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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1909)
-r- ,, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1000. TITB iwxn I COI PACK TWE1YB Groceries New Goods Canned Fruits Vegetable Fresh Nuts and Candies for C h ri stmas J. Pardee Phone 86-R C6'Frnt Stret Grcr 4 Xmxa at the Chnrchwi. -f .f 4 4 ClirUtmas rresbyterlan Cliurrh. At the Presbyterian church on Christmas eve there will be a Christ mas tree in charge of the Sunday school. The Sunday following a splendid Christmas concert will be given with special Christmas music. fit. Luke's Christmas. The Christmas exercises of St. Luke's Episcopal church will be held at the Guild hall on Christmas eve and will consist of exercises by the children and a Christmas tree. There will also be a special Christmas serv ice Christmas day at the church. 4 AT THE OPEItA HOUSE. "In Wyoming" Not a Melodrama. Love, pathos, treachery and retri bution, with a final happy outcome, are the main elements of "In Wyom ing" a breezy, ldeallc comedy drama of the Northwest, which will appear at the Opera House soon. The story Is one of abnorbIng Interest, Inter preted by a large first-class compnny, Hnd mounted with roallBtlc stngo set tings and olaborute costumes. The jlny Is In four acta, anil comprise a bright, sunny summer on n ranch near Casper, Wyo. The play is free from exaggerated and Impossible nonsenne, such as abounds only too often In western plays. There is bo much good In "In Wyoming" that no one wonders at the extraordinary Buenesa which the piece has enjoyed. It Is all clean and wholesome. Its ntmoHphoro Is refreshing and there Is nothing suggestive In the story It unfolds. The Christmas festivities of the Newman M. E. church will be held on Christmas eve, Friday, December ?4. The exercises will be given un der the auspices of the Newman M. E. Sunday school. An Interesting program will be rendered and the de lightful, old-time Christmas tree to gladden the hearts of the little oneB and also the older ones, will be the principal feature of the evening. St. Ann's Catholic Church. At St. Ann's Catholic church, corn er Eighth and C streets, the Christ mas services will be at 6, 6:30 and 10" a. m. Father Francis Mayeur, rector. I'lilverwlty Gh Club. Luring the week preceding Christ mas, the University of Oregon Glee and Mandolin Clubs are " going to make a tour of Southern Oregon, stopping at the towns of Roseburg, Medford, Grants Pubs and Ashland. Three years ago the Glee Club boys made a similar trip, but during the past two sensona have tourod the In land Empire Instead. College songs, -comic songs and lots of enthusiasm has been the slo gan of the club this year. How well they have succeeded It will be for the people of Southern Oregon to Judge. At any rate 80 college boys ought to make things lively for a little while. At Opera House December 21. Hod Croft Stamps. The Ited Cross society for the past thre years has been successful in raising money for Its great work in behalf of distressed humanity by Belling during the holiday season stamps to be used with regular post age on letters and packages sent through tho U. S. mall. Every true lover of mankind should do his pnrt to help on the splomlld work of this Borloty by buying some of these stamps. Stamps nro now on twin nt all the drug stort's. Christian Church. The Christian church will hold Christmas exercises on Christmas eve. There will be a Christmas tree and exercises under the auspices of the Sunday school. On the Sunday following thoro will be a special Christmas service. - M. E. Church, South. On Christmas eve, Friday, Decem ber 24, the M. E. church, south, will hold their Christmas exercises, which will consist of a splendid program and a Christmas tree. Exercises will be under the auspices of the Sunday school. The Baptist church nnd Sunday school will render a Christmas exer erclse entitled "'Light of Christmas" at the church on Christmas eve This exercise consists of music and recitations and will be very inter esting to all who attend. In addition to this there will be a Christmas tree. Dr. IiOughrldge will return home Saturday afternoon and can be found at li Is offlco. The doctor has buen at Seattle for the pnst week as a wit ness In the trial of the "Queen of Fahlrt" who collected money from tho rallrond company for an acci dent alleged to have been received at Grants Pass. Whitcomh Riley Heading. Rev. G. .L. Hall, pastor BaptlBt Church, Medford, gave a reading from the writings of the Hoosler noet, Whltcomb Riley, last Friday evening at the Chatauqua tabernacle for the benefit of the Normal school. Rev. Hall has rare talent In render Ing the pathetic, the patriotic and the humorous of Mr. Riley. He had a good house, the largest that Ashland hns given to n one man entertain ment on admission fee for years. It was a treat and met the object for which the program was given In a substantial financial way. Everyone was so well pleased with "the Evening With Riley" that Mr Hall has been urged to come to Ash land again. Tidings. For Xmas Sabln has handbags. Melbourno Dunn, formerly super Intendent of the Yreka, California hospital, has purchased the old Day place of ICO acres on the Applegnte Ho will at onco commence clearing land nnd will make of It an alfalfa fnrm. He will put In a considerable acreage next spring. Mr. Dunn has taken up this work In a business like way, which Indicates that he will succeed. Smith's Silver Plated knives and forks that are guaranteed for twenty-five years ran be had In the plain handles at $5.00 per act and In the hollow fancy handle at f 10.00 per set at the Rogue River Hdwe Santa Glaus' Vain Search I iN Thn nlil tintrnn Saint. rf XI 4 ilV V A V V1 9S v V M unnsinins nine cannoi ,j iiuu aatj a sti HMiu a better meat or poultry mart than at Ahlf's. City Meat Marliet J. II. Ahlf, Propr. PHONE 144 GRANTS I'ASS.ORE. 4 IXJ I ft The Chase Hart Schaffner & Marx Good Clothes Makers - - i u v. t I mm mQmek j . i w .. u 4- & j 4' 1 ''jr:' WW:: 0v?yQ3. . , , j :J.LjL:r-f'jn if,' j,.-fi ''. . . u--i. - ii in it LEAD Copyright 1909 by Hart Sthartncr & Marx In Good Clothes Selling'. You may have found "the chase" for Rood clothes difficult, disappointing, a false start, perhaps, or the wroni? scent picked up; vou think you've found the right thing at last, and buy it. No doubt you found yourself mistaken; cotton-mixed fabrics, fit wrong, bad tailoring that doesn't stay m shape. You re likely to get one of a dozen things you don't want. If you'll come to us you'll find our ( HART SCHAFFNER & MARX ALL WOOL CLOTHES are the right thing; when you strike that trail you can go as hard as you please; you '11 finish in front; you '11 get the prize. ,-. This store is the place. Price cuts no figure without quality. Here you'll always find quality harnessed to price. .f. will buy any HART SCHAFFNER & MARX Hand Tailored Suit in the house, nothing rc $17.50 served. $12 Ovl best sold by most clothing stores. $7.50 fr tnc VC1'.V l)CSt $10.00 kI $12.50 values you ever saw. Suspenders Free with each Suit. No charge for regular alterations Our Overcoat and Raincoat values are just as good as the Suits and we have a big assortment to select from Boys Clothing Knee Pants Suits Ages 3 to 16 $7.50 jih.l $7.00 Suits $5.25 (;.;"() and $0.00 Suits $4.25 $ and $r.00 Suits $3.85 and HOO Suits $3.25 n.75 and $:i.00 Suits $2.65 $2.25 and $2.00 Suits $1.50 Long' Pants Suits 10 years to 33 chest measure $14.00 to $16.00 Suits $10.85 $9.50 to $12.00 Suits.... $7.85 $7.50 to $9.00 Suits $6-3j $6.00 to $7.00 Suits $4.85 $5.00 to $5.50 Suits $3.85 Boys' Rain Coats and Overcoats ALL GO ON THIS HOLIDAY GIFT SALE Box Mystery Sale every evening' from 6 to 9 o'clocK Special bargain prices throughout the store on many lines of Under wear, Coat Sweaters, Shirts, Hosiery, Hats, Suit Cases, Gloves, Etc. ALHOUN OUTFITTERS TO BOY AND MAN" Co.'s. ttemeiiibor.WT: (Jl'AUANTKK this war for TWKNT.FIVK YKAUS. Komi Ulver Hdwe Co. Hon't fall to rend tho Silver Vrr Al of tho Horuo ltlver lldwe. Co. on t'rtso 3 of this Ikrup. If you wnnt the host SII.Vi:il IM.ATII) MA UK, Ret SMITHS tnnke t the lloirur mvcr n,iwc, (,, Kviry niece of Smith' silver Plated Ware Is (U AKANTn il to wenr nt Isfftctoilly in family use for SI.1 viaiis. Santa Claus Grand Auction Sale AT THE BIG STORE - DEC. 20 .to 24 '09 Every Afternoon from 2 to 4 o'clocR At The R. L Coe Co.