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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1909)
FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1009. TJ1E KOGUE KIVEK COVRIEIt PAGE TWO AMOS ANDERSON General Confectionery 308 So. Sixth St. GRANTS PASS, OREGON RjJm th dough and complies with Jl puro food laws. tRESCENT MFC. CO. Makers of MAPLZINI (better Uun Maple). With Mrs. NETTIE HARRISON'S 4-DAY HAIR COLOR. It Is the only entirely successful and satisfactory prepa ration for the purpose. Simple - Harm Jess - Certain. Sold for 20 years, and tits friends are legion. It never falls. Jrlce $1.00, At all druggists and at CLEMENS' Ditto BTOKK Grunts Tuns PaifllebSjentistry On of town prapls q bava tbatr plata '-; ia utiogex tied la a 25 1 .'Iff, J If uitwn W will ilvt you cm4 22k fold or Borc.liH crown lor S3. 5 v iMolir Crownl 5.0 Gold Filling! 1.0 Catmil Filling 1.0 Sllvtr Fllllnn .0 Inliy Fllllnn 2.5 5.00 M Rub- ktrPlilu 1.0(1 M. W. 1 Will, rmtni twMuMu EitrMlon .50 li nut rtnua iiiabh ntiniHTirn vol 11 VIAIII ' Vilnlew Eitraotlon fna whenflatMor brlilao work i. nr.Wreil. OumulUtlon Free. Yon onnot hett llnliM nrk dim anywhere. All work fully uiw biiIkmI. UtxlBriiel"trlaeuulvnienU Utwt mntuouSi Wise Dental Co. &&7.' PORTLAND. OREGON vnrrioi aoout a. u. ts r.M. I way, i tat strong, durable, conitori ublc F l! u r in c n t x f o r w o r l i n i me n W Taxidermist and Furrier I mount Ms giii.1 1 . ilrds, fi.:i; make fur rus; reiiiiux and clear fur f.:u im i:t.-; buy furs and aped uens f.f all kinds. Kxpross mill mall oniiio nrenip'.iy nttotulo.l to. V. M. IlAltKIS -.t!3 WiiNliiiiKton HI, Portland, tiro Telojihouo Main 3G00 M. T. UTLEY CAIU'ENTER GENERAL CONTRACTOR lit 1 1.1)1 :it Jobbing Worh a SKH'ialty riionp2ll 713 N. Rtli Ktm't, (imnls Puns, Ort. D. L. JOHNSTON ASSAYER i.Sooms 8 and 7 Opera Houso Block North Stairway GRANTS PASS, OREGON GRANTS PASS TRUCK CO. Ill NCH 1UUVS., lnrlom. (Sucoossors to N. E. Mi'Qrew.) PROM IT AND RKM AltI.E MICRVIC1C rianoN niul OrKiinn Carefully Kcinuvwl Tliono 1.11)1 GrtinlN I'ajtn, Oiv. Tlio lu'nt tlnio ono of the rlilUlivti catoh rolil, rIvo It nonii'lliliiu that will promptly ami fiwly but jtoiiII.v move thrt bnwilK, In tliat way tho cold will at onn bo iliivcn out of (ho system. Kennedy's l.axntlve Cough Syrup moves tbo bowels I promptly and freely, yd gently . and at tho same time heals liiliiulon and stops th rough. It Is especially uood for children. Sold by all dniKgM. IBM raw r ill VROFESbiJAL CARDS M. C. FINDLEY, M. D. Fractica limited to Jtsf, EAR. N09B and THROAT. Glasses fitted and furnished. Offlco hoars I to 12; 2 to 6; and a appolattnsnt Phonos 2f 1 T7. inula Paso, Oregoa. 3. LOUGHBJDGE. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Res. Phoao 714 City or country calls attradod day r alght. Shtta and H, Tuffs lldf. Offles Phono 361. (Jraats Pass, Orogoa. B. F. DeVORE, M. D. PHTS1CIAN AND STUM ION City and County oalls orosaoUy mswerod. Offlco hoar, t to 11 ajs. ins I to S p. m. . Phonos: Ros. 4TI; Offlco 141. Rooms 1, 2, t, Bhalrfcora Bide. Grants Pass, Orsaoo. DR. II. G. KIM13LEY OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN General, Acute and Chronic Practice Practice of Obstetrics a Specialty, Office Hours: 9 to 12 a. m., 1 to 5 p. m. Other hours by appointment. Phones: Office 17-R; Residence 88. Rooms 201-201 Conklin Bldg. Grant Pans Oregoa J. S. McMURRAY Voice Culture Studio over Residence iall's'Art Store T16 Lee Street LI. D. NORTON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Practice la all State and P.doral Courts. ' Office Opera, uouss mag. Grants Pass, Oregon. OLIVER S. BROWN, LAWYER Office over BIJou Theater. Grants Pass, Oregoa. 0. S. BLANCHARD, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Practice in all State and Federal Courts. Banking it Trust Co. Bldg. Grants Pass, Oregoa. I). M. WOODSON Civil EiiKlueer, Surveyor and Draughtsman Formerly employed in Surveyor-General's office, Washington 30 years' experience. Residence: Third house south of bridge on West side. Grants Pbbs. First National Bank OF Southern Oregon Grants Pass, Oregon Sumo of the Service that a Bank Renders the Public DEPOSITS The Hafi'Kt tut iinlet way of kcupins your money In by dcpoeiting it in a ltelinbla Hank. Thin Hank tvemves Pe poslm mibjort Uj Chock, ur on ili'iunmt I'ertlllctitf of ili' oit ur on tuiio I'ertilli'stVH ul Deptmits. On limit il u poult ii we pay 4 PER CENT INTBKB61 DRAFTS The bcHl ana wJiwiit way to iraniier money is bv Hank Draft. W mII Draft payahlo In all parts of tut country. LOANS One of tlx most impor tant function o( tu llvik. W e.lir u jtly all raaHMiabls: uM at our ouatoainrt. JspiUl and Surplus $75,000 Blookholders' Additional . RtspoUHibillty $30,000 OFFICERS L. It. Hall. l'mil.I.nt J. 0. t'Aarnri.L, Vtoe-Prt. 11. I.. Um.kiv, (.'ashler 11. K. 1U am, Am. Cashier How One Dih tor SiiiTes.fiilly Treat PnciiMiotilit. "In treatln;; pneumonia," says Dr. J. Smith, of Sander, Ala., "tho only remedy 1 use for the lungs Is I'liainlicrliilu's Cough Uetueily. While, of course . would treat other s upturns l h different medic nes, I havo used till remedy many times I.. ..... i 1 1 .... i .......ii ....I ...i in in., ni.ui. M m,u mi- naii iiuiv .in mum u. una a case wuere u mis not coiitrolb d tl.e trouble, t hnve used It tujself. n has also my wife for com;hs and colds repeatedly, and I most wllingly and eheerdilly fecom- mend It as superior to any other cough remedy to my knowledge." lor mIo by M. Clemens. , iviii tit, t r.r-,.,i !,:.. The third anaual mM-winlor e:c- -Mrs. Nicholas Longworth, while curslon Of the Spokane Cmbm- of ' rh, was still Miss Alice Roosevelt. Commerce and the Walla Val!a Unified the snobs of the Korean Commercial Club will leave S.xkam -n t on her visit to the Orient. The January 17 by special train and win V.ry has bee. to Id I n a whteh reach Grants Fnsa on Wednesday was re xntly printed in Berlin Oer t-... 10 f m.r,n ThP'many. The volume purports to be train is scheduled to remain here 15 . minutes. Grants Pass should give, ".any e-ni, iMiramnn p. nt the COUTl these gentlemen a reception worthy . . .v- nnntntivpa oi iuo hi bu n.o .i.. v..-: of two of the leading towns in ourj a cnapier i .o sisteT state! Let us try to show these i account of the visit ol All e and all other comers that Grants ievelt to the Korean jour In Pass is on the map. Sells United States Valuable Patent. For $300,000 Alvls J. Hoskihs, of Upper Alton, 111., has sold to the United States government a patent on a range and distance finder. Hos klns, who began life as a farmer, is a hardware merchant and ever since 1898 he has put in his spare time in perfecting his invention. In ad dition to finding ranges at sea Hos klns' invention, it is claimed, will en able surveyors and explorers to mea- onfa illalQnpoa rn Tnnil Ti'tmrn nrtim1 distances are not possible, as In the ...,' i,,i, case of canons, mountains and bodies of water. Exhaustive tests were made by the war department before the patent was purchased. Chicago Tenderloin Hall. A special from Chicago says that the federal authorities will take a hand in 'the crusade there against what is known as the first ward ball, the annual function of the denizens of the tenderloin. United States Dis trict Attorney Sims and Postofflce j inspector Stuart have had a confer- , ence and they have decided to make arrests for violation of the postal laws in advertising the ball and send ing tickets through the mail. The i dlBtrlct attorney will take action un - der the law against "white slavery" and will detail secret agents to at tend the function and arrest any per sons suspected of being "slavers." The ball, which Is annually con ducted by Alderman "Rathhouse John" Coughlln and "Kinky Dink" Kenna, Is scheduled to take place next Monday night. The federal authorities have the support of a number of civic and l church organizations in the city which have beea endeavoring to pre vent the ball for weeks. Sims Is said to tak'e the ground that the publicity given the ball affords "white slavers" an excellent opportunity to force girls Into dives. The ball Is said to net'from $25, 000 to $50,000 annually to the two first ward aldermen. Choked to Death Is commonly said of babies who have died of the cronn. How unnecessary this Is. No child ever had the croup without hnvlng a cold or cough at thp Rtart. If you will stop the first symptom of the cough with Ballard's Horehound Syrup there Is no danger whatever of croup. Sold by National Drug Store. To Regulate Shipping Ucutus. The report of the resolution com mittee of the Antl-Snloon League convention contained recommenda tions for n large number of changes In the federal laws relating to liquor. The mo.-it. Important are: An amend ment to the federal Interna' rev-, enue law to provide tbnt V shall bo Issued only to ; who make affMavii t'..-.t V Sell llqtmr In "dry" " i i' amendment v r:M ; , penalty for perj'.-ry. to the Inten-tate co- v . ' hlbltlng the nVliiueiit of :, :,): . , . In orlglnnl or broken piLykagcs from "wet" to "dry" territory. A r.m.w from tho postofflce department cx - iiuuiii mini i im mans nn advertis ing matter referring to liquor as fraudulent literature. HIDDEN DANCERS. Nature Give- Timely Warning That No Grant Pnsa Citizen Can Afford to Ignore. DANGER SIGNAL NO 1 comes i from tho kidney secretions They will warn yon when the kidneys are j sick. Well kidneys excrete a clear amber fluid. Sick kidneys send out I a thin, pale and fonmv, or n thick red, Ill-smelling urine, full of sedl j ment nnd Irregular passage I DANGER SIGNAL NO. 2 romea i from the hack. Back pains, dull nnd ( henvy. or sharp and ncute, tell von of sick kidneys nnd warn you of the mmroncn or dropsy, diabetes nnd I Urlnht's disease. Doan'M Ki,in,v 1 Ills cure sick kidney-, and cure them ,n n" business transactions, nnd fin-1 permanently. Here Is proof in the nru'lally nble to enrrv out nnv obllga-' statement of a nearbv resident: .Hons made by hi firm. ' i J. P. McCarthy, retired, fill 'nose! WALKING, RINNAN & MARVIN I street. lJosohnre. Orn snv.' "c. I time nco t tii .,ff.,' f.,.,.' i.i.i ncy complalnf. It became serious and 1 knew tbnt I could ot noeie't It longer. 1 did not hnvo m, 1, . nine nut I no kidney secretions show . . . , ,-d that mv kldneva v eto nffoctol' Hoailtur of ii,,-- vi.i i.,n. . was led to ret a supply. I am more ttK,n pb-iseil that I dll n i fvou'de- Ins dls'inoo-l . i ' ' V t slniv using 'them ' IMm un ' ' mnv ,.. nn,,' ,,' ,J'V!' ' " nn' gular " -oeretlons re- .Alice ai inr ' " from the prm of Frauleln Emma K o- - of the emperor of Korea. , it. vi, m,i.ln. in 1 . cepnon, wnicn is tuuoius wmmw of a varied nature, reads: "Learning that the Roosevelt party had been invited to the court of the mikado, the Korean emperor hastened to extend the hospitality of his modest establishment to the distinguished American travelers. "Acceptance of his majesty's in vitation came with such astonishing promptness that the court was in a dilemma how to get a suitable wel come ready in time. "The emperor decided to bestow l"on the daughter of the President of the United States the highest honor at his command, namely, reception at the graveside of his consort, the empress. "An Imposing suit of dignitaries and flunkeys were accordingly dis patched to the grave, In a picturesque spot, about a mile outside of Seoul, and there a banquet was spread. "Shortly after the suite arrived a tornado of dust burst upon us, out of which a cavalcade of equestrians emerged. At their head rode a dashing young horse woman, clad in a scarlet riding habit, beneath the lower extremities of which peeped tight-fitting red riding breeches, stuck into glittering boots. !In her hand she brandlshei a rldlnS whip, in her mouth was a cigar. "It was Miss Alice Roosevelt. We wore flabbergasted. We had ex pected a different sort of apparatlon. Everybody was bowing and scraping, in the most approved Korean court fashion, but. the rough rider's daugh ter seemed to think It all a joke. "As the mistress of ceremonies, I stammered out a few words of greet ing, and the guest of honor' mum bled a word of thanks, but nothing more. She was mainly interested in the colossal figures of gods and the , mammoth stone images of animals, ! which hold watch over the graves of the dead Koreans. j "Spying a stone elephant, which j seemed particularly to strike her fancy, Alice hurled herself off her horse, and in a flash Was astride the elephant, shouting to Mr. Longworth to snapshot her. Our suite was para lyzed with horror and astonishment." Men of Wealth Corrupt Cities. Friends of Mayor-elect Gaynor of New York are discussing the effect upon his coming administration of the attack made by him upon the corruption of the city government by men of great wealth and promin ence. In Gaynor's audience at a dinner of tho Southern society were J. P. Morgan. K. If. Gary, Thomas F. Ryan, Wm. G. McAdoo, Jacob M. Dickinson, secretary of war; Gov. Patterson of Tennessee, and many prominent corporal Ion lawyers. In the fa. e of il,.,. I'enrosentatI ves ' 1 1 vv:i;:'i :iad i'ivr Caynor took up : '"it '.Mil wealthy. "I might call attention to die spo- jlf'L' rxaml,, of nssessment of prop- erty. No one can f:ilt to nhonrim the valuations nre very unequal," de clared the speaker. "If largo proper ty owners will take in the assessor nnd gethlm to undervalue their property by giving a fourth or a half ' "mount saved thereby In taxes, nssessors will ylold to temptation, nnd It becomes almost Impossible to stop graft. These contemtitthle ; bribers ought to be dealt with In the courts without merev." How's Thin? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & Co.. Toledo. O.I e. the undersigned, have known i K J. Chenev for tho 1nt ir v.n.. nnd believe him nerferilv hnn....i,i Haifa rntnn-u f...... i- . 'i tornnlly. acting dlrectlv upon the' Wood nnd mucous surfaces of he system. Testlnmntnt. . 1" : . v s.iv- nice, (;.c per bottle. Sold by nil Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for con- tlpatlon. ' rrcRbytorlan Coo Christmas Present ens ,nnl, V " Cas Cook Book Is a ! Ily sent by i COME IN AND PICK OUT A CHOICE PIECE OP Christmas Furniture I HAVE EVERYTHING IN THE LINE AND I AU Selling' at Recuced Rates Come Now Remember the Sewing Machine to be given away December 20 M. E. MOORE Ik Rosebod Is Headquarters THE ROSEBUD has the most delicious candy to be found anywhere. THE ROSEBUD has the newest thing Rough House Chocolates. We have them in twenty dif ferent varieties and have the exclusive sale. THE ROSEBUD carries the Rubedoux Chocolates, a rich confection which is very popular and everybody likes them. THE ROSEBUD has a varied assortment of fine Candies and they are of the choicest makes the very best things for Christmas. THE ROSEBUD has Fresh Candy every day in the week. Give us a call and you will be delighted with the assortment. THE ROSEBUD furnishes Christmas Tree Orna ments of every kind. If you want these come to us for the best and newest things. THE ROSEBUD carries Christmas Sweets of all kinds. We can fit you out with everything in our line, and we can give you the full value of your money every time. Come and see us. Give the Rosebud Your Order Early Li r a vs. UK Is Headquarters TREES ! TR EES ! TR buy your trees from "Old Reliable Albany Nurseries" and you are sure of Retting just what you order. We crow our trees for quality not cbeqp prices. GEO. H. PARKER. Agent Office with J. E. PETHRSON ' "' " mi-i iim w .in in i T. ,, . ,mmm i,i. i.u...i i, i. rtTOW oft frVfcV h 409 0 St. A Splendid Overaj for every ue. Cut generous ly full. Two hip pocketi. Felled aeami. Continuous fly. fa Ui fill N't MURPHY. CRAM S tU Mtniilacturtn SMbMiWI W J -