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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1909)
- FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1009. 1 HE ROGI K HIVER COVR1ER : AOK FIVE Are You Seady for Ch rotaas ? We Are with the most complete and best select ed stock we have ever shown. Our Dutch Collar Pins, French Jabot Pins, m bug designs, and articles m Cloisonne are especially popular this season. "We are also showing a very com plete line of Sterling Silver Novelties which make such acceptable gifts at such a moderate cost. Surely the most exacting buver can not fail to find just the very article to fit the place. The great quality of our goods never disappoints. ert Barnes Jeweler SOUTHERN PACIFIC TIME INSPECTOR HOLIDAY GOODS Headquarters Brag B..vU.UMWmWI A complete selection of thousands of different articles from a complete range of the different holi day lines. All is ready for your quick and correct inspection and purchase. . The range of selection includes: Fry's Cut Glass, Copyright Books and Reprints, Leather Goods, Children's Books, Calanders, Dennison's Tags and Stickers, Triplicate Mirrors, Shaving Mirrors, Anti mony Bronzes, Military Hair Brushes, Choice Box Papers, Fountain Pens, Post Cards and Post Card Albums, Collar and Cuff Boxes, Cigar Jars and Cases, at 1 1 mwii in rnvmrnm TiMtWrf it An If. A d At CLEMENS SELLSDRUGS PERSONAL AX! !.)(;, f Mrs. Andy Colvia, t uvea in tnint i t.- visit with friends. For Xm.u-- re sets. S. A. Comr K. !!):-, v : ,.. in c,::: l'lt tf llio WUk. 1 '- '. :;!M'. ( -. lS i''.-i:- t : t j ; . Mm.,d to t:iis i ir y ' A I'aikrr iv.,,-.: "i'-e jirc-.-ju r.r hi., it at Honiara; a. Mr. and Mrs. Ch;s ' Millinery Sale. The most up-to-date linn nt Trim. nied Hats trill ho t uiniale, sir- r close out the winter strv .. i . " aay ror a going to enlarge my building for u.b upsi uno or spring Mllllnerr rer smoking :MH, Tn m tai3 "ty. ro not miss the great bargtiln In ir-il' r, t i . the fore , t I I! S.t Djlla- ' ! weeks, Hats nt Mrs. Anderson's. street. 708 E 12-10-2t i i:e-ii:t Wire Rope, Clips, Dloeks and t tool used n palling stumps 'i-l "rush, nt Rosue River lldwe. Co. make;) ', and a- V'sKed t!;( Horticultural Mooting. P. W. riii!l'M h ,... k- : ("luinnce nt the state horticultural C '!" cni) i m ! meetiii!' nt li.,..,!., .. i ..... , . f..-T . . ''" t0 Kpencl "!1 Mtiir'!;,' i,st- M-- Phillips was t aays with relatives and friend . nthulnsMl! over the meeting and Raleigh Fumbley has taken a posi- s:1''s that ft w every way a suc tion as clerk at the R-obzlen grocery l'ps aml thllt It attracted a large store, beginning his duties on llou- n"mher of fruit growers from all da- 'iaits of the state. The fruit display largest stock of gold and gold fil-1! '"T. VnyXo years lod Jewelry In the city Is a Letcher CLT S takeB ,n the at prices that are ri4t " exhibits. Mr. rhlllips thought It was " ' unfortunate that Southern Oreunr. He talked with several days In Portland, returned to j was unrepresented. er nome in this city Wednesday morning. For Xmas Sabin has wood burn. Clemens sells Choice Calendars Mr. and Mrs. Martin Conger re turned Wednesday from Portland ' where they have been spending a! short time with friends. j many persons who were anxious to know all about Grants Tass and Jose. to I'bino county, and to each of these he Gave a booklet. It Is the Intention to hold the meetings earlier in the , season when fruit will be plentiful una Mr. rhlllips thinks that then will be the opportunity for Josephine county fruit men to make a display Mrs V K T . i .... ".w.t. mc n-iiuiHUOIl OI iniS 800- Mis. E. A. Leonard, of Althouse, tlon stopped In this city Tuesday, en route ' ' . from Port I mmn;, am Ontral IY st. ,,oine fe. . . In the fo. ;ail . me between Grants Pass a;ij Central Point on the local A. A. C. gro ind last Sun day, the home teamwere tho victors over the opponents In a score of 7 to 0. The crowd was fairly lurgj and a great amount of enthusiasm was displayed. It wo.ild not be a hard matter tc- find the nartlripants In the game !f they nil carry the marks of the fray nlainlv , oik of their number. Up, Herman was "'lllng ps il.nntlv as ever, In sit- of the fa -t th;U on eye was al"!' closed, one rheeV protruding se" -;i lnrh too far, and half his rooe'" 'osed a court plaster " it P-'- 'an rf care and vh- v of'0,,ei o "' pathy he loo' - ' n)rn-'id n-' !M but Just loo'- the t'n w hp 4." Clemens b !U Nmas Books, Buy a l i.styuTlan Cook Boolt for a Chrlct.uas present for your wife. You can i i. Ue good money writing. life Insurance. Columbia Life & Trust, 203 Conklln Building. 12-10-tf A houieke-:er always appreciates reliability n a cook book. That 1st found In the Presbyterian Cook nook on tale December IS. Co to tlv- trt en lor the sr '-on bea-ful del' .. onr-f It Is given awnv free. Thept' nnd "v x the '"ei. V-' also. The doll is on exhibition a the tlitet of.'he. Is It safe to. b iy jewelry rf Irre sponsible ppo") or thoe v.ho are not permanent residents? Buy from Leteher, who gnnrantoes everything as renreseii'f l. Fut a remained over Wednesday to visit University Glee Club. College songs, comic songs and with Mr. and Mrs. Ton, r.n,,,, t0IleKe 80nB3 this city. ' I lots of enthusiasm will be tho order For Xmas-Sabln has Palmer's . lJ10 evpn,nR whon tho l'nveralty perfumes. j01 UrcBn C.lee Club, numbering 30 nv nn0 ,,,,, I members, appear nt the Grants Pass Ui. Duncan, district super ntend-1 u ont f ii .i. . V,io uuuBi;. mo uiee ami .Miinaoiin Net'lan Ji r h Falls district of cllbs are nmlilnK a tour of Z nL? , E- h:lI,Ch W,H holdi Oregon during the week before I?! ,TT17 "10e""g n Sl'in(,a-v;n-istn,as, stopping at Roseburg. U6, primer 20. at the .New- rjranU Pn Mifwi -i av,. Oregon. Three years ago the club appeared In this city and gave a splendid performance. You will miss a good time If you do not attend Two of our ex-draymen, Newt Mc- they certainly get their Hhare, but Grew and Graf Baber have been eni-jwe don't believe they will ever be ploying thrlr very pleasantly successful with the dog and gun as since thny sold cut their business, in they were with and wai-.-m. rabbit lind quail hunting. We snyjTliere Is one Uilus In f.iv.-r. pleiunititiy, hv.t ( ertnlnly not profit-' however. Newt U so id.ort ard da. fthl-, iv. nobody ever notices any Ik m thin that rl'Vr ! "' . ... . . , 1 1 ' ., ..v-, .,.. :.',! ;r v, ' ' r..i.'. h res a 11 01 a ions, miu ,.-i d;'.-' hunt In for the over elusive ( able f Vi :. If "limit Ins" Is a pleasure, ' ' man M. E. church of this city. Presbyterian Cook Book. On Bale December 18. Send It as a Christ mas present to your friends. Mrs. M. J. Edmondson, of Uugene, ! Tuesday, December 21. and Mrs. Clara Duncan, of Dayton, Wash., arrived In this city Monday! ""For Xmas-Sabln has to spend the week with their cousin, sets. Mrs. Clara Coffman. From here the ladles will go to Southern California to visit friends and relatives. Having too large a rtock of Dia mond Jewelry of all descriptions, want to reduce and In order to do so I will give a discount of '.") per cent till January 1, Alfred Letcher. Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Hollar, who have spent the past several days In 1 our city looking over tho country, left Wednesday morning for Los Angeles, but were so well pleasi-d 1 with this part of the world that they will probably return In the near fu ture. Choice English Christmas Cards and booklets for sale nt Demaray's, Drug Store. j T. K. AndiTPou was down from ' Ashland l ist week and while on hN way to Ills Gitllce erei k niiii" he h:;d the misfortune to be t'ltown rr:t of his wagon and K' 1 s' a i :i '. r 1. iain- fill Injuries to his t:v but m'tlilm? serious as he Is still on ik"l I For unl'inc Ciifdi " ' manicure Victor on tho Christina list 1 svsr- "HI MTI'S VOICC Easy payments and Double Discs solve the problem. RowelFs TalKery Wake up take a look at this then come to HEADQUARTERS- and get a BARGAIN New Goods JUST UMVU'KKl) Alumlnnm Pin Trays, Dc and 10c. Combined Thermometer and Barom eter. ISp Steroscope Views, set of 25 for 25c. Stcroscope8, Gun Metal, BOe. Alarm CloekB. good ones, 85c. Hand Saws, spring steel, 75c to $U Hlgli Back Dining Chairs. $1 to 2 0. K. Rockers, $2.25 ud. Dressers, with good bevelled Mirrors., $3.50 up. RKCOXI) HAM) HOODS come and bo convinced that they trv 1HG HAKOUXS. Cheering Horns for football gainoK 15c. Extension Hanging Lamps, $1 up Stand Tables, 50c up Largo Easels, COe up. Child's Tricycles, $1 to $3.50. Sewing Machines, In good order,. $3.50 and $5. Washing Machines, $2 up. Petaluma Incubator, $15. Good as new. Petaluma Brooders, $1.50. Stoves from $1 to $10. Ranges from $10 to $30. Two Good Organs, $20 and $25. HEADQUARTERS City Hall, 207 Sixth Street. it X if uthern Oreg'oE Supply Co.. 204 SOUTH SIXTH STREET, GRANTS PASS, OREGON Hoinethiii for a Christmas present is the question now. . Wo arc prepared to help you out by having a lare assortment. SOFA PILLOW TOPS, LAUNDRY BAGS, CENTER PIECES, JAPANESE DRAWN WORK LINEN Genuine Hand work, SHAWLS, SCARFS, FANCY BELTS, LADIES, AND CHILD REN'S HAND BAGS, LADIES' PURSES, FANCY BACK COMBS AND BARUETTES. These are only a fewof the things we, have that will make n suit able pref'f'i't. lit 402 II street. Ilcrniii WiiUcr w irnte Tucsibiy. IT ;i font (if snew I l v lii"'i riinkf i 1 12 lO-l't i ' :' P 4, J 1 1 t!.i !: 1 . 1 A Overeoats K Mil - , .. s . , 1 ; . I' V. l'-U .'m ;-.! ;Vh .- ; v j ;; 1 ConinieiK'iii Mieiiiir Silt in''b'. ". ' ': 11 l . ..4 i 1111 i p 1 1 1 ,1; ' 1 .' i' ' ' U, iUlU niiiMiiuii,., 1 T ,.mII .w.ll .,1 . ,,(( : i ! I' ' ' ' count. OIIE;0H,UUi. GOOD? ITi STOCK, -ius!' iuy:; h'nr raving to yov - "" AVt ( in-. In onlo;1 to re.- ' ; ,, - Iai-K0 dork, we are n.r nv: . ordinnryonVi-.-.tntM-M; I")-1 her.ei'it. Dear in mind tlii, a.Uorlistin. i.t. Cuirtis u Jewelers 1:' it r- , 1 ; 1 I r . r . ... ' ' 1 '!! 11 ml : . ! f I'd !,.. .-.,.,ln- . ... 1 t,..r 1 ' Mv--" to- ! ,. t in l..v.'., an ! !! !''v ?', fi',.,1 n-. . .0 v 1 n t ""' " ' S.,. ill;' mi (,r ;;on. j ! V ,i;.. V..O-1 N-e. '!'! ' (I 'lV I 1 5 1 ' 1 1 ;,. l. .111- WHl ' Moi'-y. 1 f ' It v in V s: ' !1 l !.'.: r,,. ,,r Quality Style and Price We are at the top on quality and style at tin- bottom in prices. :.i v. Ctnv. '.cites Machi.ito'iiisj are in ore-it tie l...M:tl lil :U' d.i :i. J t. will pay 011 to iv.i vs a c;dl if on need .mm (!,!)',:; in t!ii.i liii". This is the f--e.v--.n of ChViKU1) ('") ODn and DRUJ1) FRUIT. We handle 1 ..ihii".r but the b"-1. Our o'.'.v.:o 1,. i::cn-j!.-i!i grocery trade j proof posi live ll,;:f our t'ols arc all that we '' ii !''.' them. AGENTS FOR THE STANDARD PATTERNS, 13 ft i. I 1.