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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1910)
FRIDAY, FEBRCARY 4, 1910. THE ROGUE RIVER COURIER lAGE FIVE Rough House Chocolates are so good that if you will buy a box we will guarantee to sell you an other. Try them on your wife or best girl we will make them the same prom ise. It's a Bure thing and you'll be delighted. One pound box will bring that happy smile so necessary to the welfare of every family. We have many testimonials which will be cheerfully furnished to any doubters. Remember it's the ROUGH HOUSE CHOCOLATES. Sabin TShQ Druggist There will be a grand reduction in the price of photographs , for a few . days only at the Grants Pass Art Studio. Don't forget the chance. 1-2 12t RIG DISCOUNT on HEATING STOVES at the Rogue River Hdwe. Co.'s for a short time only. COFFEE DRINKERS OUR NEW HOBART ELECTRIC COFFEE MILL is now Installed. The largest and only completely equipped mill for pulverizing coffee (n this section, thereby insuring at least one-third in the saving of Coffee. One ounce per day means over 22 pounds per year. Is It Worth Saving? We can also grind it fine or gran ulate it, as you prefer. A FRESH LOT CHASE is SANBORN ROASTED COFFEE JUbC ARRIVED Seal Coffee in 1-pound cans.... 40c Seal Coffee in 2-pound tos....Oc "Q" Blend, Amber and Special pea Berry, at 23c V Order some White House Grocery ANNOUNCEMENT 10 A. V. BANNARD'S CLEARANCE SALE llavlaf too mmnj goods for the sea, will snake a cut in price that suoald sell qalck fur ctuili. IRON E!. at $2.00 and a p. YUM VI J SPRINGS IXJft. MAViuSKEH at 12.90 aad up. DU. SSlltH at M.50 aat a p. LACK CURTAINS at 80c fir, a4 ap. lUM'KKKM at 11.00 an4 up. CARPETS at Sftc aad a a. MATTING at 12 He and a p. HUGS at all prlrea from SOc U $00.00 rach. And rT t'ug In the boas at proportionate ark-e. Too will liw i..v.v if voa bay elsewhere l-rfore arWag goU aal price. The i Ht from. S LINOLEUM, Ort F.vcryUtl A. U. BIMNARH PERSONAL AND LOCAL J. C. Mattlson, of Galice, was a Grants Pass visitor this week. Miss Mattle McGee, of Ashland, as in this city for a few days' visit this week. Vern Launer visited his mother at Dallas for a few days last week, re turning to this city Monday. Ijos. Wolke returned from Oak land, Ore., Monday morning, where he had been on a business trip. Mrs. Egbert Robblns came up from Roseburg Tuesday to visit with, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Day. Mrs. Fred Gumpert arrived here Thursday from Portland to visit for while with old-time friends. Mrs. A. L. Slover returned to her home at Medford Saturday, after a few days in this city with friends. ! Miss Hazel Corliss, who has stent the past few months at Portland, re- ;urned to her home In this city Tues day. Mr. and Mrs. 0. 0. Bunch return ed from their honeymoon trip spent at Eugene and Portland last Mon day. Sam Neas came in from the Green back this week for a short visit with his wife, returning Thursday to his duties at the mine. J. D. Williams and son, of Wil liams, were in this city on Wednes day en route to Roseburg on a busi ness and pleasure trip. Mrs. James Slover, who ha3 spent the past two weeks at a Portland hospital, returned to her home in this city Thursday much improved in health. Geo. E. Good returned to his home at La Grande Monday, after a few days' visit with hi3 daughter, Mrs. E. H. Lister, in this city. Mrs. W. R. Nipper spent Saturday and Sunday in Central Point the guest of Mrs. Anna Moon. ' She re turned to this city Sunday evening. Mrs. A. W. Moon, who spent sev eral days in this city with friends and relatives last week, returned to her home at Central Point last Sat urday. Speclnl Sale on Outing Flannel Nite Hobos at Bishop's. Herbert Sampson, of Portland, has been a Grants Pass visitor during the past, few days and is assisting his father in making the famous Samp son spray. He expects to remain in this city about a month. Mrs. Edith Rehkopf returned on Sunday from her trip to San Francis co, where she had been to select her new spring millinery. She also visit ed her daughter, Mrs. Carl Allen, at Oakland and her sister, Mrs. Doer fus, at Weed. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Palethorpe and daughter, Mabel, stopped in this city Saturday evening for a few days' visit with old-time friends. The Pale thorpes were former residents of this city and are on their way to Los Angeles to visit friends. Dennis McCarthy, a former Grant? Pans boy, Is in this city visiting his brother, Andy McCarthy, and his sister, Mrs. Jos. Roach. Dennis has been a resident of Sacramento for the.past few years and this Is his first visit to his old home town for some time. Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Kellogg, of Ashland, arrived here Monday to visit with old time friends, as they were former residents of this city. While here they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Smith and Mr. and Mrs. James Gibson. They left Thursday for Glendale to visit friends. Pruning Raws and Shears that will stand the wear and at prices that are right at the Rogue River Hard ware Co.'i. '.r KMOOIt MAT fre rf. PERSONAL AND LOCAL Miss Laura Mitchell left Thursday for Yreka, Cal., to visit with friends for a short time. Mrs. R. G. Gale, who has been visit at the J. D. Cook home in this city, left on Thursday for her home at Medford. Mrs. W. A. Blair, of Yreka, Cal., arrived here Thursday evening to visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mitchell. Florence Norbury. left Tuesday evening for her home in Oklahoma, after several months spent in this city for the benefit of her health. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roper return ed to their home in this city Thurs day evening after an absence of four weeks visiting friends and relatives in San Francisco. The Ladles' Benefit society of the Presbyterian church will give a sup per at Hall's hall the evening of Feb ruary 22. Further announcement later. J. H. Matthews, of Seattle, has been looking after business affairs in this city this week. He is inter ested in mining properties in Jose phine county. s Don't Forget the Pendleton Robes and Blankets at Bishop's. Rev. D. H. Leech and wife return ed Monday evening from Ashland where Rev. Leech held services last Sunday. The Newman M. E. church will hold its regular services this coming Sunday, with the pastor in charge. Mr. and Mrs. Edw. Olney, of Port land, were greeted by a large and in telligent audience at W. 0. W. hall Thursday afternoon. After the lec ture many were successfully treated. Do not fall to see the healer while he Is in our city. 2-4-lt The plastering is being done in the new Newman M. E. church parson age this week and the building is fast nearing completion. When finish ed, which will be about the middle of March, this will be one of the finest and most commodious dwell ings in the city. M. E. Sturtevant has purchased from E. Bayer the 2 -acre tract adjoining his A street property on the east. This additional land adds greatly to the value of the Sturte vant holdings in connection with the fine residence on the west. The Jacob Stlne representatives have arrived. See the large display of Portland real estate at Store, 304 6th street, opposite Western hotel. Lots $500, $20 down and $10 a month: no Interest, no taxes, free improvements. Last chance to get close in Portland property at these prices. Open evenings. Will E. Seal arrived from Port land Saturday to accept a position with the Grants Pass Hardware Co., and will have charge of the plumb in k nnd tin shop departments. Mr. Seal Is a recent arrival from Ohio and his family is still in that state. They will come to Grants Pass as Boon as Mr. Seal secures a suitable location. Dr. J. B. Boyd and Raymond E. Nlcholls, both of Seattle, spent the past few days in and around Grants Pass, having come for the purpose of looking over the country. They returned to taelr home Wednesday evening, stating before leaving that they were satisfied with what they saw and would soon return. J. B. McCraeken and Mont Parker started on their return to Hamilton, Wash., Thursday night after spend ing a couqle of weeks in this county looking it over. They will take with them some samples of big fruits and vegetables which will open the eyes of their neighbors. It Is probable they will return to make their home in this section. Among the out of town visitors at Grants Pass Thursday were T. M. Janney, of Medford; J. T. Atchison, of Glendale; J. B. WIlllamB, of Cen tral Point; Mrs. A. Slover, of Med ford; G. W. Grover, of Eagle Point; J. H. McFall, of Central Point; Pink Coleman, of Hornbrook, and Mrs. H. A. Peachy, of Jacksonville, all of them coming here to consult Dr. Flndley, the eye, ear, nose and throat specialist. 8(rork with Flying 8t-1. Millard Kanle on Wednesday seri ously Injured his eye while splitting wood on the Hammersley place about three- miles from town. The young man wss driving a wed when a silver of steel flew off, striking him In the eyo and penetrating th ball. Rnnle pullod out the plerp of steel and walked the throe mil to Dr. Fledley's office to have the Injured mfrihr sttfndf'd to. It w found nersary to take two stitches In the o"fMn rovprlng. Although tho In 'urv I a prlnn ono It In quite proli xin that th sluht of the eye will not be sffivted. PERSONAL AND LOCAL . S. Bowden returned from Seattle Thursday where he had spent sev eral days on business. Ed Kuykendall, of Roseburg, was a business visitor in this city for a few days this week. H. C. Hough made a business trip to Portland this week, returning to this city on Thursday afternoon. Roberts $3.00 lint Bishop is sell ing it at $2.00. Mrs. D. R. Walker and daughter, Delia, of-Gold Hill, were in this city Thursday on a shopping expedition. Mrs. Chas. White, of Woodvllle, was a Grants Pass visitor on Satur day, shopping and visiting friends. S. S. Metzger, a magazine writer of some note, is a guest of the West ern hotel of this city. He is looking over the country with a view to mak ing Investments and locating here. Mr. and Mrs. John Patrick left on this morning's train to visit their son, Dick Patrick, and family at Woodvllle for a few days and to make the acquaintance of the new grandson, born last Sunday. Miss Beatrice Fox, of Sayre, Penn., has arrived In Grants Pass with the intention of making this her home. Miss Fox is a trained nurse of ex perience and It is her purpose to en gage In that work here. She is visit ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Green, who are old friends of hers. Mrs. Florence Rynel, of Portland, has purchased the residence of Cap Verdln on South Sixth street below M and has already taken possession of the property, having moved In last Tuesday. She will make quite ex tensive repairs on the place and among other things build a garage. The beautiful new carpet for the Newman M. E. church was received and laid in the main part of the building last week and adds greatly to the beauty1 of the church. An other Installment of carpet was re ceived this week and will be laid in the parlors immediately. This will complete the carpeting of the edifice, the carpet having eost $700 alto gether, but the beauty and comfort gained by' the new floor covering makes It well worth the price and the work of securing and laying It. Wanted, Raw Furs. Market price paid for all kinds of furs. 1000 Skunk Pelts wanted. W. T. Goodmpn, 415 Sixth street, cor K. 2-4-lt COMING EVENTS. Feb. 4, Friday Grants Pass Debat ing team vs. Klamath Falls High, at Klamath Fall. Feb. 5, Saturday Vote for High School bond Issue. Feb. 7, Monday Annual meeting of the Fair Association to lay plans for the fair in Grants Pass next fall. Feb. 9, Wednesday Beginning of Lent. Feb. 12, Saturday Lincoln's birth day, excerlses at M. W. A. hall un der management Woman's Relief Corps, at 3 p. m. All cordially In vited. Feb. 12, Saturday Annual meeting Rogue River Fruit Exchange, 10:30 a. m. Feb. 14, Monday St Valentine's day. Feb. 14, Monday Adjourned term of circuit court. Feb. 22, Tuesday Washington's birthday. Feb. 22, Tuesday Ladies of Pres byterian church serve supper at Hall's hall. March 14, Monday Maud Powell at Opera house. April 18, Monday The Gingerbread Man at Opera house. i i i ' Maximum Merit at Minimum Prices McrrUield Pianos Standard in Quality Cash or EASY PAYMENTS RowelTs Quality Store rm ( ,st. You nave itmncy wn you buy at liiitiio. ' Ft EE To Carpenters and Mechanics During the next two weeks we in vite all Carpenters and Mechanics to step into our store and re ceive with our compliments an Al "Zenith" Carpenter Pencil "Zenith" in Pencils as well as Tools stands for the highest grade. CRAMER BROS. Odd Fellows Block Builders' Hardware Mechanics' Tools Another Dcslrablo Citizen. E. C. Underwood and one son ar rived in Grants Pass Wednesday evening to take possession of their new home in Fruitdale, the 170 acre tract recently purchased from Mrs. Soverns. Mrs. Underwood and another son are spending a few days at McMlnnvllle, but will arrive here soon. Mrs. Underwood's father will also be a member of the household. He is now visiting in California, but will arrive here in a few days. Mr. Underwood was for six years chief deputy in the office of the county recorder of Polk county, Iowa, re signing his position to come to Grants Pass. Valley Junction is five miles from DesMoines and a suburb of that city. Rig Rttrgains In Heating Stoves for a few days at the Rogue River Hdwe. Co.'s. Mrs. ' M. G. Sturtevant took the Friday afternoon train for Sacra mento, Cal., where she will meet her father and brother. The latter is at school in that city. SAY Bishop Wants Bishop's Ready Tailored Clothes C. P. Bishop 8) Co. Grapes In February. There is on exhibition in the win dow of the Calhoun clothing store a bunch of grapes picked in August, 1909, which are in an almost perfect state of preservation, and have the regular autumn flavor. They were preserved in quite an unusual man ner, although without a particle of care. It seems that the Oregon Ob server has been Indulging in a peri odical house cleanfng and In throw ing out some boxes the bunch of grapes came to light. They had prob ably been the remains of a feast which compositors sometimes indulge In and this bunch had either been just, a bunch too many or, perhaps, were laid aside for-another time and forgotten. In any event, they are now on exhibition and are another example of the wonderful keeping quality of Southern Oregon fruit. INSTALMENT 5-roora cottage and three lots on Overland Ave. for sale on the instalment plan. In quire Mrs. N. P. Dodge, 211 West A street. 11-1 2-tf aaar A Your Trade 100 NOItTII MlXTIt HTKtlaVr