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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1910)
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 110. Ope Page The Feneo tlmt OUTLASTS THEM ALL. Admitted to be the tStxonest Wire Fence in existence. Tents hy pprtn prove that I'AGK u'iKK hHH double i - ini i rt-nnt h nl ilie'iest nKiemr steel used In contuiou wire tuce. And iweiity live 'Mi8 of com luuma len lj i ml iimm i.iuvb thui It durability is phuometiHl No other wire feuce haa eq - i l-n n im Urn i il inbf'oi ivie, untr Ike iiiobI treme condUloiia to which a if "".iv nuliiii ii-l This wonderful wire Is Hi -Cerl'oii, Hr-iic Onen (ieiirlh 8tel. It baa i.ot been weakened by weld ing. The Page Knot THK KNOT THAT WO'T t !; F1' U i;Iv of continuous wlr and Is not a mere "Btaple" or "hlnB" to unwrap or a weld" t wiakeu iln. wires. No kink of the horizontal wire; no ra uils to cat.h. p ill wui.l or ein-i-aio r. -it to poU-m tiie whole fabric. The galvanizing ' I'"" betier tliau is used on i-miiiiinii i.v.e wire, giving ulinoat ltl'ST-1'.E-SlftTANf'K. The spiral coil Kiv the marvelous KLASTKTf V which pieveuts sagging aud adapta PAGE FENCE to hills imd lior - vs. The coll supplies the TKN.S V whloh makes PAGE FENCE Belf-nupportlng over a long span, thus savlne &0 posts every 10 i rods, ln-sldes savlni btaplts, uallB and labor. PAGE RABBIT AND STOCK FEMCES are the very best that money an buy or modern sH'in-e pruame, they are guaranteed twice as FtroiiK as any fences sold; bett-r spinas, they will a.Uuily luia j abblta no gutsd .oik or failures, and it l not necessary for "prrtpction nunlnst stock,;, foir or more strands of barbed wire" to be stret hed along side a PA '.E FENCE the fenco protects Itself. PAGE FENCE Bells for far 1 -hh money, quality i oiisld'-ied, than any other fence besides we furo lHh man and tools and assist In the erection of every rod of PAGE FENCE without extra cost. Wa guarantee every rod. Examine all fences of all makes then call and we will show you PAGE FENCE and explain Its superiority and give you prices on any amount or style. We fence farms complete, and can give you estimates on any amount of either regular or special feni'es. Gaddis & Dixon "rS Sr J. D. FRANKLIN, Local Representative OffiMwiihCoronDooih Hard wart Company GRANTS PASS, OREGON iiiiio Third Of U. S. Government Lands ! Umatilla Project At Hermiston, Oreg'on February lO, 1910 For the above occasion the Oregon Railroad & Navi gation Co. and Southern Pacific Company Lines in Oregon will make an open rate of One and One-Third Fare for the round trip from all points in their lines to Hermiston. Tickets on sale February Oth and 7th, with final return limit February 20, 1910. Free booklet, Issued by the govern ment, containing full Information as to cost, how to file, water rights, etc., may be obtained from any O. It. & N. or S. P. agent, or by writ ing to WM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent. ire Fence V i.'XJ 11 - Unit j V v1 I tOQVM &IVER COUUlfiU INCREASE RATE IN SECOND-CLASS NAIL House Managers Plan to Tack Law Onto the Appropriation BUI. Arthur Wallace Dunn writing from Washington says there is no doubt that an effort will be made in con gress to increase the rate on second class mall matter. That rate Is now 1 cent a pound, and It Is alleged by the post office department that car rying the newspapers and periodicals of tne country at that rate causes a net loss of $64,000,000 a year. These figures, however, have evoked deris ive comment In well-Informed con gressional circles. The house postofflce committee is going to hold hearings some time this month for the purpose of ascertaining the facts regarding second-class mail. Not only will the postofflce depart ment be heard, but the publishers will be given an opportunity to show how second-class mail causes more extended use of the first-class mall, thus, Indirectly, creating postofflce business and revenue. The effort to increase the rate on second-class matter will be made through a provision ln"orporated In the postofflce appropriation bill. Such a provision will be subject to a point of order, but to get around the rules of the house, which the house managers claim to be so necessary and sacred, a special rule will be brought In providing that the regular rule shall be violated In "order thnt this lncreae In second-class metter may be made a part of the postofflce annropriatlon bill. Those who are advancing an Increase on second-class matter say they must put it In the postofflce appropriation bill, ns It would be killed In the senate If It were a separate measure. There ought to be a warm contest over this question, and It will be In teresting to see whether the Insur gents and the democrats will stand against the house organization and prevent the adoption of this particu lar rule. A postal commission consisting of three senators and three representa tives recently gave much time and careful consideration to the proposed legislation for the postofflce depart ment and after a most painstaking research the commission decided that the rate of one cent a pound on second-class matter should be allow ed to remain. It would be strange If the men who composed that com mission and who are still in congress should be persuaded to vote for an Increase In the rate on second-class matter. One reason suggested for this In crease Is that certain magazines have been muckraking congressmen and other public officials, and It was thought It would be a good thing to punish them. "I am not In thm pun ching business," remarked Chairman Weeks when this phase, of tho nfter was sueTPsted to htm. "It Is not the province of congress to punish persons because of offenses of that kind." There Is more Catarrh in this sec tion of the country than all other disepscs put togethpr, and until the last fw ynrs was supposed to be In curable. For a great many years doctors pronounced It a local dis ease, and presTibod lo"al remedies, and by constantly falllnq; to euro with lnpnl trnttnent. pronounced It Incur able. Science has provn catarrh to be a constitutional d Won si and there fore ren'tlrf" "institutional treat ment. HnTs Pm'shIi Cur", mnnu- fa"tnred bv F. J. Cheney A Co., Tole do. Ohio, Is the only constitutional cure on the market. It Is taken In ternally In doses from 10 drons to n tenspoopfnl. Tt fcs nlretlv on h" blood and mucous s"rfaees of the HVtem. Tncv offer one hundred dol lars for any cpsp It fails to cure. Send for elr'lns sn,1 ""tlmorlnH Ad-d-es: F. J. CHENEY ft CO., To'edo, Ohio. B'ld bv dniKelsts. 7Sc. Tok" Ualfs Family Pills for con stipation. Legal Blanks at the Courier. I'.apy HuihIm will get Into mis hlef-often it means a burn or nit or s'iild. Apply Hn'lnrd's Snow I leltnent Just as soon as the accident, happens, und the pain will be rclli'Vi'l whlie the wound wi.. h'-al quickly aid n! !:. cure for Hpruln:, t'h"imHtlsni and all pulps. Price I'Ti", Tiftc and $1.00 a bottle. Sold by National Drug Store, 5 W at Grotrar-niir dim t frvm M .NO XOINTI ',' Our trrr mr croon ulrtiHIf ' WITHOUT IRRIGATION Wrlta fr fn mUIo lrira ttotk tit Vftrtut Lm ml tablv f ur tun bivrtal irulirtM Cho'K f ni't, Nut luf OnMatal Tint, trip . Vint, tmll Frutf flU Mid k'nlit7 The Dai.i.ks NfKfriurs MaUGBu. Utl Oru4 lr,rort)ta4,Or. Woman Heads Tax List. Not Mr. Carnegie and bis millions in steel, but a woman with millions left her by her husband, heads the list of personal tax assessments made public In New York. She is Mrs. Emma B. Kennedy, widow of John Kennedy. She must pay taxes on personal property valued at $6,000, 000. Mr. Carnegie, who topped the list last year, tied this year for second place with Mrs. Russell Sage at $5,- 000,000. John D. Rockefeller comes third, with personal property assess ed at $2,500,000, and in fourth place Is Florence Amslck, Bessie McLeod and W. K. Vanderbllt, who each are assessed at $1,000,000. Arrested a cough that has been hanging on for over two months by taking Ballard's Horehound Syrup. If you have a cough, don't wait stop It at once with this wonderful remedy. Splendid for coughs, cold on chest, Influenza, hronchitis and pulmonary troubles. Price 25c, 50c and $1.00. Sold by National Drug Store. Worn Out. That's the way you feel about the lungs when you have a hacking cough. It's foolish ness to let It go on nnd trust to luck tb get over it, when Mallard's Horehound Syrup will Btop the cough' and heal the lungs. Price 25c, 50c and $1.00 per bottle. Sold by National Drug Store. Empire City,, on Coos Bay, was the first portion of the county settled by the whites, when the Coos Bay com pany, consisting of Maple, Harris, Thrift, Lockhart, Foley and others, arrived there from Jacksonville, Ore., In the summer of 1853. TEACHERS' EXAMINATIONS. Notice Is hereby given that the county superintendent of Josephine county will hold the regular examina tion for applicants for state and county papers at Grants Pass, as fol lows: For State Tapers Commencing Wednesday, February 9, 1910, at 9 o'clock, a. m., and continuing until Saturday, February 12, at 4 p. m. Wednesday: penmanship, history, spelling, physical geography, rend ing, psychology. Thursday: Written arithmetic, theory of teaching, gram mar, bookkeeping, physics, civil government. Friday: Physiology, geography, composition, algebra, English literature, school law. Sat urday: Botany, plane geometry, gen eral history. For County Papers Commencing Wednesday, February 9, 1910, at 9 o'clock a. m., and continuing until Friday, Februnry 11, at 4 p. m. Wednesday: Penmanship, history, or thography, reading, physical geo graphy. Thursday: Written arith metic, theory of teaching, grammar, physiology. Friday: Geography, school law, civil government, English literature. LINCOLN SAVAGE, Grants Pass, Ore., County Snpt. January 17, 1910. NOTICE OF ITMilCATION. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Rosebnrg, Ore., January 22, 1910. Notice Is hereby given that Arthur H. Daniels, of Dryden, Oregon, who, on March 17, 1904, made Homestead Vopllcatlon (030S4), No. 1H417, for RE 'I of NWU, nnd NEV4 of SWV. Action 4, Township 38 South, Range 7 West, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make Fin al Five Year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before ,Tnqrph Moss, V. S. Commissioner, at his office, nt Grants Pass, Oregon, on the 17th day of March, 1910. Claimant names ns witnesses: William Maston, of Dryden, Oregon; ,ferlon F. Crooks, of Dryden, Ore con: John D. Walton, of Giants Pass; William Turner, of Grants Pass, Oro t;on. BENJAMIN F. JONES, Register. NOTICE Hilt ITIILICATION. Department of the Interior. U. S, Land Office at Rosebnrg, Ore. January 17, 1910. Notice Is hereby elven thnt Charles H. McCann, of Wlldervllle, Oregon, ho, on March 23, 1903, made Homestead Application (03456), No. 1 r r. 2 n , for nwv, of ne", , n4 of and SWV, of NWV , Section 18, Township 37 South, Range 6 West, Wlllumetto Meridian, ban filed ""tlce of Intention to make Final Five Year Proof, to establish claim to tb land nbovo described, before foseph Mosa, V. S. Commissioner, at Mi f if f Iff) at Grants Pass, Oregon, on ! Mie ?.t. day of February, 1910. I Claimant nntnevi as witnesses: ''rlc Eibson, Lenjamln F. Hull, fames C. K. McCann, Richard A. l.lndsev, all of Wlldervllle, Oregon. BENJAMIN F. JONES, neglsten. NOTICE TO CRIMtlTOItS. Notice Is hereby given, that, (1. A. , Baldwin, the undersigned, has been 'appointed fidnilnlntrator of the estate of Henry J. ltogers, deceased, by the 'County Court for Josephine .County, .Oregon, and all persons having claims ii gainst snld i slate lire hereby noti ced to present the same, duly veri fied, to the undersigned administra tor ut the law office of II. I). Norton, at Grants Pass In Josephine County, Oregon, on or beforo the expiration of tx months from the dr.te of the first publication of this notice. Date of first publication, Novem ber 10, 1909. Q. A, BALDWIN, Administrator. PAG1 SBVE.N NOTICE OP FORFEITURE. To Qeorge B. Hayes, his heirs or assigns, Greetings: Notice Is here by given that the undersigned has, In compliance with the Revised Sta tutes of the United States and the laws of the State of Oregon, per formed the annual assessment or development work unon the Sa turn," "Humboldt." "Western." Roseburg" and "May Oneen" nmrit lcWe mining .claims, situated In Ten nessee Gulch, Kerby (unorganized) Mining ' District. Josenhlno Oregon, for the calendar year Nine teen Hundred and nine Msnav nnri that unless you, the said George B. nayes, pay your Just and due pro portion as owner of an undivided one-fifth interest in the said mlntnar claims, to-wlt: The sum of One Hun- area Dollars ($100.00) for the year Nineteen Hundred and Nine nnntn within ninety (90) days from date or punncauon or this notice, your said one-fifth Interest in the afore said mining claims will become the property Of the underRln-nort In an. cordance with law, WM. HUSELTON, GEO. A. HUSELTON, Co-Owners. Date of first nilhllnoHnn l.n. 14, 1910. ' NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice la herehv s-l von that lTw- IP - I v..u ace T. Dav. the linrloroloTioH t... been appointed administrator 'of the r.siiue oi r . . uay, deceased, by the County Court for .Inannhlm. V,n - 1'"'" vvuuii Oregon, and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby umiiiea io present the same, duly verified, to the undersigned admin istrator at the law office of H. D. Norton nt Grants Tass In Josephine County, Oregon, on or beforo the ex-1 Plration of six months from the date of first publication of this notice. Date Of first nnhllentlnn TWam. ber 24, 1909. HORACE T. DAY, Administrator. CONTEST' NOTICE. Department of th Tntori U. S. Land Office, Roseburg, Ore., December 21, 1909. A sufficient, contpst rriinvit low ing been flkd In this office by Mar tin A. Conger, contestant, agalnBt Homestead Entrv. No. 04ftfiK. mHa May 6, 1909, for SEVi, Section 2, Township 37 S., Range 6 W. Willam ette Meridian, by Edward Crum, con- tCStee. In Which it la nllm, Ihol said Edward Crum has wholly abandoned said tract; that he has changed his residence therefrom for more than six months since making said entry; that said tract Is not set tled upon and cultivated by said party as required by law; that said Edward Crum has not erected any buildings, there has been no clenrlng of any kind and no Improvements whatever made upon said premises; snld parties are hereby notified to nppear, respond, and offer evidence touching snld allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on Februnry 5, 1910, before Joseph Moss, U. 8. Commissioner, at his office In Grants Pass, Oregon, and that final hearing will be held at 11 o'clock a. m. on February 16, 1910, before the Register and Re ceiver at the Uunlted States Land Office In Roseburg, Oregon. The said contestant having, In a proper affidavit, filed December 21, 1909, set forth facts which show that after due diligence personal service of this notice ran not be made, It It hereby ordered and directed that such notice ba given by due and proper publication. BENJAMIN L. EDDY, Register. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice Is herehv irlven. thnt Sarah E. Perdue, the undersigned, has been appointed administratrix of the es tate of Bert E. Perdue, deceased, by the County Court for Josephine County, Oregon, nnd all persons hav ing claims agalris snld esfcite are hereby notified to present the name, duly verified, to the undersigned administratrix nt th law office of II. I). Norton at Grnnts Pass In Jose, till Inn County, Oregon, or or before the expiration of six months from the date of first publication of this notice. Date of first publication December 24, 11109. SARAH E. PEHDFE, Administratrix. ( 'O N'T EST N( TH E. Depnrtment of the Interior. V. S. Lnnd Office, Roseburg, Ore. December 16, 1909, A sufficient contest affidavit hav ing been filed In this office by Harry L. Lewis, contestant, against Home stead Entry No. 1 3324, made Janu ary 9, 1904, for NW4 SE'4, NIC ',4 SWU nnd RW4 NWV, Section 8, Township 35 S., Range 7 W. Willam ette Meridian, by Henry E. Streltx, contestee, In which It Is alleged thnt snld Henry E. Streltz has made no Improvement on said binds except to erect n small cabin thereon; that he has made no effort to Improve or cultivate said land with a view of obtaining a homo for himself; that be has wholly abandoned snld land nnd has not been upon same since October 1, 1908; that ho died about January 15, 1909, leaving Ferdinand fitreltz, a brother, as his heir, ad dress not known; that since bis death his heirs, or any other, person acting for tliem, have not resided upon or cultivated snld tract; said parties are hereby notified to appear, respond, and offer evidence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m., on February 4, 1910, before Joseph Moss, If, S, Commissioner, at hit office In Grants Pass, Oregon, and that final hearing will be held at 11 o'clock n. m. on February H, 1910, before tlm Register and Re ceiver nt the United States Land Of fice In RoHchurg, Oregon. The said contestant hnvlnit. In n proper affi davit, filed December 1(1, 1909, set forth facts which show thnt. after due dlllgunre personal service of this notice cannot be made, It It ! hereby ordered nnd directed that ; such notice be given by duo and proper publication. I (Signed) ! BEN JAM !V KVA', -frr, WV WVWVU