrs. C. M. Holland and Mrs. M. OIne came oyer from Crescent City Wednesday, being three days on the read, and report a very disagreeable trip, the bad roads and deep snow retarding travel. in a deplorable man ner. The ladles are on their way to Seattle, where they go to visit friends. ' H. H. Kelm and H. Brubaker ar rived here Wednesday from Newberg to spend a few days on business. Scott Bailey, of Glendale, was a Grants Pass business visitor on Wed neday. We have a well-equipped bicycle repair shop and give prompt service. Cramer Bros. Miss Fannie . Abrams and little niece, Dorothy Klmmell, who recent ly arrived here from Indiana, went to Dadd's creek Thursday morning, here Miss Dorothy will Bpend most of the summer with her grandpar ents. Miss Abrams will visit for a few days and then return to her du ties as bookkeeper in the First Na tional bank In this city. A. U. Bannard returned Thursday morning from Portland, where he has been selecting new furniture for his store .in this city. He has two She returned to her home In the ev- arloads of new goods on the way. J enlng. Mrs. M. E. Pollock went to Salem ' Miss Ida Robinson came up from Thursday morning to spend several j Merlin Wednesday afternoon to weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Ed upend several days In Grants Pass, Clanton, and family. j the guest of Mrs. Ray Wright bnorty" Richie, of Glendale, was ; Mrs. D. D. Blshoo left Wednesday A. J. Bingham, of Portland, is visiting his sister, Mrs. Herbert Smith, and family, of this city, for a short time. Mr. and Mrs. Melbourne Dunn left Wednesday evening for a trip through various parts of the Willa mette valley and to Portland. They expect to be absent from this city for several days. N. Carey, of Frultdale, returned to Grants Pass Wednesday evening, af ter spending several days with rela tives at Medford. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Coates came down from Medford Wednesday on account of the serious Illness of Mrs. Coates mother, Mrs. E. E. Carglll. Miss Edna Trimble, who Is a stu dent of St. Mary's academy at Med ford, came down Wednesday evening to spend Easter week with her aunt, Mrs. G. Crockett, and other relatives In this city. G. 0. Olum was a business visitor to Medford Wednesday, returning by the evening motor to this city. E. R. Lawrence, who furnishes the violin music for the Bijou, went to Portland Wednesday evening on a business trip. John Jewell left Wednesday even ing for the Gold Note mine on Grave creek to spend the summer. Earl Brockman was visiting, friends and looking after business here Wednesday.- He returned to his home at Merlin In the evening. Mrs. B. F. Seaton came up from Merlin to do some shopping and look after other business on Wednesday. a business visitor to Grants Pass on Wednesday. J. D. Dixon, of Williams, was in town Wednesday, shopping and at tending to other Important business matters. Victor Boyd and W. J. Moon, two Roseburg men, were looking over business In this city on Wednesday. afternoon for Berkeley, Cal., where she goes to spend a few weeks with her sisters. ' R. JV. Williams and wife left Wed nesday evening for Seattle to visit with friends. Stanton Rowell went to Portland Wednesday evening to spend a few days on business. Word was received here today that Mrs. Leonard Miller and Infant child, of Leland, died yesterday. The large St. Bernard dog belong ing to Ray Wright, of this city, died last week from the effect of poison ing. The animal was a splendid specimen of the canine race and his loss Is greatly deplored by his own er, especially so as he was a play mate and constant companion of the Wright children, who were always safe from harm while In his charge. L. Brlggs was In the city Wednes day and Thursday from the Briggs Bros, placer mine on Upper Grave creek. E. C. Brlggs, of Portland, who has been spending the past three weeks at the mine, also came In Wed nesday and left for Portland the same evening. They have had a good run this season and have made a very sat isfactory partial clean-up. There is now about eight Inches of snow at the mine, which assures them of at least three weeks more run. A. A. (Scotty) Allen, who won the All-Alaska sweepstakes race on the 11th, driving Mrs. C. E. Darling's team, Is the husband of a former Grants Pass girl, remembered here as Ellen Adams. Her mother now re sides at Adama station on the Cres cent City stage road, and her sister, Mrs. Mary Peacock, landlady of the celebrated Waldo hotel before it burned last summer. Mrs. Allen Is also a sister of the late "Mike" Adams, whose remains were taken to Ashland a few days ago lor burial. A new business enterprise is being launched by Thos. Moore in connec ilon with the Grants Pass Hardware company in an extensive and up-to date harness department. Stock and machinery were purchased by J. L. Calvert and Mr. Moore while on a trip to Portland the first of the week. Mr. Moore comes from one of the largest' harness concerns In Seattle, has grown up In the business, and It is claimed for him that he knows harness making from the ground up. The work room now being fitted up will have a floor space of 50 by 32 feet. The biggest part of tho lriachtn- erv will have to come from the east, Easter oggery The man who fails to buy any Spring outfitting until after Easter will rob himself of a lot of pleasure. If you wish to enjoy the spirit of Easter and appear at your best, we're at your service! If you are a cheerful dresser, you will find new color Mendings In oar suits that will delight you. If you prefer subdued effects, you will find your favorite in many entirely new weaves. Suits $15, $20 to $35 Our Hats and Haberdashery depart 7 ments are also in the bloom of Easter fresh ness. New, correct and exclusive styles in Tog gery at every turn. Just come, seel Peerless Clothing Co. "If Men Wear It, We Have It" A Lf f IHUI ! I llM f rflf j I -i-fc?4 J h sr h. Mill Mzi V" i n m n V ' M if H 4 I v. rt V jl 4 " . ' v . ; ''J 0 W ..'..7 rm mm S 1 i E but the new department will be ready to nandle spring trade in the harness line in very short order. Mr. Moore says that anything made out of leath er for horses is going to be strictly in their line. The most up-to-date creations In millinery can be seen in the south window of the Rogue River Hard ware Co. The Big Red Front.) Judge Calkins came down from Ashland on court business Thursday morning. Oliver chilled and steel plows in all -sizes at Cramer Bros. J. C. Rlggs, of the Rlggs-Luras Land company, returned from Port land this morntng. He says that ap parently . a laboring class of people take advantage of the colonist ex cursions and real estate men of Port land claim that the people who buy will take advantage of the regular ex cursion rates that are to be run on the first and third Tuesday's of each month, beginning April 18. These excursions provide first-class accom modation and appeal to well-to-do people. Real estate in Portland, Mr. Rlggs says, Is slow. H. B. Miller has let a contract to H. J. Clark & Son for the construc tion of a brick building, 50 by 90, two-story, at 309 and 311 South Sixth street, across the alley from The Courier building. It has not been learned who will occupy the structure. The brick will be manu factured at the Wolfolk yard. N. Snow sold his 7 -acre tract across from the new high school building on A street yesterday to G. P. jester and others. The buyers, it is report ed, will plat the land at once and put It on the market. This is a fine piece of property and the soil is es pecially good for fruit and gardens. Being close in and on a macadamised street, the property is expected to be a quick seller. Dean Bros, negotiated the sale. Rev. D. H. Leech received Tuesday the Bad Intelligence of the death of Mrs. A. R. MacLane, wife of the former pastor of the Newman M. E. church of this city. Mrs. MacLane died at her home at Woodburn the first of the week of pneumonia. Many friends In this city will regret the death of this estimable lady, who was admired and highly respected by all who knew her here. Rlggs & Schallhorn have secured a lease on the store building former ly occupied by A. M. Vlnyard and have purchased the remaining stock from the receivers. They have also ordered goods from Portland and will at once open the establishment. These gentlemen are men of com mercial experience and will be able to carry on the enterprise success fully . It is their plan to open as soon as the balance of their goods arrive. IU)IY OF AGED MAX FOUNI UNDER 73 FEET OF WATER Lawn mowers cleaned and sharp ened at Cramer Bros. AVALON, Catallna Island, Cal., April 13. A coroner's Jury today Investigated the death of Benjamin Evans, 75 years old, of Pasadena, whose body, after a 12-hour search was found under 75 feet of water off Pebbly Beach by men in a glass bot tomed boat. His coat and vest, with all marks of Identification removed, were found near the beach. Planet, Jr., combined drill and cul tivator for $11.00 at Cramer Bros. BODY OF JOHNSON W AS RIRIKI) TODAY NEW YORK, April 13. The body of Tom L. Johnson, former mayor of Cleveland, was burled today in Greenwood cemetery, Brooklyn. Wil liam J. Bryan, Henry George, Jr., Lincoln Steffens and Senator Atlee Pomerene of Ohio were among the prominent men who met the funeral party at the station. Ladies, if you desire to know whether or not your Easter hat is strictly up-to-date, compare It with the "pattern" hats In the south win dow of the Rogue River Hardware Co. (The Big Red Front.) HEAVY FROST IX SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY 70VXG H !..' 3 "W.1XDARD" Kdctheinur, Stein & Co, M U 1 t k FRESNO, April 13. Raisin grow ers fear today that the heavy frost of last night has damaged vineyards tc the extent of thousands of dollars. It will be Impossible to determine the exact loss until tomorrow. CLASSIFIED APS FOR BALE ONE Poland China bow and four pigs, five weeks old, for sal. 105 Central ave. 4-14-2t !X)R SALE Ideal 35 acre orchard, 7 miles from Grants Pass, near mouth of Applegate. County road. 2 5-year fancy peach, pear, apple and cherry trees. Water right, good house. $10,500, $3,000 on time. Sacrifice. Address A. T. G. care Courier. 4-17-lt BROWN Leghorn hens for sale, also pen White Wyandottes. Phon 887 Wildervllle. 4-7-tf FOR SALE 160 acres of land eight miles west of Grants Tags. 20 to if acres in cultivation. A large t of place Is blac creek bot tom soil. Price $6,000; half cash, balance on terms. Meals !'ros.. Grants PaBS, R. F. D No. 2. 4-7-3t FOR SALE One eight H. P. boiler with 4tt by 3 by 4 duplex pump. Complete In every detail. On Sharpless cream separator No. 8, all In first-class condition. Address Mrs. L. F. Lane, Placer, Ore. 4-7-at BRONZE turkey eggs for sale; 8 for $1.00. J. H. Robinson, route No. 2, Grants Pass. 4-7-lt Come and examine our new line of fishing tackle. Bamboo rods from 90 cents up at Cramer Bros. COMING EVENTS April 20, Thursday Civil service examination for stenographers and typewriters at Grants Pass. April 21, Friday Debate, Grants Pass high school versus Lebanon high school, at opera house. "Re solved, that National Conservation of Natural Resources is Prefer able to State." FOR SALE Barn, 40 by 50 by 18, Frultdale. Price $55 If taken at once, easily moved, practically new. Address O. C. H., car Courier. ' 3-24-tf FOR SALE Single-comb R. I. Red eggs for hatching; pen No. 1 for $2.50. Utility stock $1.00 per setting. C. R. Brechtblll, N. 10th st. 2-24-12t FOR SALE Single-comb R. I. egg for hatching; 10 No. 1 for $2.50. Utility stock $1.00 a setting. O. R. Britchtblll, N. 10th st. 2,24-12t FOR TALE OR TRADE Large aero 1 motor windmill,' tank and tower. wanted. 863 Prospect Good cow ave. Mr. Farmer Don't you want to increase your crop of alfalfa 50 per cnt? You can do it by going over it with a MOLINE alfalfa renovator, The MOLINE is different from the oi.hers. Ask the Rogue River Hard ware Co. to show it to you. 4-14-2t You can do as much work in one day with a Tlnnet Junior cultivator or scodcr ns you can by hand. In five days. They are not expensive cither. The Rogue River Hardware Co. (The big red 'front) carry a big stock. Call anil see them. FOR SALE Timber claim, NW Sec. 24, Twp 87, 7 West, Jose phine county. For particulars address H. V alter, conductor, 3rd and Towniend streets, 8. P. Co., San Francisco, Cal. 9-3-tf Faster at the First Knptfet Hunch Services In keeping with the res urrection of Christ, floral defora lions, music and messages. The morning sermon subject will be, "Peter's Easter;" evening message will be, "The LaBt Christ." The or dinance of baptism will be adminis tered at the last service. The hour of morning worship Is 10:30; Bible school at 11:45; B. Y: P. A. at 7 m., lea by uenevleve Mccracken; final services at 8 o'clock. A spe cial invitation to newcomers, a wel come to all. FASHION GARAGE IS READY FOR RU81NFSS CXH'NTY TREASURER'S "CALL FOR WARRANTS There are funds in the treasury lo pay all warrants registered on or before January, 190R, and In terest will cease from April 15th, 1911. J. E. PETERSON, Trcas. Did you ever stop to think that you can buy American fcn-e for Just the same price you Mould pay for the common fence wire in colls? It'j, a fact though. The Rogue River Hardware Co. In selling 4 6-lnth fence that weighs 10 lbs. to the rod for only 4S cents per rod. 4-14-21 FOR SALE 3 Bain wagon In good shape. Also thoroughbred S. C. Brown Leghorn eggs. $1.00 per setting. Inquire of I. W. Ryan, 704 W. D st. 3-17-tf FOR SALE Black Minorca eggs for hatching; Borne baby chicks; black Minorca cockerel; one Part ridge Rock cockerel; combination cycle and brooder. A. II. Blast ing N. 7th st. 3-10-4t In future the Lewis Auto company will be know as the Fashion Garage and Machine shop, this name being suggested by the change In location from the former place on Sixth street to the more commodious quarters In what was known as the Fashion Stables. The Fashion garage Is now 11 1 1.. . ... V. ... A n .1 ,VtA i T'tMl fi'liiu ill un new iiuina nuu m proprietors feel proud of the spacious building and the new equipment that makes it one of the finest establish ments of Its kind outside o( Portland. They have 17 cars on the floor for storage or for hire and the big sup ply and extra room Is fitted with everything for auto repairing, con taining great plleB of Inner tubes and casing, also the Intricate acces sories that make the "buzz" wagon a nightmare to the one who doesn't know the inside working of the modern conveyance. The firm H do ing a good business in the sale of "Overland" cars, two of which ar rived today, one a "51" model 30 horsepower mnchlne sold to Sam Klenlen, and another, a model "53", 40-horsepower, two-seat runabout that Dr. Smith will drive on hurry HI calls, this season. S. C. Black Minorca eggs for hatch ing, $1.60 per setting of 15. Call and Inspect my stock whether yeu wish to buy or not. E. S. Veatch, 654 N. 3rd st. 3-17-4t 8TIuy STRAYED to my place on Slat Creek one yellow cow marked crop spilt and undorblt in right ear, crop and underblt in left ear; also one yearling bull mark ed underblt in both ear. Own ers may have them by paying for keep and advertisement. A. T. Cart. 8-3-5t STRAYED onto my premises in Feb ruary a black hog, ago 10 months, weight 100 lbs., unmarked. Own er may have same by proving property, paying for and for this ad. S. W. Reynoldb, S22 W. G stroet. 8-24-4 WANTED B 4 You Buy Examine Vhlh has 1h ONLY COR RECT Crank Manner count ruc tion for EASY running and DURABILITY. Prices $35 to $65 IOI S.M!li Mli, Ner L MriH't t;n tt I'm". Ore, A strong 1911 nlcyrle with Corbln j brake for only Bros. $27.50 at Cramer WANTED to buy a relinquishment or farming land In Southern Oregon or northern California. Address Otto Tlmues, 453 5th street, As toria, Oregon. wTnTED A small tract oTiand either Improved or unimproved suitable for fruit. Not too far from town on good road. Give full description, prices and terms first letter. Owner only. Box 611, Grants Pass. Ore. NOTICE OF FINAL, SETTLEMENT Not Ire Is hereby given, that D. O. : Hayes, the administrator "f "ie estate of Lemuel T. Green, deceased,1 hnt, filed lils final account In the' County Court for Josephine County,' Ori t'on. In the matter of said estate, ii ml that by order of the Hon. Stephen Jewell, .linlt'e of said court, (luted , Atirll 13, 1911, Saturday. May 13. 1 (t 1 1 . at tlie hour of two o'clock p. I in. at tin' County Court room at the Court I f i in ki In .T(ieplilne County, -'"ii. U lii-reljv flxi'd ns the time ami place for hearing and settling said necount. and nil persons having i nMei tlmm thereto are hereby noti fied tn flip and pienent the same Tin oi 'Vefiui' siild date, luind Aiirll 14. 1911. I, O. MAYErt. Administrator, MISCELLANEOUS ARTISTIC photographs, postals, stamp pictures, amateur finish ing. Co in o and see bp m pics at the Angelo Studio, 605 Sixth street Mid-summer prices. 8-19-tf It ANNIE, the plumber, la rea4y at any minute to repair your plumb ing. 609 II street. Telephone 14 OR. 4-8-tf EARL V. 1NGELS, B. 8. Dest equipped custom assay office and analytlcay labratory in Oregon. Ores, coal, soils, fertilizers, water, food and spray products, etc., an- alyzed. Toxical analysis. Rooms 201-3 Cal vert-Paddock building