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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1911)
i;e eight You Make No Mistake when you buy High Flight Flour sold ouly by J. Pardee i le.ue iiMl '17 G 8trt FRIITDALE The grange held a very InteieHl Ing mcctlnK tft tha new homo of (1 A. llanilltou laut Saturday. A din ner at noon was the first In order, after which one of the moot berii flclal meetings was held and much business was transacted, the mont Important of which was the dlst its Ion of the proposed Granne hall. H. C. Bateham generously offered an ere of ground which Is admirably located for the ball and we hope to have a house warming In our new grange home before long. Dr. McCabe and wife attended the reception nlven at the Methodist church In Grants Pass Tuesday even ing. r. C. Bosnia lias a crew of six men clearing the land on Jackson heights. Messrs. Churchill and Heloze walked out to Frultdale last Sun day and Joined 12. C. Underwood In a tramp up on the mountain, re turning to the Underwood homo In the afternoon to dinner. John Stanbroiigh and wife, Mr. and Mrs. George Stunbrough and Mrs. Green spent Sunday at Madrono tr.rm, Wo are glad to welcome C A. Heath and wife Into our neighbor' hood. Mr. Heath has recently pur chased the Schmidt place, owned by 0. H. Carner on South Sixth street, A representative of the Salvation Army visited In this neighborhood Wednesday. We are glad to report most of our Irk list a thing of tne past. Mrs. Tantllnger Is able to be out agalp. Mrs. Ball was quite sick last week but Is much Improve 1. Cards received from Mrs. William V. Johnson Jnform us that Anna belle has the measles. They are nt Long Bench, Cat., for the winter, and Mr. Johnson Is becoming a deep sea fisherman. She also says when she Invites guests to eat fish he has to depend on the market. R. E. nianchard and wife spent Sunday In Grants Pas. The Junior Christian Kndeavor will hold a business meeting at the Coutant home Saturday afternoon from tw0 till four o'clock. Charley Howe has n crew of men working on a clearing contract that he ha taken, and the work Is pro gressing In a rapid manner. Mr. Howe came here with his wife about ten months ago and tented the Henry Huck place on which he has since resided. He has done much to Improve the farm nnd his efforts will be rewarded by n banner crop of fruit and vegetables this year. Mr. Eddy Is not boxing these days on account of a felon on his right hand. If felons were worth five dollars like bolls, Mr Eddy wouldn't mind the time It to luaiu to be left banded. II. ('. Ilatcham Is bavins his place,' Vedaland, cleared. This Is a ver slahtly piece of land and the haw a beautiful building site on It ' password Into Pniltdtile Is "slumps." Every one hn got the fever. Some hae II In a mild form nnd some seem to hate developed bad cases, but like every contagion It ha lt bright side the p'owed ground and the vines and tiees fliat are sure to lollow lose utter the epidemic, S Carlson was loiu In Sweden February fifth, and hwln l.el wa born In Oreaon Eelirn.ii ith. nnd the both leleluated the s.ud events February fourth at the home of 1 C. Hefley with a dance Mr and Mvn. Ilefc Invited the tioUhSot and the netghhoi m weni uu.l riij.oe.l -eiy minute nf the tune St. re freshments were served ditrliiii llo v.nlM and dancing onN .ed when the hour apptovhe.l mid nl',ht. Mis Edith Tt. et anl tieon-,-l4 cam out from r.. and helped to make these young men glad they had a birthday. The Junior C. E. will hold Its reg ular meeting In the school house next Sunday afternoon. You are welcome. Garnet Best has been absent from school this week on account of sick ncss. We miss Garnet and hope to see bun back soon. Mrs. Win, Thomson visited 'r. I he neighborhood on Monday. Frultdale rejoices with the rest of Josephine county that the Rogue River and Grants Fans railroad Is a certainty. And Frultdale also did her part In subscribing for the stock WOOMVIIXK Gua Newberry was here on legal business Thursday. Au epidemic of la grippe has been prevalent In our neighborhood recently. Some cases have been very severe. The Southern Pacific company has put some badly needed granite on the depot grounds, thus doing away with some very unsightly mud holes. Carlos A. Magerle returned to Dorrls, Cal., Inst Monday, after spending a week or two here with friends and relatives. Miss Jenn Dorwood, of Cottage Grove, Is here for a short visit with her friend, Miss Etta Hall. Mrs. Sarah B. Coen left Tuesday afternoon for her home In Colorado. She was accompanied as far as Sac ramento by her son, Rev, M. E. Coen, of this place. Palmer Bros, have sold their stock of general merchandise to the Kable Mercantile company, of Port land. Dr. Palmer and wife left for Portland Monday and Mr. and Mra. C. E. Palmer will follow In a few days, although they have not decided on thnt city for a location. Mrs. Enimallne Oden, an aged re sident of this vicinity, was stricken with paralysis last Tuesday and Ih in a very crlcltnl condition. Dr. Chlsholrn Is In nttendance. Dr. Chlsholrn, formerly of Gold Hill, Is now a resident of our little city. Dr. E. A. Woods, of Minne apolis, Is also located here and we are now able to give flrnt aid to the Injured on short notice. The greatly Increased number of scholars In our school made another teacher necessary, so Miss Mae Hash, of Ashland, has been added in mir orps of teachers. One room of the old building has been teinnoinrllv furnished for the remainder of this term, after which time the tipper floor of the new building will be fin ished, giving us then a six-room school building that would be a cred-1 II to ii much larger town than Wood-i vllle. KELMA The storms have censed and the snow Kone and the general farm work of the spring Reason has com menced. H. C. Christy made a flying trip to Grants Pass last Sunday, taking the Selma school teachers there for the examination. The little 1 ri-nionl h-old son of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Tucker met with a painful accident last Saturday by upsettliiK n teapot nt the table and scalding bis les. He Is getting along nicely and will In all probability be all right soon. George and Will Weymer return ed from Grants Pass Saturday, Mr. mid Mrs-. A. H. KaBan aiid Mr. and Mrs. Ii. O. Ranan were the guests of the Tucker faintly Satur day nnd Sunday. The Deer Creek Vallev Telephone company's annual meeting was in'strotn leads the B. Y. P. V. meeting session Saturday. It being postponed;'" ,; considering the topic " froin the regular time near the first ' R,,ns front Great Lives -Joseph." of the year on account of sickness j and storms. j ' lv Kobarts returned from Grants Pass Sunday with a loud ofi feed and supplies. , There Is to be n dance at tin Creek grange ball February I 4 fine time Is anticipated. Deer ! a! George Kesterson Is expected In Selma this week to look after busi ness. Mr and Mrs. A It. Kagiu, were Msltlng with Mr. Ragan's sister, Mrs Christy, the first of the week. Mr and Mrs T. .1. Breaeale were visiting their daughter, Mrs. Tuck- .... I ... i . . ... ei . .Mono.iv ami Misses Anna and Marie Itre.ireale were there Tuesdav Mr. Ilenkel. the new road super Mxor. has alreadv commenced some icpalrs and we all hope to see him continue until we have Ivttei 'ad Huriah f.u tlie good roads proposition nnd men to cany It out' K I'KUY H'M ii N.'.ii ,. in , o,,, IYIlil!U l!l I, i,, , Ii''"! l!.- S Hun, i. ;l Ki- l uuU Huff ,.,, t, tune to b:e Ms ,.t ,-4 ill" thU',h on ivy iui x i i, Mm mi w b,,ii'.,M it, I i, :,, , 111 mI.IV . l Mis ml-fur-k, n I, llll' n. ' "Uttiuiom',! an. l .Hid Mi Hull h th 1. "i WEEKLY ROGUE Ing easy at this time. The member of Belt Lodge, A. F. & A. M., of which lodge he la a member, are do lng much to assist him In the time 01 DPea- h,d uurk ana rea iiart came out of the Snowy mountains, where they have been for the last week pros - pectlng, but there was too much snow. They think they have It lo cated, though, and as soon as the snow goes off they will go and bring It In. William Little, who has been hostler for the stage company, Is very sick at the Union hotel. Dr. Dixon Is attending on him, but It Is feared he will not recover, ! LOS ANGELES, Feb. 9. Dr. H. E. F. Melssner has sold the Buck j s, Tanner, age 81, the Marathon Horn farm and left last Sunday : faster who was to have started on never to come back. But wo think I j,ia long-distance fast of 80 days to ne will some day come and see us!dayj has decided to postpone the once more. Mr. Melssner carved 1 8tunt. He declares that he will this fine home out of brush and timber, which took a lot of hard work, but he got well paid for the long years of toll. Mrs. Hattle Floyd Is able to be out In the kitchen again, after a long siege of la grippe, and it Is hoped that she will soon be able to get out and gather the wild flowers that will soon be In full bloom. MURPHY Roy and Geo. Reed returned home Saturday from California, where they have been working In a mine for several months. Miss Alice Sparlln arrived from Portland Sunday and visited u day or so with friends at Murphy before going on to Provolt to visit here sis ter, Mrs. Lester Layton. Miss Lizzie Lemon, of Williams, visited Miss Elsie McFadden a few days last week. La grippe seems to be all the fash Ion nowadays and a number of our citizens arc afflicted with the ma lady. Judging by the sounds heard over the telephone occasionly, our friend Alvln Mathews, must have a new talking machine. Oh well, if one has not a wife to talk to he has to do the best he can nnd listen to can ned talk. A deal in real estate was. closed last week in which I). O. Hayes dis posed of his little farm of 25 acres to Geo. Dunlap, of Provolt, for the sum of $3000. Mr. Hayes has pur chased a home In Grants Pass and will remove there In the near fu ture. Adolph Maier, wife and little son and Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Fowler, of Grants Pass, were visitors to Mur- P"' Thursday. Messrs. Maler and Fowler visited Missouri Flat while the ladles remained the guests of Mrs. Dell Osborn. Mrs. Kate McFadden Is visiting her sister, Mrs. Zack Cameron, nt Mcdford at this writing. Real estnte Is still on the boom around Murphy, as Is evidenced by the options Riven on different farms near bore. H. L. Reed bonded bis farm last week for $fi000; M. M. Alnsworth bonded his for $3500, and Mrs. Kate McFadden bonded her fine farm for $19,000. I'lrM Baptist Church Sunday, February 12. At 10:30, the hour of morning worship, the pastor's message will be "The Teach ing Function of the Church." The session or the Bible school follows this service at ll:tr, under the charge of It. K. Hackett. At the evening appointments Harry Sal- d the pastor preaches on "A Man . Who Never Died." The ordinance baptism will lie administered cordial Invitation Is extended to all. New mini M. t luiivh I I Corner Sixth and B street I ' D. 11. Leech, Pastor Sunday school nt 10 a. m.: public j worship at 11 a m : Epworth league at li- 30 p. m.; church service at 7:30 p. m. I lie punltc Is Invited to all vices. ser- M. E. Churvli, South M K Church. South. Sunday nt M a in ; preaching at 11 a m and 7:30 p. ., ; Epworth league nt fi 30,. Subject for morning Mention , 'Torulv.'ii.'s " ',,, even In c. "Hlkht.'d Hopes Ml are cordially Inv'trd isin rrs o ST UK COWHITTinN IMIOI'M , Art ' . (!, :i. Vo'in: U In pi OiMvt, t.i.i.ii ti,,.., ( Vrl.-ona on the new mat,, connitii- l",r,, ' hard'y a doubt he peopl" will approve the . that ! v'U- ' I " :im irieiun , it w(; h,V(,i ' at leist 9d per cent of th ,v ' RIVER COURIER SENATE COMMITTEE FAVORS SAN" FRANCISCO - , WASHINGTON Feb. 8. The sen- flte committee 0n expositions voted unanimously In favor of San Fran- dgpo fQr the Panama falr Tfae acUon of the committee virtu , . th ODDOgltlon of New Or leang tQ the selectlon of San Fran. Cisco. It Is believed the resolution reported favorably by the senate committee will soon be adopted by :e senate. TANNER POSTPONES FAST j maie arrangements to undertake his i feat 80on, but only under medical supervision. Tanner has a record of long perl- ods of abstemtion from food. In New York In 1880 he fasted 40 days and In Indianapolis In 1872 42 days. CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE GOOD harness and wagon for $65. Inquire 704 West D." 2-2-tf FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE House and lot in Grants Pass. Address owner, care the Courier. 2-3-tf FOR SALE Thorough-bred regis tered Jersey bull, 4 years old. In quire of Ben Dlmmlck. l-27-4t WE HAVE buyer for an Improved ranch of not over 200 acres within 15 miles of Grants Pass, in the Illinois or Applegate valley pre ferred. What have you? Nipper & McDanlels, Albert building, Grants Pass. FOR SALE Good horse, colt from Gulssot, 7 months old, $75. Ad dress M care Courier office. BE SURE and get the genuine Ore gon Everbearing strawberry plants. Worthless varieties have been sold under this name. G. A. Hamilton, box 517. 12-16-tf FOR SALE Timber claim, NW'4 Sec. 24, Twp 37, 7 West, Jose phlne county. For particulars address H. Walter, conductor, 3rd and Townsend streets, S. P. Co., San Francisco, Cal. 9-3-tl IF YOU want strawberries from ear ly spring til late In fall, get the Oregon Everbearing. G. A. Ham ilton, box 517. 12-ll-tf FOR SALE Home grown Tokay grape vines, Earl V. Ingels, Pad dock Bldg., Grants Pass. 10-21-tf STRAYED. STRAYED Cow, about 8 years old. Right ear clipped and split, one crumpled horn, color, white and red. Owner can get same by pay ing for advertising and care of ani mal at my premises. J. S. Thomp son, Merlin, Ore. 5t MISCELLANEOUS ARTISTIC photographs, postal stamp pictures, amateur finish Ing. Coma and see sxmples at th Angelo Studio, 605 Slxtn street Mid-summer prices. 8-19-t? R ANNIE, the plumber, Is ready a: any minute to repair your plumb Ing. 609 H street. Telephone 10-R. 4-2-y WANTED I - U ANTKD t0 buy a relinquishment or ,armlnS land In Southern Oregon or nortnern California. Address Otto Ttmues. 433 5th street, As toria, Oregon. WANTED A small tract of land either Improved or unimproved suitable for fruit. Not too far from town on good road. Give full description, prices and terms first letter. Owners only. Box 511. Grants Pass. Ore. j : " i TREES The biggest, best and most complete stock of trees in Southern Oregon. Box 823 He has not eaten meat for 37 years, he says. "If everyone would do as I do the beef trust problem would be solved without trouble," said the aged doctor. WIRELESS TO ALASKA WASHINGTON, Feb. 9. The Aleutian islands, along the Alaskan coast, will be included in the coast wireless system which the navy de partment Is establishing. TEACHER'S EXAMINATION" Notice Is hereby given that the County Superintendent of Josephine County will hold the regular exam ination for applicants for state and county papers at Grants Pass, as follows: For State Papers For state papers, commencing Wednesday, February 8, at 9 o'clock a. m., and continuing until Satur day, February 11, at 4 p.m. Wednesday Penmanship, history, spelling, physical geography, reading, psychology. Thursday Written arithmetic, theory of teaching, grammar, book keeping, physics, civil government. Friday Algebra, geography, com position, physiology, English liter ature, school law. Saturday Botany, plane geom etry, general history. For County Papers For county papers, commencing Wednesday, February 8, at 9 o'clock a. m., and continuing until Friday, Fegruary 10, at 4 p. m. Wednesday Penmanship, history, orthography, reading, physical geog raphy. Thursday Written arithmetic, theory of teaching, grammar, physi ology. Friday Geography, school law, civil government, English literature. LINCOLN SAVAGE, County Superintendent. Absolute Safety Is assured you U your money is on deposit at this bank. Ample funds, conservative management, extreme caution In the transaction of business are some of the reasons for this bank's success. We invite firms, corpora tions and individuals to open accounts here and promise to each depositor personal Inter est, advice and any courtesy consistent with sound business, whether your account 13 large or small. Josephine Co. Bank GRANTS PASS, ORE. The First National BANK Of Southern Oregon Established In 1889 Offers to Its patrons the best of banking service WorkingTCapital $100,000.00 L. B. Hall, president. J. C. Campbell, Vice-President. H. L. Gllkey, Cashier. R. K. Hackett, Asst. Cashier. J. T. Fry, Asst Cashier. IVgSl a r-?ns?"''"Trii 1 1 1 ii Eden Valley Nursery, N. S. BENNETT, Prop. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1911 SUKE! There is v Money in Chickens We will help you to make Them pay Conkey's chicken remedies Oyster shell, Granulated bone, Charcoal and grit Petaluma Incubators We are always glad to show the goods. Cramer Bros. 1. 0. 0. F. Block REMEMBER that money is of a pro lific, generating nature, money can beget money and its off spring can beget more, and so on; five shillings turned is six; turned again it Is seven, and so on until it becomes a hundred pounds. The more there is of it the more it produces at ev ery turning, so that the profits rise quicker and quicker; he that murders a crown destroys all that it might have pro duced, even scores of pounds." Franklin. Grants Pass Banking & Trust Co. WEBSTER'S NEW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY The Only New unabridged dlo tionary in many years. Contains the pith and essence of an authoritative library. Covers every field of knowl edge. An Encyclopedia in a single book. The Only dictionary with the New Divided Page. 400,000 Words. 2700 Pages. 6000 Illustrations. Cost over half a million dollars. Post yourself on this most re- markable single volume. v3!kVv jc W"Writ for moidI ptgei. full pur tlcuUn, eto. Nam this ptper and re will end free a set of Pocket Maps CiCttUrrUaC. Springfleld, Mwt.n, 9 113 Medford, Ore. ' I"-1 n r i rn I !