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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1911)
PAGE TWO PROFESSIONAL CARDS M. C. FINDLEY, M. D. Practice limited to BYE. EAR, NOSE and THROAT Olaasea fitted and furolihed Office hoars 9 to 12; 2 to 5; and Oft appointment. Phoaet 182 aal 1U-R. OranU Vm, Oregon vTk ddlmick, d. m. d. Don tint Tetach bldg., cor. 6th and G Btreet. Phone 303-J. Orawn, Bridge Work and Fllllnga of all kladi a specialty Office Houre ' 9 to 12 a. m.; 1 to 6 p. m. All Work roHlllvcly Guaroatoed GRANTS PA8S, OREGON eTc. macy, d. m. d. 1 I ' incceiior to Dixon Broi., Dentlita Flrt-CIam Work 199 Bouth Sixth, Grant Pom, Ore. J.P.TRUAX,M.D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phonea: Office, 326; Ret. S24 Albert Building, Sixth Street GRANTS PA3S - - OREGON Galls aniwercd at all houn. Coun try calli attended to HTDrNORTONr ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Practice la all State and Federal Oairta. Office Opera House Bldg Grant PaM, Oregoa OLIVER S. BROWN, LAWYER GmbU Prm Otrg 0. S. BLANOHARD, ATTORNET-AT-LAW Practice la all State and Federal Coarta. Daaklng t Trust Ce. Bldg Grant Paaa, Orga Sirs. Nina Brumbaugh Leasoas la China Palatial. Orders Solicited. Kudlo: 711 North Bight Btreat J. D.WURTSBAUGH Attoraoj and CvMelr at Law Notary PahUe aa fftoe Office li Howard Block. Phoaa H-J fi RANTS PABS. ORIQON D. L. JOHNSTON AHSAVKIt Rooms 6 and 7 Opera Iluuie ill , North btalrN GRANTS PASS, OllEdUN M. T. UTLKY CAlirKNTKH GKNKIIAL (X)NTlU(TOn 111 II.DKH Jobbing Work m RpwUHj ' Irhoae 41 71 S N. ftth Nt (, Grant IWn, Orf M. ( II. DAY Contractor and Hullilrr Residences a Specialty Plant aud est I maice fuinUhed Residence Knt A St. 1'lioue 103-J Singer and Wheeler (EL Wilson SEWING1 MACHINES for na!o or rem, eii 1 ,i-y 1'ID Uli tt. Supl'lli'i Mild repair (or u'l nuke. Stot king (Urnot- mu ,-nt-toa. T. H ASS ELL 1 Front St. tirutu I l-s 1 HcM job ptliilliig st The Courier It you've lout anvthlrK. Courier ad IM find it for you. V. V.. Palmer, of W ..! ill--. a loiHllieSH lltor lieie Moti f .r liooll. litllllilllK to Weelviilr v 1 1 til' afternoon tislu 4. 4, PERSONAL AND LOCAL I 4 H. E. Christy, of Selma, was visit ing In Grants Pass Sunday. Z. C. Brown was a Grants Pass rlsltor 8unday from Golden. Mr. and Mrs. Suddarth, of Selma, were Grants Pass visitors Sunday. Dr. Bywater, eye, ear, nose and throat specialist. Conklln building. 12-16-tf Paul Soeley 5eft Sunday for Port land on business. Judgo Stephen Jewell went to Salem Sunday evening to spend a few days on business. I I). Franklin went to Wolf Creek Sunday evening. Dr. Flanagan made a professional visit to Merlin Sunday evening. M. J. Anderson went to Salem on No. 16 Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Reynolds, of Medford, were Grants Pass business visitors Monday. Attorney C. II. Clements made a business trip to Ashland Monday morning.' I. W. McConnely, of Richfield, Idaho, was a business visitor to this city Saturday. Mrs. Klrby and Miss Ruth Dickey were In Grants Pass Friday evening to hear the debate at the opera house and returned Saturday to their home at Wolf Creek. W. Shaw, of Leland, was a busi ness visitor to this city Saturday. 0. S. Matherson, of Kerby, came in Saturday to attend to business matters and visit with friends. L. C. Henderson and J. L. Moore, of Gallce, were visitors to this city Sunday. Tom Fry went to Portland Satur day evening to visit with his brother, Will Fry, and family for several days. Tom Fuson went to Portland Sat urday evening on business. J. M. Hensley and Sherman Estelle were Grants l'ass Dusiness visitors from Woodvlllo Saturday. Mrs. J. B. Lindsay, of Murphy, was visiting with Grants Pass friends and doing some shopping Saturday. Mrs. II. N. Delss, of Murphy, visit ed In this city Saturday. Mrs. J. L. Roberts and llttlo daugh ter, who have been visiting with Mrs. Roberts' mother In this city, return ed to their home at Glendale Satur day evening. They expect to remove to this city to reside In the near fu ture. Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Bacon return ed Monday to their home at Eaglo Point, after a few days visit In this city. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur feorphy and little son, of the Granite Hill mine, were Grants Pass visitors Saturday. Mrs. George Riddle and Mrs. Joe Wharton went to Riddle Saturday evening to visit for a few days with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. J. Versteeg. who have bevn visiting for several days with Mrs. J. C. Mattlson In this city, left Saturday evening for Portland to visit with Mrs. Versteeg's parents. J. T. Kenney went to Hugo Satur dny evening on business. Hev. J. II. DIIIh came In from Wll llmim Monday to meet Rev. W. B Smith, who came up from Myrtle Creek to nsslst Rev. Dills in revival meetings to be held nt Williams be - ginning this week. Mr KM nimlrk m .Ioum frnni Woodvlllo Monday to do some shop - ping nnd visit relatives In this city. (.enter Citl.nrn ciiine down from Medford Sunday to visit with home- j construction work on the great folks and MondH In Grunts Pass. Ho ' Pathfinder dam In Wyoming, which returned to Medford on the late train. ' 11 government proposition nnd Is Miss l.otta DoAiniond returned i ,,n' ,,f ,ll' bwst Irrigation projects Sunday evening from Modfoi d, ; ,hat ,n I'nlted States has con whero tdio bad been spending BfVriil :' ructfl. days wltu her brother. Inane Host returned from Medford Sunday evening, ufter spending Sev ern days there on business. Sheriff Will Smith spent Sunday with Medford friends. Mrs. Kay WtU-M v;t called in Hiiseburg Sundav evening on account of tho Illness ef her mother. She ax neeouipiinled by her little daugh ter, l.ucllc Mr and Mi .!... k MIIon and Miss l.evciie l'... n, Mi and Mrs. H I lei t hs an. I Y.M ne Pie. I In w mi to the Coldi'ii Pi;!: .!.nn in t li- oieior .it iu'oii S led. 1 at-., I v.H,ed hacK to ill ant r.i . In the afternoon. Key .Imditi (.'ire up from Wolf Ctvi I, Morulav on ! es'tn s, K I'l-fM nt.,ti,' t C. Smith nent Saturdav ae,l S imlav with bU fain- j 1! I" I M- t it and returned to his IdnticK In th, 1. ci' l.iture at Salem 1 Sunday 1 veiling V Mackenzie, w'i,, bus nneut the ' -i nvi ! 111 11 ln-eeis ;H'I Ciller t'allfot nl.i tew.. 1 rt 11 fiied Sundav' 1 veiling to hi home In this 1 Ity. ' llelfrl. h. an Illinois nut n, was la titan's r.i . i ' t'd .1 -hort I :me Chan Ucycl.i a' I'f I J'H Vt'O'l "I inter Snttda Simla and will bete on b-ilnes flat M Tinker, e il'aii'n l'a!i WEEKLY ROGUE C. R. Cunningham was a Grants Pass visitor from Medford Sunday. H. II. Harter and family, of Dav enport, Iowa, arrived here Sunday and have purchased property in this city, where they expect to make their permanent home. Mrs. Sarah Blevln, who has been vlsklng with her son In this city for several weeks, returned Saturday to her home at Denver, Colo. The annual meeting of the Rogue River Fruit and Produce association will be held at Medford February 14 and it la probable that many of our people will attend. The South ern Pacific has made a rate of one and one-third fare for the round trip and un effort will be made to sell enough tickets to put on a private car. Rmest Ustor on Saturday com pleted the extension on the Josephine county tax roll, and it will probably be in the hand3 of the sheriff Mon day or Tuesday. The total amount of the tax Is $224,035.35 as against tlfi3.Rl9.78 last year, the Increase being due to a higher tax levy, in creased valuation of property and 1m nrovements on property. The city's portion of the tax amounts to $28,' 819.20, while school district No. 7, (Grants Pass) receives lu.dBb.uJ.. Friday considerable excitement was caused on Sixth street by the new traction wood saw being exhib ited by the urants Pass Hardware company. It is aptly called "The New Way." The machine Is certain ly an Improvement over the old saw buck and saw that lurks In our boy-1 nooa memories as an lusu-uiui-m ui torture located In the wood shed. The new machine Is 7-horse power, and It Is claimed for it that It will saw 80-tler of wood in a day. Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Guthridge died at her home on South Sixth street In this city Saturday, February 4, 1911, at the age of 58 years, 5 month and 5 days. Deceased has been a resident of this city for many years and has made many lasting friends who regret to hear the sad news, uesiaes ner nusnana, wno re sides In this city, she leaves one son, Dick Guthridge, who arrived here; Friday evening from Klamath Falls. Interment will be made In the I. O. 0. F. cemetery February 6, 1911, with funeral services at the grave. Mrs. Sarah McLane died at the home of her Bon, C. E. McLane, Fri day afternoon, cause of death being old age, she being 77 years, 10 months and 3 days old. Deceased was born at Frankford, Md., and crossed the plains In '53, settling In Califor nia. She came to Oregon In 1872, residing In the WlllameUe valley up to a year ago, when she came to Grants Pass with her husband, and has since been a resident of this city. Mrs. McLane was a loving wife and mother and an estimable woman. Besides her husband she leaves one son, C. E. McLane, proprietor of the Western hotel of this city. Funeral services will be held at 2: SO Sunday afternoon, at Hall's chapel on Sixth streH, with Interment at Masonic cemetery. I. W. MrConnrll, Irrigation expert from Richfield, Idaho, arrived In Grants Pass on Saturday afternoon W1" ,00K 0Tpr inp uiiiry irom nn Irrigation point of view. He will 'remain evernl days and It Is hoped that he will meet while here a large i .... . . . . 1 number of people Interested in the 1 subject of watering this valley. Mr McConnell Is nn expert of promlu ' ,nco. having been In charge of tin Work Is progressing rapidly on tho building leeently vacated by the Omits Pass hardware store on Front street, which U to he convert - -d lino .. np to-date moving . , . ' ,, show raised floor s being nut In. which will he fitted with opera chair-:, the seating capacity to bo np ! rolin,itelv ;',no. r.'xpi stage will he fined with a rolling curtain of the l:i'.( Improved pattern aud III. le w III also be a leb'o- Iti the fl Ollt Mm" l:o I. to C.'V '!!. The theater w ill !. , r t;,.- ' , a I'd t he pl op' . 'ot-s, K ! : ami Wall.-r Mo,-e. l,i;, ' P.' hcs ii't,'v i-hows i.k. will lis amli-vl'V :i'i,l li -hi op'-r.-i If Is expect, d to I' io . very -' '" " 'l'"'' ! open !: the per Tel !' s the 1 Mb of t':'S IMOtlth 'I''1 '--'.tll.i'lon voik U hi (ng done 'O 1 t. lit, ti. ef .,. ..;, V..-, 1 t '' "' f 1'.:. mis I'a-s Inn -i I'o w 1: ' ' " t-'" "f the ma, hiii.. ,(, A N. Parsons reports considerable ctl!t in connection with In side properties from local Investors. He announces the following recent sales Two lo's on p street to Mrs i Uratiilt, one lot on A street to Mrs. ( Brandt; one lot 011 Sixth street to 1 P .t. st,- ... tun ,o , ..,is u.i r, 1 no interested parti 1UYER COURIER n088 Thomas, superintendent of the Opp mine at Jacksonville, came down Saturday evening to spend Sun day with relatives here. rhas. Crow, of Merlin, was visit ing with Grants Pass friends Satur day. The board of directors of the Rogue River Industrial Fair associa tion met Monday afternoon in the Commercial club rooms, with J. A. Perry, of Medford, and L. B. Hall and II. C. Bateham, of this city, in at tendance. On account of the ab sence of John D. Olwell, of Medford, and E. T. Staples, of Ashland, who are in the east, the board adjourned ..m wohmnrv 15. The next fair will probably be held in Medford. Dr. E. P. Dixon is in the city and is having rooms in the Schallhorn building fitted up for dental offices, which he and his brother will occupy, probably the latter part of the week. The doc-tor and bis brother sold their homes in this city some time ago and went to Newberg to practice den tistry and to attend to their exten sive interests there. They now find that Grants Pass Is about the best place in Oregon and will probably remain here. Both gentlement are firut-cliiss dentists and they and the,r famllIeg wlll be welcomed Into Grantg pagg B0C,ety , V. H. Wann returned to Grants Pass Tuesday morning from Salem, where he had been visiting and look ing after business for the past few days. w,wt a Great Man Said to the (rent American People. Parisian Sage is a discovery of a celebrated scientist, who spent the best years of his life perfecting this great hair tonic. In giving his recelpe to the Ameri can people he said: "Parisian Sage is the most delightful hair dressing in the world. It cures dandruff by killing the germs that infest the roots of the hair; it stops falling hair; it gives vigor and strength to the hair roots. C. H. Denieray sells Parisian Sage at GO cents a large bot tie and guarantees It to do all that is claimed for it, or your money is refunded. It stops falling hair, dandruff and Itching scalp In two weeks. SKIN AFFECTIONS Whether on Infant or Grown Person Cured by Zemo and Zemo Soap An Unusual Offer The C. H. Demaray drug store says to every person, be It man, woman or child, who has an Irritated, tender or Itching skin to come to our store and procure a bottle of ZEMO and a cake of Zemo soap and if you are not entirely satisfied with results, come back and get your money. So confident are we of the efficacy of this clean, simple treatment, that we make you this unusual offer. ZEMO Is a clear liquid for extern al use that has cured so many cases of eczema, pimples, dandruff and other forms of skin eruption. ZEMO and ZEMO Boap are the most effec tive treatment for affections of the skin or scalp, whether on Infant or grown person. C. H. Demaray, drug gist. Mrs. Amy LaRaut came up from Eugene Monday to visit with her sis ter, Mrs. Ann E. Booth, and her daughter, Mrs. Robert G. 8mith, of this city. BREAK IT COM) Tlionsjuuls Are Vsing the New Moth. xl with Wonderful llMiltfl Cut out this prescription Madam: yon are the one that must look after tho health of the household, and you are the one In these days of high prices that must manage things eco nomically. Someone In the family may have a hard cold this winter; It may bo In the head, perhaps In the chest. It matters not where; here Is some ndvlce nnd a nreserlittlon thnf will break up any cold in a few hours, nnd j wl,b"'it taking harmful drugs or S"'i,:'i',K' 'n,, "";'' l''r!it of nil. look nfter tho bowels, 1 Tim t.,.., ..m ..1 .1. ., .....I' :miin milliner rno live- Is right or not. If the bowels need attention, a good dose of cn tor nil made tastiest with a little orange juice wm llo (. trick though nny reliable cathartic will do. Then try this eenmimli-nl trent ""nt' Into a how of boiling w:ter no. u- ,,f 1IYOMK1 "ro no'imv It HU-h -o-niel , over bo'h h' -i. and howl with n towel, and breathe do. t Into th0 lore's the soothing. he'i!!i"j v-i"ot- n . t'fca'he lhu ;ipi 1'1-O.t, s .,ii 11,,. p, '"'II-. the., I,, ). I, until I.,,,...,;.,.. for d fe -.11,1 . five or ten Is fine ami l.'cp sonml- I.n-'U of 1IVOMP! ,(-. :,n cents ; ' ' H Potcv-av mu, druggist, v."-vw hero e,ei,,,iete nut fit u lilel, "'' ' I'"' i-er nock, t Inlii'."- wl'h whh '' e, , , ,r...,t),e It anv ' lm- o- ' 1 ;i - 'o. i,et nviv J 100 ( ! fia-Mft 1 t,, ,-.,ro ealan h.'i. eo, lis. sore Mimaf a'ld croup or money had; t , iV-Ll'f) P-..M. RIMtNGtON tni A'WlwwLllI i VV f.l...s,Ir.,IL tf-.w.-7si. ' : f imiftl unit nirulHt .r vp-ail. one of the Glendale was visiting with Grants Pass friends on Monday, n r.lendale from while en Medford, where he had been spending a short time. He returned home evening. Monday FOR BALD HEADS. A Treatment Thtt Coots Nothing if It Fails. We want von to try three larp- l"t :vs f K.'.viU "'.i.'!" H:iir Tonic on our eersenal tii-uranuf that the trial will , est vou a penny if It do.s not give .u absolute satisfaction. That's proof ... ,1.. ...wl it (jf our faith in '-ls "eior.... ...... .i should indisputably demonstrate nun we know what we are talking attorn . we sav that Kexall "X. Hair . , I ... I.I IWIM.V lone vU ;:rv uair o" i-.uu ..v..v. . ....... i i.,..w, .,r i.vept where uiiihio.v u.i " " nieh lonji duration that me p'ois m i lie hair are entirely dead, the follicles l.ised and prown over, and the seal;' is glazed. Keiiieiiibcr. we are basins: our muio . . i . .i- i.. i. nients upon v.nai lias uiif.n. " lecouiViisIi.'i! by lite use of Kexall ".fl" Hair Tonic, and we have tbo right to assume that what it lias done for thousands of others it will l roi you. In tiny event you ..cannot lose anything by civlng It a trial on our lberal guarantee. Two sizes, 50c. awl $1.0(1. Remember, you can omam ne. all Remedies In this community only at our store -The Rexall Store. Clemens. Mrs. Burns Gillette left Monday afternoon to Join her nusbana at their home In Coles, Cal., where they will sDend the summer. Mr. Gil lette went by wagon last week. NOTICE OF FORFEITURE To Wm. W. Brown, his heirs or assigns, Greetings: Notice is here by given that the undersigned has, In comDllance with the Revised sta tutes of the United States and the laws of the state of Oregon, per formed the annual assessment or development work upon the "Whiskey Point" quartz mining claim, situated In the Kerby (un organized) mining district, Josephine county, Oregon, for the rears nine teen hundred nine (1909) and nine teen hundred ten (1910), and that unless you, the said Wm, W. Brown, pay your Just and due proportions tJ owner of an undivided one-third in terest In the said mining claim, to wit: The sum of Two Hundred Dol lars ($200) for the years 1909 and 1910, within ninety days from date of the first publication of this notice. your said one-third Interest in the aforesaid mining claim will become the property of the undersigned In accordance with law. Date of first publication December 9, 1910. CHARLES F. LANE, Co-owner. J JENE A Square Deal To all BUY Any Old Thing or Any New Thing SECOND HAND That y. Gutiv Ho li.ive in stll such Sof me and cct my You will bo surprised Special Prices on Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums IKE M. DAVIS FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1011 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Plttenger who have been visiting Mr. Plttea- ger's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Plt tenger, of North 12th street, left Tuesday for Bakersfield, Cal., where they expect to locate. NOTICE " To Whom It May Coiceri: Notice la hereby given that I, tho undr. signed, owner of one-half Interest in the Sugar fine mine ai uauce, Ore gon, will not be responsible for any debts Incurred against said Sugar Pine mine or for any labor or lm provements performed thereon; also that no person entering on said prem ises for any reason whatsoever shall remove therefrom any ore, mineral or timber. Dated February 23, 1J10. (Signed) F. E. KNIGHT. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, S. Land Office at Roseburg, Ore., U, NovemDer z&, 1910. Notice Is hereby given that Thomas E. Luster, of Roseburg, Ore., who, on December 23, 1909, made Timber and Stone Application, No. 05752, for SE, section 34, town ship 34 Bouth, range 5 west Willam ette Meridian, has filed notice of In tention to make Final Timber and Stone Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Register and Receiver United States Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, on. the 14th Day of February, 1911. Claimant names as wltnessesr F. McMeekln, of Ashland, Oregon; L. Shipley, of Roseburg, Oregon; J. A. Zimmerman, of Roseburg, Ore gon; John Arzner, Jr., or Riddle, Oregon. BENJAMIN F. JONES, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Ore., December 21, 1910. Notice Is hereby given that Jenkln Bertram Harker, whose postofflce ad dress Is Linden,' Wisconsin, did, on the 16 day of March, 1910, file In this office sworn statement and ap plication, No. 05985, to purchase the N NE SW NB. section 14, township 34 S, range 4 west, Willam ette meridian, and the timber there on, under the provision of the act of June 3, 1878, and acts amendatory, known as the "Timber and Stone Law," at such value as might be fixed by appraisement, and that, pursuant to such application, the land and tim ber thereon have been appraised at $637.50, the timber estimated 450, 000 board feet at 75cts per thou sand, and the land $300.00; that said applicant wlll offer final proof In support of his application and sworn statement on the 4th day of April. 1911, before Joseph Moss, United States Commissioner, at Grants Pass, Oregon. Any person Is at liberty to protest this purchase before entry, or Initi ate a contest at any time before pat ent Issues, by filing a corroborated affidavit In this office, alleging facts which would defeat the entry. BENJAMIN F. JONES, Register. Alight mean "Joy! How Cute," if used by a young miss, but in this partic ular case it means 1 R Where you can find Hardware of all kinds, Farm Implements, (lasoline En gines, Studcbaker Wagons, and the clcbrated E. M. E. automobile at prices that are right. both large and small. 1 Tj ftp. . i rc-man Furniture. Hardwiro Tinware prircs htT-tre disposini; tf your at the priors I pay. 1 lis .1: not t p: 1 pared to sniiotuiro W OYl. ltlL. Ml I'lllMMMM ,, is rMIUNt IUIM