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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1909)
fltlDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1909. jbsoluteljr pare THE ItOCl-K RIVER COURIER 1 1 ic heaithfrlnesa jJtlTi ilWlI lb is? uma mtrn ,U 1,16 Of w voueu roflrta . . "uu rcat t&e Oregonian." Hp,'in Threatening to Secede. ckjMedford correspondent of' the Portland Journal has this to say un- 'jB date oi uecemDer 11; The JacKson county Press assocla L tonight unanimously endnrno . 'j, movement to create the new state W Siskiyou, composed of northern Sjfornla and southern Oregon, and co-operate ,?) the press and people of the sec- a Involved and call a convention 'jlttpresentatlve citizens at Shasta 'jjisgs, Yreka or some other Call 'tgilt point, In the near future and Vallate plana and outline a course jittlon to bring the movement to Successful culmination. Common 'jjjwlll be made with the pro jjnof the new states of Lincoln, n etstern Washington and South Xlorala, and an offensive and de Vdte alliance formed. In regard A. tA.mnttnn ..... ,. ufiui inn nun ui me new scaie tne lord Mail Tribune tomorrow will i F 'Br lormally Indorsing the move j of the new state of Siskiyou i appointing committees to launch VnnpMgn for secession, the Jaclc 'i County Press association strurk a Popular chord and one destined to ave f flnd neto suits To be sure, no state has ever b en divided, after admission," " Virginia; but that is no reason iTy Oregon, where a majority of the Population are narrow-visloned moss back, .and exert most of their in blocking progress. "Southern Oregon has nothing In common with western Oregon, a dif Jerent climate, different resources, different people. Our needs and de ires are not comprehended and no nclination Is shown to comprehend thern Southern Oregon, like north. ern California, is mterW i, ... SI6!" Cmes t0 P 'axes,! '1'resentaMon In state or' i.u.wnraent, a vast empire with ocean harbors, with greater na tural resnnrpoa ... biraii-r nmoer and i mineral wealth and scenic attractions: uy section on the globe. "With eastern Oregon seceding on the one hand and southern Oregon on the other, the Willamette valley will be left peacefully to vegetate by Itself, and the Salem hog can root undisturbed among the pest laden The IVa.h of John Winders, The Portland DA nor U r-fvi a UaYB An nounced the death f tw- .? . "n whn r r -uuu "'naers, 7 u,u,e inn twenty years wan a resident of r.r.. 8 Paved the way for clvilUatlon. He went to Californl t 1 " " . ji oua oe- weenM,886 H th' route PortL, ,ment' rant P" I ,?tbrU8h Bonvme to Creek and 1. t,A vnvu iniest- ed with savages and numerous stage J ove tne 8tage durlng Ugj rivers were UUled. John Winder enop. T. y Pleasant experi ences, but was fortunate enough to r" out Doauy InJry. When THE STATE NORMAL QUESTION AGAIN Editor Courier- TV. ji. ' n. , ' euuor or tne "V. KUUWII arvitm.t. . ii. -uicuu against in thT 18' n(1 then 4,"08t werArme DUmber coffiPieteIy M. V7 S. argUment vocat- land 7 8y8tem for Port He says not mora r ... In A nnrmnl v . " m. . . 0"' wn,cn Prob ably not far (mm K . t. -"w fiupomon or the population of Portlan(1 tUt "rary, and th iihr.. . dollars per capita, while the normal achool tax Is only a few cents. creiDe 'a the difference? It Is Simply this- Tfc iv ... be a ernf " ' '"' wi PAGE Xixn W. R. C. Install. The newlv elected nffir. ... - ui ""'U eei corps were Installed "uraay afternoon at the regu iar meeting of the corps. The of- ucera are as rollows: President, Mrs. Rose Morris: aenlor vip-r,rooM. Mrs. Helen Alverson; Junior vice president. Mra. treasurer, Mrs. Rose Weldman; chap- wn, art. Elizabeth e j, ... . .. . "" crat c.cKnie8 io me department conven- wvu uc.u ( Astoria, Ore., In June, 110. are nrl o . r--.-.v- tun, Buiutanaa Ahlf, Mrs. Minnie Schallhorn. Mra Helen Alverson. Mr 1 1s r.n - wouurr. vurisLianK Kranrft iff.. tnt. wig. ilIllBQ Peters. Mra. Etta tvinnint. . i, lumuguiui, airs. Elizabeth Hammll Hf . . . . ueipna Moore, Mrs. Elisabeth Bardon, Miss Nellie Moore. As the next "-8 auu tne last one for tho m..n ... nuuiu 1HII on Christmas day, It was decided to For Xmas Sabln has bibles. Go to Carlnnfut a r - jrm-ifrs. land ;,,, 108 Card ,or Port- on wBtmat day, It was decided to u' nile a normal . a.u meet one week oarit c.-.j... the railroad came ht r.n. ,nna woul(1 benefit Portland . afternoon. Decemhe, is .. . Vk"i was ail. BV. Kone and ho ooiij i ! . "-lucu in urants Pass ti. n where he raised his family. WhlIe J Pa3S board in- here he worked at any honorable em-! tL . "f"181 tralnIn8 for its pigment at which he mm a consequently hna . .. . living. He served 8end l Ohio for its tMrh. J.v I T ine DC8t ,n Silverware. Full line for nine years a pres 1 " they are htenrtl enough to n a h, '? v 1847 gd8' knlTM This work, like taln mala. Some 6,1 th! "J!!"'5 k.8' 8r,O0n9' te carving sets. - '"unci tJi't'ii itn . a ' -' v v. 1 1 1? natini i u . . tion gave out when modern methods g" W,U 'ablish their t your nZ , memXer a11 oes were introduced, that is when ?0.p,nh- Th ooncr they do so th lllT . Pr'Ce8- at whate" U'U Power superseded hand n"";.: D6tter- I ront street. 12-17-lt printing office; but here let it be SUthern an Western Oregon are said, that John Winders was ever IT to Por,land to'pay taxes, faithful, and his power, though not "I ev,dent,3r to far away to be rapia as the electric, was a steadv -rT any or the benefits of It Bait, his coming as regular as the A"! f0"01, of th" Oregonian boasts sun, never halting from the time he 9 ed"rat'n by his own commenced until the last sheet was ?! ' rroba,"v he got his reading me press.. Only a year ago he f, . ' ' 13 own effort8 also, went to Portland to live and on Frl-1 " , ldea ls to return o pioneer day of last week died at the home of Z11'0'19- We have to do away "s son. Charles, and was buried on T . tnings bes,de8 normal Mtuniay. He leaves a son, John . " ' " bla the0Ty ,s correct,! Hinders, of Woodvllle, and a daugh- , " lnt and Annapolis ought to ter, Mrs. Kate Nutt, of Grants Pa,,- . dne away wlth. and-the officers a daughter, Mrs. Unice St. Clair and , 8rvlce8 0UKht to 8et their! niso Charles Winders mentioned as r, y nnrd knocks. as livlne at PnrHnn,i i Farragut and others I Uncle Sam however viin .iu..i The age of the doll? You guess ' Iy d8 not r"ad the Oregonian, goes -th each 50c purchase and if cor-! rect yon get the doll. The New " Racket Store. 1 2-1 0-2t 1 Oentlon,- .. Just received n nv nni ..i . . .. . i0iJJ Aumiinum ware n .1 Of ior a unburns present at Rogue River Hdwe Co.'s. Coffee The kind that makes the break-'"-wal Coffee through and throutfi-alway. the sime. Ka)fOUP..rocr srlnd It- Glassware, Chlnaware, Toys, Pen ny Christmas Cards and Beautiful Dolls at the New Racket Store. 12-10-2t Sarety Rasors from $1.00 to $3.00 a new Drain Tile in 3, 4, 5, fi and 8-Inch sizes. Rocue River Hdu-o rn " - - " v v. . v.1 , BUY Any Old Thing or Any. New Thing SECOND HAND TVi 1 .. .. . . ' GVZ ' TM rniture. Hardw-re. Tinware . . . , h'- fnwa uciore aisposine ot your goods. .You will be suror serf ot tl, Vrl,. t ' s J ur , . Soecial m -wwwr V Jk A Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums IKE M. DAVIS ma in n i i i 1 I I V L. lUI. UMW I j J. " ' nunc VV, Ot ; IBBBmBJ ftff'fMTMTTrt'MB'lrwMBai i - W unmniii nfl ii, i,,,,,,,,, iii ' And a nappy New Year NOW PLAY BALL u tn !S?:v S3tv ITZErv rtsr? UiUODS ARE JUST AS " Hr:ii!iSi REPRESENTED SO ARE fairbanksMorse Gasoline Engines Monarch Malleable Ranges John Deere Plows Schutler wagons Dwensuns lYiuneaDie suimp Pullers Our Hydraulic Pipe properly used gets the gold to pay for these goods. sis and the kid all smile. That makes us smile. Then dad, ma, II I - - -