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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1911)
VOL. XXVL GRANTS PASS, JOSEPHINB COUNTY, OREGOX, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1911 No. 46. v 4. 1,1 ' J 1-1 I COMMERCIAL CLUB HOLDS SESSION MEN'S CLUB WOULD BOOST FOR LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES HOLDS MEETINGS IN MONTH ADD THIRTY NEW MEMBERS Portland Papers Criticised for Dis crimination Against Grants Pass News. The regular monthly meeting of the Grants Pass Commercial club was held at the club rooms Monday night on which occasion every chair in the hall was occupied. The Com merclal Club orchestra was present and rendered splendid music, adding much to the enjoyment of the " oc casion. President L. B. Hall called the members of the board of trustees to the front and invited them to be seated about the table that the mem' bers might see the ones who have been doing the strenuous work of the club. Secretary Andrews read a detailed report of the previous meetings. He announced that the trustees had held 14 meeting during the four weeks past and that the month has been a history making period on ac count of the many important deveV opment which have been announced The club is to be incorporated and articles of incorporation were filed with the secretary of state last Sat urday. The secretary announced that committee is preparing plans for the organization of mining Interests which was proposed at a meeting of mining men Friday. Reports from the various commit tees were called for, but on account of the absence of the chairmen only the park committee was heard from through its chairman, T. P. Cramer who announced that he had confer red with General Manager O'Brien and that plans for the improvement of the railroad park are now well under way. The secretary read a list of 30 ap plications for membership. R. L. Coe called the attention of the club to the discrimination against Grants Pass which is appar ent with the Portland papers, espe cially with the Oregonian, and stated that of the many news Items sent the papers only a very small percentage ever find their way into print, while neighboring towns usually have sev eral Items dally, -ue matter was discussed at length and It was fin ally decided that a committee draft resolutions to be signed by mer chants and that a printed copy of the resolutions, together with personal letters from merchants be sent to their Jobbers In Portland asking their assistance In securing for Grants Pass proper recognition. Strangers and new members pres ent were called upon for a few words and Messrs. Kroh, Pike. Bacon, Gard ner, Seeley and Fox responded. After adjournment sandwiches, doughnuts, coffee, cocoa and pie were t.erved. lub Proves Popularity as Factor In the City. a , Social PRESENT COUNTER PROPOSITION PRES. GILKEY STATES PLAN FOR UNITING INTERESTS. Each succeeding meeting of the Men's club proves its popularity and usefulness as a social factor in Grants Pass. The meeting last night in the parlors of the Newman M. E. church was no exception to the rule. As usual, a large number were present and an Interesting pro gram rendered. Light refreshments also were served. The orchestra in attendance rendered two very cred ible numbers, while without question Prof. Field's piano solo was a mas terly exhibition of musical genius. Mr. Davis in some timely remarks touched a popular chord when he proposed the club take hold of the public library for Grants Pass pro position. He thought the club could well afford to cast its lot with the Ladles' auxiliary and boost for a Carnegie donation. Banker Herrick was on the pro gram for an address and in a pleas ing vein of story telling and fun was listened to with interest and appreciation. A cornet solo and a reading by President Gasler's sons, with short talks by several others, kept things moving along pleasantly till the me lodious voice of Mr. McDanlels (of course) announced lunch. Sam Baker, cashier of Josephine County bank, was elected to the im portant position of vice-president, filling the vacancy created by the resignation of J. E. Hair. The next meeting will be held one month later. FOR IRRIGATION DISTRICT Offers to Lease Present Ditches the Chicago-Rogue River Company. to Mrs. Kitty Loughridge Day return ed Wednesday evening to her home at Portland, after staying with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Loughridge, the past three weeks. THIRD AND LAWNRIDGE MAY BE PAYED MINING ASOCIA TION ORGANIZED APPRECIATIVE AUDIENCE HEARS ESTHER PLUMB Street Will Probably Re Improved Northward to the City Limits. NAME IS MINING DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCIAL CLUB Third street avenue property number or 30 or and Lawnrldge owners to the more met In the The lovers of tine art in muslo were given a rare treat last night at the opera house In the splendid program rendered by Miss - Esther Plumb. Seldom, if ever, is a city of this size favored with a perform ance of its quality by an artist whose musical ability ranks her with the most eminent of the coming great Commercial Club rooms Tuesday ft TOUCH WITH INDUSTRY Amer,can realists, and the occasion night to consider the advisability of paving the street to the north city limits, commencing at the intersec tion of any east and west street Collect Data for Definite Information ROGUE RIYER FRUIT BRINGS GOOD PRICES The Rogue klver Valley Fruit and Produce association held an enthusi astic meeting at Medford Tuesday, with a number of the successful fruit growers of this vicinity in attend ance. Arter tne rirst year s ousiness the association finds it is able to de clare a 20 per cent dividend to Its stockholders. The stockholders, however, voted not to accept the dividend at this time, but will leave It in the treasury at the disposal of the board of directors to help defray the expenses of the required Im provements for the year. A compari- son of the sales, computed from 'the sales sheets of the Yakima, Wenat chee, Hood River, Grand Junction, and Rogue River Valley associations, showed that in no case did the Rogue River Fruit and Produce association fail to equal the price obtained by any of the above mentioned associa tions, and in fully 60 per cent of the cases exceeded them in prices of their fruit. KUHN WILL PLAY T WITH THE REAVERS j PORTLAND, Feb. -Walter Kuhn. of Fresno, Cal., a promising joung player, will wear a Portland uniform during the coming season. Walter McCredle has Just received Information from the National com mission that Kuhn's standing Is 0. K. Kuhn was signed for 1911, but It was announced that he was Inelig ible to play with Portland until the Natlmial commission took action rxi hi cane, which It has now don. STARTS PETITION FOR RECALL OF COUXC'ILMKX SAN DIEGO, Feb. 15. Encour aged by the success of the 50-year franchise measure. .which carried by a vote of 436 to 1,756 In yesterday's election, a recall of Counellmen Sehon and Woods, who opposed the measure, was started today. Supporters of the long-term fran chise were elated last night and crowd paraded the downtown streets Sohon and Woods were elected two years ago to serve four years each FIPiE AXI SWORD STAMP OUT REBELLION rt'ETlTO PLATA, Pnn Domlneo. Feb. 1C Five thimand Haytlen troops, commanded by President Simon, are In the northwesHro prov ince of Haytl, stamping out the re bellion there with fire and sword. Juan Mendota. whtoto fell before Ivlr pt"-rk. m b-.rnri POPE ril'S" CONDITION ROME, Feb. 16. While announc ing at noon today that the condition of Pope Tlus had Improved, ove night, physicians In attendant e wore uneasy. Owing to the poiie'n 7 years, It is feared that if the bron chltls from which he Is suffering spread to his lungs his chances o recovery will bo slkht. Doctors Pctaccl and Marchlafu admitted today that the pontiff's 111 nes might prove serlo'ts, Durln Iti-mmornlng the lev"- unnlded, re Moving the Inflautfnat'm In th threat. The following is the counter pro position of the Josephine County Ir rigatlon and Power company in answer to the proposition of Geo. E Sanders, of the Chicago minority stockholders of the Golden Drift Mining company. These two com' panles have been trying to get to gettier in a deal which may be mu tually satisfactory.' The farmers of this section are deeply interested in this matter and there is a general desire that an agreement be finally reached, as irrigation means much to many farmers, as well as the peo pie generally of the city. It will be noticed that President Gllkey keeps the idea of an irrigation district in the foreground, as this appears to be the demand of the people Inter ested in irrigation. The counter proposition is as follows: Mr. Geo. E. Sanders, Agent, Chicago-Rogue River Irrigation Company, Grants Pass, Ore. Dear Sir: Carrying out the instruc tions of the directors of the Jose phine County Irrigation and Power company, I beg to submit the follow ing statement: (1.) We will consider favorably the leasing of our ditches to your company for a period of one, two or three years, or until such time as an irrigation district ir Wrmed and ready to be taken over. The com pensation for rental shall be nominal, only enough to carry interest, taxes, etc. (2.) You to furnish , sufficient money to enlarge, extend and com plete the ditches already started to the extent of $10,000 to $20,000, for which stock in the Josephine County Irrigation and Power company shall be Issued to you. This proposition, however, being conditioned upon your giving us an option upon the water right and plant of the Golden Drift Mining company, approved by the several parties Interested and the court. The price of same to be fixed by a board of appraisers in the event of the contracting parties being un able to agree thereto. The property of the Josephine County Irrigation and Power com pany, including franchises, rights of way and the large amount of work given to the enterprise without cost, represents a mucn greater value than the stock outstanding. You, there fore, would be receiving good value In making your Investment for the extension of the ditches and recelv- ng stock therefor. This proposition Is made to you for the purpose of giving you an op portunlty of putting your company on a substantial business basis as well as to relieve the present demand for Irrigation, looking, however, to the formation of a district when all the properties above referred to shall be turned over to said district when ever same has been completely or ganized and financed. Matters of detail to be agreed up on later, and subject to the approval! of our stockholders. The whole proposition Is based upon the premise of no existing con tract between the Golden Drift Min ing company and the Jo-ephlne County Irrigation and Power com pany. Your early consideration and ad vice In connection with this proposi tion will be appreciated. Sincerely yours. W. L. GILKEY, President. which may be paved during the summer. Last season the paving of this street was agitated and many of the property owners were strongly in favor of the Improvement, but It was finally held over. This year to Assist Inquirers and Will Boost Mining Industry will long be a moBt pleasant memory to those who were fortunate enough to hear her delightful Interpretation of the best there Is in musical art With a most charming personality, something too often lacking in great artists, she captivated her audience with her first number. Her reper toire of 17 selections Included many of the best works of German, Italian, An organization of the miners of 8panl8h and American composers. Her clear enunciation and remark able control of voice enabled her to portray in song pictures the dram atic incidents of the "Feast of Bel shazzar" and the "Young Nun," aa well as cadences of love and pathos In Adrltl's "Bolero." tho city council and call meetings of the property owners when the oc caslon requires. The plan most in favor seems to the mining Industry of this great mineral belt, and In furtherance of Inducing prospective Investors to locate among us. To also be able to more oi me owners are lavoring me joaephlne. county was perfected projeci ana it is prouaoie mey win Tueaday at tne rooms of the Com. gei Werner on a pian oi improve- . , , Th,g ew association ment. A committee of three, consist- wm be known the Mlnlng Depart. mg or A. u Kdgerton, ueo. c. aaom ment ot the Grants Pag8 commercial and C. G. Ament, - was appointed c,ub and wlll work in conjunction wnose duty it win ne to ascertain .. uk th .,mi l ii aia uuutv. Drlces of various kinds of pavement. I ir.u. .vi. confer with the street committee of , I, . - V . , , I J interview with a representa comer witn tne street committee or (.tatlon Is to keep in close touch with nt TllA tK,. tho cltv council and call. meetings .w.. tlve of The Courier this morning Miss Plumb said, speaking ot the city and Its people generally: Yes your city may well be proud of so gifted a man as Mr. Field. Ha is unusually endowed temperament ally and is cultured to a degree not often found among musicians of high attainment. "I noted a general culture and refinement In my audience last night that has not before manifested it self in a town of this size. There was not only rapt attention through out the program, but those numbers that were most classic, or required the greater art to present, were the ones calling out the greater appre ciation. It Is gratifying indeed to a singer who loves her work to be so well supported by the audience and by the accompanist.' Miss Plumb Is visiting her brother, Sam Baker, cashier of the Josephine be to be to pave with bltultthlc, with collect together valuable and reli wiae cement waiKs and parking. Pbie data that something in the way ot definite Information may be WAR RFTWFFN THIN A given all Inquirers about the various AND RUSSIA IMMINENT mines in this fteld. In fact', to be able to Intelligently command the At tentlon of all who may become inter- br. raiMibuuKO, ten. ie. ested ln tne mlnlng indu8try of Jo practical certainty tnat Russia win I sephlne county. uc luiuiiw iu mi nuuvuiua nuum Tne Doard or governors is com' a few hours iS seen here today in a Lnurl nf nlna momhora it hn ara aa I r " - " -. v - - publication by the newspaper Retch follows: O. S. Blanchard. president; tnat the Russian government plans n H nHawnid. upcrnturv! m j An. to occupy the 111 region in Chinese Turkestan. Conferences at the war ministry today, It Is believed, are over the preparations for the Inva sion. Russia Is aggrieved over China's! derson, F. F. Johnson, S. Bowden, of Grants Pass; W. M. Richard, Merlin; H. F. McClellan, Hugo; J C. Madison, Gallce; II. S. Bacon, Kerby. The association will meet monthly alleged violation of the treaty of and keep in touch with all the recent County bank- She leaves tonight for CONSTITUTION ADOPTED BY REALTY BOARD 1881, wnereby Russia evacuated ill developments, and wlll no doubt add province after an occupation ot ten natch -value to the already ajrgrep- years, in return for which China sive body in the Commercial club. promised Russia commercial conces sions in III, Mongolia and Manchuria. Russia asserts that these promises have been gradually curtailed. Rub sta's intention, It is thought, Is to first thn town nf Kuldla. ' Its occupation wlll be equivalent to a do- At tt meetln ot th GranU raB8 claration of war, but actual fighting Realty board held last evening at the is considered unlikely, for it Is con- Commercial Club rooms a constltu- sldered certain that China wlll yield. Lon and by-laws were adopted and If China resists, war is Inevitable. , .... v...i ... ...... ... uiucr luiyurmuv uuaiuca ujuwicu, Russia declares that China Is htn-l derlng Russian merchants In selling lu" uua,u tea la Chinese territory and that wecK a80- Dul Pressure oi ranroaa i China refuses to permit Russian con- matter and other public Interests suls in many of her cities. caused a postponement of the second meeting until Wednesday night. LONDON, Feb. 16. r ormal notice The objects oi the association as that .tussla Intends to make a mill- set forth In the constitution are to tary demonstration against China to bring the real estate men of Grants force compliance with the treaty of Pasa together to assist In the ad 1881 was sent to the British foreign vancement of the city Interests at office today by the Russian govern- large and of the real estate business ment. It Is understood tuat similar I In particular to secure for the hrok notices have oeen sent to tne otnerier the exclusive agency of all prop' ;iowers. the east. GANG OF COUNTERFEITERS IN THE NORTHWEST PORTLAND, Feb. 16. It was learned today that federal secrot agents are trailing a gang ot crlmln als who are passing counterfeit $5 bank notes In Portland, Seattle and San Francisco. The notes are so cleverty executed that scvral banks have accepted them here. Tho notes are Imitations of a aeries ot 1902 Issue by the Mechanics Bank of New York City and bear the picture of Harrison on one side. The bank number, 3297, Is carried on the lower left band corner. It Is believed that eastern crooks are passing the bills. lU'MOR CAUSES SLUMP NEW YORK. Feb. 16-Rumors that John D.'was dead catiwd a slight slump In the stock market today. ertles listed or offered for sale by him, and to effect a uniform rate ot commissions to be charged. The aim ot this provision Is not designed to lessen in any degree the chance of an owner to sell his prop erty, as any member can sell prop erty llnted by any other member by taking the matter up with him and dividing the commission according to the provision made for such cass It further provide that property shall not be offered for sole by mem mm of Tne board except' upon ex National c',",'vo '"IMpn contract, nor for any sum which does not Include the com mission prescribed by the board. No division of comml-slon shall bo allowed except with active mem hers of this board. A resolution was adopted provld- SUCCESSFUL APPLICANTS There wcro scventoon successful applicants for teachers' certlftcatea at the examinations held February 8th to 11th. Four who took the ex amination failed to secure the nec essary percentage. Those who passed are as follows: For First Grade . Annabella Lelth, Murphy, Ore. Harriet I. Miller, WoodvIIle, Ore. Mattlo L. Mann, Grants Pass, Ore. Fred J. Clomo, Wlldervllle, Ore. Orlena Suddarth, Selma, Ore. Iva B. McArthur, Grants Pass, Ore. C. V. Kllgore, Murphy, Ore. Gertrude Cahlll, Grants Pass, Ore. Second Grade Lollta Woodcock, Kerby, Ore. Charlotte B. Mitchell, Merlin, Ore. Margaret C. Wilson, Grants Pass, Ore. Irene M. Darnellle, Grants Pass, Ore. Minnie Yeo, Williams, Ore. ' Ruth O. Clark, Williams, Ore. Vi Thompson, Grants Pass, Ore. Agnes 8torey, Merlin, Ore. J Third Grade ' Rosa H. Nettland, Merlin, Ore. HHNATOR'S DAUGHTER THOUGHT IT A JOKE PORTLAND, Feb. 15. Whon the police called Miss Irene Albee, daughter of State Senator Albee on the phone today and told her that a warrant was out for hor arrest on tho charge of speeding her automo bile, the young woman laughed heartily, bellevlflg It a Joke porpe- trated by some of hsr smart society friends. The Joke became a trim reality when a detective arrived at her home and served the warrant. INDUSTRIAL ARMY STARTS FOR FRESNO PORTLAND, F.:b. 16. Intent on Joining In the lUltt aealnst the oil I -sens of Fr(Bin), 200 members of the Industrial workers of the world left Portland today aboard freight trains for CalKornla. The Industrialists reached Port land Ia4 night from Spokane and various other cities of the Plclfto northwe. MILLER IS IJETTKIl She will be tried In the municipal Ing that all firms shall file with the rrt tomorrow. Miss Albee Is the secr. tnry of tho board the nnmes of frHt womas to be arrested In Port all persons In their employ. hand for fa,t drlvlna- The members oi the board are as follows: A. N. Parson-, V. B. Slier - e. a. . t nian. .murnn noun, iiiHi-rUilftr - i i ivhiiv company, h. t. Mminsiry, OAKLAND, Cal., Feb. !. Rlggs-Lucas Land company, II. H. Joaquin Miller, "The Poet of the Darner, K. i,. tnurcnui, jonn a. uaie, sierras," who has been snrlouslr ill K. H. Shank, Oliver M'-sslng-r. Nip- at Fablola hospital here, Is reported ..... . if 1 .11.... r. ... tt I. .. . . i 1 i'ltiii' in. niiiiur . wmm, ii. i Doner lousy, ne passeo a vrr L. Hnrslnger, B. A. Williams A Com- comfortable night and Is todsy rest pany. H. IV Hendricks company, O. Ing easily. While his condition Is W. Wlnetrout. H. L. Chapln, Thos. critical. physMas say there U no Oalvln, Dean Bros., J. C. Davis. liamdlat miiih for alarm. Ji : '