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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1911)
FRIDAY, APRIL 14. jDti PAGE TWO WEEKLY ItOGCE RIVER COURIER 1 PROFESSIONAL CAEDS M. C. FINDLEY, M. D. Practice limited to ITS, EAR, NOSE and THROAT Glasses fitted and furnished Office hours tj 12; 2 to 6; and; appointment. Phones 182 ant lil-R. Grant Pasa, Oregon V. L. DIMMICK, D. M. D. Dentist Fetich bldg., cor. 6th and 0 street Phone 30S-J. frown, Bridge Work and Fillings of all kinds a specialty Office Hoars 9 to 12 a. m.; 1 to 5 p. m. All Work Positively Guaranteed GRANTS PASS, OREGON successor to Dixon Bros., Dentists First-Class Work 1HM South BUtli, Grant Pa, Ore. J. P. TRUAX, It D. PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON Phones: Office, S25; Res. 124 Albert Building, Sixth Street GRANTS PASS - OREGON Call) answerod at all hours. Coun tr calls attended to D. NORTON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Practice In all Stat and Federal Starts. Office Opera House Bldg Grants I'aaa, Oregon OLIVER B. BROWN, LAWYER Grants Pass Oregon 0. S. BLANOHARD, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Practice In all State and Federal Courts. Banking t Trust Co. Bldg. Grant Pass, Oregon lira. Nina Brumbaugh Lessons In China Palatlng. Orders Solicited. sfyudlo: 726 North Eight 8treet J. D. WURTSBAUQH Attorney and Counselor at Law Notary Public In office Office la Howard Block. Phone H-J GRANTS PASS, OREGON H. L. JOHNSTON ASSAY M. Rooms 6 and 7 Opera House lit, North Stair GRANTS PASS, OKKdO.N ll T. UTLEY CAIU'ENTER GENERAL COXTllACTOIl IIUILDER Jobbing Work a SiMclltjr Phone 241 713 N, Alii Strwt, Grant Pais, Or. it M. C. II. DAY Contractor and Hulldor Residences a Specialty Plsns and estimate furnished itesiaence East A Bt. Thone 101-J Singer and Wheeler dX Wilson SEWING MACHINES (or sale or reut, on easy payments. Supplies and, repairs for a'l makes. Stocking darner and cot ton. T. HASSELL Front St. limni ss CHICHESTER S PILLS j.yit' laalrlh r rtaj.lM f. A slV.'ii " ! Mi.ikVvy TV ?J ,, tu, ki j,... V f Ui. HIHMl Ml I , ! . PERSONAL AND LOCAL 4 Mrs. Pearl Beck, of Iceland, was visiting friends and shopping In this dty Monday. She returned to her home In the evening. Mrs. Sarah L. Craig, of Jackson Viiie, was a Grants Pass vHitor on Monday. Mrs. E. S. Parsons came down Mon- day evening from Ashland to spend a short time with her sister, Mrs, Geo. Calhoun. Geo. Thrasher came up from Wolf deck Monday to look after bust nt.83 matters here for a short time. W. H. Brown, of Jacksonville, wa3 calling on Grants Pass friends Mon day. O. E. Tracy, of Medford, was a business visitor to this city Monday. Phil K. Gordon and J. A. Harrison. of the Sunset route, were in Grants I'rss on business Monday. L. S. Hudson and J. C. Stanley, oi Gallce, were business visitors to Grants Pass on Monday. Kollo Stephenson went to Portland Tuesday, where he will spend several days on business. Mr. and Mrs. James Gordon, of Klamath Falls, are spending a few days in this city with friends. Mrs. Mert Clarke went to Cottage Grove Tuesday to visit her parents at that place. Ed F. Temple, of Chariton, Iowa, Is In this city the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Parsons. Mrs. L. J. Perdue left Tuesday morning for Oakland, Ore., where she goes to spend several weeks with her mother. Mrs. D. H. Leech went to Eugene Saturday evening, where she will visit for several weeks with her mother, who Is seriously 111. Mrs. L. B. Hall went to Portland Sunday evening to spend a few days with friends. J. L. Calvert and L. L. Jewel! went to Portland Sunday to spend a few days on business, Attorney General Crawford, who has been looking after business In Grants Pass, left Sunday for his home at Salem. The Eighth grade examination will be held May 11 to 12. All teachers having classes ready to take the ex aminatlons at that time will need to certify to the county superintendent the number and names of pupils who will be ready. This should be done at once. II. B. Hendricks has been making some improvements on his place on N'orth Sixth street. He has moved the old house back some distance on the lot and remodeled it. and is erect Ing a neat new bungi.low on the site of the old place. He contemplates building several other new houses this spring. Mlas Ielleen Leech, of Giants Pass, has been chosen for the name part In the southern war-time drama "Barbara Frltchle" to be staged by the seniors at the Oregon Agricult ural Collego commencement week Miss Iech has already demonstrat ed her talent, having taken a prom inent comedy part In the recent pro duction of "The Collego Widow." Just before the arrival of No. 15 Monday morning, Dr. Flanagan of this city was telephoned to meet the train with a conveyance to take e lhdy to the South Pacific hospital When the train arrived the lady wns taken to the hospital, where short- V afterward she eav hlrth n n iinv Tn lady Is Mrs. C. G. Green, of Port mno. ana sne wns on her wnv to Oakland. Cal aiienacl Adams, one of the old Pioneer miners of Waldo, died at that place on Thursday, April 6. 1911, cause or death helnir nnonmnnia ti,o remains were brought to this city Sunday and forwarded Monday morn Ing to Ashland, where they will be In terrod in the family lot at that place IVcenncd wn 51 years months and 20 days old at the time of his death He wns unmarried and his only rein tlve, a sister, Mrs. Mary Peacock, and her husband accompanied the remains to Ashland. Mr. Adam had many friends In Wa1d who re kh-i inn naa news or his death. He was a member of the 1 n n r ..i - - - - , n mi Masonic lodges at Crescent Cltv and tne funeral services were conducted ! the former order on Monlay, with interment In the I. 0. 0. P. cometrrv nt-im-mecr in to is, Inclusive-, ha -t a, "he date for the ,. State fair ,0 be held , '.. Frank MercUih U Sunday'j Oreconlan September 10 to Hi, Inclusive Sal wn-Koniau contains the notice of the marrlnr u Moody. a former Grant. pBs Kir! to i i'Miicnant V K. ' H.-uscho r on 'i? : Wednesday, A ; r 11 photographs of the "en 1911. Tl. i coup:,, Mix,, 1,1.. I'll I"sr In tho pap.-r. to.-ih,.r with M-.. "t'foiinccmovt that after a trip n MMi-hevn California thev win r,..Hin to Portl-ind. here the ronm a ! ! iV Mil . h I ride. prepared tn Order engraved calling cards at The Courier. F. E. Gilbert and wife, of Sacra mento, are In this city, arriving here Tuesday to spend a few days on busi ness. Isaac Best and Wm. Kroh went to Chico, Cal., Tuesday to look after im portant business matters for a few days. T. W. Younger, of the Southern Pacific company, Is spending a few ("ays In this city on official business. Geo. E. Lundburg, who has been spending several days In this city looking over the business prospects rr the town, has decided to locate permanently In Grants Pass. Mr. i.tindburg comes here from San 'Jiego. Mrs. 0. S. Brown went to Myrtle Creek Monday, where she will spend several days with friends. She will also visit at Glendale for a short time. Tom Geber arrived here Tuesday to take a position with the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph company, re cently left vacant by the resignation of Tom Hanley. Mrs. M. E. McGilvry leaves this evening for Minneapolis, Minn., to spend several weeks with her mother ind other relatives. Roy Jordan came up from Wolf Creek Tuesday morning to spend the day with Grants Pass relatives and friends. F. M. Crockett, F. E. Blgelow and W. C. Debloy weio among the Med- ft.rd visitors, who were transacting business In this city Monday. W. B. Ayer, of Merlin, was a Grants Pass business visitor on Mon day. The most up-todate creations In millinery can be seen in the south window of the Rogue River Hard ware Co. (The big Red Front.) Mrs. F. H. Applehoff went to Med ford Monday afternoon to spend a few days with friends F. M. Mlckle, of Los Angeles, was a Grants Pass business visitor on Monday. Mrs. M. Fryer, who has spent the winter with her daughter, Mrs. W. A, Fuller and family of this city, left Monday evening for her home In Spo kane, Wash Mrs. G. H. Durham returned Mon day evening from Ashland, where she has spent the past few days with friends. Sam B. Stoy, of Glendale, was a Grants Pass visitor on Monday, trans acting business while In this city. He returned In the evening to Glendale, B. F. Boynton and daughter came up from Portland Monday to visit friends hf're. S. Spurgeon, of Waldo, was look ing after business here on Tuesday, s. V. Hamlin, of Medford, was visiting relatives and friends here Tuesday. F. M. Clow wns a Grants Pass business visitor from Tuesday. Medford on Mrs. F. B. Sklilman returned Tues day evening from IlunHimiir, where Khe has spent the pnst tw0 weeks with friends. W. R. Nipper went to Medford Wednesday morning to meet Mrs. Nipper, who Is returning from a month's visit with her mother at San Jose, Cal. Representatives of the four granges of Josephine county met at tiie Commercial club rooms this af ternoon at rail of W. Mastln, master, lo elect a delegate to the meetlnir of I"' state grange which will be held r.t Corvallls some time In May. I. I(lllwi1.l: nf 43....1. s.. . ' " oiii-MT v ret'K ci an ire was elected delegate, and J. W Tnr- voy. of Williams, ns alternate. There were 11 representatives of the four grange. Motor car number ! arrived h..m Friday to be nlm-fii nn Vi ...... . ween Grunts Pass and Ashlnn.! tn take the place of No. 63, which was wrecked in the rntninn ...... . swine unie ;i?o. Motor car 7 i u. L uiviikw ii ere " ! duty In place of No. 63. ., loo heavy and has been renb.,. 'ltli the present one. I,,,a,h ni T. n. Herman ore he member! of a new frm that will pen offices In the new Calvort hiu .! in next week. nth gentlemen are said to be experienced real estate men and will do a general "in Business and have a eond n. with which to start. , - f the Mnrt, - x- a -;'"""""n VXaX T ' KmMe I , 1 ' . 7 T 'An ? rJ ' ' 'i"imo county convention uceie, m attendance from r,rn,.t, ran, rnnip lV S007 won. r N Glltnan n. Hatty, w. H ti,,li' tlTV II . Mnrn:nn nn,I J. K C ox; 1' W. n.', a-, I r Harmon I ib'I'V.n'i' C. N. n to th ntflln r-, It w-n. Planned tn hold ,no m,vt '""vepMnn h nrant, p. Thp (,r,. fro-,, ,(,, city were rova'lv r. 'inainci (,V th u, ' M'Ml'n hotel. nnMiiber at with strength and ' they always please" TWO HORSE OVERALLS MADI av LEVI STRAUSS B CO. WlliJ W. M. Hunter, of Spokane, Wash., ia spending a few days here looking over the country. J. G. RIsks returned Wednesday morning from a business trip to Port land. F. B. Carter, Armour & Company's superintendent for the coast, spent Monday and Tuesday In Grants Pass looking after the Grants Pass branch of business. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Wlmer, of Kerby, were Grants Pass visitors on Tuesday and spent the day shopping and visiting friends. J. F. RIelly, Southern Pacific de tective, was a business visitor to Grants Pass on Tuesday. Miss Audrey Close, of Eugene, has been spending several days visiting with her aunt, Mrs. Marlon Calloway, of this city, and went to Gold Hill to visit other relatives on Tuesday afternoon. E. W. Shattuck, of Thompson creek was In town on business Tues day. Miss Maude Mclntyre arrived here Wednesday morning from Worthlng ton, Ind., to spend the summer with her sister, Mrs. W. A. Paddock, and other relatives In this city. Little Miss Dorothy Klmmell, niece of Miss Fannie Abrams, arrived here Wednesday afternoon to visit with her aunt and other relatives In and near this city. Miss Dorothy, though quite a small lady, came alone from Kendallvllle, Ind., and will visit for some time here. W. A. Marvin, of Gold Hill, spent Tuesday In Grants Pass, shopping and visiting with friends. E. L. LaPIere, of Ashland, was a business visitor here Tuesday. A. L. Bates, of Provolt, visited the county seat on Tuesday. Victor Boyd, of Roseburg, spent Tuesday in Grants Pass on business matters. D. A. Kline and J. A. Ralnrh mn. tractors and builders from Denver, t Colo., arrived In Grants Pass Tues day and contemplate establishing a permanent -residence In this city, T-here they will engage in their lino if business. Miss Vivian Galbralth has return ed from a month's absence In Port land and Woodburn, at the latter Place being the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. F. Shorev. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hansen, who have spent the past tw0 weeks In Grants Pass visiting friends and look ing after business matters, returned Tuesday evening to their home at Brownsville. They expect to return to this city later to spend several weeks, as Mr. Hansen has extensive business Interests In Grants Pass to ok after. Frederic M. Brooke went tn Eugene Tuesday evening to attend the State Sunday School convention ns a delegate of the Josephine County Sunday School union. He will deliver uurcB3 ai me meeMng. Mr. Brooke was accompanied by his little eon. License Issuoil Marriage licenses were Issued Mon day. April 10, 1911, to Albert S. Sar pent and Minnie Yeo. of Josephine 10 inty. ""Wf 111 CONSTIPATION Dreaih. Diizl. V. '. "rrl'S oitna staggprg) a Tired, t)l!roiirir(wi Keeling ; all ympiuu.4 ,.,r a Torpid are Llvor. HERBINE la mm 17 . . . ..rru,, j.,T,r Toe Mj uowri Rrsulaior. Its powerful nii,i. on or, Immedi.u lmvTovtmt. Impurltlci which h outi.t vJ"".ll'r'," nna an .linn me nystom haa hf V'r rlirinc1 ' W"ouV ' ?M "rpcars. the nrn me nvatnm ho. beconiei wcet. th ti.t and ohocrrui and thr 1. . .: feellntr pf exhilaration .11 through tho body. Trice 6e prr I,ttl. J"'F'Di"'flrd.Pron. st.Ln..i. M w.phr,. E?? S.iv. for h - ) Urn Inner ForMickl in and IN STOCK BY LEWIS AUTO COMPANY 406 Sixth Street INDIGESTION GOJ-M C. H. Deniaray Sells Best Stomach Prescription on the Money Back Plan Almost everybody knows that Blck headache, nervousness and dizziness are caused by a disordered stomach. Upset stomach and Indigestion happen just because the food you eat does not digest but lies In the stom ach an fermentj t turns sour. Tou can stop fermentation and stomach distress In five minutes by using MI-O-NA stomach tablets, a prescription that has done more to cure Indigestion and put the stom ach In fine condition than all the stomach specialists on earth. A large 50 cent box of MI-O-NA stomach tablets Is all you need to get quick and lasting relief. C. H. Dem aray guarantees them. Mrs. Altle Etson. of 93 Dun Uoad. Battle Creek, Mich., used MI-O-NA and within two months was In as good health as ever, and has a eood strong stomach, and eats anything sne likes. She attributed her good ueuuu 10 Ml-U-INA If you have gas. heaviness hp i v W U Dieno matter how chronic, try MI-O-NA stomach tablets on money back plan. Sold by C. H. Demaray and leading druggists everywhere. People who suffer from constipa tion should not forget that when the stomach properly digests food that constipation disappears. The lnstruc tlona that come with every box of Miona will tell you how to cure constipation. New Cash System The Rogue River Hardware com pany today Is Installing the Lampson cash system In their big red front hardware store on Sixth street. They will have three wire tracks In opera tion and make the store more metro politan In appearance than ever. Vaudeville Troupe Takes Road- Walter Moore, formerly one of the proprietors of the Lyceum, left Mon day afternoon with his family and troupe -of players for Central Point where they will produce the first, of a series of vaudeville performances which they will stage In the differ ent towns during the summer. Semmer Bays n, K rlur id teut and fi it is in a oM Z 1 10n No use t0 tl7 d mend the i size and price from 7 by 7 feet at $4.75 to 12 by 18. feet at $i6.50 WtMvill be ftlad to have you call and decide whilo the assortment is good. Remember the place. Jewell Hardware Co. Ti lcBgs all otWEnvelopes The majority of motor ists throughout the world are satisfied users of Michelm Inner Tubes. They are the best judges. Ask them. Look for Ait lif 0 bating Married Roy Powers and Ora E. Lewmau were united In marriage at the horn of W. R. Powers In' this city, Satur day. April 8, 1911, Rev. F. M. Can f.t Id officiating. Editor Here I. H. Smith, publisher of the Glen dalu News, mnda Tha flnm-ia. ni.. I ' - - " wu.IDl UUllU a irienaiy call Wednesday morning, this being his first trip to Grants Pass. Mr. Smith haa published tha News for the past four years. MEN: ....For tender face and neck after shaving, for pimples, Idack heada, dandruff or any skin or scalp disease use ZEMO and ZEMO SOAP. ZEMO Is guaranteed to relieve ill soreness and itching. The soap ii part of the treatment the best for all toilet purposes. Sold by druggists everywhere and In Grants Pass by C. H. Demaray. '' Jl tmn ear mill 4, III 0M thlri S I Urn UU from v. nut ImI omI- ' 3 X S prto thi Iwmt ' S Hlffc frtit j n .. r Itjr, mtt HTrr. PRICES REDUCED National Drug Store