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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1909)
Cferistmas I m M Felt Slipperi Warm Shoes Overshoes and Leggins make fine Christmas gifts. Your every want will receive careful attention at this store. Our. shoe repairing de partment is the best equipped shop in the city. The most modern electrical machines have been installed and every detail of the work is in the hands of experts. AVc use the best materi als for repairing, and only the highest grade white oak leather being used for the soles, and our charges are no greater than you arc asked to pay for inferi or work. CLASSIFIED ADS. NEW TODAY. 20 WOODCHOPPER3 wanted, good timber, 1.50 per cord. Inquire W. W. Wilson, Golden Rulo H.ue!. r.lenrinle. Ore. R. L BARTLETT 108 South 6th Street. NulxllvidliiK a Tract. C. L. Ilobnrt, who recently pur chased tho Lawless mid Johnson ranches In tho New Hope country, la having the tract of HO acres sur veyed nnd subdivided into 10-acre tracts which will soon be placed on the market. Tho land lies about ono mllo from tho Murphy post office. Surveyor Mensch Is doing tho work. Surveying for County Itond. There Is a strip of private road connecting tho upper and lower roads at a point near the lower Applegate bridge which It will bo necessary for the county to tako chargo of In order that tho new Frultdalo route may bo established. County Surveyor Mensch and a crew wcro surveying this road on Wednesday, and tho necessary no tices will be posted. It is probable the route will bo established within a very few months. For your Xnias presents go to Carlqulst & Co., Jewelers. Host up- to-date stock of jewelry in city. Get that Waltham or Elgin watch at your own price. Lndles and men's filled and solid gold, all sizes and popular makes. Seo our beautiful lino of Xmus Presents. Auction. G01 Front street. 12-17-lt Clemens sells Bibles. Typewriters All make, slightly used or rebuilt. (Jood assortment on hand. Kent, M-H or exchange. Low prices, easy terms. Mental .1 per month mid applied on purchase price If desired. 111 SMITH'S, 910 TO $73( VNDKKWOOIM, ;M Tt $7.1: Hl'.M- lWIOS, 920 TO 973; OMVKHH, $:it TO $I3; SMITH I'KKMIKllS, I 'M TO 75; KOYAli, 913 y All other makes at proportionate prices. Supplies and Kepalrlng Don't Forg'et 1 have had 21 yearn experience repairing nil kinds of Sewing Ma", ehlnc nnd ran make them run like new IMioiie 3'J-J, or cull at M. Mclntyre'sCyclery and Machine jShop 001 SOt'TH SIXTH STKKirr ('HANTS pass, oui:;o. MEXICO We are going to Mexico in the spring and would like to be Joined by several more who are In terested In securing land. Call on or correspond with S. M. Weston, R. F. D. 2, Grants Pass. 12-17-4t HAY Good alfalfa hay for sale at the ranch on Applegate at New Hope, or leave orders at Rochdale store. John Lawless, Murphy. 12-17-4t FOR SALE FOR SALE or exchange timber. The NE Sec. 32, Twp. 35 South of Range 4 West of Willamette Meri dian for sale, or will exchange for Los Angeles, Cal., or nearby prop erty of about equal value. Timber Is about five miles north of Wood ville, Oregon, and near a good road. Address Lincoln Hall, Box 621, Los Angeles, Cal.' 123t BLTKMitHhoMuily equipped, gasoline power, Vk acres of ground with residence and barn and outbuildings. Good regular patronage, no competition, off the railroad. Price, exclusive of stock, $1000. Part cash, balance on time. Address "Blacksmith," c.o. Courier. 12-10-tf FOR-SALE A beautiful modern bungalow in Lincoln Park, just com pleted. All modern Improvements, lot 75x155, fine shade trees, east front. A snap if taken at once. Terms to suit purchaser. Edward S. VanDyke, owner, Opera House Block. ' 12-10-tf FOR SALE 300 acres, situated on public road, 40 acres can be irri gated. Splendid location for hotel. Seo it and you will take it. Ad dress Box 506, Grant3 Pass. 12-10-tf FOUR counter show cases in gouu condition for sale by Cramer Bros. FOR SALE $1S guitar with case and Instructions for playing. Ad dress P. O. Box 322. 13-3-2t PEACH trees, 14c; Spitzenberg and Newtown Pippin apples, 15c. J. H. Robinson, R. F. D. 2, Grants Pass. . 12-3-41 FOR SALE Horses and wagons, top buggy, mower and rake, plow and harrows, 126 egg Incubator, No. 6 Sharpie's cream separator; also other farm tools and implements. Call on or address E. M. Cocker line, Murphy. 12-3-3t SQUASH for sale, about 2 tons, Hub bards. Inquire M. C. Carver, R. F. D. No. 2, 2 miles west of town on river road. 12-3-21 BOARD. FIRST class M street. board and room, 809 12-3-3t WANTED WANTED New and second hand goods. Headquarters, City Hall building. 10-22-tf BOKV HUCK At Grants Pass, Oregon, Sunday, December 5, 1909, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Huck, of Fruit dale, a daughter. WANTED to buy 1250 or 1400 pound work horses or mares. For particulars address K. J. Kubll, R. F. D. No. 1, Murphy, Ore. Phone 55. 12-3-3t iwuD home for elderly lady, small wages. Address lock box C32. 12-3-2t WANTED in Grants Pass, a furnish ed house in desirable part of town. Will pay good rent. Address, stating terms to M. N. Colman, Galice postofflce, Josephine Co., Ore. 12-3-3t FOR SaLE or trade, good paying hotel business In Medford. Will sell on good terms or trade for real estate. For particulars in quire of G. M. Rawley at Jewell Hardware Co. ll-26-4t FOR SALE Fine residence, two stories, 8 rooms, bath and sleeping porch, modern plumbing through out, lot 95x150, handsomely im proved, fine shade trees, roses, etc Inquire at Cramer Bros.' hardware store. 11-19-tf FOR SALE 1 team, lumber wagon and harness, 1 light spring wagon nt $25. N. Y. trap buggy, cost $185, sell at $35. Organ, cost $125, sell $35. New kitchen range, 20 tiers wood at $1 and $1.25 per tier on the ground. E. M. Austin, 3 miles down Applegate from. Murphy T. O., on Section 14. 12-3-4t SCHOOL WANTED I would like to secure a position as teacher after December 10. I am now teaching at Central, 3 miles east of Selma. My work may be Inspected there. M. Beckev. Selma. Ore. 13-3-3t MISCELLANEOUS. DESIGNS, Cut flowers, potted plaDts, bulbs. Medford Greenhouse, nhone 606. 11-6-tf MONEY to loan on irrigated land by C. O. Ament. 7-lC-tf RANNIE, the plumber Is ready m any minute to repair your plumb lng. 609 II c'.reet. Telephone 555. 4-iJ-t- MONEY to loan on real estate. Mort gages bought and sold. Marcu? Robbies, lawyer. 1-8-521 FOR SALE 2900 choice cedar posts. Apply at Elmer Shank's of fice, Grants Pass. 10-15-tf WANTED To rent to a man with family a small ranch in Frultdalo, 4Vj miles south of Grants Tass, 25 acres In cultivation, 2 acres alfalfa, 2 acres timothy, family orchard, berries, good 4-room house, barn and outbuildings, plows, harrows, etc., on telephone line, rabbit-proof fence, good neighborhood. Terms very rea sonable. Address II. II. Wardrlp, No. 490 Base Line, San Bern ardino, Cal. 11-20-it FOR SALE Timber claim, SW'4 Bee. 24, Twp 37, 7 West, Jose phine county. For particulars address H Walter, conductor, 3rd Townsend street, S. P. Co., San Francisco, Cal. 9-3-tf INSTALMENT 5-room cottage and three lots on Overland Ave. for sale on the Instalment plan. In quire Mrs. N. P. Dodge, 211 West A Btreet. 11-12-tf 160 ACRES RED fruit land; 6-room house; barn and other outbuild ings; small stream and springs for Irrigation; about 35 acres cleared or partially so; no rock or gravel; freo from froBt; main county road runs through place; lx; miles from Wolf Creek station; 4 miles from Glendale. This is especially good fruit land. Enough hard wood to pay for place. Price $2500; half cash, balance ono year, Interest 7 per cent. Martin Angel. ll-26-4t TEAM with harness and spring wagon for sale cheap. Weight about 900 pounds each, gentle, drive Blnglo or double. Inquire J. J. Moffat. Grants Pass Hotel. WANTED life insurance agents for city and country. Columbia Life & Trust Co., 203 Conklln Build ing. 12-10-tf STRAYED. ESTRAY There came to the ranch of the undersigned early in Nov ember, one 2-year-old heifer. MARRIED. DYSERT-DISBROW At the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Dlsbrow, Wednesday, December 15, 1909, Joseph A. - Dysert and Miss Edna L. Dlsbrow, both of Grants Pass; Rev. Robt. McLean officiating. This pretty " home wedding was solemnized at 4:30 p. m. In the pres ence of about 30 friends and rela tives of the bride and groom. The bride was beautifully gowned . in golden brown silk and was attended by two white robed, bridesmaids, the groom and groomsmen wearing the conventional black. Immediately after the ceremony a delicious Ved ilng luncheon was served. These young people are well and favorably known in this city, the bride being one of the popular young school teachers of Josephine county, and the groom is a mining man near this city. The young people received many beautiful presents, as tokens of i the high esteem in which they are held by their many friends. WELCH-PARKER At Oregon City, Saturday, December 11, 1909, Horace H. Welch, of Oregon City, and Mary S. Parker, formerly of this city. The bride is well and favorably known in this city and has many iViends here who wish for her a long life of future happiness with the man of her choice, as she was a young lady of many estimable quali ties. The groom, who is unknown to us, is an electrician and has taken a position with the new railroad in Eastern. Oregon. Mrs. Welch visit ed for a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Parker, in this city, leaving Wednesday to Join her husband in their new home. The best wishes and congratulations of a wide circle of friends go with them. HOOD-HACK ETT At the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Hackett, at Los Angeles, Cal., Friday, December 3, 1909, Randall Hood, of Grants Pass, and Miss Flavla Hackett, of Los An geles. The announcement of the marri age of these young people came as a surprise to many of their friends here. Both bride and groom were former residents of this city and were very popular in the younger circles In which they moved and many friends extend hearty good wishes for a bright and happy wed ded life. Mr. and Mrs. Hood will reside at Los Angeles. and she and her husband were form, er residents of this city and have" many friends here who regret to hear of her death. About a year aire, iw. and Mrs. Ransom moved to Illinois .mu, , Mrs Kansom'i" mother, who died shortly after reach, lng there. We have JustTeceived a big nne of Cattarangus Pocket Knives from the factory from which you can get a knife that will suit your husband brother or friend. Remember every Cattarangus Pocket Knife we sell has our name on It and we guarantee It to be perfect Rogue River Hdwe Co. Just -received a new carload of Drain Tile In 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8-inch sizes. Rogue River Hdwe. Co. Allan Is What He Feeds On Hal DIED. on right ear, color black nnd white, mostly black. Owner can have same by proving property and paying charges. 11. S. RIgga. R. F. D. No. 2. 11-26-51 FOUND. marked under half crop and spilt WINDERS At the home of his son, Charles, 50 Union Avenue North, Portland, Friday, December 10, 1909, John Winders, formerly of Grants Pass, aged 83 years. A sketch of his life appears in an other column. BRICKER At Williams, Oregon, Friday, December 10, 1909, Jo seph F. Bricker, aged 81 years, 8 months and 8 days. Funeral services were held at Williams Creek with interment at Williams Crock cemetery. . RANSOM At Avon, III., Thursday, December 2, 1909, Mrs. Melvlna Hansom, aged about 40 years. Mrs. Ransom was the youngest Bis ter of J. W. Heston, of this place, FOUND A three colored dog. Own er can secure Information at Courier office. 12-10-tf Dennlson's Tags and Stickers at Clemens Bells Post Card Albums. A pair of Draw Cut Shears will please your wife or mother for a Christmas present.. We guarantee every pair we sell. Rogue River Hdwe. Co. So beware where you purchase your supplies. We are prepared to furn ish you with everything for your Xmas wants. A few suggestions: New Walnuts, Almonds, Pecans, Brazils, Currants, Raisins, (luster. Raisins, Cranberries, Mince Meat in bulk, packuKc and jars; also some of that HOME-MADE MIXCE MEAT like mother used to make. And, remember, we have made special ef fort to be able to supply your wants In Xmas Candies If you come here your wants will be supplied and you will feel as others do satisfied to the fullest extent. GIBSON ROCERY Comp'ny Phone 6 Front Street, Grants Pass, Ore. FRUIT Trees for immediate delivery. Good homo grown nursery stock. Yellow New tow ns. Splt;'.enbern and Jonathans. From 3 to 4 feet. 15 cents; 4 to 6 feet, 20 cents. In quire of or addrcdi J. C. Dutcher, ' 2'i miles down Applcgnte from Murphy. 10-15-tf, Save Xmas Worries you want is displayed in plain sight. Pin-; i r tartmciitof goods suitable for Christmas presents and Uuistmas articles, that are pretty, serviceable and at prices to fit your pocket. vnite'Ki1" Chillare J1 tic Ty l"t of Havihmd to the common varieties, and they arc of the latest designs and patterns. rinn.wn'n!' 1 .contains,the J. things in hand-painted and decorated i.nina ami the plain ware for painting. (.ih.!l,!'i Jald,ini0rb;iaml ?ay -tho prettiest line ever brought to this eit; and we have them in all styles and varieties. l)kh V,own Cut Glass, Plain Glass, Faticr , n kl li' ' -t(r emlloss.vS; Leather Goods, Albums and hun dteds of other articles for your inspection. (looIir thc Sods over an(1 Kct 0U1 PCWJ- Hoods purchased will be put away until wanted. OPEN EVENINGS Hall's Art Store ope;; evenings