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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1911)
FRIDAY, MARCH 3, 111 WCBKLT ROGUE RIYBR OOBRISR PAta cavsur ss1 - " ' " "" 4 WUNtVneWS. 4 FRUTDALB William Breltmayer spent several days last week visiting in the Illinois valley. He reports a fine trip and says be saw some fine places. A day long to be remembered by the ladles was last Thursday, when the Thimble club met at the new home of Mrs. Hamilton, and a splen did time was passed. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Jewel walked out to the home of Doctor McKabe last Sunday afternoon. Mrs. M. E. Sturdevant spend sev eral days this week visiting at the Robert Huck home. Mr. Sturdevant brought her out, but returned to his duties in town. Jack Campbell spent Saturday and Sunday with his family, but returned to the river ranch Monday for a few days' work. We notice several of the Fruit dale folk took in the play at the opera house In Grants Pass last Mon day night and enjoyed the old songs in Silver Threads, among them were 0. A. Hamilton 'and Mrs. Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Hefley, E. C Underwood and wife, W. S. Coutant and wife, and Messrs. Worth, Ham ilton, Irwin, Lewis and Carlson. A. Buer came home Saturday and stayed till Monday with his family Margarete Heyer visited over Sun day at the Breltmayer home, but re turned to Grants Pass to finish her visit at the Perkins home. Grandma Wllklns is still confined to the house with a case of la grippe. Last Sunday was the 66th anniversary of her marriage. Mrs Wllklns is one of the most remark able women it has been our pleasure to meet, for though nearlng the 85th year of her life she still is as bright and could pass for sixty easy. She has made her home with her daughter, Mrs. Straud Hoare, at the Jewett mine for seventeen years. The Grange will hold Its regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Emma Heyer Saturday. W. H. Helnze was out looking over his place laBt Sunday afternoon. Dwlght Jewel, Luther Coe and Garnet Best, of Grants Pass, visited the Junior Christian endeavor so ciety last Sunday. Charles Chaffe sold his place last weey and has gone to California to reside. Mr. Hoag has been quite sick, but is mending slowly. Fred Williams and wife were din ner guests at the E. C. Underwood : home Sunday. A little fire started in the flue i of the Strand Hoare house last Sun day afternoon, but was discovered .and put before much damage was done. A surprise party went to Forest Home Farm Tuesday evening and took possession of the house, the oc- . a caslon belnir the anniversary of the Mrs. C. O. Blgeiow nas reiurumi birthday of William Breltmayer. and from Grants Pass, where sne ceie the neighbors enjoyed the pleasure brated her birthday with her parents of helping to celebrate. We predict Mr. and Mrs. C. B. taiawea many returns of this day for Mr, Breltmayer is one of the boys, hit birthday really comae seldom as It Is on the 29th of February. SELMA Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Chastaln February 24, a nine-pound daughter. a card party one night last week at l'd the day with relatives Misses Thelma and Martha Wil kinson were the guests of Misses Maggie and Edith Cougle one day last week. Mrs. Mary Harriott and children are visiting Mrs. Harriott's mother, Mrs. M. J. Johns. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. .DeArmond noma ii n Sundnv in their auto to Henry Smith's place. Ed Rlan, who drove team for C. E. Roberts last summer, returned from Medford, where he has Bpent the last two or three months, and took up the same occupation for the coming sea son. Jack Shade and B. F. Tllley spent Saturday ln -Selma. J. C. Edds made a trip to the Pass last week. One of the Mr. Moores and family, who settled on a new homestead on upper Deer Creek, was In Selma Sat urday. C. E. Roberts sold a horse -; last also bought two more, and J. R. Tucker bought one and several other parties are expecting to purchase horses in the near future Ralph Honey was a Selma visitor Saturday J. F. Stevens and wife were visit ing at Ed Chastaln's Saturday. Mr. Offenbacker, of Applegate, was at Selma Sunday after two stray steers, advertised by J. R. Tucker The cattle belong to Mr. Cameron, of Ruch, Jackson county. William Sargant's house caught George Turvey was the guest of his grandmother, Mrs. E. E. Top ping Sunday. The lower Williams school opened Mnnriiiv with Miss Daisy Cole as teacher. TmPH Gibson has bought the store from Jeff Dixon and he ex pects to put in a full line of general merchandise. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Clay have gone to Murphy, where Mr. Clay has se cured work. Earle Summer has gone to Myrtle Creek, where he expects to work for his uncle. Mr. 'Weaver, this spring, STATE-AUTO ROAD. A special notice and letter from Portland, calling a meeting of auto enthusiasts and members of the 8tate Auto association, has been sent out, the purpose of which meeting will be to perfect plans for the spring campaign on road building la connection with the proposed Se attle to Frisco Interstate auto road, which project la well under way:ln aome counties of the state further north. This, it Is '.proposed, shall eventually become the northern link In a great auto highway extend ing from the Canadian boundary to the Mexican line. The State Auto PATRIOTIC SERVICES BY THE WOMEN'S RELIEF CORPS The Women's Relief - Crops held patriotic exercises in the Modern Woodmen hall Saturday, afternoon In honor of the brlthdays of Presidents Washington, Lincoln and McKlnley, The hall was beautifully decorated with the national colors, conspicuous above all being the beautiful silk flag presented some years ago to Gen. Logan, W. R. C. by Co. H Oregon wa- YOUKG PRICDARD HIT BY AUTOHODILE I At 6 o'clock thU evening the eld est son of H. T. Prltchard living west RUEF GETS 14 YEACS SAN FRANCISCO, Mar. 1. For seven days Abe Ruef, former "boss" et San Francisco, convicted of brib ery and sentenced to 14 years lmprls- of here was -struck -oy an auwmu- 0Bment at San Quentin, will remain bile and badly cut about the head ,n gftn pndao. judge William H. and face. The accident occurred at wtor today, acting on the request Intersection of fithand H streets. Joe Qt attorney Ach, of counsel for the Russel 'was driving the car on H fente granted one week', stay of and the boy was going south on 6th txecut0n of sentence. The delay and eolllded with the rear wheels of WM granted In order that Ruet might the Russell car. He was taken to the feaTe time to complete his business office of Dr. Loughrldge, and at the ft(fairg before beginning his sen- time of going to press his condition tence could not be learned. Judge Lawlor's stay came a few minutes after the sheriff s office had announced that It had been decided . .. More Plattlna- assoc." ,s' 01 T ' 7 ' ., ! J:. The beautlf ul 35-acre tract of land to start the ex-boss prlsonward this m IT.rl i. thel resnectlve king north of the city on Lawnrldge afternoon and preparation, had been ",.2' f" - to take him away at 1 o'clock. wuut co, .--w ..v - "n Loughrldge of Arthur Conklln, Is Ach .enured the court that Ruet naa Pas. I. for unate enough t be .ob rf t,, m iurww L,., matter. of personal business the great thoroughfare that la es-lw . ' ftttBttrm and that tlned to bring to this, elty hundred. J Sparked and wod take ailst a week to ar of tourists and pleasuro seekers, who .kU ma I .... AatB.t to the will take .fde trip, to . ln order to meet tkt erer in- order Ruet will go to prison March 7. caves and the Crater Lake wonder.. " ... . , ... .. MB. I . 04M -oia tr i Abra- dence property. Washington boule-i bam Ruef, former political boss of vard'and Lawnrldge avenue will be7 San Francisco, sentenced to 14 years extended the full length of the new a prison for bribery, in a cell at the addition In conformity with their county Jail today planned a last fight present width, while other wide against serving his penitentiary sen streets will traverse the tract at tence. His case will be carried to With something over forty members, In the local club, all of whom are af filiated with 'the: State association, we find that good work Is in prog ress. In an interview today with, H. C- Kinney, of this city, who Is i I aIiiK aanjt vIpA. ; . ' Lu, .suitable distances 1 from , .east 'to president for Grant. - Pas. of h I fe of I state association, uau mo iuu""8 to say about the progress being made nd exceptionally deep. ln Josephine county on the undertak ing. MAYORALTY CANVASS BEGINS fire last week and burnt a hole In the on.l Guard, of Grants Pass, since Mr. Kinney Bald: "I understand that the County Court will change A l Immmaha Ka ervd A ASI me ruuu uu imjim.o "1 u ,J Cm Umvnr me jacksou ; - m w CHICAGO. Mar. 2. An canvass of the mayoralty official primary roof that took five hundred shingles to patch. The telephone spread the news and a crowd soon gathered to put the fire out. Mr. Campbell came to Selma Mon day from his home at Oak, Flat on the Illinois River. Mr. Ulrlch and son, of Medford, have bought a bunch of cattle on Illinois River, and are driving out this week, stopping Monday night at Mr. Rhoads' hotel and corral. The Misses Anna and Marie Brea zeale were visiting their sister, Mrs. Tucker, Monday. T. J. Breazeal went to town Mon day to look after business. George Kllheart, of Selma, went down the river to do somo plowing for Jack Shade this week. C. E.' Roberts returned from the Pass Sunday, bringing- a heavy load with his new team. disbanded. An excellent program prepared by Mrs. Mlnne Curtis, patriotic instruc tor, was as follows: Song, "Amer ica" by audience; prayer, by Rev. Robert McLean; solo, Miss Lusy Har- from Holmes corner to county line on the south side of the turns of the voting are crooked and Tinnne alleges that the police re- river, we also hope to prevail upo i J, 4 me uouri 10 nx up tun iu " " expects that the canvass will show him to be the democratic nominee. If Dunne is shown to have won, Car ts. II Ui.ilann npnhaillv Vflll rlin At I a ...mat In tt ,i - .1. . I r nanvsA I . i in. j . I - I lcl 11 liRli'WM V V"- I "F,lV w mon; recuauon, ea to nana a ""l leDeient. and Dunne is being Following the decision side to the Jackson county line' as well, this latter to connect with the roads that Jackson county has prom- the United States supreme court. Ruet reached thts decision after the state supreme court reversed rts order granting him a rehearing, and declared It had no further Jurisdic tion in the matter, leaving the deci sion of the state appellate court sua-, talnlng the finding of the trial court s the final action that can be taken by California Judges. Just what his plans are the form er boss did not say, but declared a consultation with Attorneys Ach, Cross and Kean would bo held and steps would be taken toward a final Washington," Earl Lamphere; song from Medford to connect with ours. by two little girls, Mrs. Rowell of course, the road from the bridge pianist; recitation by Johnny Har- to the Holmes corner will be macad- mon; recitation, Mrs. Parham; reel- tmized, while for this season the tation, Comrade Alverson; address, other roads must of necessity be Robert McLean; reading, Mrs. Mai- (jirt( but should be graded In good lory; reading Lincoln's address tBnape au rocj(8 and -stumps re- GettyBburg by H. B. Alverson. Mr. McLean reviewed the Uvea and works of our three great presidents who had made a lasting impress, not nnlv nn nur own fair land, but on foreign countries as well. Mr. Meserve gave a short address on good citizenship, which was ap preciated by all. WILLIAMS Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Tarimore have denarted for Myrtle Point to make their home. There was a large crowd at the mask ball the? 27th of February, and all report a good time. Nelson Warner, Minus Howell, John Miller and C. E. Ross were all visitors at Grants Pass last week moved and straightened out ' where curves are too abrupt. With the road south between here and Jack son county fixed up as suggested and a small amount of work done on the road between here and Wolf Creek, it will put the Pacific high way so concerned in good shape for this summer's use. We have been prom ised by a prominent member of the SOCIALIST WALLING HAS UNCOMFORTABLE TIME county court of Douglas county, hav ing charge of the work on high handed urged to pursue the same course if down late yesterday by the supreme Harrison's apparent victory la con- court, Ruef was re-arrested and firmed. taken to jail to await final action by The . republicans assert that Pro- the courts. He was scheduled to ap- fessor Merrlam will be a sure win- pMr at 10 o'clock today. ner if either Dunne or Harrison runs. I The appellate court was notified today officially of the action of the PUBLISHERS WIN IN SECOND I supreme court. The appellate court CLASH POSTAL RATES FIGHT could not act further, however, ex cept to notify the superior court. In which Ruef was convicted. After the supreme court acted Ruef was notified, as were his at torneys, of the final action, which was virtually a reversal of their own ruling by the supreme justices. Ruef and his counsel held a hasty confer ence and later the former bow notl- WASHINGTON, Mar. 1. The senate met today under an agree ment for the disposition of the tar- far as Josephine county Is ri measure before March 4. and night and day sessions to pass the appropriation bills. The magazine publishers ' won a victory when It was agreed that the bill to Increase second class postal fled the sheriff that he was reaay to NEW YORK. Mar. 2. William English Walling, the millionaire so cialist who Is being sued for $100,- 000.for breach of promise by Miss Anna'Grunspan, spent several very ways in that county, that the roads through Douglas will be put ln good condition this spring. When that Is done, there will be a good road for summer touring from Dunsmutr to Portland. Now, If Shasta county, uncomfortable hours on the witness I Red ki M m stand today when he was cross ex amined by Miss Grunspan's lawyers Attorney Strlckler freely Intimated that Walling had perjured himself and also attempted to show that as Walling was a lawyer he fully realized the legal aspects of bin re latlons with Miss Grunspan while he una trnvelintr in Eurone with the Klrl. Walling asserted that he made no mention of marriage to Miss Gruns pan, either verbally or in any of his letters. Throughout his testimony Walrlng repeatedly referred to Miss Grunspan as "that woman HOW A WOMAN FIGHTER HUNTS UP A JOH ding and Dunsmuir in good shape we will have a road from San Fran cisco to Portland that cannot be sur passed any where In the world for scenic beauty and pleasure travel. A great deal of work was done last year in the Willamette valley by each road district building a short piece of good rpad and eventually filling in the gaps. We hope that our county court will adopt these same methods of procedure In build ing roads between , here and Cres cent' City. -Such roads as we are proposing and working upon, are a benefit to every person in this coun ty; not only to the auto enthusiast, rates will be dropped. . No agreement has been reached re garding a vote on reciprocity with Canada, but old timer, hope that an extra session will prove unnecessary. It was stated at the White House that President Taft has not changed his attitude regarding an extra ses sion and that oue will be called pro vided a vote on the Canadian recip rocity Is not secured before Saturday noon. Vice-President Sherman today de clared that It is his opinion that an extra session of congress Is Inevitable. go to a cell. Ruef went first to nis home and broke the . new. to his family. It was not until after mid night that the deputy sheriffs final ly met blra there and took him to Jail. SAN FRANCISCO, Mar. 1. The sheriff decided to take Abe Ruef to San Quentin to begin, his 14-year penitentiary term today. He will leave San Francisco at 1 o'clock thts afternoon. AMKRICAN YOUTHS WILL BE HKLD FOR TRIAL BY MKXICO EL PASO, Mar. 1. A determined effort was mad by friend, of Law rence Converse' and Edward Blatt, AmftHran vouths under arrest - at but to the farmer who has a load of Jotrw for bwrg arra. against Mex- The outside circle has a radius of mile around the AW Hull. The 370 acres in black is for sale excius ively by the owner and is yours for $12,000. You can nil kinds of fruits, erains, grasses and garden truck, a if va,i nm thinking of raising the price let us get to- .Vmr Tln is an urircnt local demand for lots on this ivn. nwinff to the activity in the mines. Kerby needs n r nf this trround both for houses and business, mak i no- this thfi best nlatting proposition in Josephine Coun i wiwmvn lots and acreage. The new S. P. survey t J AU fcVa,n w w tmpt mirl it furnishes the natura ir.riiv flaunt sito and R. R. vardroom. Some shares in the Kerby Irrigating Ditch can be had if desired. . For further information see or address II. U. iteed a residence, 748 North Sixth st., Grants Pass, Oregon. NEW YORK, Mar. 2. "Selma, Cal., I. my home and I answer to the name of Hannah Wilson. I'm a fighter pure and slmplo and I'm look- of the state. Ing for work. Can I get any here? With this announcement a young ... . - MMt a woman walked into tne onuw Charley Harvey, Omen Moran's man ager, and opened a snlt case. 8he took out two pairs of six-ounce boxing gloves and then peeled off her coat. At this point Billy Roche, who was the only man In the office, "ducked." He left a note saying- that he would not return until Hannah got a Job somewhere else. wood or fruit to haul. Such In brief Is the work we are undertak ing, and we firmly believe that every foot of good roads In this or any other locality benefits every citizen MONTANA DEADLOCK RED BOX IN SAN FRANCISCO OAKLAND, Cal., Mar. 2. With the arrival here today of the first division of the Boston Red Sox there will be big doings In the baseball line, both here and in San Francisco. The Boston team was to tangle with the Oakland coasters, but on account of wet grounds the game was post poned. If weather permits, Boston and San Francisco will play tomor row at Recreation park In the first game of the season. ico, to prevent their being removed to Chihuahua for trial. The boys are now undergoing their prelimin ary examination at Juarez. The bear ing Is secret, but enough Is known to make It certain that they will be held. Judge Miranda of the Juares high er court Is In Chihuahua, and It will be necessary either tor the boys to go there or for him to come to Juarei. SAN FRANCISCO, Mar. 1. Just before noon Judge Law lor gave Abe Ruef a seven days' stay of execution. "We will take Ruet over to prison Just as soon as his personal affairs are straightened out," said Under Sheriff Hamilton. "Every prisoner gets that much consideration half a day or a day, maybe two days when he has a lot of ll'lgatlon to dispose of. I presume Ruef will be ready by tomorrow. He will get the same treatment a. any one else, but there Is no call to be hasty or Inconsider ate In the matter." Chief Bookkeeper Burke was of the opinion that Ruef would go to San Quentin tomorrow. He said that Sheriff Finn bad sent down from Sacramento no special Instructions In this case. He had simply left word that the law was to be enforced by all bis staff. HELENA,' Mont., Mar. 2. Unless United States senator Is elected here today the legislature will ex pire by constitutional limitation, leaving the office vacant. To avoid this it Is planned to vote continuous ly until a senator is elected or until the hour of expiration romes. It Is reported that unleM a cholre Is made before expiration, Walsh would withdraw,' throwing his sup port to former Congressman Hart man. ,n the first ballot today the re sult was: Carter, 45; Conrad, J; Walsh, 20; Eaton, 7. REGULAR THAIN KKRVH K OVER ORKUON TRUNK PORTLAND, Mar. 1. Regular train service Into central Oregon over the recently rompleted Oregon Trunk line was Inaugurated toaay. A large number of passengers left Portland for the newly opened conn- try on the first train and It was re ported that an equal number of ceo tral Oregon people were leaving Madras on the first train outbound todsy. 4.000,000 POSTALS SENT OUT TO BOOST CALIFORNIA 8AN FRANCISCO, Mar. 1. With the Idea of boosting California 000,000 postals are on their way to duy to every coiner of the United States, Inviting honiewekers anl others to come west. James llorsburgher, who bad charge of the invitational campaign, Hald that postals had been sent out from nearly every Hy and town In the stats. (XI)NIHT DAY IN ORKOON PORTLAND, Mar. 1. Today was Colonist day In Oregon and through out the state citizens wrote letters to their friends In the east In which they dilated upon the advantages of Oregon tnd the Pacific coast for those seeking homes. The day Is recognized officially and was set aside by a proclamation of the gov ernor as the time for concerted ef forts by citizens to advertise the state and seek to attract homeseek ers from other states. STHIKR CALLKD OFF. CHICAGO, Msr. 2 Tbs striking compositors on the Chicago Kxam Iner and the Chicago American re turned to work today following the action yesterday of the Chicago Typographical union calling off the strike. WASHINGTON, Mar. 2. Charges that Senators Heyburn of Idaho and Carter of Montana were the chief movers In a plot to kill the national forestry servlre through Jokers lu the agricultural appropriation bill were made here today by Glfforrt Plncbot.