FRIDAr, NOVEMBER 18, 1010 ROGUE RIVER COURIER PAGE FIVF save PERSONAL AND LOCAL 4 The Temple market has a change or aa in tms issue. You'll mony by looking It up. County Clerk Cheshire has Issued a marriage license to Atcheson P. Garrett and Verna Champlln. An entertainment will be given at the Oak Grove school house on 'Thanksgiving evening at S o'clock. Melvln Rose, the Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Rose, of Galice, died November 14. Interment was at Wil liams. Mrs. Bertha Peterson went to Portland Tuesday evening, where she will remain several days with friends. W. A. Wotherspoon has filed a placer location notice on lot five in section 14, township 40 south, range 8 west. The claim Is named Mon terey. J. B. Stlnebaugh, who recently re turned from Alaska, has purchased a farm up the river from town from Sam Hoyt, paying for It $5000. The Commercial club Is now thP possessor of a handsome Clarendon piano. The Instrument, was acquired recently at advantageous figures. C. L. Frederick and associates have filed a mineral location notice on a placer claim named Imperial, consist ing of 100 acres In section 14, town ship 40 south, range eight west. Dr. D. W. Walker has sold ten "acr of 1;'h! thrc !'iis .. towa to William Johnson, of Devils Slide, Utah. The land Is set to three-year-old trees and the consideration was $3000. The sale was made through the Riggs-Land company. Mr. Johnson expects to become a permanent resident Inside of a year. Mrs. C. L. Kolhamer, who Is near ing her 70th birthday, left Tuesday morning for Dlllard, Ore., where she goes to live on her homestead. .Her grandson, Everitt Harmon, went to Dlllard last week to put her house In readiness for her,' so that Grand ma Kohler will find everything com fortable for the winter. Seed Grain All kinds CORN WHEAT RYE OATS IIAKLEY VETCH TIMOTHY ALFALFA CLOVEl! Carl Reymers came up from Rose 'rnrg Monday to attend to busness and visit with relatives for a couple ff days. A. H. Ferguson, of Si.lem, was a business visitor to this city Monday. Mrs. E. Sanborn, of Central Point, was a Grants Pass visitor Monday. A. Jacobson. of Portland, was at tending to business matters in this city Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Wluf, of Wood ville, were transacting business In Grants Tass Monday morning, re turning to Woodville on the after noon train. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bathelor and baby, who have been visiting in this city for the past few weeks with re latives and friends, left Monday even ing for Merlin, where they expect to spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Melbourne Dunn, who recently sold their farm in the Applegate valley to Dr. Sweeney, of Great Falls, Mont., have purchased through the Best-Fuller realty firm a five-acre tract fronting Rogue river in this city. They will Imme diately begin the construction of a nantisome new bungalow on the property and will make their per manent home in this city. Through the agency of the Riggs Land company, Dr. McCabe. of Chic ago, has purchased 43 acres of land one and one-half miles east of Grants Pass, from E. V. Johnson. The con sideration was $11,000. Fifteen acres are planted to - young apple trees. Dr. McCabe has hastened back to Chicago In order to wind up Ins aifairs so that, he may move here before those terrible Chicago winters commence with all their fury. H. D. Norton went to Montagu., Cal., on Xo. 13 Monday, where Be goes to spend several days o na busi ness trip. The Misses Helen and Annis Love, who have been attending school In this city this fall were called to their home at Myrtle Creek Tuesday by the death of their grandmother, Mrs. I. C. Leedy, who passed away Mon day. Geo. C. Calhoun made a business trip to Medford Monday. W. II. Flanagan has made applica tion to register the title to certain lots and other property In Grants Pass under the Torren's act, naming T. K. Anderson, of Ashland, was attending to business matters and shaking hands with Grants Tass friends Monday. Mrs. J. G. Robertson nnor daugh ter, Miss Rose, of Loves Station, were "Grants Pass visitors Monday. Miss Eula Howard went to Med ford Monday, where she will visit with friends for a few days before going to her home at San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Bernard, who arrived here recently from Juneau, Alaska, have made arrangements to spend the winter in sunny Oregon and will locate in or near thl3 city for the winter. Mr. Bernard Is a large land holder In the Murphy dis trict. Mrs. H L. Green, of this city, has received the sad intelligence of the death of her father, Alexander Johnston, who died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Mattie J. Logan, in Macon, Mo., October 22, 1910, at the age of SI years. The Macon Re publican has the following to say of the deceased: "Alexander . John ston was born in Indiana, April 19. 1S29. and removed with his parents to Illinois when quite young. lie was twice married, there being six children born to each union, five of whom survive him. The last 50 years of his life were spent in and near Macon, Mo., where he conducted the first livery stable in the place, and was also mayor of the town for a number cf years, lie was a faithful, Christian gentleman, and a kind husband and father, and was re spected and esteemed by his fellow citizens." i R. M. Wilson, who recently pur chased the Shaddle group of claims on Josephine creek, as well as other property in the Illinois valley, Is installing a Lane quartz mill with a capacity of 40 tons per day. E. C. Underwood, through his at torney, H. D. Norton, has filed a complaint In a suit to quiet title, naming the Grants Pass Sash, Door and Lumber company et al as de fendants. Rev. J. L. Green returned Tuesday afternoon from Woodburn, where he has been the last week attending to business matters. W. Oakley, a fv'ends and resident of Woodburn, returned with him, and if suitable business opportunity is found will send fon his family and make Grants Pass their future home. OREGON TO GIVE THANKS Governor F.enson Issues Procianui' lion (a People of Stale his New Flower Pots SALEM, Ore., Nov. 17. Governor F. W. Benson this morning Issued the annual Thanksgiving proclama tion i nthe following words: "Thanksgiving Proclamation: "In accordance with the time-honored custom of setting apart one day In the year in remembrance of bless ings vouchsafed to us by Almighty God, and in conformity with the proc lamation of . William Howard Taft, president of the United States, I, F. W. Benson, governor of the state of NEW HOPE Dan Lelth, accompanied y ever welcome smile, visited In Hope the first of the week. R. L. Coe, of Grnnte Pass, and a friend again visited In New Hope! Sunday. Mr. Inks and family have moved near Jacksonville, where the men j have secured employment for the1 winter. j Jess and Ilughle York spent Sun- day with their sister, Mrs. Shertz. Mr. Barden is now through husk ing corn. Mr. Fuller and Mr. Cole spent Sun day with Mr. Tarkey. Tom Faith spent Sunday with fr!"r"!s In r.vntu Pnsr. V.'j Ho ii'l'ii :;;iily eoid ni'Uit in New Hope hist Sunday. We think Overdrafts, secured and It was caused by two boys playing unsecured freeze-out on the granite. Mr. Love, has again returned to New Hope, where he Is again busy. He says he can't stay away. Wonder why? L. E. Thomas and Fresno Scraper had a few rounds last Friday and when time was called it wns decided that Scraper was the victor. Mr. Thomas had the doctor dress the left Jaw, which was injured by an upper cut. The Time to plant Bulbs is MOW ' Single Hyacinths ..75c dozen , Double Hyacinths. .'. 85c dozen Tulips, single and parrot .40c dozen Tuilps, Darwin, large .50c dozen Crocus, yellow or mixed .10 dozen China Lilies 15c each Narcissus 30c to 60c dozen . A fine selection of all the above now on hand. ' ' Fall planting directions free. CRAMER BROS. : : ODD FELLOWS BLOCK Garden Trowels HAKLEY 0 VETCH ' $j 1 TIMOTHY t' ALFALFA 1 CLOVEl! I I nnd any other kind you need, at prices that are richt. f Vinyard J . Morgan tiff Mrs. II. Merrill, who has been visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Miner, of this city, left Monday for her home at Redding, Cal. Mrs. Merrill was formerly a resident of this city and will be re membered by many of the Grants Pass people ns Miss Madge Miner. Courier want ads pay. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF The Grants Pass Banking & Trust Co. at Grants Pass, in the state of Ore gon, atlhe close of business Novem ber 10, 1910. Resources Loans and discounts $230,321.72 S2.25 Bonds, securities, etc 40.72S.94 Bankl ng house, furni ture and fixtures 5.5S0.09 Due from approved re serve banks 20,545.52 Cash on hand y,967.37 Other items 21. 70S. 45 $347,994.34 Orecon. by authority In me vested. Alonzo Appleton et al as defendants.i(,0 hereby dcsI(rnate Thursday. Nov C. H. Clements s attorney for plain-' bPr 24 fts TnanksRlvinR ,,, nnd I earnestly recommend that upon that day the people of this state de sist from their respective places of worship, there to give grateful thanks to Almighty God for his good- nnd loving kindness to us and to all mankind. "I further recommend, as a fitting observance of the day, that out of our abundance we remember the poor and destitute amongst us. nnd jthnt by deeds of mercy nnd charity we make It an occasion of comfort land happiness to others. Let ns nl j so d-vote the day to the enjoyment of hospitality and the strenthenlng of I family tics; to inspiring sentiments Jof loyalty to our country and rcspc t :for Its laws ami Institutions. "In witness whereof I hnvo here unto set my hand and mused the j great seal rf the Rtate to bo here junto affixed. Done at the cnpitol, I Salem, Oregon, this l'th day of l November, in the year of our Lord ono thousand nine hundred find ten." To the Renders of the Cornier Special Bear in mind that our store is the headquarters for men's and boys' clothing nnd furnishing goods. Then In specials we are dealers In Oregon blankets and Oregon navy blue over sniits that we sell nt about whole sale rates. Po sure to see us for your Christmas purchases. Look out for next week's Courier, we will make yon a list of our Chrlstmns goods. C. P. nishop & Co., clothiers. M r HOT LAKE OANATORIU (The House of Efficiency) Hi mlkacaatoc Portland on 0. R ft N. Hallway. Dralrqufpfd Sanatorium and Sunccry In Northwaal. BOILING HOT SPRINGS Highly Mim uilizcd Ak ngrnu for .pedal ratr round trip tirktta. Wilwlurlllu.lralrd tiookktto DR. V. T. PHY MrdlfalSupl. and Mitr. HOT LAKE, ORM.ON Appointed State Agent Geo. II. Parker has been appointed the state agent for the Frost Pre vention company, of Ran Francisco, nnd in two or three weeks he will commence a canvas of the state. Last season Mr. Pnrker sold 30,000 or chard heaters in southern Oregon, nnd as the pots have been greatly Im proved he anticipates a big demand for this son son. He now has a car load on the way, 4 9 $ Total Liabilities Capital Block paid In - Surplus fund Undivided profits less ex penses nnd taxes paid ... Individual deposits sub ject to check 226,087.42 Demand certificates of deposit 9.004.9S Time certificates of de posit 27.S03.44 State deposits 3,673.80 Savings deposits 15,341.60 50.000.00 4,000.00 1 1.483. 10 REPORT OF THE CONDITION of The Josephine County Bank at Grants Pass, Ore., in the state of Oregon, at the closo of business Nov ember 10, 1910. Resources Loans and discounts $ 48,650.00 Overdrafts, secured and nnd unsecured 3.40 Ponds, securities, etc....... , 2,681.91 ' Hanking house, furnlturo and fixtures nnd lease 9,245.46 Hue from banks (not re servo banks) :.. 1,820.70 Duo from approved re serve banks , 24.923.65 Checks and other cash Items '. 349.45. Gold Dust 52.35 Cnwh on hand 12,211.00 il'Ol NTY TREASURER'S CALL FOR WARRANTS There are funds In the treasury to pay all warrants registered on or be for July S, 1907. Interest will cease from this date, October 2S, 1910. S. J. TAYLOR, 1 0-2 S-4 1 County Treasurer. Total $347,994.34 County of Josephine.) I. G. P. Jester, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge nnd belief. O. P. JESTER. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before rue this 15th day of November, 1910. O. S. RLANCHARD. Notary Public. Correct Attest: LEON L. HEftRlCK, CLAUS SCHMIDT, Directors. Expenses 2,764.38 Total $102,702.30 Liabilities Capital stock paid in $ 50,000.00 Individual deposits sub ject to check J0, 257.30 Demand certificates of deposit 785.00 Time certificates of de posit 1,660.00 State of Oregon So far 1be only statements of elec tion expenses Incurred during the past, campaign, have been fllvd by Stephen Jewell, county Judge, and E. N. Provolt, democratic candidate for county commissioner. Jewell's election cost htm $40.2.1, nnd Pro volts nttempt cost only $12.00. Total $102,702.30 ' ) County or Josephine,) BS. I, Sam II. Palter, rnnhler of tho above named hank, do solemnly swear that the nbovo statement is trim to the best of my knowledge nnd belief. SAM H. RAKER, Cashier. Subscribed nnd sworn to before mo this 10th day of November, 1910. MARCUS RODDINS, Notnry, Public. Correct Attest: ' 8. LOUGH RIDGE, T. R. CORNELL, J. L. CALVERT, Directors, John S. McLaughlin, traveling freight and passenger agent of the Illinois Central railroad, was In this city Monday on it business trip. OF Y0'E NO The Crowds That Throng Our Store Every Day Since Our Great ONE-HALF PRICE r V" 1- V I I J J 0)0) f Jll 1 1 lb rT' JV Betnn on Mens Clothing and being an ordinary man, you must have wondered why. Now if you haven't fifnip mi before, just ask any one you happen to scc-or better still-come in and you'll find that 00 WE DELIVER THE GOODS ,i Wo iflvertisednothing we cannot fulfill. Not only that, but bear in mind we expect to continue to fulfill everv claim before our MONEY HACK GUARANTEE accompanies every garment sold. PEEELESS CLOTHING If ,,mmm.mi'-H..m. .Ui Li .iaV it;taaiii.;i,',.jiaiiaaMatltiMti..M.4 Ua - j ,'gj.,"2',.4' 1 " -'-