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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1911)
FRIDAY, MARCH 8, WEEKLY ROGUE RIVER COURIER PAJ1C THRFH ft-1 1 a r 4 PIONEER MERCHANT RETIRES FROM BUSINESS W. E. Dean, who recently sold out his stock of dry goods on Front treet to Robert Mansfield, has been In the dry goods business in this city for the past 25 years. This is per haps longer than any one in this city has continued in the same line of business. Other business men here have changed their line of business, taken in partners or sold out during this time, but Mr. Dean has continued steadily on, conducting the well known "Red Star" store, first on Sixth street, where the business was started with a small stock of goods and in later years moved to its present location on Front street, where the business expanded to a full slock of up-to-date merchandise. Mr. Dean now feels the need of a good rest and for the present will not engage in business in this city. During his business career in Grants Pase he has treated the public in a fair and courteous manner and can reflre to his well-earned rest with a feeling of satisfaction which comes only to those who know that their work has been well done. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Shelton and two daughter? spent several days with Mr. Shelton's cousinB, Mrs. W. T. Coburn and Mrs. Hattie Lee, of this city. They left Wednesday morning for their home at Tacoma, WaBh. The old wooden building which for many years has stood on F street near Fifth is being moved farther east on the same street. The build ing is the property of Mrs. Christina Brandt and she will immediately put carpenters to work transforming it Into a neat residence. The lot on which the house is being moved from was several months ago sold to At torney 0. S. Blanchard. CrSIXESS POINTERS Dr. Flanagan, Physician and Surgeon. J. E. Peterson, PloneerlnsuranceMan. Rexall Remedies at Clemens, sells drugs. Diamonds and watches sold on the instalment plan to 'responsible par ties at Letcher's Jewelry store. Alfred Letcher, Registered Opto metrist and Jeweler In Dixon's old stand, Front st. Eyes tested free. THINGS MOVING AT PENN-OREGON RAICH N. E. Townsend, one of the own ers of the Penn-Oregon ranch, who arrived from Pennsylvania a ' month ago, came in Friday night from the ranch where he has been helping to hustle things along. He reports everything on the move, for there are 12 men and nine teams busy plowing, seeding and spraying. They expect to seed 100 acres to alfalfa, 200 to grain and nearly another hundred to potatoes, cabbage, squash, etc. this spring besides plant ing several acres to pears. This is conceded to be one of the best alfalfa and fruit ranches m the valley. Al though it has not reen announced it Is supposed that the intention of the owners is to subdivide and sell in small tracts. Mr. Townsend says he likes Grants Pass, the people and the climate, and also his new work, and he is ready to help boost for a rail road down the Rogue river. He thinks the prosperity of Grants Pass is assured. Mrs. John Deveney went to Wood ville Tuesday afternoon to visit with friends for a few days. Mrs. C. A. Hoag, of Murphy, and Mrs. A. Woodard, of Wilderville, were among the out of town visitors to this city Tuesday. THE DOCTOR'S QUESTION. Much Sickness Due to Bowel Disorders. A doctor's first question when con sulted by a patient Is, "Are your bow els regular?" He knows that 08 per cent of illness is attended with Inac tive bowels and torpid liver, and that this condition must be removed gently and thoroughly before health can be restored. Rexall Orderlies are a positive, pleas ant and safe remedy for constipation and bowel disorders In general. We are so certain of their great curative value that we promise to return the purchaser's money in every case when they fail to produce entire satisfaction. Rexall Orderlies are eaten like can dy, they act quietly, and have a sooth ing, strengthening, healing influence on the entire intestinal tract. They do not purge, gripe, cause nausea, flatu lence, excessive looseness, diarrhoea or other annoying effect. They are espe cially good for children, weak persons or old folks. Two sizes. 25c. and 10c. Sold only at our store The Rexall Store. Clemens. BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS ON FOURTH STREET As a sample of the activity in building operations to take place in Grants Pass this spring the follow ing is a list of the houses now in course of construction and those con templated within the next six weeks on Fouth street: Mr. McFarland is building a neat bungalow and S. J. Taylor has a house in course of con sturctlon with two more contem plated in the near future; Dr. V. V. Walker is moving back his former residence on the corner of Evelyn avenue and clearing the ground for a new home; A. E. Cheetham will erect one and possibly two houses on this street; Sam H. Baker is to build next to the L. B. Hall home; Mrs. J. H. Hathaway will erect a new home just north of the R. L. Fromme residence; C. C. Presley will build opposite the Hathaway res idence; G. II. Carner will build a splendid residence north of J. E. Hair; L. A. Heath and E. F. Heath, each have building locations on this street and will begin work on their homes soon. All of these residences are to be erected on Fourth street, and with the exception of those now in course of consruction the work of building the new homes will begin within the next month or six weeks. So many new buildings are gblng up in this city that it is a difficult mat ter to find carpenters to supply the big demand. C. H. Demaray will also build this spring on B street. ESTRAY NOTICE There is at my place two 3-year-old muley steers, one red and white, crop off of right and under slope in left ear, brand 55 on left hip, the other Is red, underslope in right and crop In left ear, no brand. Owners can get same by paying ad vertising and feed expenses. J. R. TUCKER, Selma, Ore. 7-1 9-3 1 Alex Ferguson, of Salem, was do ing business in this city on Tuesday. Sedentary habits, lack of outdoor exercise, Insufficient mastication of food, constipation, a torpid liver, worry and anxiety are the most com mon causes of stomach troubles. Cor rect your habits and take Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and you will soon be well again. For sale by all good dealers. NEW HOPE February 25, 1011 We had a little snow here this morning. W. A. Fuller, of Grants Pass, has been attending to business here the past few days. Mrs. H. S. Wynant and daughter, Miss Flossie, were guests of Mrs. Hughes Saturday. , Several of our energetic farmers ' were Grants Pass business visitors! Saturday. The railroad surveyors are in our neighborhood at present and now we are listening for the whistle of the locomotive. Hurrah! for Josephine county with her irrigation and her railroads she will be a paradise. One of our farmers has offered to present the right of way for the new railroad to the company free of charge. Earl Jones" left for Portland Sun day evening. Mrs. H. S. Wynant and Lon Clar ence spent Sunady with friends in Grants Pass. H. S. Wynant is erecting some more wire fence. Floyd Wynant visited with the family of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hughes Saturday evening. Seems like there is some attraction up there. i awmaa ' Tiiyi ji , 'tttiw ''' ii ymi?r. !' j .m -. ... Bj.vm' hitii'S It S)!i I ALL OUT OF SORTS Hits Any Grant Pass Person Never Felt Tht Way? , Feel all out of sorts? Tired, Blue, Irritable, Nervous? Back feel lame and achy? That's the story of sick kidneys Bad blood circulating about; Uric acid poisoning the body. Just one way to feel right again. Cure the sluggish kidneys; Do it with Doan's Kidney Pills. Doan's have cured many Grants Pass people. Here's one case: J. A. Niday, 303 I street, Grants Pass, Oregon, says: "Last winter I was troubled greatly by disordered kidneys. The secretions from these organs passoty-foo frequently, especi ally at nlghfand during cold weather by back became lame. The con tents of one box of Doan's Kidney Pills corrected the kidney weakness and removed the ' lameness In my back. This remedy Is worthy of the strongest endorsement." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 rents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no ether Makes Home Baking Easy Royal Baking Powder helps the housewife to produce at home, quickly and economically, fine and tasty cake, hot biscuit, puddings, the frosted layer cake, crisp cookies, crullers, crusts and muffins, fresh, clean, tasty and wholesome, with which the ready-made food found at the shop or grocery does not com pare. Royal is the greatest of bake-day helps. ROYAL COOK BOOK-800 RECEIPTS FREE Send Name and Addreu, oi kin aowota co.. iw o. MISSOIRI FLAT , MAY GET CHARTER IX SPITE OF HITCHCOCK'S OPPOSITION Mrs. Ellu DcIsb, who lives on the Roberts place, is quite sick with la grippe this week. P. W. Carls was a Grants Pass visitor Friday. A. W. Guthrie, Logan and George Wooldiidge returned home Thurs day, after tranacting business in Grants Pass, Medford and Jackson ville. Fred Vincent, while working on the road, got mixed up with poison oak and now winks but one eye, the other' being shut. Lizzie Lemon, of Provolt, was vis iting with Pearle Davidson recently. Miss Davis, of Provolt, was a call er on the Flat Saturday. The lady evangelists who held a series of meetings here, are now holding services at Applegate. . WASHINGTON. Mar. '.Despite opposition from Postmaster General Hitchcock, it was learned today that the American Federation of Labor is considering granting a charter to the Railway Mail Clerks' union. SHOT LAKE TiT ANATORlUlVi (Th Huust of EJlcUncy) .119 mllMHM at farlUa oa O. R. ft N. Railway. mi Mutaaa1 Saaatorluaa aa (urtarr I NortkWMl BOILING HOT SPRINGS for tatclal raa It la tkkaia. Atk ii Wrtw lor lllutrt. aaoktot M DR. W. T. PHY Mtateal Suah aa4 Mir. HOT LAKE, Oil SCON DC DC A mi mi o m e (0 e m e n t or THE ffyfrOfl !I j U viy Uij UJ Lti L" L n mm """ " " '""n" aniilifcinaihiiwiMawniaMiilMiiaiiii fc. ..i. J,,,,. fa n--f-ti 'iiWrm m.v, """ " ' " vaWiiinaj. a t .. (SUCCESSORS TO WILLIAMS BROS.) A Manufacturing and Selling Organization whose Purpose and Methods Will Inaugurate Many Distinct Advantages to Purchasers of Building Material HT HE MANAGEMENT of this rompum arc IuiiiImt men of lai-tfi j.i.(TH'1ht, extendm- over manv wars of w ,,,,.S;ilin and rt tailin- lunilicr and builders' material. Kor these reasons we feel that we are in perfect svinpathv with the nccd of' the .-out i-.. i,r' omiwor. aim can Mijijin m wain., j ii an miein;eni ann ainsiaiin manner, ma! should insure pleasant and proiitaUe relations he tweeii this company and the trade of (irants Pass. Having heen builders ourselves, knowing the nn-rsMtv of prompt, accurate -km careful scrvirc. we shall aim to make these Meals the standard of our relations with the (irants 1'ass puhlir'. V icspri tfullv solicit v share of your patronage, and at all times will he pleased to submit figures and estimates on any size bill. No order will be too sm-'il to receive our careful attention, and none too larirr I'm us to figure on and supplv in d.etail. SLUMBER, DOORS, WINDOWS AND MILL WORK N. O. PIKE, Pres. and Mgr. 1 Phono 3M J W. C. HALL, Sec. and Tress .... nn i ; i f H I, r, ir.j y l y Li '3 4 i i l'Z