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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1910)
rioa TWO PROFESSIONAL CABD3 M.C.FINDLEY, M.D. Practice limited to EYE, EAR,' NOSE and THROAT Glauses fitted and furnished Office boura 9 t 12; 2 to 6; and on appointment. Plionea 182 and 166-R. Grants Paw, Oregon s. LOuaimiDOE, m. d. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Reg. Phone 69-J City or country calls attended day or night. Sixth and H, Tuffs Bldg. Office Phone 182 Grant Pum Oregon B. F. DeVORE, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON City and country calls promptly answered. Office hours 9 to 12 a. m. pnd 2 to 5 p. m. Phones: Res. 196-R, Office 94-J. Rooms i, 2, 3, Shallhorn Bldg... Grants Piws Oregon DR. II. O. KIMBLEY OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN General, Acute an Chroalc Practice Practice of Ohatetrlcs a Specialty. Office Hours: 9 to 12 a. m., 1 to 5 p. m. Other houn by appointment. Phones: Office tl7-R; Residence 88. Rooms 201-201 Conklln Bldg. Grants IW Oregoa J. S. McMUttttAY Voice Cnlture Studio over Residence nail's Art Store 716 Us Street H. I). NORTON, ATTORNBY-AT-LAW .Practice In all Btato and Federal Courts. Office Opera Heme Bldg. Grants Pass, Oregon. OLIVER S. BROWN, LAWYKW Office over RIJou Theater. Orsnt Pimm, Oregon. O. S. BLANCH ARD, ATTORNBY-AT-LAW Practice la all State aad Federal Ceurti. Banking A Truat Co. Bldg. Granti Pimm, Oreg. D.L. JOHNSTON ASSAYKH Rooms 6 and 7 Opera House Block North Stairway ORANTS PASS, OREGON GRANTS PASS TRUCK CO. Bl'NCII HUOH., Proprletora. (Successors to N. E. McQrew.) PROMPT AND ItkXIARI.K HKUVH IC Pliuiiw H1 Organs Carefully Removed Photic 1AMI (imnlK Pmam, Ore. Taxidermist and Furrier I mount big gin.1 lrils, ds i; make fur run : reim .. i and clour fur gariiu'iiu; buy f irs ami apecl niiMis of nil klmln. KxprcsH anil mall ordc-ti-. t f- 1 1 1 1 iy nttcmlcl to. c. M. II i;i;is ). Vii-.IiIiikhi St, I'orlUud, Ore Tolephone MhIii 3600 M. T. UTLEY t'AKIKMIU (iKVKUAl, ( t)M U CTOK III II.DI It JolililiiK Work m Sms Ult y Plum.. 241 71S N. Sill Si net, (iritntN I'mhs, Ore, P.HICHESTER S PILLS W,-. tin imiiieiiiliKiMi, I .1 mi. irr iii.hihh. H'HUMl fill. Ill ll.J ... I i..,IJ I.M,V i ...-., Miri .ik m km . :.T:,.k7,j,r,U":Vi;t k4i kt n A 1U t - ft k J SWOB DKIGOISTS IMKWNMLKt Calllui t'ard at th Courlor. 1 V UuJUlViK y. - ' i ' ' Tnft Is f.-, W t k. . .vl HALLtr'3 Ct; PASSES iiAY 19 Pacific (mist Kaid lo Huvo Hot View Will iJe a Brilliant Spec tacle. OAKLAND, Cal Feb. 3.--Halley's comet will give the Pacific Coast a cloBfl brush this year on May 19, be- taepn the hours (if 2 and 3 o'clock a. m., and the Mbrunh" will be some thing spectacular, says Professor Charles Durkhaltcr, of the Chabot observatory. The earth will then pass through the Inst of the 20,000,000-rnile tall of the celestial visitor, and the result ought to be as dazzling a piece of fireworks as this generation has ever witnessed. Tragic Situation IWIblc. ,raK.c..u..HH, ine asironou nr iiibibub mm. uo i I .nothing to say" about so dramatic a situation, iraugui ih "j awe-map ring possiDimies iu 1 " t ' , . .... .u, dwellers on the globe, but fraught .. . ILIIIil.. . V as well wun poss.mnue oi .. lll.l . 1 l moment. Whether or not the earth's dive tnrouKn me comei iu qit luruiiBH j,,in mean anything more than a dazzling . At. n n.m stary spectacle, Professor Burkhalter will not predict. He only says: "Wait and see." The news that Halley's comet will be seen only on the Pacific Coast has not hitherto been published, although tho fact has been known for some time to the astronomers of the world, many of wnom will Journey to Cali fornia to be one the scene when the great phenomenon takes plac. Pntli Bel wihmi l'jirth and Sun. In discussing the comet, the as tronomer says: "Astronomers Cromelln and Cow ell, of the .Royal Observatory at Greenwich, have probably made the most exhaustive researches into the history of the comet. "According to the computations, Halley's comet will reach tho de scending node on May 18, 1910, when It will be In a direct line be tween the orbits of the earth and the sun, and it so happens that the earth will reach that particular point of Its orbit about tli" same time, bhould tho calculations of the astron omers prove to be rigidly exact, the comet will pass directly between the earth and the sun between the hours of 4 and 10 o'clock, standard l'nciflc time. Visible Over Pacific. "Assuming that It will happen dur ing the nilddlo of this time, or 7 p. m., It will bo visible over the Pacific Ocenn, Eastern Asia and Western North America. The sun will have set In tho eastern part of tho United States, and the comet will be there fore Invisible to all parts of the country on that side of the Rocky Mountains. Thus we have on the western edge of the continent an ap portunlty of observing this transit that Is absolutely unique, and with out precedent In the history of the comet. "Tho comet Is very near the cal culated position at the present time, and there Is no reason for believing the work of Cowell and Cromelln will need much or any revision. So we can believe that the predictions of the coming phenomenon will be ful luled. Oliver nt inns SliouM Be Fun)'. "It is unfortunate that the sun will be rather low, but it will be of sufficient altitude to make good ob- fv :il liiir.i ni'sslble. Should the j transit take place as predicted, It will last about an hour, and should the comet cross the sun's disk cen trally. It will kIvo the visiting nstron omers a snlendld opportunity to study a comet under tne most favor- -I.I . , I. k .. !.. -.. ...1 it comets are as little understood as they were when men first began the study of the heavens, the results (if the observations may not bo all that Is hoped for. "Another feature of the visit lies the fact of the nearness of the comet to the earth a distance of i 14,000,000 tulles. As the tall of the comet should be about L' tulles lon! and pointing directly from tin sun. It will doubtless be m countered b the earth, but on that ' point I hue nothing to " Hit; Kill UiiioM I tuippristi h.ihlc. Arthur Wallace Huru w : i : i : i -1 :o b I 'i c ' en evp'ai lis i, I.i : , t he 1 ! e-.Mellt. W h ui 11.11 SMI lie lb t hesc ,'. p, w ho uc 1 Mil i i K. : i s'a I v h . It Is thev " 'e uei niic are net a! wed to he dent He'.-'c, lis hr.lpplnes. . II ,, , , , , , . . '"r t'cmi:!!, as cluult vi,.r .-encra; of the v Mil, in ii-i-ie'm V f :i". WlKhiin II. Taft ;i ore ef tn.-. t'-e ,-.i : tt ii'e't appriuu-hah:,' t hat-- ever Knew n. 1 U!",'e e no O' c w ',,1 had for r.c.lnfc Taft when he iitiv excise hold any of i In next " 'P .IV. ui'K KlVEB r turuedj 1 1 . v i . II a. ii., A uaurea, coraiai 1 tver rtu ly to talk on any topic ituat Interested his visitor, Taft be came known as one of the most Jovial men Id the public life. It is no won der that in the 20 years that be held thes? other positions he established a reputation which he could not con tinue after becoming the chief mag istrate of the nation. The fellows who had easy access : to Taft hobnobbed with him, advised him, told him stories, listened to ms Jokes and told him theirs, and, in fact, helped him to run his share of the government In their minds have not hppn admitted to the pres ence or the confidence of Mr. Taft slnee he became president. Thoy are convinced that Taft Is In the hands of bad advisers and that he Is run ning his administration on the rocks. ,Hundrpd9 of me were able to see . noosevelt who are not able to see Tnese include many Journal- Ists, magazine writers, newspaper , ... ,u men and congressmen. All those who m " have been shut out from the presl- nraaana nm, rnn neither elve - - " It MBBnT hp advice and be told why it cannot be . . . , j... a"cepted as happened In the days ' ..a pnnvIn,P(1 th.t the of Roosevelt are convinced that the present administration is a failure and that It Is likely to go to pieces almost any time. Beyond question a little more openness in dealing witn tne class that used to reach Roosevelt would be very beneficial to the Taft admin istration. But It is not Taffa style since ho became president. He neither has the time nor the inclina tion to listen to what everybody has to say as he did In the years gone by, and ho Is obliged to give attention to many more Important affairs than he did when he was a subordinate of a vigorous and active president. He leaves a trail of disappointed would be advisers behind him. He Increases to a large extent the "Knocker's Club," and be will no doubt hear and rend a great deal about the failure of his administration along the same lines as that of his precedessor. The two men differ too much In tempera ment and In everything else to ex pect thnt this ndminlstratlon Is goln to be a duplicate of the one tliat pre ceded It. Coulson's Egg Food makes hens lay. I wouldn't feed It to mine if It didn't. Cheaper than wheat. For sf 1" by W. T. Goodman, cor. Sixth j and K. 2-4-1 1 To the Taxpayers of Josephine County, Oregon. You will please take notice that tt special meeting of the taxpayers of School District No, 7, Josephine County, Oregon, will be held at the High School building Saturday, Feb ruary Gth, 1910, at 12:30 o'cIock, for the purposo of electing Judges and clerks for an election to be held Immediately after said meeting, nt which time there will be submitted to the taxpayers a question ns to whether or not tho said district shall Issue construction bonds in the sum of MR, 000 for the purchase of n site and erection thereon of a new high school building. The pulls to be opened from 1 to 4 p. tn. KDWARD S. VANDYKK. cieru. Sinn II Boy lino Troubles. Frederick, the little four-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. F. D. F.isuinnn, :n painfully Injured on la-i Frl- day afternoon bv falllmr fm-i a tabl i! play. where he hnd climbed while in falling the little fellow caught his under Up between tils teeth and th orce or tlm Mil .nnu.,,1 t.i.. ... i.i. . of th I u inn hi through the Hp, mnklng a ve I ... I H.. rr pain ful wound. The In lure, I m.ti,l,. lu now healing nl'ely, nlthough two of the teeth are still lose. Little Fred rick certainly had his sham 0f I.O.II..I I.i ... i ui. loan irouoifs tor last week, on the d.iy before this accident, he wallowed n bullet, but no bud ef fect resulted with the exception of considerable anxiety on the part of his parents, and the sturdy little man N ;k:h busily engsned In his usual pastimes, of which. It Is honed. jtlut "illeN and faiu will not play a ilic'u'ix part In the fut ture. t ar.i ..f Thank.. u i Mr- ii i. licrrinor wish 'A!"i s their slnceris ttinnV Mi i tt , , 'M l'ie. i.,'!,"i to each and every ! wh .e vir.iiy helped and sym-! 'i 'hepi lu their recent th ' e.l . Ii'ep. Ih.ll ' d.-.;,rted 1 v t he sate. and who also demon- l'Mo nn ii esteem ior one In so many ways. svinpathy and consoin- 'i i "tne to cu b one of you In your "e of like need. l'or tlint TcitIMi Idlilnif. V' "w. t.-ttT and rhcMtu ' t their vli tlnM In i.Tu-tnni tor- Th. mnltrntton f rhnmlicr.' Sahe I'd lnt;nly n'lay thU It'hlnc, and many en''' hiivc hcon ..... . i i... i .. . . cionu-n. OOUBIKU pAV Y0wjt fAXES NOW. Now Is the time to pay your taxes. Do not put It off until the last minute and then all rush in at once. The amount to be paid this year is $163, 000, about $30,000 over that of last year. A Simple Trick. It's an easy matter to keep your joints and muscies supple no mat ter what your age may be or how you have suffered with rheumatism. Hub yourself night and morning w ith Uallard's Snow Liniment. Cures rheumatism, stiffness, cramps, crick In the back, side, neck or limbs, and rpiievea all aches and pains. Sold by National Drug Store. Land For Sale. 160 acres, one-half suitable for fruit. BOO M feet standing iimoer, county road and good school near by. Sell or trade, your price and terms. Address Box 506, Grants Pbsb. COUGHS AND COLDS. Catarrh, Croup and Sore Cured by llyomel. Throat The germs of catarrh cannot exist in the same atmosphere wun ami septic flyomei (pronounce It High cwni p I Breathe Hyomei and relief from catarrh, coughs, sore throat or cold will come In two minutes. nrpnthe Hvomei and that stomach straining hawking in the morning will quickly disappear. Breathe Hyomei and kill the ca tnrrh irprnis: heal the inflamed mem brane, stop the discharge pi mueuB and prevent crusts from forming In the nose. Dreathe Hyomei for a few min utes each day and forever rid your self of contemptible catarrh. Breathe Hyomei give it a faith ful trial and then, if you are not sat Isf led, you ct,n have your money buck. llyomel Is sold by druggists every where and by C. II. Demaray. A complete outfit costs but $1.00 and consists of a hard rubber inhaler that will last for years, one bottle of llyomel and full instructions for use. If a second bottle of liquid Is needed yon nn get an extra bpttle of Hyomei inhalant for 50 cents. Cures Indigestion It relieves Btomaeh misery, sour Btora ach, belciiiiiR.and cures all stomach dis ease or money back. Large box of tab lets 50 cents. Druggists in oil towns. Fruit, Shade Ornamental t YI'KIISS AM) l-RIVKT Ill.lH.i; PLANTS Home Grown Tokay Grape Roots First year III li ii ,(, ''s in A,v" .'uelT, I'.'li i lo see me li, ve ' uil u e i I i ur. I i a 1 ll will p:i li. t in lilCe on Je ii e A 'A lyA Office In llrb I,. ie;,i' Co -rt !lo is, . Canadian Pacific Ry. LAND DEPARTMENT Beg to announce the estab lishment of a General Agency for the Pacific Coart in Port- if .i I.... . . i 'ana, ror me dutnbution ct ih jlustrated literature and offi- I ! f ? "Hormaiion concerning .i . , . . . . . ltim w"eat land in Alberta. Amt Yield past tlx Ttr: Wo. 1 Eatd Wheat 30 to U buhli nar m Bailer 40t0?0 0ti FUx Timothy Alfalfa 60 to 100 " IS to 20 " S tont 4 to ft " Frlci$uto$lS ar. Ttnna: lOrratlm. ; For information.folderroap, etc addren General AgenU, I IDE-M'CARTHY LAND COMPANY- m Loabtrmwi &Uf ., Nrtln4, Ott I I Canadian Pacific Rjulway Ca ' iTREES " . NOTICE WEATHER SAMPLES A gray day dawned all veiled In mist, And then It rained, a iteady pour. Till lo! the eun broke forth and kissed The grotwd that had been soaked before. The cloud In parting showed the blue, And bright and warrrf the sunshine lay, When suddenly Boft flakes of snow Fell where the sunbeams were at play. The orb of day now hid his face And left the flakes to play alone; But 'twas not long I looked again No snow! The sun his brightest shone. My heart beat joyful at the sight, And thus I thought would end the day, When, even as I gazed, there formed A mist that soon to rain gave way. But when night fell, the stars came out, And then the moon rose big and bright, And when there broke another day, The ground with hoarfrost glistened white. Thus Oregonians have no need To seek for change in foreign climes, When in one day they find condensed The weather or Grants Pass, Oregon, January 24, 1910. Sickroom Hints. When you call on a sick friend do not remain more than 15 or 20 min utes. In many places callers are limited to five or ten minutes. As invalids may be too ill to converse, yet will try to do so for courtesy's sake, even though the spirit ana nesn rebel. Visitors should not send or take flowers without knowing whether the patient cares to have them. Many person3 can n ' endure flowers in the room. The odors are most un pleasant at times, and while their beauty may be brightening, yet when there is deeD Dhyslcal agony, as some must suffer, the flowers are not cared for nor appreciated as they Valentines Post Cards Is the best Pavement for the Property Owner IT INCREASES VALUES Clean, Sanitary, Durable Sure, Safe Footing for the Horse Warren Ceristruction Co. :M7 J'.eeU BUY Any Old Thing or Any New Thing SECOND HAND That yd litvt tr sell such as Furniture, Hardware Tinware l c See me m1 i;et my prices behre dipoin of your .'oiis, 'cu will lie surprised at the pi ices I pay. Special Prices on Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums IKE M. DAVIS a.aa,.-. UU1 lN rll 1 r BUY YOUR Old A 11 Reliable nudiix iiurseries and you ar re o ntting juat what you order. We rrow trees for quality not cheap prices. Geo. H. Parker, Agent O&x with J. K. PETERSON FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1910. an lanas ana unieu Cella Doerner. might be when the patient la can valescent. Many associate the odor of (jut flowers with funerals, where the sickly perfumes of roses, carna tions and lilies are mingled together In an unpleasant odor. A sick wom an once remarked that she. preferred flowers when Bhe was In good health and able to apreclate them. For his work In bringing about tho merger of the Utah Copper company and the Boston Consolidated Mining company, Attorney Samuel Unter meyer received a fee of $775,000. This is said to be the largest fee ever paid a lawyer in this or any other country. Valentine At Clemens Sells Drugs avement r.lilji., PortLiud, Orr. - m- ji , m.A a TKKRS FROM m,T