FRIOAV, SEPTEMBER 2, 1910 PAGE TWO ItOGUE RIVER COURIER PEOFESSIONAL CARDS' M. C. PINDLEY, M. D. Practice limited to EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT Glasses fitted and furnished j Office hours 9 to 12; 2 to 6; and on appointment. Phones 182 and 165-R. Grants I'ass, Oregon S. LOUOIIRIDGE, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Res. Phone 69-J City or country calls attended day or night. Sixth and H, Tuffs Bldg. Office Phone 182 GrtnU Pass Oregon DR. II. 0. KIMBLEY OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN General, Acute and Chronic Practice Office Hours: 9 to 12 a. m., 1 to 6 p. m. Other hours by appointment. Phones: Office 17-R; Residence 282-J Rooms 201-201 Conklln Bldg. Grants Pass Oregon V. L. DIMMICK, D. M. D. Dentist Opposite Postofflce Phone 108-R Crown, Bridge Work and Fillings of all kinds a specialty Office Hours 9 to 12 a. tn.; 1 to S p. m. All Work Positively Guaranteed GRANTS PASS, OREGON E. C. MACY, D. M. D. successor to Dixon Bros., Dentists Flrst-CIass Work 100 South Sixth, Grunt Pass, Ore. J. P. TRUAX, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phones: Office, 325; Res. 324 Sohallhorn Bldg., Sixth Street GRANTS PASS - - OREGON Calls answered at all hours. Coun try calls attended to 0. c. dixon; m7d. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office Hours: 1 to 4 p. m. Calls promptly attended to. KERBY, OREGON H. D. NORTON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Practice In all State and Federal Courts. Office Opera House Bldg Grants Puss, Oregon Oliver 06wn7 LAWYER 407 North Sixth Street Opposite Court House Grnnts Pass . . . Oregon 0. S. B L ANCII ARD, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Practice In all State and Federal Courts. Banking & Trust Co. Bldg. Grunts Puss, Oregon J. D. WUItTSHAUGH Attorney nnd Counselor at Law Notary Public In office nttl . Office In Howard Block. Phono D6-J GRANTS PASS, OREGON m. NANA BROHB AUCH Leaaons In China Tainting. Orders Solicited. Studio: 726 North Eight Street 1. L. JOHNSTON ASSAY Kit Room 6 and 7 Opera House Block , North Stairway GRANTS PASS, OKBGOK M. T. UTLKY CAltPKNTh'lt GENERAL CONTRACTOR IU1LDER Jobbing Work a KpevUlty Phono 2it 718 X. ftth Ntrwt, Grant Phjm, Ore. M. 0. II. 1UY Contractor ami Builder Residences a Specialty Plans and estimates furnished Residence East A nt. Phono 103-J W. B. FIHIJ) PUnlnt and Theorist Studio over Hall's Art Store Res. Phone 16811 Pupils received GrwnU l'aaa Orvgtw Purely Personal j Jame Fuller, of West Fork, was 8 Grant Pass visitor Monday. Miss Winnie Paddock returned from Woodvllle Saturday evening. Mrs. Chas. Rummase, of Rose burg, has been visiting with Grants Pass friends. Mrs. Amos Smith went to Medford Monday morning to visit her parents and attend the circus. Mrs. B. F. Seaton returned to Mer lin Saturday evening, after a short visit with friends In this city. James Tuffs and little son, James, returned Saturday evening from Dorrls, Cat., where they have spent the past month. Mrs. Ed. Light and daughter. Mrs. Ernest Lewis, and baby came up from Grave" Saturday for a few days' visit with friends. A. W. Moon came down from Cen tral Point Monday mornlnjr for a short visit with friends and to at tend to business matters. Mrs. Chas. Haynes and baby ar rived here Monday from Ranter, to visit with Mrs. Haynes' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Reymers. W. J. Anderson came up from Aums.-llle Saturday to spend Sun day with his family here, returning to his work Sunday evening. Mrs. Ben Evans, who has been vis iting with her father, N. Snow, and brothers, George and Chas., left Monday morning for her home at Coram, Cal. Mrs. Mollle Beldlng and little son, who spent their Bummer vacation with friends at Salem, returned to their home In this rlty last Thurs day. Mrs. Ed. Mills, of Glendale, spent a few hours In our city Saturday, coming up on No. 13 Saturday after noon and returning to her home In the evening. Jay Mitchell and sister, Miss Elva, arrived here Sunday from Se attle to visit with their uncle and aunt, Mr. nnd Mrs. Alex Mitchell, of this city. Misses Fay Sill, Ada Lewis and Edith Tycer went to Ashland Sun day to spend the day with friends. returning to their home in this city In the evening. Miss Marlon StHtJt, who has been visiting with her grandfather, A. H. Brunsen, and her aunt, Mrs. Cheet ham, for the past six weeks, left Monday for her home at Sacramento, Cal. Mrs. R. H. Gllflllan wont to Hugo Monday morning to spend the day with Mrs. A. T. Martin at that place. Mrs. Gllflllan Mas accompanied home by her son, who has been visiting at Hugo. Mrs. Harry Lewis nnd sister-in-law, Miss Goldle Lewis, came up from Galloe Inst Saturday afternoon. Miss Goldie has been spending sev eral weeks at Gallce for the benefit of her health. Mrs. James Gay. of Central Point, and Mrs. M. R. Dunham, of Ashland, aunt and mother of Mrs. Oorge Lewis, came down Monday morning ,,rt v'"t with the Coo. Lewis famllv, , of this city, for a time. Mis. William T. Langlols, of Rid dle, has been visiting In this city the finest of her sister, Mrs. Joe Whar ton. Mrs. Laiiglols Is the wife of W. T. I.anglols. the lighthouse keeper at Tillamook. Miss ,Tosl. Vandewalker went to her home at Gold Hill Friday after noon, after visiting with friends and relatives for a few days In this cltv. jMiss Vandewalker has spent the (summer visiting with relatives nt ; Seattle and other northern points. ( Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Starr and f family, Mr. nnd Mrs. Jos. Wolke ,and family and Mrs. F. W. Reld re turned Saturday evening from their jilting trip, which was spent In the j vicinity of Mt. Pitt. They report a splendid time. I Mrs. It. L. Demaree went to Port lan,d Friday morning of last wrvk 1 to visit with her sons, Joe and Verne. She expects to bo absent about two weeks, during which time Miss Lil lian Revmers will attend to the du ties of the massage parlors. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Raymond, who spent two weeks In this elty the guests of their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wright, left last Friday morn ing for Reuben, where they will vis it with friends for a few da and then 'go to their home at Roseburg. 11. L. Truax went to Portland Fri day evening to meet Mrs Truax. who had left the II. C. Kinney party at Cleveland. O., and tame home by the) northern route. Mr. and Mrs Truax arrived here The Kinneys are coming home by wav of California. R. G. Smith went to Jacksonville Monday to attend court, which is In session there this week. Miss Kittle Loughridge spent Mon day In Medford visiting with friends and taking In the circus. Mrs. John Lance and Mrs. Gil more spent Monday In Medford at tending the big circus. Mrs. B. F. Sklllman went to Duns- muir Tuesday morning to spend sev eral weeks visiting with friends. Mrs. Claude Grimes came up from Roseburg last Friday to visit with her sister, Mrs. Katherine Gray, for a few days. Chas. Simmons, who has been vis king with his mother, Mrs. Croxton, of this city, left Monday evening for his home In North Dakota. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Palmer visited with relatives In this city last week, returning to their home at Wood vllle Saturday afternoon. J. M. Tetherow went to Etna Mills, Cal., Tuesday morning to at tend to matters pertaining to his mining property at that place. Mrs. Ed. Dixon and Mrs. F. W. Flanagan went to Medford Satur day noon to spend a few hours with friends, returning to Grants Pass In the evening. Miss Marion White, of Cottage Grove, arrived here Saturday to visit for a few days with Miss Alice Smith before going to Medford to teach In the public schools this fall. Geery McCrarken, Roubalx Richey Russell Drake and Clark Morey re turned last Friday night from Bybee springs, where they had been in camp for the week previous, and re port a fine trip with plenty of game. Arrange to attend the Eugene Business College, and let us get you a good position when you graduate. Enter now. Send for our new cata log. 14-i West Seventh street, Eu gent. Oregon. 9-2-4t Miss Fay Newtown, of St. Paul, Minn., formerly a teacher In the Grants Pass public schools, visited over Friday In this city, while en route to Colusa, Cal., where she will teach the coming winter. Stanley Umphlette came up from Glendale Saturday afternoon to join his wife and visit for a short time with old friends. Mr. and Mrs. I'mphlette returned to their home at Portland Sunday evening. Miss Catherine Chapman, who has been visiting with her sister, Mrs. E. W. Tryer. of this city, returned to her home at Jacksonville Saturday. She was accompanied home by Mrs. Tryer and little daughter, Remoh. who will visit nt Jacksonville and Medford for a short time. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. V. Brumfield, of Fort Branch. Ind., spent Sunday and Monday in the city, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Patrick. They were accompanied by Mr. Brumfield's sister, Mrs. Chas. Patrick, of Rose burg, and her three little daughters. They had all been camping for some time and In making swings for the children Mr. Brumfield climbed a tree which gave way, letting him drop to the ground something like 40 feet, breaking his left leg, and he now walks with the aid of a crutch nnd rune. "Mr. and Mrs. Brumfield left for San Francisco, where they will visit before return ing to their Indiana home. September T the great Portland Fair nnd Livestock exposition will open In Portland and continue until the 10th, Inclusive. An elaborate program of races, livestock exhibits, music, vaudeville amusements and industrial events has been prepared by the management. This will be the greatest fair of Its kind yet held in the rlty, as a large number of blooded animals recently Imported, and the best known of the old stock, will be found. A great poultry show will be conducted on the grounds. Trained animals will perform daily and the races will bring out son of the fast northwest stock. Pine Timber for Sale, 3.700,000 feet extra high grade. Next thing to sugar pine. Will cut 65 per rent strictly clear. 2,900,000 feet first class yellow pine. Will cut 65 per cent No. 2 shop and bet ter. 1,500.000 feet fine, large red fir and cedar Plenty of water. Easy to log Level roads. Inquire at Dorris Hardware Co., Dorrls, Sis klyou County, Cal -26-2t Read SeK.MnlxT SiinH. Read "Arizona, the 47th Star." by Uoternor Ri.ii.i-,1 p.. Sloan, and Fremont and the Bear Flag Wat" I'V William Simpson In Sunset for September, now on sale at all news stand, fifteen rents 9-2-Ct , lUrv ld (in. Wanted. I'.OOO gold. Oregon, Mormon and old dollars Will pay highest Price. Addre. carj 3. K,Rpr Grants Pa.w -!-H Advertisement. Congle for Sheriff. I desire to announce myself as "a candidate for the nomination for the office of sheriff on the republi can ticket and my name will be pres ented for your vote at the primaries held September 24. I have been a resident of Josephine county con tinuously since 1876. I have al ways been a supporter of the repub lican party and I desire the support of all my friends for the nomination. HARRY A. COUGLE, 9-2-3t 310 D street. Advertisement. To the Voters of Josephine County, Oregon. Our old and faithful county treas urer, J. T. Taylor, has gone to his long home; we need another to take his place, and I have concluded you can not pick up a better man than J. E. Peterson, the old reliable In surance man. I therefore announce myself a candidate for county treas urer on the republican ticket at the primary nominating election, Sep tember 24, 1910. Having lived In Grants Pass for 26 years, I am no stranger to you. During this time I have never asked for any office, or any other favors, except In line of insurance I have asked for your business, and have given you value received. I now ask your support for the office of coun ty treasurer; and, If nominated and elected, you will find me in the treasurer's office, ready and willing to do your business. Be careful how you vote and make no mistakes. 9-2-3t J. E. PETERSON. Advertisement. I desire to announce to the repub lican voters of Josephine county that I am a candidate for the nomination of commissioner at the primaries to be held on September 24. I can as sure the voters that If I receive the nomination I will use all honorable means to be elected and If elected I will give the office my careful at tention. If elected to the office It will be my aim to endeavor to see that all moneys are Judiciously spent and for the good of the taxpayers of the county at large. I am In favor of good roads and believe In a sys tematic system of road building. I therefore solicit your support at the primary election on the 24th of next month. C. L. BARLOW. S-26-ot Advertisement. Grants Pass, Ore., August 6, 1910. To the Members of the Republican Party: I have lived all my life In Jose phine county, except when tempor arily absent on business. I have followed farming and saw mill busi ness for the past 2I years In this county. I was never a candidate for any office and have never filled a county office as deputy or other wise. I have concluded to ask the members of the republican party for the nomination as sheriff on their ticket. If I am nominated I will use every honest endeavor to secure my election, but should you prefer some other more favored son for the place at the primary election. I will cheer fully support him and use my best effort to make him a winner. Respectfully. S-2-2t O. M. KNOX. CLASSIFIED ADS NEW TODAY. FURNISHED room, with or without board, for one or two high school girls. 902 Hawthorne avenue. Phone 19S-Y. 912-2t HOP.SE MOVING. Inquire of P. W. Hershberger, 614 West B street. Phone 14 S.J. 9-2-." t WANTED A good place to work for board before and after school hours, by boy 0f IS wishing to nttend high school. Call on or address J. B. Paddock, 66 S North Second street. 9-2-1 1 TWENTY BOYS WANTED to work for a Shetland pony, cart and har ness. Liberal pay to bright boys, besides the chance to earn a pony. Successful boys will be given per manent positions which win not Interfere with other duties. Edwin noDKien, wrants Pass. 9-2-1 1 W A NTEl -25 00" 3 -f iwfiThakTs.ToO fence posts (cedar). 200 White I-eghorn pullets. 2 stump pullers and grubbers. Address H. Ensign. Gold Hill. Ore. 9-2-?t WANTED A reliable man who has had a wide experience In raising alfalfa and hogs and understands preparing land for Irrigation. Per manent place for right person. Good wages. No trlflers need ap Ply. H. Ensign. Gold Hill. Or. S2t OLD NEWSPAPERS for sale at the Courier office. 9-2-tf ORCHARD HEATERS. I have sev eral hundred orchard heaters which I can sell at a discount of 25 per cent. Geo. H. Parker, 403 West D street. 9-2-9t WAGON A good 4 -inch Studebaker wagon for sale cheap; also a double disc plow. F. W. Dieder Ichs, East A street. 9-2-4 1 WELL DIGGING Satisfactory work done by F. W. Diederlchs, East A street, Grants Pass. 9-2-4t Cases FOR SALE FOR SALE A new fly-shuttle car pet and rug loom, Newcomb manu facture, with all attachments. Will take cow In part payment. Mrs. J. S. Thompson, Hugo, Ore. 8-26-4 WANTED Boy, 16 to 18 years of age, for steady light work. Ad dress J. R. Scovlll, R. D. 1. 8-26-3t FOR SALE Four-room house, ex cellent condition, fine location. Sleeping tent. Green lawn. $1200. Your own terms. R. Looney, Opera house Bldg. Grants Pass. 8-12-tf FOR SALE One Pioneer gasoline engine, 4 H. P. Also new gaso line engines for sale. Carl F. Gentner garage, South Sixth St. 8-19-4t ARTISTIC photographs, postals, stamp pictures, amateur finish ing. Come and see samples at the Angelo Studio, 605 Sixth street. Mid-summer prices. 8-19-tf FOR SALE Complete stenographic course In the International Cor respondence schools. Cost $72. Will sell cheap. R. Looney, Opera House building, Grants Pass. 8-12-tf FOR SALE Six-roomed cottage and two lots, corner 4th and I streets, Grants Pass. For partic ulars address W. T. Woodson, 931 Ellsworth St., Portland, Ore. S-3-9t FOR SALE Timber claim, SWH Sec. 24, Twp 37, 7 West, Jose phine county. For particular address H. Walter, conductor, 3rd and Townsend streets, S. P. Co.. San Francisco, Cal. 9-3-tf FOR SALE Indian Runner ducks. 50 cents each by pairs or dozen. Phone H. H. 7, Wildervllle. Ore. 7-15-tf FOR RENT. FOR RENT 5-room house, close In. $7 per month. R. Looney, Opera House Bldg., Grants Pass. 8-19-tf WANTED W A NT ED Young" ladles to learn telephone work. Inquire at Long Distance office. ' 7-29-tf KITCHEN help wanted at the Grant Pass Hotel. 4-22-tf WANTED A permanent house keeper. Good home and best wages to right party. Write P. O. Box 503, Grants Pass, Ore. 8-12-tf LOST7 l.uS'1 In the park Moaday evening, lady's saiall gold watch, hunting case. Finder please return to this office and receive reward. 8-19-tf LOST 1 7-jeweled B. W. Raymond, open-faced watch, gold case, size 16. Leave at this office and re ceive reward. 8-26-2t STRAYED. STRAYED from my premises on Evans Creek, on May 17, a chest nut sorrel horse, weight 1300 pounds, about 16 h'.nds High, blazed face, 2 white hind fast, saddle marks on back, shod all around. Last seen on Sardine creek. Shy ard skittish. Any one giving lnforma'loL leading to recovery win be suitably rewarded. Address D. E. Neathamtner, R. F. D. No. 1, Woodvllle, Ore. 6-24-tf PERSONAL VISIT the Rogue River Ice Cream Parlors, Sixth street, cor. L, on your way to the river. Shasta Ice cream, ice cream soda, soda water, milk shake. Phone 290-J. 5--tf FOR furnished or vacant houses or rooms phone No. 380-J, or call on No. 8 (upstairs) corner Sixth and G. city. 5-20-tf BOYS The Rogue River Hdwe Co. IH buy all the syrup cant yon will take to them. 6-24-tf MISCELLANEOUS RANNIE, the plumber, ts ready at any minute to repair your plumb ng. 609 H street. Telephone HO-tt, 4-2-U LODGE MEETINGS" THERMOPYLAE Lodge, No. (0 Knights of Pythias, meets first and third Tuesday nights tn W. O. W hH. F. W. Huggerth. C, C; Ho cola Savage, K. of R. A S. MUt . C HAVlEY The Present Member of Congress from this District REPUBLICAN . :, - and who Is1 seeking renominatioa, has been a faithful and effective servant of the people. His success and experience especially qualify him for farther useful work. His activ ity in matters of great public interest is generally commended, as well as his attention to the individual needs of his constituents. Soft Drinks of All Kinds At the Grants Pass Bottling Works John Sauer, Prop. Telephone Connection Cor. 6th and L Sts. 5 DAYS (0 the CHITINA COPPER REGION. From SEATTLE to thin Remarkable New Country la Now nn Knsy ani Quick Journey by ALASKA STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S Biau to Cordova, thence over the COPPER RIViiR & NORTHWESTERN RY. A VIRGIN FIELD FOR PROSPECTORS 1 at last available. It It the opportunity of a generation. Get ACCURATE Information about It and alio about THROUGH RATES to The Idilarod, Hie" New Poor Man's Camp," , By application to The Alaska Steamship C., Seattle, Waaa. First National Bank OF Southern Oregon Grants Pass, Oregon Some of the Service that a Dank Renders the Public DEPOSITS The safest and simplest way of keeping your money is by depositing It In a Reliable Bank. This Bank receives De posits subject to Check, or on demand Certificates of deposit or on time Certificates of Deposits. On time deposits we pay 4 PER CENT INTEREST DRAFTS The best and cheapest way to transfer money Is by Drank Draft. We sell Drafts payable la all parts of the country. LOAN'S One of the most Impor tant functions of the Bank. We endeaver to supply all reasonable needs of our customers. Capital and Surplus 173,000 RttH-kholdcrV Additional Responsibility 50,000 OFFICERS L. B. HALL, President J. C CAMPBELL, Vlee-Prea. H. U OILKET, Cashier. R. K. HACKETT, Asst. Cashier I