; ,1 )' v if i FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1010 ROGUE RIVER. COURIER PAGE SEVEN iJL Li JUL 4 GO MM nr V JV fa in Let your $ $ do double service at this sale We need the money You need the goods Lets trade A Rare opportunity to buy Hoc Weather Goods at less than you expect to pay. All Summer Goods must go -our profits for the season are over our motto; get rid of all remaining Summer Goods at some price. Sale begins Saturday, July 9, and continues through the Month HotWeather Dress Goods Almost at yum' own price. We want to move every yard in the store (hiring this sale and cer-tft'ivi'- the i 'rices we have put on them will do it On account of thcj-iol weather that has pre vailcd all spring we have a eom plete assortment to show you at ;i discount of 2o, 331-3 and 50 percent. Ladies' Tailored Suits im une-1 nira on f you even entertain buying a suit don't let this ,'r;.-Y;tg-V0 opportunity pass. It means a (Jreat Saving to you. 1 f Pi have made the last deep cut for the season. Think ,?? U of it! Save ONE-THIRD on any suit in the house, f ' nM 1 I 'i If von think suit, think (i olden Kule Store. We sell ',: n 1 ; v them as are No alterations HI': r 7.' . --i 1 - B- T! 15.00 Suits $10.00 p 'Uiin T A ... V".; .OO Suits ; : - $17.00 And so they go, ONE-THIRD OFF ti Shirt Waists L'OO Tailored and Lingerie B3flSR Shirt Waists. We wan to make a clean swee)) of the entire lot land prices have been made that should sell the entire lot the first week. A money saving oppor tunity that you should not miss. r. i . l Pel. :, ,, ... fir:,. uo.cii ..wen ft Mini mmi?, iiuiai juihj i. Clearance Sale OuC & filW About 10 dozen Men's Golf Shirst, each and every shirt this season's pattern and worth up to $1.00. The whole lot at one price OuC Muslin Underwear Skirts, (Jowns and Corset Cov ers. "We have gone through our entire stock and put Clearance Sale prices on every garment, from the cheapest to the best. A Big Saving to you who want to save. Big lot of sample Corset Cov ers marked cheap to sell quick at any price you want to pay. w Millinery at Half Price Take your pick of any hat in the liWUJb til JIIUI. IIUI1 JIIVWI Men's Summer Underwear About '21 dozen Men's Summer Underwear to sell during tins Clearance Sale. Per Suit 45c 2000 yards House Lining, per yard 4l2c ,000 yards Best American Prints, per yard 5c 40 dozen Men's Cotton Sox, per pair 5c 120 bolts Mcgitas (). T. C. Oil Cloth, at any price. Per yard None better 20c P'ii 3 i i .. i:. .' i c.u,. 41. r.rv. Clearance Sale price, suit joC uk remcoat SPECIAL We are going to offer during this sale one lot of Silk Petticoats, with 1 fl inch ruffled flounce, made generously full. Come in grey, blue, pink, lavender, tans and black. A petti coat that would be consid ered cheap at fi.OO. Our July Money Saving price mm y v. A $3.45 We are going to make this the greatest money saving event in the history of the Goltlen Rule Store. Come early and often and supply your wants for 1-3 to 1-2 what you have been paying. on