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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1910)
FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1010. PAGE MX ROGUE RIVER COURIER THE TV0 HORSE BRAND TAor mw SEEPcatalog NOW READY W -nt evrrv Farmer, fi anterior. I'oultr man ami Kf k. u . u ri ly i,,vb fcojiy oiouriifW baa J'onic. It cm m nun luco-aa or lunuJiif ili tt.o Went, in thin ii-npcb'i fcx:l J'.rx.k in ltu-r ami iiiiirs autlinntlo tliau otliurtiuhlirntioiJHof tlilauu- turn. It i tlio eincri'Tico of over twintllvo vciu of liuuaat ! Bollinrr In ths WenL toiyli n Bout fur t.lm Wi t mid ar wild bv vnut il.viW. Bond today fur new iMUlau. TIIE CIIAS. 17. LILLY CO. bATTUbi I'UUXLATVO W ar Orowan-Tliir dlrwrfrom ua w no iiiiiiti . - - " ""'11 nrviiT Without iDoin -r.nL. writ Ii tnm raUlof. lrm atork nf IV vwlutlMniulilturoiiiiuirvilorclianla f CMcl Frvit. Ilu! ind T.. n W " inniuniiwn - w,. ..n t..u ... ------ "., linn UIIU1 M ftnw, Nnt.ll fft punu ai)fj fihrubb., . '11111! lilt T vi Mitw... M f VP Ula0a,12HamndAo.I',0r. vvyvvvvl) First National Bank OF Southern Oregon Granti Pass, Oregon Borne of the Sendee that a Bank Renders the Public DEPOSITS The nafi'Ht ami niiiifileHt way of keeping your money Ih v iliKMititiK it in a liolialil Hank. Tli In Hunk rocetveN 1 poxlt HulijiM't to Check, or on demand Certilicntes of (tci'oNit or on time CiTtllirate of lippoNitft. On time deposit we pay 4 PER CENT1NTERES1 DRAFTS The bt'Mt and chrapnht wav to transfer money lit hy ilunlt raH. V cell Uraftn payable in all pari of t tie country. LOANS Ouit of Hie numt impor tant function of tliti Hnik. We t'lidcavor to aui'i'ly all ri'UioiuiMe ni't't; Villi of our cnMoiuiTH. Jtpltil and Surplus $75,000 Stockholders' Additional Kespou-illllty $50,000 OFFICERS L. II. Hall, PrcMldmit J. Camhhkm,, Vice -Pri's. II I.. Uu Ktr, Ca-llltT U. it. lUi-Ktrr, Asm. ('ashler L. DOUGLAS S3.00,S3.50,$4.00 SHOES Gust In IhcWji'd UNION MADE Uoysf $2.03 and $2.50 htt CvlM I !.'(.. f ir, W. I- Dmiit'.ta ihon are the Inwrat prii'i, quality unaiilorril, in tlip worhl. I'hiir caii-llrnt alvU, raay fitting and I "id woarinu vmlittr a ruccl llitue of ;!n r m.xlica. It yon havi l-on paving li . i. ca for your nhuca, llio next tinm Vn I n i-d n ,ur kivii W. I. lUiugUa alinra liiil. Yon cm n nionry on your liml v no I ni t alioca llint r juat at I, 'ml in hnv aa tlion lluit have ! il iiintin lull bi;lir (uiiea. ! i I ( m.l I viml oir !!(: f,il,fir ( Hi '.In, i. M i , niul irr ,ir yoni aril li nv i lullv W. L liilij;lrt ali,ra ma ni !'', .in vouil.l llirn iin,)fr;inl Kv tli. y Iim' tln-if klae, lit lu lti r nml w-nr l.'iu'-r Ihan other ninkea. I 1 1' i. i a i, .. i i . I ,ikl' ti Htil,1l. 1 ' ' ' ' 1 ' , I i l'i.' ill I!. W I.. S,II.N i i l I 1 I he it. I., t ci: . CHICHESTER S PILLS ;. ( cr .bi.i . i ii i in .rt n a W ,1 ll JM HIMMf I II i , tMtlA imhM l1 a i S()tOByDi:i(jGtSlSllK.WHlKl I V J I I TIIE LELAXD BUDGET. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Phillips left Monday evening for St. Johns, where they go to. make their future home Mrs. Branson, whose daughter, Mrs. Ilasklns, lives above Placer, passed through Leland Monday on her way east. She was accompanied by a nephew, who is in very poor health. They have been traveling in the west in the hopes of benefitting the boy's health and re now on their way to his homo at Rlanlandcr in Wisconsin. Mr. Roberts, of Placer, was in Ice land Monday. Miss Shafer, who has been teach ing at Placer, returned to her home at Ashland Saturday evening. Sh-a has had to give up her school on ac count of 111 health. A couplo of families from British Columbia were in our vicinity last week looking for land with a view to buying. Sara Reed was a Grants Pass visit or Monday. Colonel Blalmtell returned fron Portland Monday morning and went down to tho Ideal. Mr. Loban came down the first cf tho week from Wolf Creek. He ha3 bought out C. R. FIfleld's store and will have charge of the postofflco. His daughter, Miss Agnes, expects to come down soon to reside. We are glad that Mr. Fifield's family will remain for a time at least in our midst. Two families arrived tho latter part of last week from Oklahoma. We understand that they have come to make their homes in this section of the country. They are old friends and neighbors of Allan and Sain Reed. J. M. DoVall returned Sunday from a two-months' visit to his old homo In Pennsylvania. He was ac companied by his granddaughter, Miss Rosa DeVall. H. L. Wilson received a shipment of 20,000 Tokay grape vines this week, which he expects to put out on his plnco near town. Wm. Light, tho rond supervisor, is working on the roads between Leland and Grave. A gang of 27 Greeks arrived in Leland Monday. They are at work surfacing the track through tunnel 9. Mrs. Frank Sexton was visiting In Leland recently. MINER. A Neighbor of Yours as woll as yourself is liable nt any timo to have rheumatism. We're all liable to have cuts or burns, bruises or scalds, orlck in tho back, nerk or sldo some kind of an ache or pain. Then heed this advice and toll your neighbors Hallnrd's Snow Liniment relieves all aches and pains, anu nenis an wounds. Sold by Nn tlonnl Drug Store. JKito.Mi: pKAimii i:nioi:s. John Olson was In Medford on a business trip last Friday. Wo nro having fine weather and the flowers ate coining out. John McCln.stor and family were visitors In our city Saturday. John Robinson, from I'selrn Fruit farm was In town last Saturday. Reuben Tucker nnd wlfo were in town ou business last Monday. Mrs. Grace Olson Is In the Pass visiting her mother, Mrs. E. Robson. John Johnson's eye Is Improving nicely under Mie care of Dr. Flndley. J. 11. llorough and two daughters made a trip up to Savage eteck hist Sunday. A party or youngsters mndo n fly ing trip through Jerome Prairie last Sunday. Misses Annie and Flora Schmidt were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. (leliers last Sunday. Claud Jones, who was working for Mr. Wllhurg. went home on a few days' visit Saturday. Mrs. Jake Johnson Is spending n week In Grants Pass with her mother, Mrs. Swindon. Miss Dora dehors was In town last Saturday vMdnu her aunt and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Clans Schmidt. Died At his home near Jerome Prairie, on M.tnti 15, 1910, Mr. Pendleton, of throat trouble, Mm K. Lo.wo,, two sons and two , ,.,., to serve l,uuh nt the hall at R n ildanuhtiM , of ,:,,, P. Wero,.. o'clock and nNo ,rt fllrnl,h rtltor. Vlsltltn: Mr, nnd Mrs It 11 I. I'd Sunday. Yomn: Mi-, Mnrcnn .;w M flP,, houie nnd l-i I mijii ,.s n ,.t f;,,T, ,., I'ldlv , lie i coin td n ,, i h:rd (Hit 'I!'"' tt.etlun encln" I-j t-.'-TiTi I'illl.n,: i-r-Ik ii' M:,. )',! ;!? r,n ;md w ill tic ti"",is e, to t., ,. (,,, . ... pahs to be rcadv tc. MmI I iicb.-r. II' f-l V lieii nf ir.oid Veil It Ii ..., .(, , ,. v, tuvm I f -.:' 1 nf 1 r , , ret n!, K nnd ' !i m in , .,, nt ' If , III ! l ,i' ' . ., v .... ' . , ,, and .t1i'H(i' It 1 i, i 1 :i ti.' 1! V !'! f. -t in, 'Mien Vn'i ll II I N.I! I'nis Sic (VuiiiT four in.. ml,. .xh. MISSOURI FLAT ITEMS. K. J. Kubll and wife made a busl ness trip to the city one day this week. Fred Vincent is working at tho Mountain Lion mine. Pat McFadden is ploughing for K. J. Kubll this week. Ed Swinden, of Laurel Grove, pass ed through our burg this week look lng for a load of oats. S. E. Isham moved out to hi3 placer mine this week to assist Mr, Cr-xton in opening up the claim. Mr. Thomas, who has teen vHr. Ing Mr. Guthrles' family, of this place, and incidentally looking up a home In our genial climate, has re turned to Nevada. Mrs. Elijah Davidson and daugh ter, Pearl, arrived this week from Albany to take care of Mr. Davidson, who is suffering from rheumatism. and will probably remain here during the summer. J. W. Gilmore, the Murphy mer chant, was out to the Mountain LIrn mine with a load of goods first of this week. Quite a number of'young folks of this part gathered at the home of Mrs. Kate McFadden last Friday evening by Invitation. As it proved to bo Miss Elsie's birthday, the young folks reported a very pleasant even ing spent. Mr. Axtell and Mr. Dale, rf Grants Pass, were out here this week looking over our valley. Mr. Dale expresses himself as being delighted with the soil and numerous farms along the Applegnte and its tributaries. The Missouri Flat literary society Is progressing nicely; large attend ance, interesting program and lots of "spute." Question debated last meeting waB, "Resolved, That the negro should be disfranchised," which was decided in favor of the af firmative. O. U. KIDDO. FRUITDALE. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Coutant have moved back to their place in Fruit dale. Dr. Walker and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Heffly Sunday. Alonzo Jones is busy working the roads this week. J. H. Harris is making an exten sive clearing above his property. Mr. nradley was assisting him in blowing out the big stumps the fore part of 1 the week. The grange held a very Interesting session Inst Saturday. Owing to E. II. Wise leaving Frultdalo John Stan brough was elected and installed as master. The members were also drilled in the secret work. The pleasant spring weather has brought out the wood haulers on the ronds ngnln. J. W. Heston is helping F. A. Clements this week. J. D. Franklin, the Fage Fence man, was helping Mr. Rreltmayer erect his fence tho first of the week. Robert Iluck and family have moved back 'to their home in Fruit dale. E. II. Wise left Saturday to put in his spring crop of grain on his newly ncqulred farm near Holland. R. R. Thomas, secretary of the iTtilt Exchange, was a Frultdale visitor Tuesday. Frultdale folk nro very busy dur ing tho sunshiny weather making garden, spraying nnd plowing. Mr. nnd Mrs. P.ntchnm came out from town Saturday to attend the grange. Knights Templar Easter Service. Mellta Commnndory Knights Tem plar of this place and Malta Com tnandery of Ashland will Join in their Easter service on March 27 nnd hold services nt the Newman M. E. church at this place. Members of Malta Comniandery with their ladles will leave Ashland In a special train of three conches and one baggage car, nt H:30 n. 111., arriving In Grants Pass at 9 or noon after, when they will be escorted to Masonic hall. The scrv Ice will be held nt 2:30 at which Sir Knight D. U. Leech preach. The ladles' committor- of Mellta Comniandery are inaklnir nrmn,.,.. t-''lnuient to vMtlns ladles. Tho en- i ti'c nvocvam v,;is llnt Vet been ar-' raniTed l-iit w'll be decldcj ,,OM . , ''' "Nt t.vtnC 0,1 Friday evcttlntt I'l nit ii'U pplc ni.,1 'eilP Tr.i-. Mr and w ere ,i--.:iv Cie i'i I- Uob-ti-. f 1 t'll'llfll P;h Mi. ml, IV .' !""'" ' I" :'i'd coniln.; '."'I'l'e i!:i e, w,. 'i M'l .1-1 I by tb, V.i ' . Hun V-l-i id,... i i ii" i I Mr '..'a' f w M, h iTijuni .,, I tbc tn.r'iicer lb. '-, n 1 in a, res In i "''d ! '!. and It i ' H.nit ea, h' ''I of t, ,,1,1,.,, f.. '" 'M i line property " lib' as one of l'i. Is I,",- m f, i r ; fl i -I r.n-'iw In ilie K"" " Kivcr tall, ) , II.,. i mirliT fi.ur in,.,,il,, f(,r ,W, K. THE IIS PECCARY A Fierce Creature Is the South American Wild Boar. HE IS SMALL, BUT FEARLESS Will Attack Man or Any Animal In Ex istence on the Slightest Provocation and Will Fight to the Death A Bat tle With a Jaguar. Duriug one of his journeys into Mex ico Edward W. Walton, a mining ex pert, had a close call from being sliced to shreds by the fierce little South American pigs known as peccaries. He told the story of his escape to a Den ver Post reporter. "I wished to secure some plumes from a number of the beautifully plum aged birds," said Mr. Walton. "I went into the Jungle and came to a small opening in which there were dry leaves, probably a foot in depth, cov ering the ground, and hundreds of beautifully colored trophnl birds in the air and in the trees. I Bred at one of the birds In flight, wh I it seemed to me the whole area of these dead leaves arose in front of anc all around me. Being a stranger, nntu tally I was much frightened, especially when I saw the animals which raised up the leaves apparently ready for an attack. The older animals opened and closed their mouths, showing their big. sharp tusks, formed much like a dirk knife, and some of them started toward me. Impulsively I commenced firing my gun in the air and turned around, which seemed to stop most of them momentarily, and as I had lots of car tridges I kept up the shooting, nnd they turned nnd ran away. I found afterward that I had saved my life by so doing and by not shooting any of the animals. "These animals proved to be pecca ries. Tbey are most ferocious and will attack any animal in existence on the slightest provocation. When I got back to headquarters and told my com panions my experience I was informed that had I shot one of the animals and made him squeal the whole bunch would have been on me nnd would have torn me to pieces quickly. They have been known to kill benrs. jaguars, cattle, horses and any number of dogs. Although In the fight scores of their number might be killed, they seem to have no fear when once aroused. "I was told the peccaries burrow un der the dry leaves to protect them selves from mosquitoes and other winged pests of that hot country. My friends had many exciting experiences to tell iu regard to these ferocious lit tle animals. One of this party, while traveling with a companion in a wag on, stopped for lunch under some trees and turned their horses out to graze. While at lunch a large bunch of pec caries appeared, and they thought it would be nice to shoot among them aud get oue or two for meat, so they Cred into them, wounding several, which commenced to squeal. Then the whole bunch made an attack. The men climbed quickly into the wagon and kept ou shooting so long as the am munition which they had in their pockets lasted. As they were opening tneir bags to get out more ammunition the peccaries climbed up the tongue of the wagon and Jumped into It. and the ineu saved themselves only by Jumping on to the seat and then on to limbs of the trees, the peccaries taking possession of the wagon and tearing things to pieces. They remained in possession for hours, the men watching them from safety in the trees." The peccary, or South American wild boar. Is the smallest of his species, av eraging about three feet long, nor is the nulmal possessed of any unusual degree of strength. To make up for the natural Individual deficiencies in combat with the more powerful anl mills of the Jungle the peccaries al ways travel lu large herds. Whcu once attacked by a herd of peecurlcs the outcome Is nearly always death to their enemy. The little pigs are armed with short eh.irp tusks, and uo matter how gi-er.t tlie slaughter of their own num iicr ilmv.g the melee the herd stay on i lie ;.ii i.ntil the work is finished. :r,u in tropical nnd South A 1 n countries tell of tierce en- lion . between the peccaries and the "' i: - u'l'ii-ter cut which is lord 11 " i iim, i d,, jjimmr has a fond- - n .i iirini r ot pork, but u whole " '' ' -( i for the power of a herd i ih When he wants to sat- ' 1 1 a bus i,,f n ,rk diet he ' '!" ti'om a liinh of a nee on to the "'" l "' a -iiml uIci- In the peccary '" ";- 'I In- Jaguar slays his victim and Ml"!' fi Heats hastily In hi i ,.., I,... live i be herd can et at When Hi' bold grows tired (,r ifCri; for' hi'u to i, .me down ,.n n9 uUnj, j t'v Jaguar i'o s, cuds an vth his! "o.ll at lel-uie. fivderi. . WftMIS III I ' ' I the :uilii,ai ! ' l::tclctilli; uecutit f .Kit ! i "eon a Jnmar and a herd of pec- ; ,ii:'i, s- ''"he bi aries had the Jaguar ! treed ell the ilmli f ;, (fee ffntll which ' the lurk had rotted away. He was only a fe feet ai,e tlieni nnd by ! h'tnlt'L; and Jutiiin.' at their eneniT I ,il;,ii.v "'' led In bringing the nui- j "'' ' 'he ground. After the fight ! van .,er there wcty eleven killed nnd i ""'" ''"''I I arles, , nt (. Ji,u:ir wns iVeral'.y torn to pieces, Sanitary Silk Floss Mattn-sm's Moore', 409 Front St. 3-18-2t f! !,".ude of Hard, SM b! U A Meavy American Fence Costs You No More Per Rod Than Lighter Fences of Other Makes I, -1 - !-.'i;,i. ..v; :!'Vi! i;T u, Vl,u--m illslst Pn i -;!:, ,'jv ...;.'--;iip weisrning the roll of fence lie Si. j ij.j,;!;, sells vou. This will tell the VC,- story quicker 'rl;-'iU way. for you .i tf,: i.iiyt", Hi, ,ii ,i. . f IV tf T r I T Ok t 7 1 lT " AV'-'iF'.h stanct fiis test A;:.-.f..--,jr,;i;v;,5oi- prove us greater wjifi money for a is maae ot a oven-wire- Amnriran Fenct facturers of latest improved processes, the best that the skill and experience of years has taught. Built on the same elastic hinged-joint (patented) principle, which effectually protects the stay or upright wires from breaking under hard usage. Test, iticlc;e and compare American Fence unaer any and all conditions and W- will find that the stet-1, the structure and the galvanizing are equal in dura bility, strength and eriiciency to the hardest uses. F. GAACKES, Vicn-Pren. & Gen. Sales Agent American Steel & Wire Co. Chicago New York Denver San Francisco NOTC - iu-uIitm fiv(,rvwlierc See the one In vnur t ... n anil l-avi. him Bliow you the iltirprent deKluna and fflTS fir r.- ,,miui'I l rem ...m Uooklit Kutitlwl, "Uu VV To liUILu A CUtAF CONCUEXK H..NCli fObX," furaiabeia trtH' Kir Ulualima. ROGUE RIVER HARDWARE GO. Successors to Hair-Riddle Co. Garden Order yoar Grass Seeds, Vegetable Seeds, and Flower Seeds early, for the season is on and Dame Nature is ready to do her part in the yield DIXON the Grocer BUY YOUR TKKES FROM Reliable Albany Nurseries and you ate sure of getting just what you order. We grow our trees for quality not cheap prices. Geo. H. Parker, Agent Office with J. E. PETERSON J08 PHI NEATLY DONE Kodol For firm r mm win Keheve You , Koiol nippllcs t lie pnme dlffpstlve Jumaoh. UAvh a liquid, it start n twice. rsi:: rrt only dtprrti your fwVJ, tut liotiw you enjoy every mouthful jou cut. You nerd tv fufllclent amount of jrood. wiiolfscnio lood to maintain strength and health. Hut, this fool must I'O dieted thoMuchly, otlicrwlso tho pains of Indigestion and dyspepsia are the result. When yourrtomach cannot do Ita work proM-rly, take fomrthtnir to he p your Homach. Kodol Is the only thlnsr that will give the atom ach complete rest. Whyt ltecausfl Kodol doeii the aame ork as a rtronn i.tomach, aud ioea It la a natural way. ie.V Wirt, nf Zonal Quality h'Vj n p raw A roll of heavy fence means W " 1 KVrri' J ffj uie wire means fl'? tne "cater ft u. -t-m than any other Light Wirt cannot always i American Fence will i l j; 1 will : : !JV ?' -same H-irH MV 4" V M - agamat lighter fJ ; I. It y for tanu- qu ir i 1 unr . I . r.. wire in the world. Galvanized by Seeds III THE COURIER OFFICE Dyspepsia ' Almost Instantly. So. don t neglect your Rtomach. IWt lK:ome a clironto drspeptia Keep your rtomach healthy and Mronff hy taklnp a little. Kodol. i ou don't have to tako Kodol all the time. You only take It whoa you need It. Kodol Is perfectly harmless. Our Guarantee fnilre contctin of tlie,- ir .,Vr.Xl hiiiiiatlw fu itiut I i...- ..... . . ' v i W rot urn l..i t ... ... . . . 1 . oBor rtelr. i. win u.on t.. tlirdrun. i u IWi, n uAubim. ki.uw ;u".i.f "?r,,l,";H" H'iirMp. P. L fSnlf! lr,,,l"?''l f"t U.lllltOM lofmlly. Tli IiiNn. N,u n.i,.nai;W Kodol ls prrpHrtMlattheliilKiratof lea of K. C DwWlti & cLlcaffo.