Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, March 11, 1910, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    FRIDAY, MARCH II, 1809.
Mr. and Mn. Wm. Ifannum ar
tlItliu frl;nd at Grant Pa thli
Th danf at J. B, Llndnay'g Iait
Friday night wan wU attended, and
much enjoyed by thoae orewnt.
The box noolal at New Jfone wai a
vrr aurf!-KMful affair. Th pro
cds netted $2.45 and will ha
to purrbaKO an organ for the whool.
M. C, Arnnt, of Grant Paw, who
ha a contract to clear 80 acrea of
land romprlnlng the townnlte of Ma
drona, ha a crew of men at work
and I In need of wreral more men.
Anyone wanting work would do well
to apply to Mr. Ament.
Iittt Saturday, while Mr. Camon
wa tryloK to lead a calf, the animal
beam playful and alarted to run,
throwing Mr. Cartson to the ground
and brulHlng him quite iwverely,
fanning hla confinement to the house
for two or three dayii, miming an In
jured knee.
Mia lieiuilfl Lelth closea a very
Bixrewtful term of achool Friday of
thin week. It la planned to have a
banket dinner on that day.
According to what iiome people
say Murphy In becoming very coamo
polltan. We have aorne undesirable,
aome with the big bead, aorne sland
erer, aorne thieve, ome goody
goody people and aoine that think
they ran play haw-ball.
Grandpa Loughrldge met with
quite a painful n'-cldcnt. lnt Satur
day evening by falling down the
talr at the home of hi aon, Ernewt
Louichrldge. Dr. Loughrldge wn
called and found that he had a frne
t ii red rib and aevernl bad briilaoH,
but no aerlou ronneqiieneeH are
Harrow, any quality and price to
correspond at lUigiie Itlver Hdwe. Co.
National Bank
Southern Oregon
Onnti I'm;, Urgw
fiomtof tha Service that a Bank
Renders the Public
The f!nt and nlmplcHt
way of kfiiiing your
money la by ili-oitiUng
It In a CnlinMtt llnrik.
Tlili llnnk hm-mvp IH
jkwIIii nulijn t U ( beck,
or (in dniiiRii'l ( ertlllr nU'it
of delimit or on Unit
OrllllclfH of IicpoMU.
Un time ilt.iMl wa pay
The len( anil r.hrapeHl
wa l triumfer money
i by Knk Draft. We
null 1 rf ix payalilo In all
parti of the country.
One of the muni Itnpnr
tent laiictlOm of tlie
Hink, We tuliuvur to
apply all reanoualile
utU of our cuiUmivri.
Capital and Burplui 975,000
Btookholdera' Addltloual '
Beiponniblllty $50,000
L. II. Itu.l., 1'rrnlilmil
i, tJ, ('a urn six, Vice-!r.
H I.. (iniiT, ( anhlir
K. K. lUratrr, Ant. CliUr
j ... Vt
W, l roii;!ii iluiri are the lowrit
i r, tji ny toi.iii !i'iil, iii Ilia lvorWI.
"Ii ir .'! Unit ii-.-lr, e.,y liliinf and
I i t vnriim nu.'it.lira ri f rl tlioni of
i it ni r. Ii you lircn pnying
b ,') u u l.i ) m.r iSof t, the next tiiim
; 1 1 - ,i. i iivi V, I. DougUi tliora
l If il. Von mn hionry on y i r
f. tw -nr itiil liir that are jut a
ItiKi I in rvi-ry way that that have
l i ril rxillitil yon I i;l.rr piuot,
'I v I ' oiil I nil rur larce farlorio
i 1 ili.i. kton, M ii., i oil lee lor jrourirlf
h cn-rfiiHv NV. l )ni)liit ihorl are
ii. a i n wnuLI lhn uoilrMlanJ why
tSrv huM thrir iIiai, tit brttor anil
tteir bini -,r t'l.iil ill,'t ninkn.
VI I lll I I i .mm- m t li" !
The ladle of New Hope gave a
banket toclal laat Saturday evening
which wa a grand ucce In every
reaped. The program In connection
wa well received by the large audi
ence. The proceed from the aale
of banket will be tiaed toward the
purchase of an organ and aong book
for our Sunday school, which we ex
pect to organize aoon.
The Mlaae Vandewalker and
Shaaka, of Grant Pax, paid Xew
Hope a vlait Baturday.
MIhb Florence Duell, of Grant
Pa, aaalHted In the program Satur
day evening.
Everyone 1 buy plowing gar
den and making preparation for
their aprlng crop.
Our ditch company ha a large
force of men cleaning the ditch.
W. If. Parkey and the Bent-Fuller
Realty Co. have cleared 30 acrea of
land thl winter which they expect
to plant to oat.
Mer. Bourdon and Love were
In the Pa on hualne Saturday.
n i i'
M , t
I'ttkr i fcnll.
mi i. i l t m
i in: it. i.. tin: to.
W,-v 1 III Ol MlM UK M. v
t i r. i hi ''' oi.i' . iLoiyv
The farmer are all working over
time thin fine weather trying to get
their rropa In before another Btorm
come on.
Our nchool I progressing nicely
with Mahlon IJeckw a teacher.
A. W. Harmon I laid up for re
pair, ho having had the mlnfortune
to cut hi ankle with an adz while
working on Sunday.
MIhh Dnma f'rookea I home once
more after an abm-iicc- of Reveral
Warn-n Tuttlo has returned homo
from Gallcn where he ha been
working In the tnlnea.
The poor Greek bnnd Is practicing
for the dance to be given at Selma
March 17. A big time and a big
crowd la anticipated.
Fred Maul In Ih buy then dny.i
mnklng shake for hla cabin.
Ml Graco Kcnney vlalted Grants
Pnaa Saturday.
Mr. Mae llonry I now vlIHng her
dnughter, Mrs. Harry Schmidt, In
Grant Puss.
MIhh Horn Light and Miss Alice
Herman were In Hugo Sunday.
Mr. Hnrry Schmidt visited Hugo
a few day Inst week.
Mr. McClellnn and Mrs. Aliens-
worth mnde a flying trip to Grants
On Monday N. Tt. Grantham ar
rived In our little village. He Is on
n 10,000 mile Journey, walking
around the V. S. A. on $u000
wager. lie Is walking from New
York city to Now York city by the
way of Portland, San Frauclsco and
New Orleans, Ln., In 365 day. He
I now en route to San Frnnclsco,
Cnl., hnvlng been out 1! day. Un
fortunately he Is two days behind
his schedule, losing alx day In Dll
lard, Ore., through lckness, though
he appenra to be strong and 1n go-id
physical condition at present. He
has averaged about 3 2 mile per dav
since starting on his tramp and Is
confident he will arrive back In
little old New York In time to take
down the J.'iOOO. One peculiar fen
tnre of hi contract Is that he shnll
enter every town broke and lenve
broke and he can neither beg. bor
row orsleul. He weighed 1S7 pounds
when leaving New York and he now
weigh 131 pounds.
Wo nro enjoying bountiful weather
In Hugo at present.
Mrs. Seliorn's son arrived In Hugu
Monday from Mexico. We welcome
Mr. Sehorn and trust he will like our
Mr. Unities and family left our cllv
Tuesday for Springfield where they
will make their home. Mr. Haines
sold his building to Mr. Smith.
ji homi: I'kaikii: i: noes
The fund engine has been having
fine weather to pull grubs fur the
past I mo weeks fur Whacker and
Wlllmrg at the Kdgar ranch.
John Hutcher was In Grants Tins
I tint Monday on h ImihIim-sm Ul.
The Murphy read worker re
lliltklllK 1)11 1 1 a success working the
Helium Itoi'ough Is rutting wood
with his Hti'iitn etiitine lit the
taiich backer and W lUuiii; ,ne
cleatlug their f irm thU pihig
Miss Klsle tli'lu rs made a with
her ftli-iid.i, Misse. l,i!i, I an, Mw.
tie lloieug'i. la-'t Mutnlio
fail ll.iii. U. Ml-s n K d ;rnl
Mi KlltlU I 1 4 Ml i I, Ui'le t.l ji ,U
net- pait to 11 I ;, ..., , ,,f ; ...
ph , la.t Sund.i
Will Hotelllng, from Wisconsin,
has some wood cutters clearing tip
his land. He Is a prosperous farmer.
Charlie Schrader, from Lents, rar
Portland, bought 40 acre of the
Moody place about three week ago.
He ha 'built a house and la clearing
up the place.
Lee Murray I going back to work
for Geo. Gebers this week.
John Johnson 1 In town having his
eye treated.
B. J. F. Wllaon, I Improving his
homestead. HI two ons, Rollln
and James Wilson are hauling wood
to Grant Pa.
Will Hoteilng and B. J. F. Wilson
were In your cltyn Tuesday.
The Jewel district school will be
out on the Hth of March. The chil
dren are all busy preparing a nice
program for the last day of school.
Mr. Pendleton 1 quite ill.
Miss Lillian May was down from
Medford lat week visiting home
folks In Jerome Prairie.
Dr. Loughrldge made a flying
trip out towards New Hope last Mon
day. He wa the first one over the
new road thl year In an auto.
this root wnai cocjutb
...I t.. Hntman. Justice, State
to work , l-ber grader in mm yin .
at that place. : James Holman. JusJce. State
Harriman, me ri. TJ- vooroi"
Fine Hprlng weather, nearly every
farmer ploughing and sowing grain.
P. W. Carrls made your city a
visit Friday, returning Saturday.
Miss Pearl Davidson, who was
vfcltlng her father a few days, re
turned to her home at Albany.
MarrleU Jacob Brown and Miss
Winnie Knox, Wednesday, March
2, 1910.
Mr. Glllett, Vernon Bailey and
John Jensen made your city a busi
ness visit last Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hathaway, of
Grants Pass, were visiting friends
and relatives here first of the week.
Vernon Bailey, of Missouri Flat,
left Monday to accept a position as
clerk In the general mercantile store
of Lance & Co., at Gold Hill, Ore.
Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Kllgore were
unfortunate In losing their Infant
babe last week. Funeral services
and Interment took place at the
Missouri Flat cemetery last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Kllgore have the sym
pathy of this entire community.
Quite a number of our young peo
ple and friends of Mr. and Mrs.
Jacob Brown, who were recently
married, endeavored to surprise
them with an old-fashioned charivari
last Wednesday evening nnd were
cordially received nnd spent a pleas
ant evening with the young couple.
Messrs Axtell and Wing were out
here this week looking over the
farming prospects of the Flat. Mr.
Wing Is a recent arrival from New
Mexico and Is looking for a location.
Mr. Axtell, of your city, Is one of
the fortunate owners of a 40-ncre
tract of land lying In the northern
pnrt of the Flat. Mr. Axtell In
tends to clear up a portion of this
land and set It out In fruit and
Pat McFadden came near meeting
with a serious accident last Wed
nesday evening as he was returning
home from Mr. Cook's. He and
Wlllard Hannnni were riding their
horses. Pat was carrying a lantern,
which appeared to blind their horses
to some extent and Pat's, horse ran
against some fence post that had
recently been set along the rond side,
breaking one post off nnd throwing
Pat to the ground. The horse re
ceived an ugly gash In the shoulder
and Pat sustained n sprained knee
and a bruised bend, being almost
knocked senseless (or some time.
The baseball players of the Flat
met at the school house last Thurs
day evening and organized a nine
with John Meek ns captain.
The Missouri Flat literary society
elected new officers last Saturday
nlcht as follows: C. V. Kllgore.
president; G. W. Meek, vee-prel-
,s. ,w - iichfa
was in town Monday. ; Rogue River
lower;.x" r pVver Water Co.,
"war fcr Feb.. 1910....
E S Veatcb, expense taking
v. ' reform school
Pruanomme, buf
Miss Anna
Wolf Creek district Tuesday morn
ios with Miss Jir.hlne Hathaway,
. . r. . p-.,ii2 an ttacher.
Miss. Margaret sovhi -"" " ilei clerk's office
Sunday mom!,? f-,r a shore visit with P"",,, BtamPs. ..... 10-00
hr sister, Mis Jessie Scoviil. , F B Rorchert, worn m
Rv. W. C. Long filled bh regiilar iff s of flee . .
P-t here Sunday, preaching ; Geo.
both morning ai.d evecir-g. c Smltn a3 above
Mr Buzzei! and wife, of Roseburg. : at'th(.w j,aw, as above
arrived in our town the first of the; j,r9. j. W Lucas as above
. ... w- t..,ii i... taVft. a ncsl- Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co., tele
phone service
tlon with the Wil.on Mercantile to.; 3S'days sup. road
The Wilson Mercantile Co. are in-; 'd!strlct x0. 15
vol- in? this w.k. MINER. S- F. Cheshire, cash paid for
. freignt, roads
March, 8. r . tneanir-
S. F. Cheshire, cash advanced
Proeeedings of founty Court,
1010, Term.
rv.nrr Met Vednesday. March
phen' Jewell, county Judge; M.' I Geo.' Gebers,' as above 24.00
1910, there king present: Hon Ste-jj Wertz',' work on roads
S. Wood-
C. Bearss, as aoove. .
. n.u linear a BtlOVe
Iv x Wertz. as above
iLee Murray, as above
F. D. Strieker, attending
quarantine rase
P. P. rroctor, assessmcui.
W. Osborn, work on roads. . .
Joseph Christman, a3 above
Pete Burleson. a3 aooe..
Henry Darneille. as above.
jtronj, dursblCi comfortable
Dan Leith, as
Lee Murray, as above
H. Wilson Conners. as above
W. S. Gilmore, as above
Wert i r-omni ss oner; M
cock, commissioner; S. F. Cheshire,
clerk; W. J. Russell, sheriff.
The following proceedings were
had, to-wit:
Action of the clerk in the matter
of the Issuance of county warrants
for official salaries for month of
February, 1910, approved by the
Statement of the county clerk In
the matter of the Issuance of county
warrants for scalp bounties for
month of February, 1910. examined
and approved.
Josetihlne County Irrigation and
Power company granted me rieru io , u-CPt, as above
use public highways for the purpose ; Q,'arf.nrp sawver, timbers for
of constructing, operating and main-, Alttl(mSp bridge
talning Irrigating ditches. i Ch'ag st,ward, as adove. .. . .
County board of road viewers -, Iaim.s Sayfeith, black
dered to meet Thursday, March 10,,' gmjthi Althoilse bridge...
1910, and proceed to view, survey . Q Sowpl naU8 for Alt-
anu s'raigr.ten out me presem nmuii
road now running through the old
Geo. R. Green place In the SW'4
r. ft r . . -
or section i,, i.owns-i.11 H. Emerick, work on
rant-e 5 west, and make and file their j roas 26.00
report therein on or before the first , Tames Da'v'is' "aV above! .... 12.00
day of the next regular term of the ' A WaUgf ag above 23.00
C0lirt- L . ' H. L. Lewis, as above 17.50
In the matter of the payment of;Wm L,Knt as ahove 10-23
bills, the following accounts wereFashlon StableSi llvery hIre
audited and allowed and the clerk f0r roads . ... 12.50
directed to issue county warrants in M E Lco'naVd" timber's' for
the paymert of the fame: ; bridge 15.50
J. S. Johnston, Juror cor. in., $ 2.50 ! rftlmv., rho c . iflhnr
? ' and material, removal of
2.50 i
W. Wr. Fidler, Juror, Juvenile
court 3.00
F. O. Wilcox, as above. . .
j. A. Hubbard, as above
Frank Shrader. as above
John Lance, as above 3.00
C. C. Berum, as above. .
Williams Bros. D. &. L,
lumber for roads
Kinney & Truax, mdse., Court
M. A. Wertz, commissioner,
per diem and exp
II. S. Woodcock, com., per
diem and mileage 14.0(1
J. T. Taylor, rruit trees,
County Home
Geo. R. Green, witness, coun
ty court
Grants Pass Truck Co., dray-
above H.00
house bridge
I. A. Mundinger, plumbing,
County Home
Jewell Hdwe. Co., mdse. for
roads 90.35'
Fred Mensch, surveyor, Jones
N. B. Meade, viewer Jones
J. M. Jones, as above
Geo. Cronk, chainman and
team, Jones road
M. M. Ainsworth, work on
road 13.50
Geo. Gebers, as above 14.00
3.50 I
6. 00 1
1.10 I
dent; L. C. Bnsyc, secretary, nnd
Klsle McFadden, treasurer.
Till' I.I LAMl Itl liGIX
Phil Kelly went to Reuben Mm-
l nay wnere no nas employment with
the lumber company of lint place
Mr and Mrs Lie Mi Michael
moved out to Mr. Wilson's ranch at
Klti!iey e the latter p.-irt of
Mrs. Miller and Donald hue been
Msltlng Mr. and Mrs. Fos tit placer,
tetiirntng Monday.
t olonol and Mr
Monday exoeint; fur
Mr Thomas ("utc-en
st.ivpi,: with Mm ,,,i,M
ho h h h, , ti unite 111
I as In b. t f .-r at thU
Vt ;illd s I. K H
I'.t to lca,. i!u Tn-
lllalsdell left
tin Ir home In 1
,1 M l' th. !
Iliiii MM l'r ll 'it (if imii
1. 1 A 1 H lll III v (
Hit fcxoWti ' 'If I A 1 - t . ...
Ml s Ji IH
Moiid i .
Ml . t
til. 1 . :
a fall t "i.
u .. . !! I .
.1 I '
" 1:
W . t
has hci r
m ii' ( u g
'"'t!ti.;ti. .
lav i 1 'ijc ;
i"i... In I1.'.."
Edw. Clanton, as above. .
T. W. Watson, as above. .
E. M. Albright, as above.
A. W. Harmon, as above.
John C. Shade, wit. cor. Inq. 1.50
E. Clanton, as above 1.50
W. A. Iloeue, as above 1.50
F. D. Strieker, ror. fees Inq.
Knappke 38.50
Marvin Jordan, team hire,
cor. inq 13.50
Sherman Jess, work on roads 41.50
Chas. I.add, drawing jury,
Merlin precinct 3.00 ,
Milton Reynolds, asst. draw- '
Ing Jury list 2.00 I
W. ('. Fry. as above 2.00
D. P. Love, exam, of Insane 5.00
(I. A. Savage, 4 days asst.
teachers' exam 20.00
Vina Opdvcke. work In coun
ty clerk's office 10.00
V. J, Russell, transportation
of prisoners 41.30
W. J. Russell, stamps 12.00
Joseph Moss, rent, treasurer's
office 36.00
Glass & Prudhomme, supplies 29.25
J. A. Blsh, 4 days asst. teach
ers' exam 20.00
Security Vault and Metal
Works, culverts for roads 103.60
Stanton Howell, supplies
clerk's office
Beall & Company, road mat.
L. Speaker, mdse for paup.
Pacific Coast Stamn Works,
mdse. sheriff's office
H. R. Morris, work on roads
W. J. Rusell, express
W. M. Cheshire, constable I
State vs. Conger 2.50 !
W. M. Cheshire, constable, 1
State vs. Voorhles 2.50 '
W. M. Cheshire, constable,
State vs. Johnson 2.00 :
Sturgeon Son. mdse., paup. 5.00 1
H. F. Whltmore, wiring
Court House 4.15 !
W. J. Russell, board and con- i
veyance of tuisotier 22.80
Steuben Jewell, railway fare
for roads
Alonzo Jones, work on roads
; J. A. Prentiss, as above
I Dave Lindsay, as above
j Chas. Mitchell, as above. , . .
! Gloss fi Pniilhoinnie, supplies
sheriff's office
W. M. Cheshire, board of
j Southern Oregon Supply Co..
; mdse., County Hume .....
; J. E. HodKilon, Justice, State
1 vs. McKennon
J. K. Hodu'doti, Justice, State
vs. Caldwell
I Isaac Allen, allowance for
1 Feb.. 19 id, puuticr ncet.. .
K. Frankum. tending ferrv
2S days ',
Hoy' Sr Girls' Aid Society,
i allow nnce for Feb, 19 io
I W. K, Dean Co . mdse.,
, County Home
Gilbert W. Johnson, board
1 of count v poor
Georire Gebers, work on road
Lee Murray, us above
11, llnn Conners, as uhovo
.lumen Wert?, ns above
John Johnson, us nbove ....
I M. Wort?, n above
Jinn s Strlucer. as above.
Chas Smith, as ahnve
T. Y ll..;i!l. us 11 hove
V'iv. Si ballhoru, us
A Neighbor of Yours
as well as yourself is liable at any
time to have rheumatism. We're
all liable to have cuts or burns,
bruises or scalds, crick ln the back,
neck or side some kind of an ache
or pain. Then heed this advice and
tell your neighbors Ballard's Snow
Liniment relieves all aches and pains,
and heals all wounds. Sold by Na
tional Drug Store.
bridge 405.03
James Trimble, blacksmith
for roads o.o
Rogue River Courier, print. 22.60
Rnirno Rlvon ttarrloi'ira Pn
mdse. for roads 95.90 I find It at the Rogue River Hdwe. Co.
You will get more value in
any fence on the market. You will
. 1
c .1 I
v .'i -jc
KaU ct Lrif, Stilf Wirt, of Artist Quat
A Heavy Anericaa Fence
Costs You No More
Tcr Red Than Lighter
Fences of Olher Makes
1 1 it i i'i 1 ti . r
19 tWiiiimTmiik
V "I I
or. vi
&$l Si jii A roll of heavy fence means RMmt
2.50 I
29.50 ;
2S.00 !
9. on '
'It )lli
. ' 1 It . ' '.ir 1 1 ,,
ill', H,i:ir,oi.iiii
ci: i
.1. 1" .
i .
.1. :
wu-e. Big wire means ffi.lii;?V!fJ
murj strent'.i and longer life. 'W'H
Ins st r.nrm tb. rloloi- .Wt Xhi'fil'Iil IV
'vc!-'! the roll of fence h 'kt.-'J.kSt
syiMy-i. 1 his will tell the mS'tk
it,-:; cuicKer than r.nv ntViPr
you cannot always
Light Wir
i :
Amtriean Ftnct
latest improved pr
years lias taught.
1 t.l S17 Of WIVO hv OVP. AtntnVan Vinrp Will
J " 1 1 J V i IVillA A ' '
s'.wl this test against any fence made, and will
' -". . iN greater w eiyht. Why, then, pay the same
m-ine-y ("r n lighter fence?
Am;Tira:f Fence is made of hard, stiff steel It
i-i male of a quality of wire drawn expressly .for
wovsn-wire-fence purposes by the largest manu
facturers of wire in the world. Galvanized by
"cesses, the best that the skill r,nd experience of
Built nil tHn U 1 . tnnw1)
,jniKi,).i, uinui effectually protects the stay or upright wires from
breaking under hard usa?e.
vol vuIYm' 1 ,7 coraPan: American Fence tinder any and all conditions and
dl iti -nit " ' ,Cn-tC-01, ,1,e s'n,c,ure an'1 ,he ga'vanfzinjj are equal la dura-
i"iit, M.fiii;t!i ami tflicifiuy to the hardest uses.
P. riAACKES. Vtce-Pre. & Gen. Sale. Anent
American Steel & Wire Co.
new York Denver
nr,,'.. i, ,;",r,7 s"l"" .."m..r
ni..rn..:.:i;,11,: uhm,
Sun Frnclco
n anil 1 11. 1 . 1 ... hi,, ... b .. . t. .. I . anrf IV4
. I'M''
- w
Mil. .-I
I'.l rni.
I '"!;-,..- Ii.iv
Wm i.ut.'t-.
M'l-.- I l,..;,
f It.
f t ,
Ml., l! .,H..
'Vin tl p:i',I
I .I'M 1 ,, I,, i
. I .1
4 .00 ,
.'ii. nn
1 ! on
f,i'. oo
4 no
1 1'. no
Successors to Ilnir-Riddle Co.
n tii i ..... ,t -' i
O'.n. im nl.nvo 'jv no
114 l.,)Vl'. .... '11 mi
I', no
:t: on
'.ii ii ii
'. J !llti.V,,
I'l. "l-:-. r. Stilt..
i: , f
A 11 "T
KcimbU' -TLioany iNursenes
and you are sure of Kettiug just what you urdcr. Vc Krow
our trees for quality not chap prices.
Geo. M. Parker, Agent
Office with J. K. IMSTliRSON