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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1909)
FRIDAY, DECEMBER IT, 1009. Some Things that Sabla the Druggist has for the Xmas purchaser Book-our line is especial ly good. Cut Class the best quality. Fountain .Pens "Water man," "ideal" and "Conk Hn" self fillers.' Manicure Sets with fittings that are good. Toilet Sets and traveling Cases. Palmer's tine Perfumes. Gillette and Auto Strop razors. Photo and Post Card albums inese are but a few of the articles which We Uplnnt ed with great care, hoping to please you. We suggest that you come early and make your selections while the Btock is complete. Sabin, ea Druggist 4. .A. A A A . . Ii-r,o . ' ' t T T ' " AND LOCAL I Mrs. Sam Neas returned Monday o ..WU1 me Greenback conuic. Arthur Cartor. on nf .v, tors oh the S. P.. has .7J.,nT. . 7u onth.- lay-off anj r.a ; ".'.r land where ho will , ..... I II.-,,., ..1 j.iiri (It n U fiends. Later h vn... . tvin .1. -m"--is 10 make 11 11 lp to the oast. Mr -f tzrrw ft ... A dancing party was given by the 1av. . . me coliseum Guv wmh . i"" msi friday evening, whirh ... fountain Thursday 0 a b"UB" 1 "'T' r" CUl1 b0 deS,n?d "D th 80Cl' I daw h SS tHp of a few 1 IllK'- A large crowd of Invert ,.. v ui UllUUi 1.. ouvoio William Bryne, of Frultdale, re U,lU;d t!lls from a trip to Bos on, Mass. Mr. Brynes Is an un.'le of ''''id K.jper, of this itv. rOtSOXAL AM, liUCAL Miss Pearl - - . ' o went in 'iintnA , oana who is employed tw u " "lianis 'or a few ror xmas Sabin has pens. PAGE 8 EVEN" 'W8,?nt and the time from 9 odoik to 12 was merrily spent in tripping the light fantastic. and Mrs n 1 . . wu ' Tuesday mrn,J;: rtea turas, Cal. Kinsley. Kan., to spend" .email , Te"U have been tak eeks Mr. Manuel took with him I a.dvan,aw the pleasant weath one of the hie nntntm,,, .u.-, t ;er of the week an,i s-...i .., . been on exhibition .... iDiMe been seen on th tn,,i ... . "v -"c courier mm is. office and uv.i nf vowtoKi er 6amI,lps of ",w,k "-"""ion sale during the - "U1 m order that " Ul member at Mrs. E. Reh- a, buww me Kansans what will ! Kopt 8- " "W IB tniS C0UDtry- Walter Goettsehe. of Dallard. ar- uetachable Umbrellas for ladies1,, Tuesday to visit with his and gentlemen at Letcher's Seek " and sis,er-'n-law, Mr. and display ad. ' 1 M". A. C. Goettsche, of this city Mrs. D. R. Graves, of nnaohiircr The Ladies npnofif V,. , ,, ;n , ""vicij ui lilt Anhur Coyd, who has been r,Vsb-vte,'ian thureh held their regu- I'-ing Mr. and Mrs. .lnmM w-,, i'ar somi-monthlv iiiUi,-ct ......... Of thl. . . V" ... - v .uUmIII it Look in Cramer Bros, south win dow for something interesting. Is where you can save money on XMAS Candies and Nuts All Fresh, New Nuts Our Special Holiday Mixed Xl'T 12ic per pound Containing Soft Shell Walnuts, Al monds, Filberts, Peanuts and Brazils. Special on k mm m m m Mixed uandies A nice, bright, all-pure sugar Mixed Candy at 12 l-2c , per pound Lumps and Drops Just the kind to fill the stockings with at. .12c Nice, bright Ribbon Mixed at.-. .25c Chocolate Drops, asstd. f lavors . . 2."c Imperial French Mixed at. 2."c BonBons, Chocolate Creams etc., 35c Some Choice Walnuts and Almonds at J-V Fresh Toasted Peanuts :" Oranges, per dozen "-' THE PLACE White House Grocery Arthur Phillrick, consulting en gineer, of Tonopah, Nev., has been m the city this wp,.u it. 4u.,.J that the Tonopah country . ti, i greatest mining section in the world I .. ne present time, and he states! that there are 12,000 miners at i work there underground. Mr Phill-' rick Is an old friend of A. H Gun-nell. came up on o. 13 Thnra,? 0. I tend the bedside of her sister, Mrs S. Bailey, who Is very ill at her home in this city. Roy Hiliis, one of the forest rang ers of the Eden valley spent a couple of days in our city last w,.u a,i left Saturday for San Francisro to visit relatives during the holidays. Ind.,!. " M' Work' n "attorney 'from ,ioa, win speak on a socialistic sub Wm. Protsman, of Vevay, 'as spent several dava tn , r. Protsman, when at home, 9 a ljwt at tho fo'irt house next Wednes- very busy man, being the manager i day evenlnS. December 22. All are of the Revelie Press, a printing com- j lnvlted to hear hil Pany making a specialty of high Mr. and Mrs. II. r. Anderson of class catalogue work and publishing ' MIHson, Ind., are In tho city, the a newspaper as a side line. Besides ! K,,es,3 ' Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Howard this he is postmaster of his city, andMr- Anderson and Mrs. Howard are also director of the census, any one cousins. of which positions is enough to keep j C. P. Bishop went to Medford and the ordinary man busy. Mr. Prots- Ashland Monday in the Interest of man has some interest In Curry coun- the Pendleton woolen mills, of which - uiHKing an effort to find , his sons are proprietors. Mr. Bishop "'v "l L"a- Bon. says lie did a good business there In TV. 1 . I t 1, 1 ue uunorms ior the forest serv-1 lnllan robes and blankets. vt JV 'V ttk I ; meeting Wednesday afternoon , n Pleasant and profitable afternoon jwas spent. The ladles were enter tained by Mesdames Coutant, Reh i konf iinl i-t 11 " wno served re- nesnnients after the business had een disposed of satisfactorily JOlin MOCK was civen n rnmnlnlo "pii.e ai nis home on I street last .uuriay evening, the event belnit u'nnaay anniversary. John, who imins a position of c erk at ti r v Dixon grocery store, was kept at his uues until about 9 o'clock and on arriving home was confronted bv his guests, who announced their Inten tion of spending the evening with him. The time was most nlPnsnnHv spent with games, music, cards and oancmg and delicious refreshments were served. Those nresent. hfai,i the family, were Misses Hazel An derson, Merle Caldwell, Cora Pope; Messrs. Harry Marsh, F. Smith and Harry Kerch ner. t vnnH.11 auiviCKS SUXDAV. -f Aewnuin M. E. aiurrh. u mierior or the church it be ing tnoroughly renovated, but the is oeme aona n t i ... . Allure wiin tne rrentar and on Sunday. Decemhnr 10 11m wui ne as fo loan- Sn.. " mm uaj -""u, Ul iu a. m.; church service t 11 a. m.; Junior League at 3 P. m.; Epw'orth Leaitno nf .-in m.; church service cordial Invitation Is extended to the yuuiic 10 attend these services. IVthftiiy Presbyterian Clurch7 At the mornine service. 11 n m the pastor will take for hta trt ADDa Father." The evenlns: ser mon, at 7:30, will be on "The For giveness Of Sin." The sermnnnt In the morning, will bo on "Fashion." Sunday school convenes at 10 a. m. Young Feople's Socletv of rhriuiin Endeavor meets at 6:30 p. m. The Christmas tree exercises wilk take place on Christmas eve fFH.iAvi h. ginning promptly at 7:30. Rogers Bros. "1847" Oneida Community Meriden Brittania Co. ice employes have arrived and have aireaay been donned 'by many of those in the service. The suits are very neat, of a medium tan color with metal buttons containing the words "Forest Service" with a tree In the center. They have the large commodious pockets on the coats and tho pockets of the trousers are canvas lined. In future every man In the forest Rervico will wear these suits while on duty, and it will be no trouble to identify a forest rang er any where as they will all dressed exactly alike. Get a choice piece of Libby Cut Glass for her at Demaray's Drug Store. W. S. Butler, llvlnir about two miles northwest of Merlin, hna tract of 108 acres of red land which he is Improving. The past summer he put out two acres to grapes and two acres to strawberries. Straw berries and the originating of new rrom December 1 to January 1 everything reduced. Mrs. E. Reh- kopf. Miss Bessie Bovlos. of Portland. Is In the city tho guest of Miss Lucie ueorge. bhe arrived Sunday even ing and expects to remain several days, after which she coes to Cali fornia to visit friends during the holi day season. FMher Francis Ma yen r, the new rector of t. Ann's Catholic rhuph of this rltv, was called to fori land he hv he Vwhop last week, but rHir ted to this city on Thursday. V. P. Itishop iV (o. That list of Christmas Specialties that we men tioned in last week's Issue was a good one and our many friends are a! finding it very convenient In mak ing their Christmas selections. C. P. Bishop & Co. Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Williams left Thursday on an eastern trip to ex tend over a period of six weeks. They utinntuuiih ... 11..,. Lriiu i a in 1 niii 111 pi. w ins, i in: varieties is Mr. Butler's hobby audi will visit at Chicago and other points he has already several fine varieties , in Illinois and lown. Mrs. Williams to his credit, but he Is not yet sat Is-j has not seen her enntern home for fled and is striving for a berry which : years and expects to have n sjilen- u'llt tio tnot rlMit ns n chlnnpr. tnst 11.1 Mmn tufilln hnrn win ue juhi riKui snipper, jutii uui iimo wane mere, right as to flavor and perfection as: Amn8 Smlth ,h,s W0(,,. piir(.hasod to color. In the winter time Mr, 1 n.,,, i. ..,, fr,,,,, w v Tint - (1 1 II.' hii, 1 1 1 1 1 i i t i i . i . i i 1 1 1 Butler turns his attention to randy ,,f y;,,n,a, am now ha' at v. ml; on oi;i of r:i- making, In which line he Is an adept Some of his rand I this city. That one (m!' at C. P. BMioi glove value la a pair. rial scHptin' taken. W'e n.e Di'tv.,-, ray's. are nn sale In a !' in: Mill ! I th- an the arilinals ,liays. The !::a!'-. n hay On Tuesday evening of last week the homo of Mr. and Mrs. C. P nwnn was the scene of a merry gathering, ine occasion being a surprise party for Mr. Dixon. The affair was n rnni. plete success in every particular, and to say that Mr. Dixon was surprised would be expressing it mildly. Music. games and refreshments were the principal features of the evenine. all of which were heartilu cntnvmi Those enjoying the hospitality of the iiixon nome were Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Calloway, Mr. and Mrs. Clemo, Mrs. Rutumell, Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell, Mrs. C. J. Pope, Verda Clemo, Clar ence uiose, J. E. Mock and G. n. Caldwell. Klrst Christian Science Society. Christian Science service' win hn held in the W. O. W. hall Sunday, December 19. 1909. nt 1 1 n m Qnh- Jwt, "Is the Universe, Including Man, Evolved by Atomic Force?" Wednes day evening meeting at 7:30 p. m. in the same hall, You are cordially In vited to attend. St. Luke's KpiKCopal Churt li. Sunday Services 10 a. m ses sion of the Sunday school; 11 a. m morning prayer, litany and Rernion Subject, "The Passing Onnortunltv." 7:30 p. m., evening prayer and ser mon. Subject, "OponmlndednoBS." Wednesday evening, December 22, the Young Men's club meets in the rectory at 8 p. m. Talk by Judge Durham on "Citizenship." Anvif iii iI.h-i SILVERWARE infill ) . . A putation based on liouest, .astiiiir. oualitica. SILVEP.. WARE makes v ccptable present, as you can use it every day for many years. Don't miss our fino display in our corner window. Cramer Bros. Odd Fellows Block Sterling Silver Carving Sets day Rev. G. LeRoy Hall, recently of Medford, will preach. A cordial In vitation Is extended. Cooked 1'VmmI Sale. Buy your Christmas dinner at thn sale of cooked food Presbyterian ladles at tlie Kinney & Truax store Wednesday, December 22, at 2 o'clock. '! I ! for i i. 'iii. m w: I '! '.'I, ir (' ili h I l.f L'H Bros. !' I'. f Mill ,M. : in f UiTRTVirsn prti vTta. . rt r,, ui. r innngsn, Physiciai aid Surgeon. ninaergnrten, Primary, 411 c St. J.B.Petersoa.PloBterlasuraiccMai M.Clemens, Prescrlptloi Druggist Clemens sells Military Hair Brushes. Alfrd Ltcher. Retistersd Oni. metrlst and Jeweler la Dlium'i i stand, Front St. Eyas tMt4 fr Curtlss ft Co., Jewelers, are still In business at tha umn old tmn,i Ramie, the plumber. Paddock & Manuol buy sncoiid. hand goods. City Hall Bldg. 10-22-tf Don't fall to rend the MHvr vw. of the Rogue River Hdwe. Co. on page 3 of this Issue. The beautiful doll is given to the correct guesser. New Racket Store. 12-10-2t I i Knives; smnll bovsTXr boys and grown up boys,' at Cramer uros. Highest cash price paid for green :md dry hides nt J. II. Ahlf's meat i market. 10-1-tf ! HorTt fail to n ail thn Silver Ware ;. (i nf t!ie Itdiie itiver IJdwo. Co. On , . j pa ; 3 of this Issue. Ij W" I'-'IVO Jll'-I received n new shlp h i 'il of very pretty pattern Mel.el l l.iiiil Ci.ppcr (nl'l'ie I'ercnlatoi, In ! t !.!:. f.,r your vilfe'-t Xrna; I'l' !' .- IMv r Ifilne. Co. First lot Cliurtli, Sun., Dec. 10. The morning hour of worship la 10:30. At the service the pastor gives another sermon in the series "The Disciples' Magna Chnrta." sub- Ject, "Resources." Tho session of the Bible school is held at 11:45 under the direction of R. K. Hackett. The Young Peoples' meeting at 6:30 will be led by Miss Gonevieve Pat tlllo; subject. "Our Christmas Gifts." At the final service of the Sugar Shells that are guaranteed to wear satisfactorily for 25 years can be had for onlv 11 nn Ml,h Rogue River Hdwo Co.'s. FlneMlrush and Comb Sots for holiday presents havo Just arrived at offers, C. It. Demaray, druggist. STRAYICI) One 2-year-old black heifer; ono blue Jersey heifer and one spottod yearling holfer, all branded triangle on right hip and all carrying bells. Information aa to their whereabouts will be appre ciated by F. A. Cloments. Phone Farmers lino 814, or addresH Grants Pass. 12-17-tf Ghrisfmas rindy For Tree Decorations Undo to order. Ribbon Candy, Sticks and Mixed Candy Homemade, Frosh and Pure. Nuts, Fruit, and small Boxes of Cigars RUSSELL'S CONFECTIONERY 'IS. I :.t I : 'I S li.VI I Mil 1; e yo iliilal Itnlici At A. U. BANNARD'S One weeli to Xmas Hope to havo a car of Cl.ri.tma C"'";; on Monday, and so short time to sell them SPECIAL PRICES on nil tho toek. M.v 1- "" So many rkmI H.l " Store opei money If Jen ,r.,ii to "''H" ,,N A. U. BAKNARD DifJVtore North Sixth Street Grr ! i ' !' I'ii,t vlll l I;. r , i! ;l llii ; stp'f't. ..' ) lie i:is ) . I p h "ir r N't:.:.' I,' w so I ' ' II' hnvlrr; Imuulit out the l ,n'.r. ''f. y- '!' : n -III--1 t" Hi" s'"' 'i ;'ru' emu j'l' i' liin' i f ''Vi ry- :r wife li;i;'y"w ii hfi from Cratiwr ltro'i. ;,. I i MM c l)"i of , L'l'-'i ":l ii 'id j ll-K'lf Ml' I, Tlie I'rchlij'iilan ('iwik Iimim. Th" ('miller 1'i'H.s 1ms Ju'it turn ed out from Its book and Job dopait nn'iit n vol'iiue of I SI pn'n, ii cook book cotti-n out by the ladles of the I'reslivterlnn rlmnh. The work Is n roriiii!,itlon of v;i!imlil and well tented reilus fiirnlslied by Clrnntu Pa women. . As a Ilternry nrodue- itlon It will rinn with t 1m vi ry Im kI '"" In ft h line nd It n worth iniah ni'ue ;'; (IlM'l the modest plef of one dollar wliMl It rii;t :. It. i H Komi tiling in"jlo "end ni n Clitlitrmii present to u J' , frb-tid bi a n bo i-''k"p;,er. In v'- vnlno will rertninly be appreciated. Tl,h little volume l:i tlio seeond i.moI. i Irited by tb (VirlT r"tali ' ' r l.ri' ' d'irl'ic 11. l.-i'-l few monMis. "'I"'1 fir f !' in i,' l!i" proeredlniti of '' tn I' "i'.:i Kniina Cnnum fnif rrlf v. wh!' h coii':ilnr, ovr 200 puges. Jt win n worli of rrrat vnluo to th" t'lrni' rK of dm rnllrifn ori;nnlzntlon wlil ti It reprei"nte-I. In connection wl'h thl ,ili!"'t wo d"!ri to sti'p M!,i' I'm fo'irler Ii now preparrd (o '. t'. V:lndi of Imrk snd mmrnzlri " 1 It "!l'fn tho t'ntronni;e ' !-o h .- pr! i'!ntr to '1" 'h ' "r i ii Merry Christmas Our More is brim full of tho iM;my beautiful Xmas jircscnts for mon and boys. If (hoy bear "hishopy lalM.j lio will know they are ridit. Mop Fa rly Btoro Open Evenings C, ?, BISHOP & CO, Clothiers of Josephine County m N. Sixth Klivct t