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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1910)
FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1910. ROGUE RIVER COURIER PAGE TWO PROFESSIONAL CARDS . M. C. FINDLEY, M. D. Practice limited to EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT Glasses fitted and furnished Office hours 9 to 12; 2 to 5; and on appointment. Phones 182 and 166-R. Grants Pass, Oregon S. LOUGII'RIDGE, M. D. PHYSICIAN" AND SURGEON' Res. Phone 69-J City or country calls attended day or night. Sixth and II, Tuffs Bldg. Office Phone 18 2 Grunt Puss - Oregon B. F. DeVORE, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON City and country calls promptly answered. Office hours to 12 a. m. And 2 to 5 p. in. Phones: Res. 196-R, Office 94-J. Rooms 1, 2, 3, Sballhora Bids. Grants Pass Oregon DR. II. G. KIMBLEY OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN General, Acute and Chronic Practice Office Hours: 9 to 12 a. m 1 te S p. m. Other hours by appointment Phones: Office 17-R; Residence 282-J Rooms 201-201 Conklin Bldg. Grants Tium Oregen J. S. McMURRAY Voice Calture Studio over Residence nail's Art Store Tl Lee Street H. D. NORTON, . ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Practice In all State and Federal Courts. Office Opera House Bldg Grants Past, Oregon OLIVER S. BROWN, LAWYER Office over Bijou Theater Grant I'm . . . Oregon 0. S. BLANCH ARB, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Practice In all State and Federal Courts. Hanking & Trust Co. Bldg. (rants Vunn, Oregon D. L. JOHNSTON ASSAYEIt Rooms (5 and 7 Opera House Block ."forth Stairway GRANTS PASS, OREGON GRANTS PASS TRUCK CO. HUNCH ItltOS., Proprietor (Successors to N. E. MtUrew) PKO.MIT AM) RKLIAIII.K SURVKi: PlaiiiM ntul Orgmn j l Carefully Itcinovnl Phone l.MH Grunt I'ts-t, Ore. M. T. UTLEY ( AKIMONTKU (.i:l lt L ('OM R At Tt)R III ll.ltl ll 1 Jobbing Work a Spec laity Plume 'Jll 71 . fttli StriHl, (ii-Hiito Pas, Ore. TREES Fruit, Shade First class, 4 to fi fret, 1 year old trees Apple, Pear, Poach, Cherry, Etc. It will pay you to see me bo fore buying. Special prices on largo orders. J. T. Taylor Office In Brick, near Court House. PORTLAND HARDWOOD H00R. CO- l,arst utock of Oak, Ueerh, nirch, Maborany and Walnut FLOORING In the Pacific Northwest. Manufac turers of Parquetry Flooring. We have a lare force of Expert Mechan ics and are In a position to give es timate of finished floor work. We also use sanding and scraping ma chines tor surfacing dance hull and skntlng rink floor. We sell wax. wax brushes, furniture rests and lass sliding shoos. Write or call at 28(1 YAMHILL ST., IMRTI.AM) Tin' Man of Many Myiterles Laursnt Tuesday, 39th. Seats on sale March S&. Admission DO and 75 routs. ! PERSONAL AM) LOCAL Mlsa Luclle McCroskey was vlstt- Ins friends In 'Ashland last Sunday. ! day morning for Chlco, Cal., to visit Miss Josle Vandewnlker went to j ner slster Gold Hill Saturday to spend Sunday: Andy Colvln, of Glendale, was a Hats are now ready for Inspection j Fas9 vlsltor th,s Frlday cn at Mrs. Waughtal's. ! b",n""- Snow went to New Hopef "lr- ad Mrs' Hnry Cxt' of Mondav. where he expects to work ue "reek. were Grants Pass visit or a time, Harry Kerrhnor left on Tuesday .v.n in. tnr Pnrtinnrf vi...rn pects to remain. ti.,i... m..,. i nr', A IIVllitJJ .MUl.i. HrtB HI III" ' several days last week attending to!v,lf,td frK-nIa In this city over Sun business matters. Marearet Doran returned Sunday evening from a few days' business trln to Portland Mr, and Mrs. Elmer - Sherwood! were Grants Pass visitors from Woodvllle Monday. Mrs. Josephine Barrett left Mon day for Lodl, Cal., where she goes to visit with a sister. We are not the biggest dealer but we have the biggest stock of Wall Paper. Hall's Art Store. Mr.' and Mrs. O. D. McAllister left Sunday for Roseburg, where they will make their future home, with her parents. Trade your old wheel In on a new reliable Rambler, now, at corner 6th and J streets, No. 312. 3-18-lt Mr. Dorance, foreman of the AI quoda Lumber Co., at Reuben, was at business visitor to this city Satur day, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Dysert were In the city last week to visit Mrs. Dy sert's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Dlsbrow. Miss Vada Swlnney left Monday morning for Bakersfleld. Cal., where Bhe goes to visit with relatives for some time. R. W. Clarke returned Monday from a business trip to Portland. He also visited friends at Vancouver Sunday. Rolit. Jewell came up from Eugene last Friday to visit with his parents and friends In this city for a short time, Mrs. D. H. Leech was called to Eu gene Saturday evening on account of the serious Illness of her mother at that ilace. Mrs. Arthur Jackson nnd children returned on Sunday from Medford where they had spent a week with relatives nnd friends. Mrs. R. S. Weldman will be glad to show you the new Millinery styles If you tall at the Conklin Bldg. She succeeds the Drake & Dornit stock. Dixon McDonald and wife and Miss Ethel McMannus arrived last Friday from Redding, Cal., to make Grants Pass their home. They will reside at 212 I street. v Mrs. 10. M. Dean, who has been Waiting with her daughter, .Mis. Henry Harth, at Roseburg, since the mm or the year, returned to her i home In this city !uf Saturday. Mrs. j teachers and scholars became ,. si'ii, I nil I la rib who returned to his .r i . i...m. r i c 11 ' ' ms Hhiislastle about the appearance of at Uosohurg Sunday. , .,,,. ,..' t I ' ToIIn- ",n" carrier on the j route between Solum nill Dryden. was In the dry Monday. Although j Mr. Tollu Is tho carrier. Mrs. Tolln Iconics to the front whenever he Is mm nnmucs ui. mall. The dls-. i.iiue iroiii .scinin to Pryden Is flv miles. V. 11. Kent, superintendent of the ApploKato-Wllllaitis creamery, was In the city last week. II, states that the creamery last .ar distributed among the fanners of tl'mf locality over $14,000 for butter fat and that they handled over 71 tons of cream. They are now making between 4000 ami ..imiii pounds of butter month. per Frank Durman Is entertaining his mother, Mrs, E. Dorman. and his brother, John, with his wife and two children. When they left their home nt Great Falls, Mont., the thermome ter stood nt 20 degrees below zero and arrived In Grants Pass to see almond trees In bloom and enjoy the balmy breeze and blight sunshine. The change, ns Mr. Dorman express ed It, "paralyzed" him, and It I probable that he will decide to make ' inu ills nome. Mr. and Mr. W. H. Pa son, Jr., of t'oaldale. Alberta, were In the city the first of the week, returning f 0111 CallforrU to their home Th'v wevo member of the Inland Emprie excursion parly which p.issed throiuh hem a few week ago and Uicv were so much ple.ised with the glimpse they had of Grant Pass nn.l her people that the decided to ki ow more nbout the country, and now they have decided to buy and locate here, although H w W t-ci year before they cm a'rango their inisl nc affair o it will be possiMo to leave Alberta. PERSONAL AND LOCAL Miss Vivian Dlmlck left this Frl- jors Thursday. Roy Hlllls returned last week to Kdcn Valley, where he Is now located Miss Ann Stewart, of Ashlai.d I "aJ" div I returning to her home on Mon Fred Carlisle, who staged "The Military Girl" In this city a short , time ago, stopped over in Grants Pass Thursday en route south. Laurant The closing number of j the Entertainment Course, Tuesday i March 29. Seats on sale at Russell's Friday, March 25, at 10 a. m. All kinds of Garden Tools at Cra mer Bros. Mrs. Eva Coe and two children were visiting relatives In this city over Sunday, returning to their home at Merlin Monday. Miss Maude Baber spent Tuesday with Mrs. Jack Wimer and brother, Ernest Umphlette on the Umphlette farm three mlle3 south of Glendale Have you got a house In the city that you want to rent or sell? Bet ter see John A Dale, In the Conklin Bldg. 3-11-tf Mr. and Mrs.Tom Calvin and two children arrived here Tuesday for a month's stay. Mrs. Galvln and the children have been visiting relatives at La Grande, while Mr. Galvln at tended to business in Utah. Coupon's Egg Food. Coulson's Food for little chicks 408 South Sixth St. 3-18-lt Room Grants Pass 1.y Planting. To a person who has always been accustomed to trees, flowers and lawns It Is hard to realize that there are thousands of people living where "nothing green grows." And, It Is not at all surprising that some of our new comers, who have just left such a barren land, think Grants Pass Is beautiful. So it Is but how much more beautiful we can make It by taking more pride nnd Interest In our homes and public buildings Trees planted now and propeVly cared for until they have made a good start will be a pleasure to many people for years to come. A corner In the back yard, If cleared of the rubbish which has been collecting for some time, can be made a place of beauty by planting- some hardy shrubs, such as the Hl'.ic, snowball, spiraea nnd many others. A climbing rose would greatly Imprcve the ap pearance of the back fence-and wood shed. Every school should be covered slth Newton fry. This eoulcf be ac- hare "Ivy day" at the schools The junior class at each bulldliu planting their vine in the fall and as long as they are In the building it huu!d be their special" priviTege to care for It. Rom-x nnd trees might be pint,! in the same way and before long each school would be very attia.uve in appearance. Every property owner can Increase the value of bis place wonderfully by planting trees along the sidewalk, cleaning up tne b,vk yard, prepar ing a luwnf irony a small onc, and plaining a fevr flowers. Now u the time To plant rose. Two yvar old plant, given a good locution U,,l care, will be in bloom In t Inn- f..r the rose show. The Ladles' Auxiliary will be very pbd fo help a-iy one In the selection of roses, So let us all become boosters for "Grafts Pass, the Rose Cfry of Southern Oregon," by planting a few nrw choice roies every year. CLASSIFIED ADS. NEW TODAY. Tff ?: second hand Incubator cheap. Drooders, rtitck feed and food for laying hen. 4PS South Sixth street. S-U-tt WHIM'!!, chair for Rale -Nearly new hec ihalr for outdoor use, rub ber tired si eel wheels, cane and back, propelled by two handle,, and iluiln: also Invald's Indoor roller chair, lnip.lro Mrs. Mary Dodge, CU West St. 3-1 i ;t Tl'VM. wagon and harness for sale "heap. Inquire of A N. Parson. MS-tf Glltl. wanted for general hous.'wo-l. Call at 72? North 5th street t once. R. Mundt. J.l.i I PLYMOUTH Rock hens and roosters for sale. Inquire or r ran coum at Jewell Hardware Co. 3-18-2t ORDER NOW Baby chicks, White Leghorns, $1.50 dozen. Rhode Is land Reds, $3 dozen. Blue Anda lusian Cockerel, $2. White Leg horn Cockerel, $1.50.' Brown Leg horn Cock, $2.30. Rhode Island Red Cock, $3; Hens, $1.30. Blue Andalusian Hens, $1.25. Indian Runner Ducklings, 50 cents each. Leghorn eggs. $1 (15). I. R. Duck eggs, $1.50 (15). W. T. Goodman, 40S S. Sixth St. 3-18-lt PORT QNDhome,$ 20 00, and $9500 8 per cent in contracts for sale, secured by $23,000 worth of fruit land, to exchange for Rogue River ranch. Owner, L. W. McAdams, 2 Lumbermens Building, Portland, Ore. 3-18-4t TRY the Laurel Grove Dairy for milk. Phone F. L. 564. J. R. Scovlll. 3-18-tf FOR SALE Tokay grape cuttings. $2 per 100 or $15 per $1000. Must clear the ground for plowing. Ad dress C. T. Crosby, R. F. D. No. 1. 3-18-lt WOLF Creek Cove Fruit Tracts The H. L. Chapin Realty Co., 203 Corbett Bldg., Portland, Ore., are offering the best of Rogue River Valley fruit lands In small tracts on easy payments at wholesale prices. Southern Pacific depot on center of tract. Investigate at once. H. H. Basler, local agent. 3-18-lt FOR RENT To party with a team, a cottage 2 miles north of town, overlooking city, good garden, good spring water. Teaming work In neighborhood plentiful. Ad dress C. T. Crosby, R. F. D. No. 1. 3-18-lt FOR SALE Owing to a business transaction I offer for sale my 5 acres of fruit land on North 6th, one mile from postoffice and op posite county home. Five-room bungalow, large wood shed, barn, 2 poultry houses, good artesian well. All black ground except about one acre. There are grapes, peaches, plums, apricots and ap ples on the place; peaches, plums and apricots now in bloom. Also 40 feet square of strawberries. Ap ply G. W. Johnson, county home, Grants Pass, Ore. 3-1 8-2t FOR SALE No. 1. 1C0-acre ranch on the Applegate. About 90 acres under ditch, about 50 acres clear ed, mostly in alfalfa and fruit; 9-room house, free water, free range, free fuel. Six miles from Grants Pass. Price $60 per acre. Terms. No. 2. 100-acre fruit ranch, 60 acres pTanted, fine land, splendid water right. A sfghtiy place. In vestigate this. Price $13,000. Terms. No. 3. 20 acres rich bottom Tand, all in cultivation, half pear Tand," half apple or alfalfa land. One mile from Grants Pass. Price $3000. You can't bent it. The Rasler Rearry Company, room 4, Masonic Temple. Grants Pass, Ore. 3-lS-lt FOR' SALE 40 acres red fruit land. No bettor soil in Oregon for ap ples, peaches-or grapes. Will divide In in-acre tracts if so desired. F. If. Wing, Grants Pass. Ore., at R. M. Johnson", opposite Josephine Hold. 3-lS-lt to exchange -rninm,.,,v.;; 1 r:. t for an automobile. The Pasler Realty Co., room 4, Masonic ieiMMc, i-r.-rnts Pass. Ore. 3-lS-lt FOR SALE Three bargains In toelt and grain randies. 3 20, 400 nnd 400 acres.- $1 4,000. $K,00D nnd $5000. The Raster Renltv Co.. room 4. Masonic Temple, Grants rass, Oregon. 3-lS-lt FOR S.U.E-Spiif wood pullevr.-3 Inches diameter, ft Inch face, also smaller wood nnd Iron pullevs; 2 sets shaft hangers. At th Courier office. 3-lS-ff WANTED To lenso a small fnrni or a few acre of land near the city aultaMe for crowing vegetables and frutt. Address X, carp ,)f .Co"rl,,r- 3-lS-tf STRAYED -There came to my plnce t Wlldervllle, Oregon. May l, t909, a black and white spotted 2-yenr-old heifer; mark. crop, hole nnd underblt In right car and two flit In left ear. Owner can have the same by proving property, pay Ing charges nnd advertising costs A. K. Sheehan. Wilder vllle, Ore 3-1 55-T.t FOR SALE 223-aero tract rich river I'oltom land suitable for subdlvl slim or development a a whole. This Is the richest body of hind In Southern Oregon. If interested In something good write for price. The Busier Realty Company, room 4. Mnannl,' T.......1. . viii1iu-, ,rant fas, Ore. 3-18-lt TifEYfEV TMTEWh Special Prices on Pittsburgh Perfect Fence During' Month of March In order to stimulate the fence business, we have decided to make the following prices on our entire Pittsburgh Perfect line of fence: 47 inch Field Fence . . 42c Rod 46 inch Poultry and Garden Fence, 58c Rod 58 inch Special Poultry Fence . 58c Rod Every rod guaranteed. If you need fence, now is the time to buy. CRAMER BROS. Odd Fellows FOR SALE Have Just listed choice fruit lands, Improved, close In, In 10. 12, 20, 40, 50 and 100 acre tracts at prices that will make the purchaser good money. Come and select yours now. The Basler Real ty Company, room 4, Masonic Temple, Grants Pass, Ore. 3-18-lt ELECTRIC motor, V2 -horsepower, for sale, 60 cycle, A. C. At the Courier office. 3-18-tf OLD Hampshire Bond letterheads and envelopes at the Courier of fice. FOH SALE 50 CENTS ft setting of 13 fnll-blood Plymouth Rocks and R. I. red eggs. C. N. Matthews, 902 Pfne. 3-ll-3t FOR SALE 7-room house, modern plumbing, bath, cellar, 2 lots, shade trees, etc. C. N. Matthews, 902 Pine St. 3-ll-3t S. C. RHODE Island Red eggs for hatching. Great winter layers that lay the high priced eggs. $1.25 per fifteen; $5 per hundred. C. R. Brechtbill, N. Tenth St. 2-18-4t LAND for sale In 5-acre tracts with in Y mtle of Grants Pass. Cheap for cash. Fhone F. L. 563. 3-4-tf FOR SALE Cheap, a 6-room house, 3 large lots nil set to fruit and flowers. "Watit to heror March 1, 1 S 1 0. Emm ire of Courier office. J-i'S-Kt FOR SALE 900-pound" maro an nnd saddle, light work harness, double; fresh milk cow; Plymouth Rock eggs for hatching. Inquire Peter Olson, first' house south of county house. It. F. D. 1. 3-1 l-4t FOR SALE Good work team at H. Hurk's wood yard, 109 West II .st 3-11-21 S. C. BLACK Minorca e?gs for hatch ing. Prize winning Btock; f 1.25 for 15. E. S. Ventch, 654 North 3rd street. 3-11-tf FOR SALE Mcdlum-slzod "iddie pony, one mile Southeast Murphy. F. B. Wamhaugh. 3-ll-4t FOR SALE Asparagus Roots, 60 cents per hundred. Will Scovllle nox 514. i At w -x --1 W AUTOMOBILE fr sale, or traded house and lot. II. W. Wilson, 638 North Sixth St. 3.4. hoes for hatching. 8. c. White and ! urown Leghorns, 50c for 13 egg8. Mrs. E. Erlckson, Wlldervllle, Ore! Phone 8SC. 3-4-6t WOOD For P. L. 565. dry wood phone 3-4-tf uriiy new, ror sale on easy terms. Inquire 715 North 7th 8t; 12-24-tf INDIAN Runner duck eggs, $1.60 per doi. Pure bred Barred Plymouth Rock and S. C. Brown Leghorns. 11.50 per setting, and stock ol each for sale. Ph6ne 887, Wilder Ore. S-ig-tf Block FOR SALE One. 8 II. P. stationary and one 2Yt H. P. pumping gaso line engine. Inquire 669 N. 6th street. , 2-4-tf FOR SALE Timber claim, SW Sec. 24, Twp 37, 7 West, Jose phine county. For particulars address H. Walter, conductor, 3rd and Townsend streets, S. P. Co., San Francisco, Cal. 9-3-tf FOR RENT. FOR RENT Three nice rooms furn ished for light housekeeping. 801 Orchard avenue. 2-25-2t PKItSOXAL WE APvE aow ready to handle all the egg3 and early vegetables pro duced in the valley. Call and see us about ai. your early crops. We will pay cash for all brought in to us. We will be more than pleased to make suggestions on crops that will benefit you. Grants Pass Produce Co., 5th and G. 3-112t LOST. LOST On the streets of Grants Pass, Saturday afternoon, ladles' B. P. O. Elk pin. Finder please return to Maude Baber, of the Courier office. EXCHANGE EXCHAN'GE 6 acres adjoining city limits, 5-room house, large barn, acre strawberries, other small fruits, young orchard, pumping plant to irrigate. Ideal location for poultry. For sale or exchange for city residence prop erty. Inquire 639 N. 2nd St., phone 155-L. 3-11-tf WANTED WANTED By April 1, modern house for the summer or longer time. No children. S. W. Phillips. 639 N. 2nd. Phone 115-L. 3-11-tf FURS Highest cash price paid for furs. M. E. Ilorr, 116 C St. 3-4-4t MISCELLANEOUS FIRST-CLASS dressmaking and plain sewing at 809 Mead. 3-ll-3t RANNIE, the plumber, Is ready at any minute to repair your plumb ing. 609 H street. Telephone 140-R. 4-2-tf STItAYED. STRAYED There strayed from my ranch at Jerome Prairie last April a coming 4-year-old chestnut sor rel mare, with flax tall and mane, small niche in right ear and slight saddle marks; last seen swimming Rogue river at the county ferry. Reward of $25 will be paid for Information leading to rocovery of mare. W. W. Tucker, R. F. D. No. 2. Grants Tags. 3-4-4t iAJIMiU MKKTIXGS THERMOPYLAE Lodge, No. 5o", Knlghta of Pythias, meets first and mini luesday nights in W. O. w. nan, f. W. Huggerth, C." C Lln- ' coin Savage, K. of R. A 3. l-ll-tt