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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1911)
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1911 PAGE SIX WEEKLY ROGUE RIVER COURIER -' "v COMMITTEE RECOMMENDS RAILROAD PROPOSITION Editor of the Courier: The finan cier, E. II. Crasty, who Is handling tbri finances of the Grants I'atia &. RoKue Jtlver Kallroad company, has BaHurwl the Commercial dub that arrangciiionU have already ben pot l'.rti:d for financing thin propor tion, provided tho p(!0lc of thin community subscribe for ten per ciw of the capital stock required, viz., fCO.000, to bhow thtir faith in the cndorHcriH.'iit of the proposition. For each Investment of $10u, par vuliin, of (he preferred seven per cent cum nlatlve stock, the pur chaser pays but I'jO, and Is pres umed by 1he railroad company with $4i) worth of common slock, worth of towntiite fitnrk and f 20 worth of the land company's stock. The railroad company requires the money paid by the Investor.! on the basis of 10 pc-r ent when the rail road Is constructed to a point on the south side of the Rogue river from this city, Including the bridge across the river; 25 per cent when the road Is constructed to Murphy post office; 25 per v.ovt when the road Is constructed to Williams Gate (or ProvoK); 25 per cent when the road Is constructed to Mungep; and the Inst 15 per cent when completed i distance of 30 miles from this city Construction work shall commence lieforo April 1, 1911; the road com ploted and tho track laid to Murphy by September 1, 1911; to Williams Gate by December 1, 1911; and to Manner by February 1, 1912; and to Its final restlnatlon by July 1, 1912. If the const ruction of the road should atop after building across the river, or after completion to any point dcBlKnated above, no further subscription payments shall be made, and tho purchaser shall receive atock In tho proportion that the sum bears to tho entire sum subscribed, the company rescrvlm? the right to re deem tho preferred stock at any time upon giving thirty days' notlco, by paying to tho purchaser $105 per shnre for the preferred stock. This plan will leave tho purchaser his common stock and tho Block In the townslto and tho land company, be sides tho profit of J 15 per share on tho preferred stock. This plan has been carefully work ed out by a committee from the Commercial club to protect every In terest of tho local Investors, each concession requested having been Rrantod by those In authority for tho railroad company. This plan has boen very heartily endorsed by the Commercial club and by the city round! of Grants Fans. In nddltllon to this, a committee of our most careful, conservative buslnes men has been appointed to Investigate the standing and re sources of the people connected with the financing and management of this railroad. All subscriptions of our local people will be held In trust by (he chairman of this commit tee until this Investigation has been made, and will not be turned over to the railroad company until thnt committee reports favorably up on their Investigation. it Is the dcHlro to have the entire $(10,000 Kiibserlbed and the sub scriptions ready to be turned over to the railroad officials nt the meeting of the Commercial dub Wednesday night. February S, at wbbli time a report of the committee will be made. It Is Impossible for the solicit lug committee to see all parties who should be Interested m this proponl tlim, both from an Inveatmmt stand point and to make It an assuied mio ceH for the Increase In the value ol Hidr lands. It Is, therefore, desired that every man hIiouM at one In-1 fmtil (lie milleltlnc hllhsiTlbe without ,elav for wlmt lie may d sire. Ah,,, that i vr one, j.t (lulling those wh,, rlU) n,, s,,,Sl but appicclale (he gieat adaii(.K this road will be to this iiinmin . should Immediately a!l upon In personal friends who ean subscribe Mid soli. It their subscript lotm. ' It Is seldom that so mh ant ageou -i :n opportunity for Investment ean be obtained, that will ,i!so be of mi neiieflt to the (omimmitv. e, therefore, iiic prompt aiil.ui on th. part (if every man Iniere-iud In ibi- matter. This U mini, Iblu,; em not be held over Indefinitely, but iv quires action at oae. without fur ther delay. Itespe. tl'ully yours, A X. PAUSOXtf. J. II WILLI VMS, (5. ll ci;n;, ;i:o c. sni, it I., cor.. Soli, Utile. I IlOfilE VALLEY AS 1 WINTER RESORT The following newly-coined Ideas wo copy from a recent Issue of the .'doming Oregonlan, which furnish food for thought, and should receive more than passing notice. This will prove a winning card for our beautiful valley and the writer bIiows tad and ability In handling the subject, In a brief and logical way. The single truth stated con i liiely, backed up by Irrefutable data carries weight with it. The letter verbatim we publish In full, which reads an follows: CHANTS PASS, Or., .Ian. 24. fTo the Editor.) The edltcilal In The Oregonian of January 23 rec ommending Itogue River valley as a whiter resort Is not out of order and is In le'-plug" with our views. The Idea Is laudable anil (he statistics of the weather bureau in Rogue River valby will bear you out and back you up With fads sustaining the theory. The Idea that people living in Northern and Western Oregon ami Washington have; to "take a hike" to Southern California or Me-xbei tei better weather conditions for the' winter Is and has been a fad sei long that It might be hard convince them of the error of their ways; but If they would only atop te) compare ejur climatic conditions In southwest ern Oregem tbe-y would find that, as compared with many places along the coast and Interior of California, our e ll mate for a winter resort Is super ior to many prominent points on the California roast. The writer could name Califomlas lure now who have- Invested in Rogue' River property, who prefer this climate to tho California brand. They have tried and tested both. Medng wealthy people they could win ter wherever they choose to live, A aether factor that ought to bo taken Into account by our peoplo with means Is the matter of expense. It Is cheaper to tnlgrnte a short dls tanee, generally, than a long one. Tho matter of spending our money among our own people and thus In creasing and bettering their condi tions should not be lest sight of. This Is one of the prime factors to take Into consideration. Peeiple fre quently Impoverish their own condi tion and those of their neighbors by disregarding these' things. Ileiw much better is your climate than ours? I hear some one snv. Well, now to Illustrate: How much difference would you note by being drawn up out of a well to a lighter and dryer atmosphere; or how much milder hero than on the wind-swept plains from 1000 to 3000 feet high er elevation? Especially In the lower Rogue River valley the hard winds are all shut off by high mountain ranges, which are rovered with evergreen limber. The warm wind from the ,ia pan current finds Its way In the valley up the Illinois and Rogue Rivers, which tempers the winters and produces a semi-thermal .one. Obi camping grounds of the native tribes of Indians can be aeen In the coves and bottom lauds In the sur rounding shelti'fed places nil oyer the lower Rogue River valley. The Intense beat of the summer Is mod erated by the breeze's from the foil ago of tin. eletise forests, ferns and evergree n hills. The dear, ncarlv mountain brooks are full of fish. 1'lie bi'.st of teieithsonm game abounds In the hills. With the advent of new proposed railroad routes to the' coast either down Kol'iio IJIvnr nr Hold Reach, or across the country and down the Smith Rivers te Civ. cut City, Cal., will make our coast points ei liable Hiiuinier resorts. We' not Iv so Isoluli'd and bottled up is we appear to bi now. It Is e.iinesily hoped that the vis ional mi, I i ra I, lens eif the "e'oti- m' .itloi ,t V w 111 not bottle up the i nui, He or southern Oicgon, alone with "Mi, r undeveloped resour, es tied keep the tnatiuf.i, turiT and mil lionaire tioin eii.loyliu; some of th (oii:ii'ti , utilities, nature' has so lni-hlv bestowed Upon . It WOUld be a n eat and impat donahle sin II It. HKMiKIICKS LOW COLONIST RATES ARE ANNOUNCED The Transcontinental Passenger Agents' association, which has been In session In Chicago during the past week, has anouueeel colonists rates to Portland, Grants Pass and other points In Oregon. They will be In effect from March 10 to April 10, Inclusive, and include a stop-over privilege of 10 days at any point along the route. The rates apply on all transcontinental lines. The rtes from the principal points will be: St. Paul, Duiuth, Winnipeg, Omaha, Council muffs, Kansas City, St. Joe, $25; Chicago, $33; St. Louis, $32; Cincinnati, $37.90; Cleveland, $39.75; Buffalo, $12.50; Pittsburg, $42; Boston, $19.45; Philadelphia, $49.75; New 'York, $50. Rules Are (Jeneral ! This announcement tomes to all ! the Portland offices of the various transcontinental lines, Including the O. W. U. & N. Co., the Northern Pa eifle', Great Northern, Spokane, Port 'land & Seattle, Chicago, Milwaukee , & Puget Sound, Southern Pacific and jlhe Oregon Electric in conjunction with tho S. P. & S., Great Northern land Northern Pacific. The rates will I also apply to all points on the As toria & Columbia River, In conjunc tlon with the Hill system, of which It Is a part. That the rates will be taken ad vantage of to a much greater extent than ever Is predicted by every rail road official In tho country In view of tho gre.'at Interest that is being taken In Oregon among the people of tho eastern p.nd middle states, Thousands of people have during the past memth been communicating with the various commercial bodies In the state announcing their Inten tion to start for Oregon as sobn as tho colonist rates become effective, and among these people will be many fnmllh'8 who have concluded to come te Oregon to make their future homes. CITV t Ol XCIL MEETING REPLETE WITH IU SIXESS NOTICE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: We have no watered stock or shares of any granite quarries to sell which promise to pay In divi dends one dollar and upwards per annum for every dollar Invested by tho unwary purchaser. In fact, we have nothing to give away Just be cnuso It Is you. For Instance, a monument, the ordinary price of which on dose figuring would be $100, could not be sold for $75. This could not be done unless tho price was raised In exe-ess of the ac tual value and then drop, making i ... 1 1 .... -.. - iieni've mm you were securing a bargain. We are deilng a legitimate and honest buslne'ss, and carry a limited number of monuments on hand, and wo also represent of the various granite quarries In operation In Jack son county the largest granite quar rying and polishing company In southern Oregon all their material being native Oregon granite. This company Is doing a good business and prospering. They generate their own electric power and use the most Improved modern machinery, so If you patronize us you will secure the most, and best, values for your money. Yours for business. Phone or address the 1. X. E. MOXP.MEXT CO , 121 ' Central Point, Ore. The city council met February 2 with Mayor Myers, Councllmen Cal-. vert, Daniels, Herzinger, Huggins, Sauers and Strieker and the other ; city officers present. , The session was a long-winded ODe, ; continuing till after midnight, which j was due to much "rag chewing" The opening up of "Fetzner" I street, which has been before the, council many times, wa3 up again ! and w.s referred to the city sur veyor. The opening up of loiirth street; across the railroad tracks was rerer-! red to a committee; composed of i Councllmen Strieker, Calvert and I Daniels. ! The report of the park eoinmit-j toe was interesting in that it shows) that the park contains many varie ties of trees, among them Icing the chestnut, hickory, English beech, English birch, dogwood, elm, buck eye, red bird, laburnum, linden, black locust, rose locust, magnolia, maple, tulip, birch, mountain ash, mulberry, gigantic sequoias, Irish yew, junipe r, sycamore, poplar, black walnut, ambrilia, olive and laurel; and among the native trees in the park, the oak, pine, red cedar, Ore gon fir and sugar pine. The total number of trees Is 331. It was recommended that the park pumping station be improved in appearance. The auditor and police judge re ported $19,909.65 having been col lected during January, $101 being from fines. Bids for the construction of a sewer on Seventh, Eighth and Olive streets to the new high school were opened and the contract awarded to Varner & Wolfolk for $92.19. There were five bids, ranging as high as $900.65. Viewers report on opening alley In bloe k 2, Miller's addition, was ac cepted. The city is put to the ex pense of $15 for removing a barn which extended Into the alley. The council ratified the action of the Commercial club In regard to tho Grants Pass & Rogue River rail road to Williams and pledged sun- port and every possible to the enterprise. .. . .v,.. i. 1.0,1 for those subject COM. damp w.- - hlnod -nd to Rheumatism, ji brlngs on on attack. Use Ballard's Snow Liniment It is a Powerful Preventive, as Well as a Speedy Cure t.,, tf in nn ihB parts affected whenever the conditions seem to InSto aVpell of thU painful ailment; it will warm the Joints and ward off the trouble If the disorder has already commenced, "e treatment Is the same, tho rubbing helps tho liniment to pene Uat to tTo seat cf pala. Tho relief Is prompt and very sat Ufy. lag- tho aching Joints aro relieved, tho muscles relaxed so that the sufferer feels again the strength and suppleness of youtB. For flesh wounds of all kinds, It U a wonderful remedy. Try It for cuts burns, bruises, .-ores, galls, chafed spots, barbed wire cuts, sprains, swellings, frost bites. It cures quickly and com pletely. price 25c, 50c and $1.00 per Bottle. JAMES F. BAUASO pnoPBiETca ST. LOUIS, M0. To cure Smarting FyehnlK Sore Eym or Weak Sight, ue Stephen Kye Salve. 2 5qlp An o RecoMMCNOtoBy National Drtfg Store HEARTS AREmTRUMPJss 1 1 1 : p u i :s i ; x tat i v i : mm i , i i x IMUS AT SALEM FOR AGED PEOPLE. W P Pi l l and 1M W. Ku, ,lr . w Ini har Iv, u Npe'iuling n-wral il i in tbi-i ill., Hi,. Kie'-u ,,f M ( i:an-e n: th,- ,,.mii tint,. I, ,- M''da I'M tb :i h.mi,. ;it OiiU.iiid, .il Ml I'll. ) wir. ,-H p,-,i..,-,l i'Ii t iii . p,r t ,.f Oi , -,.11. 1'iinl. in till' hi- e,i'!,- i : 1 1 j ; e n i' h M. Is;' - : x ' , I I'll, it .- w ,i . Will ll 111' I'll m i:.t!i. mi,, i 1 .1 . .1 It Old Folks Should Be Careful In Tht.r Selection of Regulative Medicine. We- have' a MMfi', ib'pe-iidilli'.i' lilld III-teiKe-theT lib al ivini'dy Unit W parti u larly aduptcd to tlu ri'ipilivnii'iits ..f IIKi'el pe',ipl, mid pclsiiim ,if we'lik i nn stltutli'iix bn -utTi r from runsilpu- tli'll e! nlheT bowel disnrele'ls Wo niy so ii'itMlu that It will rilli'Ve thi'so i' iMiinplitlnt mill ,. ubioiutc snti-f !. (Inn In eve't-v p'i'-i, -iiinr Hint w, ,,!Y, r It with nur pcrs -n il .:u umiteii Hint (t Hliull rust i,. i's,.r IilI'iIm; If It fnt to slltisfilill it,. i. in- I 'liinis Tliis rem lely li I'lilU-il P.'Vill Oieb'l'lli's Kevill ij'ih-i- :.s li,i,. ;i stuilblin;, healing, Mtvi,.-.!,,.,,!,-!; l.'in.' mid ntu Ullve' ml Ion upon I In' bow,. M, Tlie-y remove nil Ion. elnii,'s-i, eiYiies and ve:ikiiif.s 1 bev iv-miy tin- .ow el and iisso.-i-iti- email to more r "iviH iiiul beilrliv in-th It y They lire eaten tike e-:ilid. in iv !, taken t ,Ul Mine without ItKotn onion e. elo not i'iiu-o any Krlpltiu. Hanson, dlan lio.-.-i vvvssive loo-., ni'ss. tlatilleii- e ov .oln- i!kn;ri'otible erlevt. 1'rl. e 'J.V. it ml bV ,i!v ut our store The l!e';!l S (".. in SALKM, Feb. 4. Captain M. C. KgKloston, of Ashland, representing Jackson county at. the present session of the legislature, died at the Wil lamette sanitorlum here at 12:15 this morning of paralysis. He was brought to the sanitorlum at 7 o'clock last night and passed away five hours later. Dr. L. C. Shaw, representative from Mnn county, will accompany the remains to Ashland today. PUCK DKSTKOVS Itl XKIHHSK AT- Till: A.MKXT HAM The "Tiger" bunk house, occupied by seven employes of the Golden Drift company at the dam. three miles up Heigue river, was destroyed by fire on Sunday afternoon. Tho fire started about 3 o'clock while the boys were busy working at the dam, a considerable distance above the building, and the house with all Its contents was soon destroyed. The men occupying the house were (ieeirge Sneiw, Phil Starr, Thos. Tay lor, ('has. McKlininons, Kob .McNutt, William ICuster and Mr. Floyd, and all the'ir belongings, consisting of clothing. Jewelry, instruments. ete. were' biirncel, the boys saving only' the working elnthes they had on at! the' time eef the' fire. Mr. Taylor, whei i Is an engineer, had bis civil service1 papers bin-in., . besides his other nr-' tl'b s. This is untie' a serious loss to him It Is not Known how tlu flre stalled. Tliis muniing (ban-go Sand ers, nuent ,,r the' Chicago-Rogue KiWT company. Me-sented e-ai h of tlio I'.n s w ith a new suit of clothes to help make up their loss, How to cure a cold Is a question In wbiih many are Interested J ist now. Cbati'.berlaln'fi Cough Remedy has won Us great reputation and Im mense sal,. t,y ks i-en aikable cure of ce!dJ It i an always be depended iip"ts. For sale by all co.i, dealers. F Iv liua'o. of Meilfotd trans ii' te.l I. :slnes in this ,-jty Monday 5 1 mJ re f I -v I iaiSwfiHEARTS WfiMcVMOu1 .rc crri l TUP Did you ever have anybody to borrow YOUR shovel and not bring it back? Well, don't borrow your neighbor's things. BUY YOUR OWN. 8 And buy at the store that has your interests at heart the store that feels that they make money by giving you a square deal. That's our kind of a store The SQUARE DEAL kind. Coron-Booth Hardware Co. Phone 377-R 102 North Sixth Street, Grants Pass, Ore. "PLUMBING AND SHEET METAL SHOPS" r x'-XifliBaini Indispensable in Emergencies I u' si-kh'ss ot a valuable animal on the arm shows its is itnliiiiti.l.. a. l nnn.i u i m i mi nr reinm It's a cas,. iov the vctorinary-a ,-aso whore min n1!I1- nat s wlicrc tlic Uoll Scrvii valiic to the fa hi ii t r.y inc.-iiis of the telephone il. v..t rwM. an.l he at once tells the fanner what to do inn ii ill' iUTlVCS. No far-sighted fanner yets tn-timi of the Hell Service. He ran never tell when it from serious loss. Hesides, u usefulness. alons without the pro is iroint: to save him lias daily proof of its Consult our local mana-er for rates. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co. SEED CATALOG! mini:; I M ol'l l (,l S Is oi on V i, ' ' ' ' ; 1 1 i u i vr l TK S..1 Ctlcj of tl.rWYil - p.. n.u..;.i,, .pilfHiVl r-'- o .eVD .-c.l- J fr IS. t li 'c-. :i 1. 1 : ; co..: ,uir. Wn. 1 .i FOR SALE PEACH TREES .:. CHERRY TREES nursery slock. I'diiies!, S 1-ecial j. Ices on M-.-- M." Hn tbe d.O da Hi ' in- M ' ;":. " ; ' 'I'm i-da l ioi ii In , i- - w lib 1 1 1 a l i and fi u i ,1 . V.1 Addre? AL ANY NURSERIES, ALBANY, ORE. (bin e Itv,