Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, March 24, 1911, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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James Burns went to San Francis
co Thursday morning to spend sev
eral days on business.
Mrs. Victor Brown and Mrs. Chaa.
RIchton were Grants Pass visitors
from the Brwn Acres farm Wednes
day! J. T. Elliott is one of the late ar
rivals In Grants Pass, coming here
from Pacific Grove, Cal., to spend a
few days looking over this part of
the country.
For sale Two Indian Runner
DrakeB of the pen that took firs',
prize at the fair A. N. Parsons.
Frank C. Robertson was among the
out-of-town visitors on Wednesday.
M. W. Page arrived here Wednes
day from Ventura, Cal., to spend a
few days here on business.
J. G. Rlggs went to Portland on
No. 16 Wednesday evening, where he
will spend a few days on business.
B. A. Dressles went to Spokane
Wednesday evening, after several
days spent in this city looking over
the business prospects. His brother,
Fred Dressier went to Chicago 1 the
same day.
H. K. Love left Wednesday even
ing for Seattle on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Booth return-1
ed to their home at Roseburg, Wed
nesday evening. They were accom
panied by R. A. Booth, who will visit
there for a few days before going to
his home at Eugene.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Freed went to
Philomath to visit with relatives
Wednesday evening.
For sale Black cow, five years or
more, fresh August first, now giving
about two gallons. A. N Parsons.
Mr. and Mrs. W. McCormlck, of
Hugo, spent Wednesday afternoon In
this city with friends and In shopping
with Grants Pass merchants. They
returned in the evening to their home.
Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Howard, of
Ashland, were visiting with Grants
Pass friends on Wednesday.
E. H. Lister went to Jacksonville
Thursday morning, where he will
spend the day on business and return
this evening to Grants Pass.
Allan MacKenzle left Thursday
morning for Roseburg, where he ex
pects to spend the summer.
Benjamin T. Jack, of Merlin, was
transacting business here Wednes
Miss Emma Loughridge came up
from Willamette university Thurs
day "morning to spend the spring va
cation with her parents, Dr. and Mrs.
Paul Blanchard, who Is a student
at the Willamette university at
Salem, came to Grants Pass Thurs
day morning to spend a week's vaca
tlon with his parents.
Mrs. Waughtal will hold her mil
llnery opening Thursday, Friday and
Saturday, March 30, 31 and April 1.
The public Is cordially Invited to at
tend and Inspect the fine line of mil
llnery on display. Mrs. Waughtal
has been unable to hold her opening
earlier on account of illness. 3-24-lt
Arthur Fryer returned Thursday
morning from Portland, where he
went to purchase new machinery for
the Grants Pass Lumber company.
Robert Reames, of Medford, was
a Grants Pass business visitor on
John T. Stolz, of Ashland, was
transacting business here Wednesday.
Conard Krebs and John Krebs, of
Salem, are visiting with relatives In
this city for a few days.
A. J. Vonderslest and N. E. Petch,
of Medford, were looking up busi
ness In this city Thursday.
D. D. Dow and son, of Ashland,
were business visitors to this city on
Miss Echo Gaddls came In from
Kerby Wednesday and went to Med
ford Thursday morntng to visit with
relatives. '
D. Cameron, of Woodvllle, was vis
iting Grants Pass friends and doing
some shopping In this city on Wed
nesday. E. C. Moffitt, of Ashland, has
moved bis family to this city, where
they will make their future per
manent home.
For sale One cow, five years or
more, fresh In May. No gives
about two gallons. A. N. PorBons.
Hy-Pol will make your furniture
look like new. Get a 30c ran at
Cramer Bros.
F. D. Towker, of Greenville,
Vlrh . arrived here Thursday and
may lorate. Mr. Tower and A. E
Voorhles, owner of The Courier,
were former school friends In Michi
C. N. Dnvldson, attorney of Butte.
Mont., has been looking over the
Rogue River valley with a view to
locating. He returns to Butte, but
will keep In touch with this section
through The Courier.
.urs. II. B. Hendricks went to
Springfield Thursday morning to
spend two weeks with her son, Robert
Hendricks, and family.
Word was received by telegram
Thursday morning from L. E. Mc
Daniels, at Sherwood, stating that
his father died at that place Wednes
day evening. Mr. McDaniels will re
turn to this city Sunday.
Take a looloat our new spring'
suits. 1'hey will suit you. Calhoun's.
Mrs. Frank Pook and little daugh
ter, who have been visiting with Mrs.
Pook'B parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
MaeKenzle, and family, of this city,
left Thursday morning for Albany,
where they will visit with friends
for a few days and then go to their
home at Hubbard, Ore.
Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Culy returned
to their home at Merlin Wednesday
evening, after spending the day with
friends in this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Deppe, of Ket
chikan, Alaska, have been spending a
few days In this city on a visit to old
friends here, Mr. and Mrs. C. G.
Coutant, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cou
tant and Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Abrams.
Mr. and Mrs. Deppe have been spend
ing the past nine weeks In California
and arrived here Tuesday evening.
They are delighted with the southern
Oregon climate and scenery and ex
pressed regret that they did not come
to this city sooner, as the weather m
California was rather disagreeable
during their stay there. They leave
this evening for Seattle, where they
will Ball on the City of Seattle for
their home In Alaska on March 31.
The school board of District No.
held a special meeting Wednesday
night and considered a number of
applications for positions In the
schools. , There are at present sev
eral hundred of these on file. Sup
erintendent R. R. Turner has been
retained for another year and the
whole corps of teachers, with very
few exceptions, have been notified of j
their re-election. Hugh Herrlck. Bon
of L. L. Herrlck, was offered the posi
tion of manual training teacher. This
meeting was called early in . order
that returns may be received from
the teachers and the places, of those
who do not care to continue may be
filled before the application list has
been reduced.
All kinds of garden tools and hand
Implements at Cramer Bros.
DIMICK At. Grants Pass, Ore., Sat
urday, March 18, 1911, Benjamin
Dlmlck, aged 69 years, of paraly
sis. SMITH At Grants Pass, Ore., Sun
day, March 19, 1911, Mabel Smith,
daughter of Mrs. Sarah E. Smith,
aged 18 years.
April 3, Monday Clean-up day.
April 20, Thursday Civil service
examination for stenographers and
typewriters at Grants Pass.
Monticello, Ky., March 11, 1911.
Rogue River Courier,
Grants Pass, Ore.
Dear Editor:
I have Just received a copy of
your valuable, up-to-date paper,
Rogue River Courier, and after a
pleasant and most delightful per-
usal of its brilliant columns, espec
ially those relative to the "Driving
of the Silver Spike" in the first tie
of the new railroad now In progress, j
the Grants Pass and Rogue River:
railway, beg to confess that your city, '
situated in the fertile valleys of the'
scenic and picturesque Rogue River,
as you say it is, must, indeed, be
a very delightful and beautiful sec
tion of country, and one In which any
one could well afford to content him
self and be happy the remainder of
his terrestrial days. And will sug
gest further, that while Kentucky,
my native state, Is noted for "pretty
women and fast horses," that the
great state of Oregon, had as well be,
noted for possessing a beautiful coun
try and an enterprising people, such
as any great state like that of Ore
gon might well bo proud of. With
all those essential qualities, the state
of Oregon, will Rome day, If not al
ready, heap up a vast amount of
permanent wealth to her credit and
also to that of our great nation.
As I am contemplating a trip to
your city this spring on somo legal
business with which I am connected,
I hope to be able to meet as many
Rood people of the state of Oregon
as possible, and behold the grandeurs
f-f your groat country with my own
Wishing in u h success for the
Rogue Klver Courier, as well as the
city of Grants lass and tbe whole
Kinte (if Oregon, I am.
After an illness of several weeks
duration caused by a paralytic
stroke Benjamin Dlmlck died at bis
home 1 Vt miles west of this city early
Saturday morning at the age of 69
In the death! of Mr. Dimmlck
Grants Pass loses one of its oldest
and best known pioneers. He was
born in Schuyler county, Illinois,
November 5, 1842, being the young
est of ten children. At the age of
9 years he came to Oregon with his
parents and in 1869 was married to
Miss Alnilna Bumgartner in Benton
county. Six children were born to
this union, all of whom are living;
Mrs. Dimlck also surviving her hus
band. In 1870 Mr. Dimlck located
in Josephine county, where he took
up a homestead of 146 acres one
and a half miles from Grants Pass,
and where he was living and engaged
in dairy business at the time of his
death. Deceased was a faithful mem
ber of the Newman M. E. church and
was a true Christian gentleman, who
held the highest respect of his" fel
low citizens. His death is a sad loss,
not only to his family, but to the
community. The funeral services
will be held at the Newman M. E.
church Monday afternoon, at 2:30,
with Rev. D. H. Leech in charge.
Get your bulk garden seeds and
onion sets at Cramer Bros.
John W. Johnson and Miss Nellie
Moore were united In marriage on
Friday, March 17, 1911, at the home
of the bride's parents in this city.
Rev. Frederic M. Brooke officiated.
Frank Mashburn, of the Golden
Rule store, Bays that his mercantile
combination will open another large
establishment at Glendlvo, Mont.,
about April 1, matters pertaining to
which, along with his other business
nere, mane mm a very busy man
these days.
Mrs. Catherine Gray on Tuesday
closed the dual through A. N. Par
sons for the three lots at the north
weBt corner of Fifth and F Btreets
from the Booth estate. The Bale
was practically made some weeks
ago, but was awaiting order of the
Mrs. Mary E. Hart and daughter
Miss Donovan, have bought the four
room cottage on Overland avenue, In
Lincoln park, owned by Mrs. M. E
Dodge, and are moving In this week
Mrs. Hart recently sold her ranch
three miles west of Merlin. Both
sales were made through E. E. Mc-
Kinstry's office.
J'. T. Blanton and Company, butch
ers and owners of the People's mar
ket at 403 G street, are now busy
serving the public in their line and
say that business Is first-class, con
sidering the short time Blnce they
opened the market. The proprietors
of the People's market kill their own
meat as' far as possible and Invite
the public to give them a trial.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Gray arrived
here Tuesday from California, where
they have spent the pant month with
friends., iney are cow'on their re
turn trip to their homo at Portland
ana win spend a few days with,
friends in this city. Mr. and Mrs,
Gray were former residents of Grants
Pass, where Mrs. Gray will be re-
j membered by many ' old friends as
Miss Vida Moore.
Planet, Jr., No! 1, combined drill
tools for only $11 at Cramer Bros
FOR SALE Bnrn, 40 by 60 by 18
Frultdale. Price $65.00 if taken
at once, easily moved, practically
new. Address o. u. II., care
Courier. 3-24-tf
FOR SALE 160 acres of land
miles west of Grants Pass, 20 to
25 acres In cultivation. A large
part of the place Is black crook
bottom soil. Price $6,000. Half
cash, balance on time. 3-24-lt
FOR 8ALE--3V4 Bain wagon In good
shape. Price $30.00. Inquire of
I. W. Ryan, S. 6th nt.
FOR SALE Thoroughbred 8. C
Brown Leghorn eggs. $1.00 pe
setting. Inquire at 704 W. D st
FOR 8ALE Single-comb R. I. Red
eggs for hatching ; pen No. 1 for
$2.50. Utility stock $1.00 pe
setting. C. R. Brechlblll, N. 10th
t. 2-2 4-1 2t
roiTSALEEgga to hatchirora
thoroughbred Buff, Brown and
Whlto Leghorn and Barred Ply
mouth Rork, $1 per 15. Some
breeding stock for sale. Ever
green Poultry ranch, It. 1. Now
man. R. F. I). No. 1. 3-..-
mm?". Prl e $30,
Went D rt.
new Burk't
Inquire 411
Willi, n
FOR SALE Single-comb R. I. egg
for hatching; 10 No. 1 for $2.5C.
Utility stock $1.00 a setting. C.
R. Britchtbill, N. 10th st. 2-24-12t
MR. NEWCOMER You could not
make a better Investment that
buying at Paddock & Manuel's
new and second-hand store (207 S.
6th st.) New goods at second
hand prices. Cut this ad out and
bring It with you and we will al
low a discount of 6 per cent.
whiik ana orown Leghorn eggs
for sale. 60c for 13. Phone or
write E. Erickson, Wlldervllle,
Ore. ' 2-17-et
and lot in Grants Pass. Address
owner, care the Courier. 2-3-tf
BE SURE and get the genuine Ore
gon Everbearing strawberry
plants. Worthless varieties have
been sold under this uume. O. A.
Hamilton, box 617. 11-11
FOR SALE Timber claim. NWVi
8ec. 24, Twp 37, 7 West, Jose
phlne county. For particulars
address H. Walter, conductor, 3rd
and Townsend streets, S. P. Co.,
San Francisco, Cal. 9-3-tf
FOR If ALE OR TRADE Large aero
motor windmill, tank and tower.
Good cow wanted. 863 Prospect
FOR SALE 3 4 Bain wagon Tn
good shape. Also thoroughbred
S. C. Brown Leghorn eggs. $1.00
per setting. Inquire of I. W.
Rye.n, 704 W. D st. 3-17-tf
FOR SALE Black Minorca eggs for
hatching; some baby chicks;
black Minorca cockerel; one Part
rldgo Rock cockerel; combination
cycle and brooder. A. II. Blass
lng N. 7th st. 3-10.4t
IF YOU want the only meat, mar
ket in a live town address box 16,
Merlin. Ore. . 2-10-4t
FOlTsALE One fine, young W h It e
Leghorn rooster. Ono Cyphers In
cubator. Good as new; 120 cap
acity. Mammoth black berry,
phenomenal and Logan tips,
Three pure bronze turkey hens
and one gobbler. 105 Central ave.,
Grata Pass. 3-10-2t
AIRSHIRE pups, thoroughbred, 21
months old, for sale cheap. In
quire E. P. Dixon, phone 228-R.
WA"nTE 6 A "mTddle""a ged f lad yto
rook for three men, a good home
for the right party. Address C.
C. In care of The Courier.
STRAYED to my placo on Plato
Creek one yellow cow marked
crop split and underblt In right
rar. crop and underblt It: leftir
cur; also one yearling bull mark-,
H underblt In both ears. Own
ers may bavo llicrn by paying for !
keep and advertisement. A. T. i
Cart. 3-3-Ct j
8. ('. Illn-k Minorca cpux fur lintih-!
Ing. $1.50 per netting e-f IV Call 1
and Inspi-it my tttnik whether yon j
wlvli in buy or not, E. S. Vcnleh.j
U4 N 3rd st. 3-l7-4t j
(QLOTHES that are high in
quality but low in price.
Styles that are new; fabrics that
are known for their wearing qual
ities; tailoring that insures you a
perfect fit and a lasting one.
Good Looking' Clothes
That Make Good
$10 to $35
C P. Bishop &. Co.
IF YOU want strawberries from ear
ly spring til late in fall, set the
Oregon Everbearing. O. . Ham
ilton, box 617. . 1MI-U
proved or unimproved farms and
ranches In. Colorado and Nebraska
to trade for farm land or acre
age In this locality. The Best
Fuller Realty Co. 3-3-tf
LOST I will reward any party who
can give Information as to the
whereabouts of any cattle marked
upper half crop In right and under
half crop in left ear, branded in
verted U on upper right ribs. J.
R. Tucker, Selma.
FOUND On Frultdale road, sweat
er coat. Owner may have same
by phoning Robert Huck and pay
ing for this notice. 146
STRAYED onto my premises in Feb
ruary a black hog, age 10 months,
weight 100 lbB., unmarked. Own
er may have same by proving
property, paying for keep and for
this ad. S. W. Reynolds, 522 W.
G street. 3-24-ot
STRAYED Thcro came to the
premises of the undersigned in
December, 1909, one dark red
Bteer; over two years old; unmark
ed. Owner can have same by prov
ing property and paying charges.
Apply to S. E. Jess, It. F. D. No. 2.
Grants Tass. 2-24-1 1-Rt
If you want the best and lightest-running wagon
on the market, get a WEBER.
You will find the VEBER the BEST IRONED
wagon on the market.
STRAYED Cow, about 8 years old.
Right ear clipped and split, one
crumpleL4iorn, color, white and
red. Owner can get same by pay
ing for advertising and care of ani
mal at my premises. J. S. Thomp
son, Merlin, Ore. 5t
WANTED to buy a relinquishment or
farming land In Southern Oregon
or northern California. Address
Otto TJraues, 4 3 6th street, As
toria, Oregon. .
WANTED A small tract of land
either Improved or unimproved
suitable for fruit. Not too far
from town op good road. Give
full description, prices and terma
first letter. Owners only. Box
511, Grants Pass. Ore.
ARTISTIC photographs, postal!,
stamp pictures, amateur flilsh
ing. Como and see snmples at the
Angelo Studio, 606 Sixth street.
Mid-summer prlceo. 8-19-tl
RANNIE, the plumber, Is ready at
any minute to repair your plumb
lng. 609 II street. Telephoie
140-R. 4-2-ti
EARL V. 1NGELS, B. S. Best
equipped custom assay office and
nnalytlcay labratory In Oregon.
Ores, coal, soils, fertilizers, water,
food and spray products, etc., an
alyzed. Toxicol analysis. Rooms
201-3 Calvert-I'addoek building.
, Phone 370-J.