Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, March 17, 1911, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 1011
George Brown, of Reuben, was in
town on business Wednesday.
Mrs. J. N. Manning, of Talent,
spent Wednesday In Grants Pass
with friends.
M. Albert, of Central Point, was
a Grants Pass business visitor on
H. Ditrlck, of Crescent City, is
spending a few days here looking
over this part of southern Oregon.
Louis Watson, of Murphy, spent
Wednesday in Grants Pass looking
after business matters and visiting
C. Thrasher, of Gold Hill, spent
Wednesday with friends here.
J. C.- Beagle was looking after
business and calling on friends here
Wednesday. He returned to Asn
land in the afternoon.
The "Iron Clad" John Deere
wagon is built for Oregon trade. The
users of this celebrated wagon are
the ones that say it's the bo' ' j
by the Grants Pass Hardware Co. !
. J. M. Devall, of Leland, was a
business visitor to Grants Pass on
S. T. Scott and Fred Moos came up
from Glendale Wednesday to spend
the day with Grants Pass friends
E. H. Wild was, a caller' to this
city Wednesday, coming down from
Medford In the morning and return
ing in the afternoon.
For sale Two Indian Runner
Drakes of the pen that took firs',
prize at the fair A. N. Parsons.
Before buying a wagon see us for
prices and the best makes on the
market John Deere, "Iron Clad"
and the celebrated Peter Schuttler
made for Oregon trade no shrink,
no swelling Blmply "Iron Clad."
Grants Pass Hardware Co.
A. C. Howland was In from the
Swastika mine on Wednesday look
ing after business matters and visit
ing his brother.
E. Pollock and wife, of Bray, Cal .
Mrs. J. Marshall and in. K. Card,e,
of the same place, are spending sev
eral days In this city looking over
the city and adjacent country.
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Powers, of
Glendale, spent Wednesday In Grants
Pass with friends.
H. N. Starr returned Wednesday
from a business trip to Medford.
For sale Three-year-old cow, kind
and gentle, and good milker. Fresh
In July. Now gives two and a half
gallons of mllk.i A. N. Parhons.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Booth return
ed to their home at Merlin Wednes
day evening, after spending the day
visiting friends and shopping In
Grants Pass. . I
Miss Beryl Singleton, who has
spent the past week with her aunt,
Mrs. Bertha Peterson, of this city,
returned Wednesday evening to her
home at Roseburg.
W. G. Pilgrim, who rectnly pur
chased property In this city on Sixth
street, left Tuesday evening for Port
land, where ho will spend some time
on business.
The "Iron Age" garden tool does
the work of three men and does it
quicker and hotter.' We sell it.
Grants Pass Hardware Co.
I. A. Robio went to Portland Tu?s
day evening to spend several days
looking after Important business
Mrs. E. A. Neal and Mrs. J. M.
Tyler, of Merlin, were Grants Pass
visitors Wednesday afternoon, re
turning In the evening to their home
Dr. F. W. VanDyke, after a serious
illness, is now on the high road to
recovery. The last few days have
shown suctt an Improvement that ue
ha3 been able to sit up some today.
We meet all competition on
wagons; handle the best on the mar
ket and the biggest stock. Grants
Pass Hardware Co.
For sale Black cow, five yep -3 or
more, fresh August first, now giving
about two gallons. A. N Parsons.
While in the act of moving the 0
Russell house at Ashland last week
the skeleton of a man was unearthed
in the cellar. This is one of the
Eldest houses in Ashland and has
stood on Main street for many years.
The find has caused considerable ex
citement in the city and may be the
means of unearthing a past tragedy.
Mayor Canon, of Medford, is in
Grants Pas3 today for . the purpose
of Investigating our street lighting
system and also looking over the
other improvements in this city, In
cluding the street work. Although
Mr. Canon has been mayor of Med
ford for several years this is his
first trip to Grants Pass. He is
looking for the best In town Improve
ment and is finding it here.
John Deere "Iron Clad" and Peter
Schuttler wagons the arriving by
the carload for the Grants Pass
Hardware Co. They are made for
the v-regon trade and are the best
wagons on the market to stand bad
roads and wet weather.
The Oriole Uoid Mining company
of Galice Is still blocking out ore
and are working double shift night
and day in tunnel No. 4, which Is on
the 600-foot level. This mine Is in
excellent condition and with thous
ands of tons of ore In sight and will
soon be ready for a mill. The roads
are drying up rapidly In tnis dis
trict and the Ahneda Mining and
Milling company will be able to re
sume their hauling of coke and flux
to their smelter in the Galice dis
trict. For sale One cow, five years or
more, fresh in May. Now gives
about two gallons. A. N. Parsons.
The Women's Relief Corps will
give a dime social In the Modern
Woodman hall on Front street Sat
urday evening, March 18. The pro
ceeds of the evening will be used to
purchase a flag for the new high
Bchool building. Every citizen in
Grants Pass should be interested in
this entertainment. A good program
has been arranged, with the addUIon
of a fish pond, and every angler is
assured a "cat." Cake and Ice
cream will be served.
The "Iron Age" garden tool sows,
drills, cultivates and Is adjusted
quicker for any port of garden work
than any garden combination tool
made. See It In our window. Grants
Pass Hardware Co.
The total amount of taxes for Jo
sephine county this year amounts to
224.035.35. Of this amount $104
525.56 haii boon collected and re
ceipted and there has been about
m(000 paid in which has not yet
been receipted. The largest amount
paid on any one day was collected
Wednesdny when $8,326.98 was re
ceived at the sheriff's office. The
railroad tax this year amounts to
about $60,000 and half of this
amount has been paid. Since re
ceiving the roll 202 more receipts
were written up to the 15th this year
than had been written up to the
same date Inst year.
Miss Carrie Williams, of Medford,
was a Grants Pass business visitor
Wednesday and returned in the af
ternoon to her home.
Mrs. A. M. Rule, of Woodvllle, vis
ited Grants Pass on Wednesday to
do some shopping and visit with
Riley Hammersley came down
from Gold Hill Wednesday to spend
the day on business.
R. L. Burdlc, one of Ashland's
capitalists, was In Grants Pass Wed
nesday looking over real estate.
W. A. ( Richards and wife were
among the out of town people who
-pent Wednesday with Grants Pass
irlends. They returned to their
home at Merlin In the evening.
Mrs. L. Sayers and Miss Anna Hll
llard were Grants Pass visitors on
Wednesday and left Thursday morn
ing for Portland.
Mrs. Harry Schmidt returned Wed
nesday frpm Hugo, where she had
been spending several days with her
Geo. E. Lear, of Willows? Cal.,
has, been looking over the business
prospects of this city. He arrived
here Wednesday. ,
Devotees of the national game In
the various Sunday schools are get
ting their lineup ready for tho open
lng of the baseball season about the
middle of April. As was the cuo
last year, there will be four teams
in the league and some gool Bpcrt
is promised.
W. S. Moore, one of the prop.'e-
tors of the Lyceum theater, has sold
his Interest In that amusement
house to H. B. Snapp, of Eugene,
who left for his home today to sot-
tie up his business and return to
Grants Pass to become a permanent
resident. Mr. Snapp has Just dis
posed of a $75,000 block of Willa
mette valley real estate and after
looking over this city for a week de
cided it looked good to him and at
once proceeded to absorb some of
the many bargains lying around.
Among several buys other than
the deal for the half Interest n the
Lyceum he is said to have purchased
the corner at Foundry and Pine, al
so several lots on Front street next
to the marble works on the west.
In transferring his holdings from
the Willamette valley to this city
Mr. Snapp Is but following a host of
other investors who are bncklng
their Judgment of a greater Grants
Pass with money, and lots of it.
FOR SALE Single-comb R. I. Red
eggs for hatching; pen No. 1 for
$2.50. Utility stock $1.00 per
setting. C. R. Brechtblll, N. 10th
at. """ 2-2 4-1 2t
FOR SALE Eggs to hatch from
thoroughbred Buff, Brown and
White Leghorn and Barred Ply
mouth Rock, $1 per 15. Some
breeding stock for sale. Ever
green Poultry ranch, R. L. New
man, R. F. D. No. 1. 3-3-K
range. Price $30,
West D st.
new Buck'
Inquire 411
FOR SALE Single-comb R. I. egg
for hatching; 10 No. 1 for $2.5C.
Utility stock $1.00 a setting. C.
R. Brltchtblll, N. 10th st. 2-24-121
MR. NEWCOMER You could not
make a better Investment thai
buying at Paddock & Manuel's
new and second-hand store (207 S.
6th st.) New goods at second
hand prices. Cut this ad out and
bring it with you and we will al
low a discount of 5 per cent.
win it; ana Drown Leghorn eggs
for sale. 50c for 13. Phone or
write E. Erickson, Wllderville, '
Ore. 2-17-St
Mar. 18, Friday Flag social
Modern Woodmen hall.
Friday, Mar. 17 Mothers' meeting,
Riverside school, at 2 p. m.
March 21, Tuesday The Pasmorcs
at opera house.
and lot in Grants Pass. Address
owner, care the Courier. 2-3-tf
BE SURE and get the genuine Ore
gon Everbearing strawberry
plants. Worthless varieties have
been sold under this name. .0. A.
Hamilton, box 617. ll-ll-'J
FOR SALE Timber claim, NWK
Sec. 24, Twp 37, 7 West, Jose
phine county. For particulars
address H. Walter, conductor, 3rd
and Townsend streets, 8. P. Co.,
San Francisco, Cal. 9-3 -t!
IF TOU want straw berries from ear
ly spring til late in fall, get the
Oregon Everbearing. O. A. Ham
ilton, box 617. 12-lt-tf
proved or unimproved farms and
ranches in Colorado and Nebraska
to trade for farm land or acre
age in this locality. The Best
Fuller Realty Co. 3-3-tf
Dutchess Trousers
$1.00 a Rip
lOc a Button
Easy in
Any Position.
The nunie DllCHKSS in on
every button
This wtirnuity is sewed in
side of every pair: t
You may buy a pair of,
from $2 to $0 and near
them two months. For every
suspender button thnt comes
off wc will pay you TEX
CEXTS. If they rip in the
sent or elsewhere, we will
pay you OXE DOLLAR or
Look for the Button;
Look for the Warranty
It is a Positive Assurance of Honest '
Values and Satisfaction
Peerless Clothing' Co.
The Home of the Dutchess in
IST Between Rogue River bridge
and New Hope a child's brown
coat. Finder leave at McKlnstry's
office. 3-10-lt
LOST I will reward any party who
can give information as to the
whereabouts of any cattle marked
upper half crop in right and under
half crop In left ear, branded in
verted U on upper. right ribs. J.
R. Tucker, Selma.
FOR i'ALE OH TRADE Large ncro
niotor windmill, tank and tower.
Good cow wanted. 863 Prospect
FOR SALE 3i Bain wagon in
good shape. Also thoroughbred
S. C. Brown Leghorn eggs. $1.00
per setting. Inquire of I. W.
Ryan, 704 W. D st. 3-17-tf
FOR SALE Black Minorca eggs for
hatching; some baby chicks;
black Minorca cockerel; one Part
ridge Rook cockerel; combination
cycle and brooder. A. II. Mass
ing N. 7th st. 3-1 0-4t
FOR SALE Good tram of farm
horses and harness. Geldings
about eight and twelve years old.
Apply Best-Fuller Realty Co.
FOUND On Frultdale road, sweat
er cont. Owner may have sarno
by phoning Robert Huck and pay-
lne for thla notice. I4f.
The Women's Relief Crops will
give a dime social la the Modern
Woodman hall on Front street Sat
urday evening, March 18. The pro
ceeds of the evening will be used to
purchase a flag for the new high
Bchool building. Every citizen 'n
Grants Pnss should bo interested la
this entertainment. A good
hns been arranged, with the Pddltlon
of a fish pond, and every angler Is
assured n "cutch." Cake and Ice
cream will be served.
STRAYED There came to the
premises of tho undersigned in
December, 1909, one dark red
steer; over two years old; unmark
ed. Owner can have same by prov
ing property and paying charges.
Apply to S. E. Jess, R. F. D. No. 2,
Grants Pbrs. 2-24-1 l-5t
STRAYED Cow, nbout S years old.
RlKht ear clipped and split, one
crumpled horn, color, white nnil
red. OwnT con get snme by pny
ing for advertising and care of ani
mal at my promisor. J. S. Thomp
son, Merlin, Ore. 5t
IF YOU want the only meat mar
ket In a live town address box 1(5,
Merlin. Ore. 2-10-4t
Iron Clad Celebrated
We have Just received in rnrloiul lot these to Mnndard make
of wagons, built for Oregon trade, to stand the hardest
knocks. Made of Kcavoried hickory, nny w tire or
wheel. Wet or dry weiillier lhee wagon
will give nliHolufe mitUfiictlon.
This combination garden tool Is the wonder of thi
Hi- for a work saver. Simple--entry-running.
Nothing llk It before. Come In and see It, the
newest garden tool out.
Grants Pass Hardware
Order engraved calling cards
The Courier.
M. F. Mulkey, of Jacsksonvlllo.
was a Grants Pass business visitor
on Wednesday.
Miss Mattle Williams returned to
her home at Sams valley Thursday
morning, nfter pending a Bhort time
In Grants Pass on business.
S. S. Smith, one of the owners of
the Medford Sun, visited Grants Pass
today, calling on the professional
and business men. Mr. Smith Is
making tho Sun r. metropolitan paper
and a creuu to bis city.
With the advent of spring and
balmy weather comeB tho roaming
peddler, the shoe lure man, the curb
stone orator, the vender of patent
noKtrums of vnrlotiR sorts and what
not. Like the migrating members of
the feathered world, these more or
fless unfortunates of earth's great
family follow the wavo of spring
time northward. Grants Pnss these
dnys Is enjoying the presence of a j Denver or tho
phrenologist who has been enter-1 tho Rose City.
talnlug the public on tho Calhoun At 1 ho offices of tho Pacific Coastt
corner and if anyone wants to know (Steamship company It was stated
Just how much matter ho hasn't ;thnt General PnBsenger Agent Di.n-
got lie may be tilde to find out. So ami was In i.ns Angeles today, but
far the heads examined disclose but
few knockers.
cal agents of tho Pacific Navigation
company expected word today of ft
supposed cut-rate between San Fran
cisco and Portland. The rati to Los
Angeles, which will go Into effect
Sunday, Is $6.35 first-class on the
Bern', and, $5.35 on
TEAM WANTED 1200 or 1300
pound, all-round horses. Address
C. F. Dixon. 2-24-lt
FOR SALE One fine, young White
Leghorn rooster. One Cyphers In
cubator. Good as new; 120 cap
aclty. Mammoth black "berry,
phenomenal and Lognn tips,
Three pure bronze turkey hens
and one gobbler. 105 Ce ntral ave.,
Grnts Pass. 3-10-2t
AiusiliREptip"s,' thoroughbreds, li
months old, for sale cheap. In
quire 12. P. Dixon, phono 228-R.
WANTEDA'nilddIeagcd lady to
rok for three men, a good home
for the right party. Address C.
C. In care of The Courier.
STRTVYED" tomy" place"on Slati?
Creek one yellow row marked
crop upllt and underblt in rignt
ear, rrop and underblt. In left
ear; also one yearling bull mark
ed underblt In both fnrs. Own
ers may have them by paying for
keep and advertisement. A. T.
Cart. 3-J-5t
('. Mark Minor' a for had h
Ing. $1.50 pi r hi King 'f 1". Cult
and Inspect, my Mock whether m
lsh to buy or not. K. 8. Venteh,
r.5 4 N. 3rd M. 3-J7-4I
WANTED to buy a relinquishment or
farming land In Southern Oregon
or northern California. Address
Otto Tlmues, 453 5th street, As
toria, Oregon.
Are Ytc
WANTED A Btnall tract of land
either Improved or unimproved
suitable for fruit. ' Not too far
from town on good road. Give
full description, pri es and terms I
first letter. Owners only. Ilox
511, Grants Pass. Ore.
ARTISTIC photographs, postals
stamp pictures, amateur finish'
Ing. Come and see ample at th
Anrcelo Btudln, COG Sixth street
Mid-summer prices. 8-19-tf
RANNIE, the plumber, Is ready a'
ny minute to repair your plumb
lng. 609 It street. Telephone
140-K. 4-2-t.
KA 1(1, V. INOKLH. II. H. Hem
equipped custom nssny office and
annlytlcny lnbratory In Oregon
Ore, rnsil, soils, fertilizers, water
food and spray product, etc., in
alyrrd. Toxical snnlyM. Room
201 -,t Calveit-rnddock building
Phone 3 70-.I.
H It,,.....
m ;
1 1
ft S 1 I . f
It was expected that other companies
would meet the rato.
If ycu tr.? t'.cp 1 tx.
Hazorj lint lx! J Oiclf cclt'o f " 1
G tccfcihcn L.'lcad tl ft.u:.'-ri;i.n
...I.. 1 .' . .1 r .j
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cilc: ex C.'-! 1 vi.'i . ;i:t cxan W.u t
tlowt 3 Vi.ui Ilia!, Ley Ivur.i.cnJ
rr.uc Huc"i ' cvcryt:n.ij
ccsentul I J ft fxv! iliavc.
Pit en t: f'mtlilng louclitjyour
thava 1 uuij
Violet Talcum Powder
25caPtvtlu. '