FRIDAY, MARCH 11, lty. ROGUE RIYXB COCKIER MOK TEST LADIES' AUXILIARY ANNUAL MEETING Reports of Committee, Election of Offlcera and a Social Meeting Enjoyed by .Many. The Ladies' Auxiliary held a very raj'jibie and helpful meeting In the lub rooms Monday afternoon, there being a large crowd present. The following program was enjoy ed by all: Duet, MIhs Kinney and Mrs. Ireland; talk by Rev. Robt. McLean on the civic improvement work In the cities of Porto Rico, be giving tome very good suggestions for our own city, such as getting hold of available property along the river and foothills to be used for drive way and parks; solo, Mrs. Walker; president's report In full; solo, Man on Clark; reports of secretary and treasurer. Mrs. Gunnell then gave a BplendU report from the civic Im provement committee and some ex tracts from this report will be given next week. Action was then taken on the mat ter of sending a petition to congress protesting agalnHt the Increase of postage on periodicals. It was de cided to send out the petition and se cure as many names as possible. The nominating committee report ed and the following officers were elected for the coming year: Presi dent, Susie Bannnrd; vice-president, Mrs. Sabln; secretary, Mrs. Whar ton; corresponding secretary, Mrs. McCracken; treasurer, Mrs. Norton. At the close of the meeting Mrs. Gunnell, in her pleasing way, pre sented Mr. Clevenger with a dozen liver spoons, the ladles feeling that lie had sacrificed a great denl of comfort the last two years while his wife so faithfully gave her time, strength and thought to the work of the auxiliary, leaving nothing undone that could bo done to make the work and plans a success; and we know that while h may have the name of resting, It will only bo In name n we feel sure her counsel, help and ndvlce will be required at all times The new officers are suro to keep Mt si busy and will contlnuo Mm work ho well started, as the club Is n united body of women who will work together for the Improvement of thl. the "Rose City of Southern Oregon." The Valley Tnlon. At a mooting of the Incorporators of the Rogue River Fruit and Pro duce aoclmion, h,.,i at Medford March 3. Dr. Roddy was selected to secure the subscription of stock with the help of nil the members of the committee. The meeting of jl0 ntock holders will be held nt Medford April 16, at i l n. ni to elect directors and adopt uy-uws, and to attend to any fur ther business. i tils association will undoubtedly .... n,i.",ii , inp Hirgo rruit growers In the valley and It HUntiM have the help of every small fruit raiser. UH ho will be much more benefited than the party who ships rnrio.'iiH. Grant Puss Hhlppcd about a cars of fruit nt year and the whole valley expects to ship Sftn cars this year It b.-hooves iih to kH Into the large association and be helped b.v the large shippers, who realized about tw,.,. as much as the small Otie.H :nt year, The fruit growers of this valley mu tt be united to properly advertise, Rrade. pack uniformly and, lastly "II Hi,, fruit rlKhl. The., o can pn.t.vt ourselves against the organ !M and dishonest commission men and demand j,itleo and riant from a" lUllroads would settle claims promptly, buyers would pav .'ash '"r. :in, the whole valley will pros-P-r Kvery person In this county will b,. benefited by this association, nn I every fruit r.iiu. ...i i im I'liHlllt'SN mm should take at least one share "f s'.vk and more If be can afford tme everything to Rnin and robing to and we should net ''cord!n! . iil CoiikIi Misllcliie for fblblivii. The season for couKhs and colds Is imw st hand and too inucl'i care can rot bo uo,l to protect the children. A child Is much more likely to ion tract diphtheria or scarlet fever when be has a cold. The quicker von cure lis cold the lens the risk. Chamber lain's Cough Remedy U the sole re liance f many mothers, and few of those who have tried It are willing to I'..' an other. Mrs. F. F. Stanhir, of Ripley, V. Va . nays "1 have never used anything other than t'tvMiilierlulu' Cough Komedv for my children, and It has always glveii amid satisfaction." This remedy con t.ims no opium or other narcotic and may be given as confidently to a chil l as to an adult. For sale by M Clemen li.'i tho is l irlo ou r'uriii and Onhird Kom-p at Cramer Uroi. DEPARTMENT COIWAN DER VISITS GRANTS PASS One of the most pleasant social : events of Its kind was held In the tne Oregon country, back over the G. A. R. hall on Front street Thurs-; tral which he and his family used In day afternoon when General Logan j raaking the trip through the wilder poBt and corps met to entertain De- tes3 between Kansas City and The partment Commander I. 8. Shaw, Dalles, Ore., 58 years ago. He will who has been making an extended ; hp accomDanied by W. B. Mardon and trip In the Interests of these orders. The large hall was well filled with an Interested and expectant audience, ' by way or alla Walla, Wash., south all eager to meet and help entertain j weBt 0f Spokane, the distinguished guest. "The Dattle , Thoueh more than 80 years of age. Hymn of the Republic" was sungMeeker i8 endowed with the uncon after which Commander John Pat- j querable spirit of the western set rick and Adjutant J. E. Peterson in-1 tier and is hopeful of carrying out troduced Mr. Shaw as the honorary the work of marking the trail from guest and first speaker for the after-' east to west In memory of the brave noo;i. He was followed by Rev. Mc-! m n1 women who blazed the way Lean, Rev. Leach and Dr. Carter. j that led to the opening of the Pa As all of these speakers, with the Cf(C empire, before his spirit crosses exception of Rev. Leach were of the boys of 61." each having served through the "dangers and hardships , more terrible than any encountered by the armies of other lands In the four years of bloody strife, nnd who today are proud to be veterans of,wnch the Meeker party will start the Civil war and membon of the ' within three months, Is to secure data Grand Army of the Republic. While each address was remlnls-; cent of the soldier's life on the battle-' field, march and camp, the present need of perpetunflng and preserving an undivided land was not forgotten. ; tor did the department command-1 er forget the grand and noble work of the Woman's Relief Corps, the only accepted auxiliary of the Grand Army of the Republic Cerlty by subscribing whatever money The song, "America," closed the may bo necessary, in addition to the entertainment, after which refresh-j appropriation contemplated by the ments were served and a pleasant government. old-time social hour was spent In It Is planned to select a represen mnklng the acquaintance of Com-'tatlve from each historical society manner nnw ana renewing the good-. fellowship between post and corps. Roosevelt May Have Fever. British residents as well as natives are wondering, says a cable from Gondokoro, whether Colonel Roose velt, who sailed yesterday for Khar toum, Is disease proof as well as ac cident proof. No sooner had the o onel and his party started on their trip down the Mle than several cases of African fever broke out among those who had beer, In close touch with Roosevelt and today Dr. Trosch. Jr 7m 1 Wh t0k d'n , r rdn' died of the fever. The district com- ;ih ?h7i, rr n8,r,dten TJl In entertnlnlng the colonel the Similar reports come from Kampala district, where a scourge of African fever developed a few days after the hunting party de parted. Friends of ex-President Roosevelt In Washington are Bomewhat worried over a statement made by Captain Fritz Duquesne, noted African lion hunter, says a special, that "Bwana Tu mho" and the other members of bis party nre likely to be stricken with the dread sleeping sickness, or African fever, when they net back to civilization. The news rhierf from Afrlen tht n- r i . ,1 Trosch, a missionary, had been strlck- ' en with fever and died within a few uuur i'K hours after tnkln. in,.. ..,. " x "mi voionei Roosevelt, prompted nunuesne's nre.' dlctlon. . "T, , inn Roosevelt oniiiMnn k.' been In more than a score of tones ! of the sleeping sickness," said Du-1 every memher of the party now has " "i "'inn. it n,nv not ,""BI1IIP wwynneviiie, ind "I develop until they reach Europe or 'ilkl Kr,,1,t I'b'asure In testifying to' z,::,"!.",,1; ;;,w.'??'l5k ' g rona to allow Mr. Roosevelt and preparation that meets so fully the tii tin in nix viiina if mH llfll lllllilM , . I ..." ...n. iu r.-iurn to mis country , without having a bacteriological ex- amlnatlon made of their blood Mark ! , 1 '""tains no opium, chloro iv ,(, , , I :s'ar i form or morphine It certalnlv makes m words before the nnrtv p..i i.f .. ' nl',KrK i.nn'it', rimer African fever or the or sleeping sickness' will break out among them." Columbia and Hartford ni.ycles. now models, at Cramer nros. lVnwnds Pay for Taking Cold 197. .Tu.1i J. SdinW WVImt.M ilUmlniM tho Jury ht h hoard tho cvld.Mico and armimonK and d.vld.-d for tho il.'fotu.v An npVii to tln Hiunnio court may fallow 1lMtli Mtlllnnn' ri'.idv i".i. paint rover more mtrf.i.v, it (he longeKt and Rive the h-wf n'isf. 1 1 ,,tl of any paint on the market if hi.ildlnR ned mini1 u: ,.t u, 0. ummr me cost r,r veil K,.s 'Sue Thi (mrdr fr tumult tor ,VH . Virnt nt It Li... i i.. .,... . n ek Llilnov ,.i,-., ... . . v .X. . , . . States was the notion Instituted bv a .Z t&l the state of Washington, on the re- Pa;K,s are frcuent. vantv SZZZT tlJ'li latlon of K.C, Merchant, of Spokane, ',il!''f"' , v7 to recover $:,000 damages for a cold ni!X'M 1 """ nd Sjr'LL7"?-r contracted while serving as n iM , , E'&'tJSStt'!! ('KU I II Tin Till II in (H M IhA inli., I .... -M i f JUKI HuAfttf In the superior court In December fro. " tU,iy EZRA MEEKER, PIOXEER, TO START ACROSS CONTINENT Lumbering oxen, yoked to a batter ed prairie schooner, with Its tar bucket swinging from Its rear axle, wilj carrjr ZTtL Meeker, pioneer of Mrs. Mardon and two helpers, the party following the trail eastward the great divide. He retraced the 0ld trail In 1906, erecting granite memorials in the larger towns and cities, also visiting President Roose- Velt at the White House. The purpose of the trip, upon and other Information necessary to map the trail and to arouse interest in ft ramnalzn for funds with which to complete the work. There Is a committee bill before congress ap- proprlatlng $50,000 to provide gran ite monuments and markers, but a clause requires the father of the idea and the various historical soci- etles interested to manifest their sin- In the six states covered by the trail to assist In locating the over land route and placing the monu ments. Spades, Rakes, Hoes and Pruning Shears at Cramer Bros. Indian Educator Weds, News has been received of the mar- rlaKB at IIot Sprngg Ark of , Eiitollo Reel Buperlntendent of all : the Indlan Bchoo,9( to Cort M promlnPnt ranchep at Tonpenl8h Wa8 Miss Reel was considered the n,09t effldpnt wonian In e govern- nmt - Sho .e second 8tate gupprln.endent of pubc ,n. 8Wt,on ln the 8,ate Wyoming, ""ted . fall of nn, and i was relected. At her second election ! ohn laaiift.-f an a1i1rin 4 . i of the state, calling upon them for ....v- ...ut.u ui, numenn lu tile iOWUOys their support and the result wa Rh secured the vote of nearly every cat- tleman and cowboy In Wyoming. Planet Jr. Garden Tools in all styles at Cramer Bros. I IWe Suicide Is not nearly the menace to increase in population that deaths among ln - fants are. Klght out of ten of these deaths are directly or indirectly causea oy oowel troubles. McGee's O..K.. tuui ... - Lures oiarrnoea. dysen- mri . roiit nrnmnih anA nil f--i allmotl,s of this nature. Just the ,hln for t,,,blng babies. Price 25c nna ' l"r Dottle, f Sold by National DruK Store L . ds silent miMmTu". ' courier Wnnt . . ""'"I ' ougl, Medicine, in a class by itself." says Dr. R. A. wiiiMinrp ir f!u-v...w..-iii t .ta... t i I . M i", unions ot :ne most exacting V1 of ''r",II, n,u, ,hs of ch II- ; -l . I'lnimiiii ami enicai'lr us remedy for the s It Ij ins ntendod " For sale by M. ( lemons. SIGNALS OM)ISTRESS Grunts IW ',.p,. Should Know How to llcmt and 1 1 ! Ihcn,. "-t.-d Kid,,.,, no,d nu,,k "' 'l' V i "p'vln! kldni'v reni-dv lo;itr Kidney IMII cure k kid lii'. '.'n -he it ii.l iifln iv .i i ... !li!l'e , ' HITS ."tr;i!. of J.i, ksonvllle I'll-, ti sc.! i.-i i I am it hul to av that thev ""' l'''''.'lv Tht r.'tnejv rnme o ai, , m. lU,iri1)l from ;l' Kl" 'V'- ;,n'1 n'" "f nr;tude t ree o" iii-nd It hUhlv." tor t,v ii ,i,.i..r '"J'nt Koster-Mllhurn 0,i Prlee r0 nuffalo. iteni-mher th aud tik no other nmut Doaa'a ... ...e msiory or , ' ,i ,7 V ' Ilit Nik 2 H. D. NORTON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Practice In all State and Federal Courts. Office Opera House BIdg. Grant Pass, Oregon OLIVER 8. BROWN, LAWYER ' Office over Bijou Theater Grants Pass - - Oregon 0. S. B LAN CHARD, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Practice in all State and Federal Courts. Banking & Trust Co. Bldg. Grants Pass, Oregon Calling Cards at the Courier. Texas Doctor Arrested. Dr. J. T. Newberry, of New Hary, Tex., is accused of having given the six-year-old daughter of George Christian poison Instead of quinine, which caused her death and he Is now under arrest charged with negligent homicide. Apples Cure Llqtior Habit. In an address before the State Hor ticultural society of Iowa, Dr. Samuel Bailey, of Mount Aire, a member of the National Medical society, de clared that apple eating would kill the taste for cocktails and other strong drinks. He said it was the meat eaters who became addicted to strong drink and advocated fruit eating as a solution of the liquor problem. J. J. nill's Prediction. James J. Hill, of the Great North ern, In an address delivered at St. Paul to the Minnesota Retail Hard ware Dealers' association, predicted that we are to have fifteen more years of prosperity for farmers in the northwest particularly with the adoption of Improved methods of farming. He said: "The cause of the increased cost of living Is the result of two things: First, the natural Increase in the population of the nation and secondly the fact that production has not In creased." Coin Comes Fast, One hundred dollars a minute for the first half-hour. That tells the story of how the soliciting committee of the Crater T I. - t. t 1 . ignite nignway commission was re- I celved ,ocal business men when ( 11 8iartei out shortly before noon Thur8(,a'- Thlrty names had been signed pledging $100 each In a shade under 30 minutes. Oliver Plows at Cramer Bros. A Pleasant Physic. When you want a pleasant physic Klve "amuerlaln's Stomach and i Llver Tablets a trial. They are mild : and Kent'? in their action and always ,ruuu,e a Pleasant cathartic effect. i r f i . . . VKlut"8 urK store ror a free sample. Investors Flood Portland.- r. e. Hooker, manaeer of the i land department of Hartraan & ThomPson- bankers, Portland, states tha' the demand for timber, lands, rarms and orchards Is unprecedented aud that the record of sales is amaz ing. If you wish to buy or sell it may pay you to write to him. 3-4-2t Calling (.'ards at Courier. PaintesDentistry On ef low opki i kin ttwlr pltt 1 bridacwork So. b4 la on fef ?an7- II" w TV"" $3.5 j.V 'M i'"" vrtmi o.U ISllvw riDinn .6 .5 rurT ".T.rV tmi.fui.t, PORTLAND. ORfAnM mm aetu. t . m. h i. h. sWiii i S. I. T1MK TAHI.K. NoillilKuind. No. H (Mall) overland. .6:35 p. m. No. 14 raspner 9:47 p. m. No. 18 Portland local. . .9:10 a. m. Shasta IJmltcd (malt) .. .3:34 a. tn. Soullibouiul. No. 15 Overland 9:10 am No. 13 Passenger (mall) 2:04 p. m. Qka.t. f I I . - I ... . iiuiiiru vmaiw . . . :so a. in. No. II Ashland local ..10:11p.m. . Ir ni . 4 n , iuum rmun lu Easter Dyes and Easter Post f artfk JT UM Vai U3 BUY Any Old Thing or Any New Thing SECOND HAND That yo i have to sell such as Furniture, Hardware, Tinware Guns, etc. See me and get my prices before disposing of your goods, You will be surprised at the prices I pay. Special Prices on Carpets, Rug's. Linoleums IKE M. DAVIS Our Sale of Vehicles has been so great that we have had to order ANOTHER CAR OF STUOEBAKER VERMES" Consisting of AUTOMOBILE SEAT BUGGIES RUBBER TIRED BUGGIES NOVELTIES IN BUGGIES We have a Fine assortment of Lap Robes ranging in Price from $3.00 to $20.00 JEWELL HARDWARE COMPANY BY SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT WITH THE SAN FRANCISCO BULLETIN San Francisco's Greatest Daily The Courier is enabled to offer old and new subscribers both papers for $3 per Year ,nt; Th?i Bullftia P1u?,i.shcs the Associated Press report of the entire world, and m addition covers every important town on Pacific Coast by special correspondents. ' mi n ,V7 jnc-h of ilf is "l,ve with crisp, readable material sitor after you have once rend P a Clemens Sells Drugs and Boob The Helping Hand An Electric-lighted Window 13 a helping hand to increased business. It extends for you the glad hand of business fellowship to every possible customer. A well lighted store inside and out, makes good friends, and good friends make good customers. Our expert can show you the best and cheapest methods of sign and window lighting. 'Phone for him. ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. Grant Pass, Ore. 1mm II i it. ' W I V