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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1909)
PAGE EIGHT THE ROGl'E KlVMt COClvIEK ; ' fotlDAT, DECEmER 17, im Q r, !; n it ee Without Smoke t No m:trer how sensitive your olfactory nerves may be, or under what working conditions you en counter the PERFECTION (Equipped with Cmokele3 Devic) you'll r.'A C'Acd the tightest odor of sir.ckc. i The I'erfection Oil Heater neither smokes nor di.Tuscs odcr. The new Automatic Smokeless Device positively prevents loth. Repeated tests (Wring its inciniency and develop incnt, innumerable trials after it had bc?n pronounced perfect by the inventor, demonstrated its utility and sure effectiveness. The wick cannot be turned tip beyond the point of its greatest tfiV'ivc fiess. It locks automatically and thus secures the greatest heat-yielding fla:ne without a sign of smoke or smell. Removed in an instant for cleaning Solid brass font holds 4 quarts of oil-sufficient to five cut a plowing heat for 9 hours solid brass wick carriers damper top cool hnndlc oil inujcxcr. Heater beautifully finished in nickel or Japan in a variety of styles. Evy Dtiler Everywhere. If Not At Yur, Write tor Deicrlptrve Circular to the NtarcM Agency of t:.t , STANDARD OIL C03IPAITY (Incorporated) KJ- Kf is Mr. and Mrs. DeHolt, nurchased the A. A. . - . .1 1 nV .KT. bright lor ner years uu who bave school. Porter ranch Fred Breltmayer, wno na u . i covinr with his brother, returned on Grave ureeK, were m uui ...., - Ity the latter part of last week. to his home In Jackson, Mich.. Sun Miss Rader cloned a successful day. n....n term of school at Grave Friday of Notices of the new road petition a t week. She has been engaged to have been posted on the proposed each near Oakland and commenced route through Parkside addition or h i Monday Frultdale district. There Is little "'work on the new depot is pro- doubt but that the county court will gresslng nicely, most of it having grant the new road and it will be on, oeen enclosed. The new track has of the best in the country. teen completed so that trains com jmenced running over it Monday. ' Mr Mprrinz,r. Inland's nlgbt- Oaweco. through one or me si.'nv d...... DEEK CHEEK NEWS. Deer Creek valley has just passed loitulifhic Pavomenti Is the best Pavement for the J Property Owner IT INCREASES VALUES 1 Clean, Sanitary, Durable I n Siit. Saf Fnotinc for the Horse I Warren Construction Co. .117 Hock Illdg., I'ortlnnd, Ore. o mm 6 ; where he was given a position as siorma uuwU Bl --- fl pnt year. -However, as compared with J. Maloney made a trip to Grants other sections of the world it is -ass Monday, returning that evening, nothing but a little "flurry. Cattle tt was accompanied to Grants Pass are being driven in nff the rang bv his friend, Mr. Fitzgerald. and butchered for bef. Snow is Among those who visited Grants being piled up in the hi?h mountains, Pass Saturday we noticed Messrs. Insuring a good irlnin,- season and a Karg WMter, McMi-hael, Sam and hointlful harvest. our people Gene' Reed, Mr. and Mrs. John Mr- are generally hapt.y and contented. Paxlln ir-s. Barton and little dangh- Jack Frost hai p-irchased the tor, and Misses Jessie Scovlll and Lindley farm three miles above Sol- Wlnnlfred Flfleld. Mr. Karg went ma, and removed there with his out to prove up on his homestead, fatniry. t tTr,,o visited in the vicinity Our telephone line was badly of Oakland last week, returning to wrecked by the heavy snow on Mays j T Pinnrl Sundav hU1. b,lt 13 l)eInS promptly repairea. Col. Blaisdell returned from Port- Warren Tuttle went to Galice to! land Sunday and went out to the superintend the work on the Old j Ideal, but went out to Grants Pass Channel mine. j Tuesday. Tne ljand bovs are mak'nS things! I t eroi.ii modn "toot" these stormv davs. They ; JUT. IjVJUtlll lllllll wuu vivv - - - - our town a visit Monday. have posted bills for a benefit social j The section foremen with their anu iree aance at me aoima nan on crews from nearby sections have New Years eve. been putting In considerable time . Fifty head of goats belonging to at Leland the last week. ; Postmaster Churchill became lost in Mrs. Sam Neas, the Russell the mountains during the storm and brothers and John Anderson came iu have not been found at this writ on the stage from Greenback Mon-ns- day. Mr. Anderson went to Port-j The Deer Creek Valley telephone Jand; Mrs. Neas returned to her , company has ordered four new home at Grants Pass, and the Russell phones to be installed at farm resl brothers also went out to Grants donees. Their annual meeting for pn8Si MINER, election of officers will convene at , Selma January 2, 1910. SPARKS FROM Hl'fiO. Tne Central Valley school has The Hugo Mercantile' Co. ha3 closed for the holiday season, onened their doors and are doing1 The new North Bank county road business again. Wood hauling has ceased on ac count of the snow storm. has been delayed by the recent storm. The Dryden school under the su pervision of Miss Ohlson, their ef- Clarence Cahapens has bought an ' f'clent teacher, will entertain Xmas Interest In the near beer Joint at eve Wlin a social ana Christmas tree. , Hugo. Henry Drcdlng made Hugo a busi ness trip Tuesday. There was some excitement in Hugo last Saturday. Mr. Shoemake thought he saw a panther, but it proved to be a timber wolf Our quiet telephone exchange op erator, J. W. Harmon, says naughty words when the Grants Pass line be comes broken by falling trees. Teamsters passing through Selma report the worst roads ever. Llge, Milton and Tommy Rhoads, There will be a dance at Wise's who have been sojourning in Wash- Saturday, December 18. jington, have returned to their home Miss Grace Kenney made Grants at Selma. Pass a visit one day last week. The Decr Creek grange is in a J. P. Kinny made Grants Pass a , flourishing condition. A grange bo- vlsit Tuesday on business. W. W. Wilson made Hugo a visit Monday. Mr. Penny has done quite a lot of grubbing the past week. cial Is on tap for the holidays. SCHOOLMA'AM. Get Ready for the leii Winter Evesiigs "6 he Wonder Oil Lamp : MAKES A REVOLUTION IN LIGHTING Incandescent, Manufactures Its Own Gas, Burns -It on Mantel, 100 Candle Power, Burns Any . and All Grades of Goal Oil or Kerosene. . BRIGIIEST The Wonder Lamp gives a light' equal to six ordinary lamps, or six brilliant electric lights. You can read the finest print, do the finest sewing by means of its powerful, yet soft illumina tion that turns night into day. CHEAPEST Burns common kerosene oil. Vol ume of light considered it costs six times less than the common oil lamp light, and ten times less than electric light. Gives 100 candle power six hours for one cent. SAFEST Cannot explode, will not smell or smoke, does not heat up the bowl, and gives universal satisfaction. , . BEST Made of solid brass, handsome in appear ance, will last a lifetime, easily handled and carried about. Different styles for home, office, church or store. The step from the old tallow candle to the ordin ary coal oil lamp is not so great as from the ordinary coal oil lamp to our WONDER LAMP. REMEMBER The Wonder Lam) is a NEW DISCOVERY! It is absolutely different from the old style lamp. You can have no conception of its brilliance, utilitv and economy until you SEE it for YOURSELF. You are entitled to the BEST. The Wonder Lamp is not .only a luxury, but a real necessity. Local agents wanted in every community. Write at once GEO. W. HERRI OTT General Agent APPLE GATE, OREGON GALICE. We have been having a hard win- P. Purzer bought Mr. Hugo outier 80 rar- n the fourth of De last week. CArT. JACK. cember the snow fdl 10 inches, but ;at this writing it Is most all gone on MIRPIIY. A. H. Carson departed on Wednes- the low lands. Sadie Hawkins has been ill for the day, December 8, for Oakland, Cnl., mst two weeks. Dr. Findlcy, from for a visit with his brother w:iom no r,ran,s Fass- n1 Dr. Smith, of Gal has not seen for several years. 'ce' Performed an operation for an Dan M. Osborn -returned from ; a"8C0HS ln her head; the last report' : Klamath Falls Monday, where he had Bh0 was "Improving nicely. After five months absence from Calico Len Guilds returned the first': of the week. 1 Murle Smith came In to make lih: The Wonderful Rogue River Valley been summoned "as a witness before the circuit r-miri t.f Klamath coun ty. He n"ovt? two fi i t of snow in f th' country :.v hi Pi 'i ! thut part I Wed in 1 : Roy R.'. It b"iti- ' I ib'li"';' 11 !... 1 TV .... 11:" frlcrdu cif,"luimr a xmt from the I'r. i r .i'M-i :nrtv I 11 sounds good to her.r the oU ivl'i iy. All bad 11,111 '''inning and lite whbW- " I f'.vntly enjoy I'irMil'.v M!;ii'i' 1 through the mine. 1 Mr. and Mr ;i li'islne If! Hi'':-, WOOii : at W Kt'V ( I 2 Rogue River Valley took the $1000 prize over all others at the National Apple Show at Spokane in November, 1909. That prize carried with it the title of Apple King. This distinguished the Rogue River Valley, in which Grants Pass and Josephine County arc located, as the finest fruit country in the known world. As experienced dealers in real estate wc uidc this assertion. The amount oL' money made by clients and others who purchased farm laiitls mf.r Grants Pass during the t'itr.t nine months oi K'0'.! amounted to as nnn-h ;is th'.- cvi, v.liI iuvc;-l: U t' the investment d-.Miblcii. ,1'U v 1 i i'.:- ' 1 j ei. il ! til t1? .. ..,.ibv. ti:: J 1 1 f Guv at il.Tit we have red l .3 . J AR OF I'll. i VE E Consisting of AUTOMOBILE SEAT BUGGIES RUBBER TIRED BUGGIES NOVELTIES IN BUGGIES Wo have a Fine assortment of Lap Robes rangnv; in Trice from $3.00 to $20.00 mm wmm. mpahy sti: and of Mrs. lMvr,,'llf, Colli irf il!MV. Cat-lfo'i Merries, Wllinei Hill, ate doht" :i the satn,' ,. I'H'ila. They li ami ti"v vi.Vi T!"-;. v ! -.... t!ii". rl f i " (, f I 'M IIIHI ,o'aii i i Cr. Co ' ' f:, ! '('! ilt.-' If I I fi I! ii M r ( i'i ' ; :i t-,1! cnitiii I b W, 1 1 M I TlHii IM'ipi p;VT ' jit pp!j avd : ! I,i II ard CI il" tin lis '.! i , t i a ' "r. i',,j'i'.i' ' : ! ii'-.d lia i i V. al'b. Jolin Ptaiibonitiuh ' a '''' f,'l";1 the nllnVt,(, ..1 1 I I I ... r I i :- Am roi nay mr nn mhv The Utile ,1,1 t. ivr I;-.- '.'fi '!', I f. i : -r ml ne i'rm M-rlia. ,:' 'i ' ' - l i ii ! tn ru tiro once : ':'-, 4 'r,',ara!ioas for a bl' ("arUttrn i rvo. nun wixc. Tor Kiveiun, Teller mid Sill Clieuet. The intra'.- h!r- rl.:.ra ;1 tr oi iner-o niinieiitq is nil. in ( 1 '-, i nut ly "Mir'".:berh!-i Pal v. Hcvere i n 'ei bavo 1 n mr, ,1 .-:i! It v;i!l !h. v d:u' i.'viiti ji; '.ciov,- mio, vvi'.i'M i( will sell i"or re t I i.Vi'ic.; n:r:;ti'..:.i'l iMni. ia oii;..' list's. !'' l;i v:iil iv.'in;: r.u :Miv;i"e of 'J00 ''i' cw.i. T!. iv ;:- low hi-tb'i' .pMo:".urii.!c ' -Vi'bt-ment in ,!.. -i!;ir:; Con-ly rjurr.ii'ndir.:!: Grants V tlu.n ivcr I -,iv, and tliose who niv wise enouli to invest wi.iHM.t delay v ill h) certain of a large :(?::" v. V.:r: v.'. w U(ir. Tiq Josephine irrigation and IN v.v,- Cc.;, ;.r are building ditches to cover IS (''.' ;;, i',s, Tkuo are fine fruit lands and when planted will more than double iu value every year. We invite those in search of homes or opportunities for investments to investigate. "Write for booklet and special information. Address P p e Co.