FltlDA', MAUC1I 17, 1011 WEEKLY KOGUE RTF Kit COURIER rtwi: i-vy . ft J . i. 1 !. ; ! ! V THREE QUARTERS OF . A1 ILUON STARVING WASHINGTON, Mar. 15. That the only saleable property remalnlug to the Btarvlng people In the Chinese counties of Nanusuchow and Meug chen are, their children, which are being exchanged for" food, is the statement of Consul Wilder, in a re port to the state department froiu Nanking, China. In there two coun ties alone, he estimates the number of starving at three quarters of n million. Outside of the city of Nanking 100,000 famine refugees are without food or clothing and are sleeping in the mud In the open air. Thousands1 are even lying in the water, the liv ing mingling with the corpses of the dead which the authorities have fail ed to remove from the refugee camps. In the famine districts the people are dying so rapidly that no attempt Is made to number the fatalities. By Imperial edict taxes have been re mitted In three of the famine dis tricts, and it Is expected that similar action will be taken throughout the e..tire famine region. Consul VHder reports that the money contributed for famine relief Is being honestly expended. The American Red Cross and the state department are co-operating In send ing the money contributed In the United States to China, but much more is needed. Order engraved calling cards at The Courier. BUSINESS POINTERS Dr. Flanagan, Physician and Surgeon. J.E.Peterson.PloneerlnsuranceMan. Rexall Remedies at Clemens, sells drugs. Diamonds and watches sold on the Instalment plan to responsible par ties at Letcher's Jewelry store. Alfred Letcher, Registered Opto metrist and Jeweler in Dixon's old stand, Front st. Eyes tested free. OREGON PRODUCTS ATTRACT BIG CROWDS Indications are for great movement of Homeseekers into ' Oregon's rich unsettled parts during 1911. Fruit Industry interests Central States. "The way to get people Into the Northwest is to take the Northwest to them." This is what President Hill of the Great Northern has done for Oregon by completely equipping a car with Oregon products and send ing it on a 7,000 mile tour through the eastern states with traveling repre sentatives in charge who are well versed on western conditions. The Interest this car has created every where on its tour through Michigan, eastern Ohio and southern Indiana l2S2ii3 'Pn vw. if It - ! r 7 m jvs vyJv$ "i ' ' ' " . i r " i n v ... . f. , v OREGON EXHIBIT BY GREAT NORTHERN RY. AT WESTERN LAND PRODUCTS EXHIBIT, HELD IN OMAHA, Nl.H. RECENTLY. has been nothing short of wonderful. Oregon la bound to gain from this practical publicity, and the value of it can only be reckoned when the colon ist period is over and some idea can be had of the number of new settlers brought into the State. The following reports of the Travel ing Immigration Aevits In charge of Oregon's Exhibition Cat were furnish ed by E. C. Lti'dy. General immigra tion Agent of the Great Northern Hy. greenwood, Infl. Fifteen hundred visitors, a great many of whom were farmers. A la rite per cent of interest wa tor homesteads in Oregon. The hall where the stereoptlcon lecture wa held In the evening Tu crowded, and some were turned away. The ap ple dlsplrfy in the car Is drawing many favorable comment. Jeffersonvllle, Ind. Tremendous crowd. At least E.OoO people visited the car. The crowd kept up all day long and the lecture hall was crowded In the evening We estimated the at tendance at about 1.400. Th Interest Heems to be mostly In farm land with a little for fruit culture. This U a AMRRICANS MASSACRED. DOUGLAS, Ariz., Mar. 15. The American . commander . of the 26 leUcb that joined Blanco's forces at Cinezas Springs says he came direct from Casas Grandes, Chihuahua and was present at the battle there. Vie snys Maduro gained a final victory, that Madero's brother wu3 wounded slightly in the wrist, but that Ma dcro was not injured. Me states further that the federals turned a cannon and machine guns) on four houses occupied by American I families., where American non-com-j batants had taken- refuge, and bom- i barded these until the occupants were killed. There were only seven American fightins men in the ranks taken jji-isouer, he says, the others escaping and later rejoining Madero's forces. Madero took the city, gathered ap nil supplies and marched out. Th? prisoners captured by the federals during the first day's fight were com pelled to gather up i.nd bury the dead, numbering 192, of which all were federals excepting 42. ' ro means of confirming this man's account is available here. It is now certain that Blanco is utfiiir in conjunction with Madero. General Blanco, the rebel leader, by delaying too long his final attack on Agna Prieta has apparently losi his opportunity. The Mexican gov ernment, by a clever ruse In allow ing the capture of supposed official mail, deceived the Insurrecto chief tain into delay, enabling the federal reinforcements from Nacozarl to reach the city and Join the beleaguer ed garrison here. Both Surgeon Stallman, of ihe Third United States cavalry, and civ ilian surgeons In Douglas tendered their services to the Mexican authori ties in Agua Prieta, offering to furn ish supplies and instruments as well as to care for those wounded In the engagement Sunday. These number seven, including two lieutenant?. The Mexican medical attendant is rot a surgeon, nor has he any instru ments nor hospital supplies. Tlie wounded men are lying on boards In the shacks at the bull ring or on the good working field and the interested class seemed to be listed among the best people. New Albany, Ind. Nothing so far equals the attendance to the Oregoi car such as we had at New Albany. Starting early in the morning we had a steady crowd of visitors for the two days. On the evening of the second day we passed through the car not less than 1,500 people between 7:00 and 9:00 p. m. It was necessary to do this, as we left at 9:30 p. m. 1 would estimate the attendance during loth days at no less than 9,000 people. Franklin, ln,d. Enthusiasm and in terest Fhown here set a new mark for the Oregon Car. We had fully 4.000 visitors Htid the hall In the evening was tilled to overflowlnit. I have never experienced quite siuh an en thusiastic audience ns we encountered at our lecture. After the lecture we were kept busy forsome time eivine per sonal Interview. We also opened the car and allowed the people to look the exhibits over until nlmont 11:00 p. m. We secured the names of a largo number of prospective homesteaders at'l tourists for Oregon. Annonla, Ohio. Attendance about fiiNi. At the Ktereoptieon lecture In tin evening every cent in the hail wan taken. It was a rouslnc and especial ly Interested crowd i.r,d the attend ance wan largo considering the size of the town. Several dime to me after the lecture in the evening and stated that they were suing went this spring or summer. adobe floor of a building. The wives of some of the wounded men are 'the only attendants. Douglas' surgeons wished to remove' the wounded to the recently completed Cooper Farm hospital at DougHs, which has many comfortable vacant rooms with every facility for the best service. American doctors say the wounded men will die when gan grene sets in. SKLMA The Doer Creek Valley Telephone Co. held their annual meeting Sat urday, (the one near the first of Feb ruary being declared unconstitution al. The officers for the coming year were elected and other business transacted quietly after long discus sion. William Weymer and family, of Keiby, were visiting on Deer Creek Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Roarkjand family, of Dryden, were visiting at Selma Sunday. Miss Melvina Fox, who is teaching school at Dryden, was visiting Mr. Tucker, of Selma, Saturday and Sun day. The Selma Hotel, formerly owned and run by George Klphart, was recently purchased by Mr. Casey, who has taken possession. We hope he will be as successful in a pros pering business as Mr. Kiphart has been. Mr. Kiphart Is expecting to go to Grants Pass to live soon. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Tucker were callers on R. C. Churchill and fam ily Sunday evening. There was a dance at Mr. Henry Hudson's place Saturday night. A fine crowd was present and a good old-fashioned lively time Is reported. F. S. Warren came out from Grants Pass Saturday to spend a few days looking after' business and calling on friends. C. E. Robarts made a business trip to the Pass Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Ragan were the guests of the Tucker family Tuesday night. During the past season the old copper mine on the Illinois River, about 14 miles below Selma, chang ed hands, and the company are sur veying and investigating with the aim of opening up the work, also building a wagon road from Selma. It is talked that the change of the owners of the Selma Hotel In con nected with the mine, as Mr. Casey has been Interested In the mine. This will be fine for Deer Creek. IT IS CURABLE. Dyspepsia may be completely eradi cated if properly treated. We sell a remedy that we positively guarantee will completely relieve Indigestion or dyspepsia, or the medicine nsed during the trial will cost the user nothing. This remedy has been named Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets. Certainly no offer could be more fair, and our offer should be proof positive that Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets are a dependable remedy. Inasmuch as the medicine will cost you nothing If It doea not benefit you, we urge you who are Buffering with Indigestion or dyspepsia to try Itexnll Dyspepsia Tablets. A 25-cent box contains enough medicine for fifteen days' treatment. For chronic cases we have two larger Blzes. CO cents and $1.00. Remember you can obtain Rex all Remedies only at The Rexall Store. M. Clemens. Polk't Oregon and Washington State Gazetteer and Business Directory Just Issued for 1911-12 is the most complete work of the kind published. It con;-alnB an accurate business di rectory of every city, town and vill age In Oregon and Washington, and the names and addresses of country merchants and professional men, lumbermen, etc., who are located ad Jocent to villages; also lists of gov ernment and county officers, com missioners of deeds, state boards, statutory provisions, terms of courts, names of the postmasters, post offices, express, telephone and tele graph offices, justices of the peace, hotels, dally and weekly newspapers; besides much other Information use ful to all classes of business and pro fessional men. A descriptive sketch of each place Is given, embracing various items of interest, such ns lo cation, population, distances to dif ferent points, the moot convenient shipping stations, tho products that are marketed, stage communication, churches, schools, libraries and so tletles An important feature Is the classified directory, giving every business arranged under its special lieudlng. thus enabling suhfrlber to obtain at n glance a 1M of all houses manufacturing or dealing In my partlrnlar line c.f good The f-rk generally Is compiled to meet the wantg of the busings community snd Is. so thorough M to deserve their liberal patronage. Price 19. R. L. Polk ft Co., Seattle, Wash. (X)MIXU KVKXTS Friday, Mar. 17 Mothers' meeting. Riverside school, at 2 p. m. Mar. IS, Friday Flag social at Modern 'Woodmen hall. Dr. E. N. Dywater returned to tl rants Pass Tuesday afternoon to at tend to some business matters and will return to Iowa Thursday to take charga' of tits brother's practice for some weeks or months in order to give him a much needed rest. The doctor will retain his offices in thr Conklln building and will return to Grams Pass later to resume practice. Since leaving here his little hoy has ii very ill, but has recovered J. F. llaligus, of the Peerless, has just purchased through A. N. Par sons two lots on Lawn ridge avenue near Manzanita street and it Is his Intention to erect a handsome resi dence in the near future. C. G. Gillette, of the Grants Pass feed store, has sold his residence at 731 North bixth street to G. II. Kes- terson. SI 00 Ki:VAKl), ijtioo The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure In all stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure . now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitulonal disease, re quires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken Inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up tho constitu tion and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have bo much faith In its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that It falls to cure. Send for list of testmonlals. Address F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists, 75e. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. The angler Is having the time of his life Just now, as steelhead are reported as biting unusually well. They are taking the spoon and the size of the fish runs well up Into the two and three pound class. There U no better fishing In the Rogue than the steelhead for real sport and many catches are being re ported. Geo. Newland, with the new Mock spinner, caught a fine string the first of the week which he was passing around among his friends. In Just what way the Mock Bpinner differs from others has not been learned, but It seems to get them. John W. Slckelsmlth, GreeiiBboro, Pa., has three children, and like most children they frequently take cold. "We have tried "several kinds of cough medicine," he Bald, "but have never found any yet that did them as much good as Chamberlain's Cough Remedy." For sale by all good dealers. DAIXDRPFF AND ITCHIXa SCALP VI KM) TO THIS TREATMENT Why experiment trying to drive the dandruff germ from underneath the skin with greasy lotions or fancy halr-dresslng when C. II. Demaray's Drug Store will guarantee ZEMO and ZEMO SOAP to entirely rid the scalp of the germ life that causes the trouble. ZEMO and ZEMO SOAP can be obtained In any city or town In America and are recognized the best and most economical treatment for all affections whether on Infant or grown person. One shampoo with ZRMO SOAP and application of ZE MO will stop Itching and cleanse tae scalp of dandruff and scurf. We invito you to try ZEMO and ZEMO SOAP and If not entirely sat isfled we will refund your money, C. II. Dcmaray, Druggist. CONSTIPATION Indigestion, Cad Prath, Dlr.l nvn, VerUBi (blind Manger), lieu'loohc, Halluw Complexion, a Tlr"d, T'H'-immifrd Jollni nrn nil cyuiuii.j of a ToiplJ I.l sr. , ' HERBINE ! an ICffrftlvt I.lvrr Toalo nad llomrl Ilrgulator, Its powerful reviving Influ ents In torplil liver trihy en an Immo'lnno improvement. You feel better rt nci!. Tlio boweln move frceh- nn thnt Ui Impurltl'-S wlilfh liavo cl'i'(rd Up Ilia dlrcntlva org tun find an outlet. Wlun tho r.yntem has 1'f'n thus rinrlfloit. Ihn tllloun, liulf tic k fueling Oli.irreuri, tho complexion (Wir, tlwi br"i'h become s'Vff.t. tlto fnlnd iil'Tt nil flcsrful nnd tl.er 1 a fiiio focllru f '.lillaraUon all tiiruuK'.i tin bol;', Trlee 6V per Hold's Jrrrr.Batlard.Pro. 6t Louis, MO. ri1 Ul 6tphn Cy Kalvt fur bort fcjrtt, II CJrta, 6 5oTono5 t c o " r o i National Drug Store Absoluts ty Pur a ' The official Government testa show Roya! Baking Powder to be an absolutely pure and healthful grape cream of tartar baking powder, and care should bo taken to prevent the substitution of any other brand in its place. With no other agent can bis cuit, cake and hot-breads be made so pure, healthful and delicious. Royal Baking Powder coils only a fair price per pound, and is cheaper and better at its price than any other baking powder in the world. It makes pure, clean, healthful food. Royal Cook Book800 RectipU-Ffee. Send Name and Address. ' ROYAL BAKINQ PQwOER CO., NEW YORK. LADIES' AUXILIARY HOLDS BIG BANQUET By far the most brilliant Boc'.al event of this yer was the pretty banquet given Friday evening by the Ladles' Auxiliary to ther new mem bers and officers. This was held In the banquet room of the Commercial club, which was appropriately doc orated In green and whlto, the colors of the club. The same color scheme was carried out in the dainty table decorations, which were green Ivy and 'vhlte carnations. Following an Informal reception In the parlors, the ladles, over a hun dred In number, moved to the ban quet room to the music of the or chestra, and were seated at the tastily laid tables, the toast mis tress, MIbb Susie Bannard, occupy ing tho seat of hpnor at the head of the long center table, with the new president, Mrs. J. F. Burke, seated at her right, and Mrs. E. O. Harris, at br left. MubIc and merry conversa tion attended .the serving of oach course. At the close of the first course the loast mistress tobo and Introduced the first toast, "Our Club," which was to have been given by Mrs. J. E. Hair, but owing to her sickness was read by Mrs. C. h. Clevenger. Mrs. Hair spoke ably of the past work of the club, and foretold Its future greatness; Mrs. Roy Bartlett put the ladles In a gale of merriment with her toast of "What We Expect of Our New Officers," given at the clofle of the second course In the third toast tho Grants Pass slogan, "15,000 In 1915," Mrs. W. R. Mc Cracken artfully pictured our city as It Is to be as a result of tbo work ASHLAND ASHLAND, OltMiON, NWKDI'MU'IUJ IJMK'K WE TRAIN MEN AND WOMEN FOR BUSINESS. OFR school Is the foremost; Ol' R practical methods Bound; OUR leacherB prac tical; OUR rftudy courses thorough and complete; OUU students successful. THIS IS TII12 TIME TOR YOU TO ENTER AND SKCCHE THE BEST RESULTS. ' P. ItlTMill, PrcMdmt. mm ll Bites IXC. KlfCHfirlt? m a a. For Sale by (he Following Live Merchants: A. M. Vlni)nrd, Grants Puns. II. C. Buli.eln, (iianls PiiHi Gibson Grocery Co., Grants Pass. (!. Dixon, Grunts Pass Southern Supply Co., Grunts Pass. Grants Pass Rochdale Co. Clans Schmidt, Qrants Pass of the auxiliary ladles. Following tho last course, the toart mistress In a few closing remarks called for a rising toast to be drunk to the new officers, followed by one to the new members, an 1 closing with one to the orchestra, out of appreciation for the pleasure they had rendered tht guests during the evening. Just then Mrs. G. C. Sabln, calling the ladles to order, Introduced Mrs. E. O. Harris, who, In a very gracious way, turned to tho retiring nresldent, Miss Susie Bannard, and presenting her with a beautiful pearl pin, expressed to her the deep appreciation the la lies of the club felt for the success of tuo year's work and asked that the gift bo accepted as a token of their re gard for her untiring r.enl during the year. 'ihe ladles separated, feeling that this occasion had been a notable one In the history of the club, bringing together for tne first time Buch a large number of their members for the planning of their work and for greater social Intercourse, W. M. Pilgrim, for the past seven years traveling engineer for the Averl.l Machinery company, recently bought from E. A. Cheetbam the re sidence at the corner of Sixth and Jackson streets, and this week pur chased two adjoining lots. Mr. Pil grim left Tuesday night for Port land on business, but will return shortly. Ills two little sons are at tending school here. Mr. Pilgrim has traveled all over the const from British Columbia to Mexico and ay he thinks Grants Pass the best plac for a home thnt he has seen. Order your calling cards at The Courier. 10c ROUPWP The One Perfect Cleanser liny a ciKi--iiHO It-compare It with any oilier clemiHcr you have ever iimm!. ltilound 'Cp Isn't a better prodnct-if it doesn't do fur lmtter work if It Isn't tho very bet cleanser on the market, In your judgment, return the Container und your doaler will return your money to you. Uuund-l'p a natural pioilin t. It cnnics from tlm earth a imturiil clomiRer. Con U I us no CHtiMlu or iilkitlis doet not Injur tho Land not a pitrticlo. II winks quirk and well, and U tin rconomli ul i leiumer to use, A slnglo t ri ul of a 10o can will couv Ince you. Order a run from your dealer tody, There in a plcfMfint surprisa In alort fur you.