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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1909)
rRDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1909. t TEMPKIUXCE COLUMN. - I Good Shot. Five bootleeeers In p,.o. j . "uscuo nave just been fri0 . . .iCnw-..-., L ,v" ounces or 1100 - WO Airiura u -.--a luiity uavft in iqm .JrSSSLTiP.. r 10 'our 'men -In Dallas $100 each and given twenty-five days in jail. On the same day the mayor or Albany issued a proclamation clos es the "near beer" jolnt8 ,n hat me ordinance o.j v t ... . . ""u oy me THE KUui'K IUVER COURIER -?7.: VI h V.T "'.""BUI TMl. Rm fllUABlE INFORMATION jvt uu; cia ui trTING MACHINES gj ff - - " H " MAKING A FUIU ' , joes M run etujf. Ha ft it looll good. Does U maKe a good atltch. jj jj well made. Ii it a9y to operate. JiJ8tni -asirucuon, pjej the manufacturer put Ms THE FREE effing machine recently 1 - - J AH piaCCU wii wiv. mai ivti uy UlC free Sewing Machine Co. rwnhines the best oualitJps Ljall other machines. It is 'it latest, best and 'k: achievement in building i rfj sewir-iJ machine. Cc:n -;ri ir nth ail other ma tiiiies iVanytning in which ery cfeita to excel and you li Ln a . easily best. nient. uain . - a fmuiagea cased on several thousand reports, found that ninety per cent of the r.n..,. seventy-nine Der rent .v ' racturers, elehtv-etrtt the trades and seventy-two per cent or the agriculturists n Ian rim In galnst drinking employes. And What Doee the Saloon Give n Return for This Los,? Nothing but a debased manhood, the ruin of body, mind and soul. Is H any wonder that there Is an ud- "nc against this dragon, one that nio-- in .-."" 00 me blind'. Pel Uzard? t a ,dea7ndwm ,B presents sty in IZI to dwe" D ZZ1 T Cmffi,88,0n8' 8h- AndWhydltXheseMen 1 e - saloon aIwaya andCSS law b :a;:rha',tnal and P-rt-,P approximate loss o he aw any far nl rth!6 IT the ? te.f M & y6ar- Hence the 1098 to Th on, he 18 comPeed ,n Mtual money to the state of New to The saloons are the habitual re-1 York through the alcoholic insane Is sort of prostitutes and thieves, and two million four hnnl", e spirit of lawlessness is always In -oll each year, and to tha -u Yet it is easier to catch and pun ish these law breakers than it is to catch the thugs who are having their way in Portland night after night Then why should we tolerate these crime breeders? The Delineator for January has an excellent article on the saloon question which is wrtrth ,t. The following is taken from it. to country twelve million. Nor does this finish the count. The state of Maine has been held I. O. to 1). HJ!.nie.niralue1 10 th. Oregon 7 -UW1 ueoatlng League have Just won first honor, in tT ucung ii m University of Oregon, having been uu.a a urge number of men com ku, io represent the university -6.ui me university of Utah In their annual debate on January 28 The team chosen Is as follows: Percy Collier, a leader of the Eugene High school league team of last year; Carlton E. Spencer, of Cottaee a graduate of the Roseburg High ,tuuul wader of Its team two years ago against Ashland; with Howard Zimmerman, a graduate of the Salem High school and a member of the Salem team last year, as al ternate. The Utah iebate Is cwfder ed one of the most imp?- debates that the university enters. On ac count of the distance between the two schools, each team Is composed of two men. In. previous contests the university of Oregon has won one ana tost one. NEW TRAIN SERVICE ON CORYALLIS & EASTERN On November 1 a straight pnsson- Cer train was established on the C'or- allla ft Eastern between Albany and Yaauina. leavlnir Alhnnv t 11:35 p. m. and arriving In Yaauina at B:1S D. m. Ifrtt limine Ikuvh Yaqulna at 7:15 a. m. arrivlne In Albany at 11:15 a. m.. making direct connections at Corvallls and Albany with Southern Pacific trains to and from Portland and other S. P. points north and south. Newport In Winter. Newport Is an ideal winter resort and the low rates now In effect from all 8. P. and C. & E. points, with the Improved train service now establish ed, places it within a few hours' ride from the Valley, arriving there at 6:00 p. m., In time for dinner. Ex- cellent hotel accommodations at rea sonable rates. ' For further particulars call on any S. ft E. or S. P. agent, or write to Wm. McMurray, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore. . 1 1-1 9-4t The Correct Time to stop a cough or cold Is Just as soon up as an example of the fnra . 11 8iaris en there will be no War With Jaimn K-.La.x, . . . . " Oaneer of nnram.,l. . . . . I'lumuiiion: ann it h k. - - "''ui ui i-unsumn. couia not nossiniv mb m mnv that more liquor Is consumed than In 1 v. 3 of "ard's cripples as rheumatism does every an open state. T.t ,. . rup taken at the start year. And vet th la nn rnaann " ninnon this disease should cripple any- ment will be longer, but the cure Is sure. Sold by National Drug Store. ures: Louisville has about one-fourth the population of Maine. Kpnwvv nas Deen an open state, so the com show some of the reasons for the Parlsn is fair. In 1908 there were ill SEG "iUGIIIKE CHICAGO. For Sale lly pp. ike 51 ESTER S PILLS MICH iiir. vinjjiinir itiunjt, - f Lmllml Ali ynr DruuiilM f r A li i'i-J M-clicn-U'r's Ulunxind TiruiullW tlv'A I'lIU in Hed nJ n.etatllAV VJV'J I'uxes, ieulcU with lllue Rll.!x,n. T IhU TuLe no olhor. Ilur of jm.r V f m !tlt. AskfnT'lll.'lll.TE!t8 !; er growth of the hostility to this form or crime : It has been growing harder and harder for men who drink to get or keep jobs. One after another of the great railroads -have posted notices warning their employes of Instant dismissal If they are known to drink. Flick's great iron and steel works at Homestead are under an absolute total abstinence regime. Marshall Field & Co. enunciated a rule that has been followed to a less or greater extent by other mercan tile establishments, 'We will not. to tur knowledge, place In our business a man who drinks.' Many a bank clerk has passed a very humiliating quarter of an hour in the office of some surety company while learning that because he was known to drink the company would refuse to sign his bond unless he could furnish accept- DiAiiicivn nit vu imi '",'.? vcanknowna3Best.Sa!iKt.Alw&vt'pi.!itt i SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVEIiV'AHt ib'e security i The United States labor depart- 47 homicides in the city of Louisville and in the same period there were 3 In the state of Maine. Another comparison Is made be tween Maine and Massachusetts, where the conditions are nearer alike, perhaps. Number of Insane to each 100- Th Lurgeit Grapevlnt. The largest grapevine In the world is 120 years old and is at San Gabriel. Cal.. planted by Franciscan friars. The stallt Is one and a half feet in diameter and eight feet high, and tho brunchcM nnd foliage cover an area Df 5.000 square feet. Its average crop or grapes is two and a half tons year one, If all sufferers will rub the af fected parts night and morning with j Ballard's Snow Liniment. Cures all aches and pains. Sold by National Drug Store. i.. i. . ... ... 000 M'issnchn(tta 9es. T , t 11 lur,"s lup summer timing place u ..Massachusetts, 28.S5; Maine j of ,he Saa 0abrl, hote 1 .o o. Number In almhouses each 100, 000, Massachusetts, 19.73; Maine, 1 6.31. Deaths from alcoholism In each 100,000, Massachusetts, 6.8; Maine And yet there are "molders of public opinion" who will advocate licensing this thing foi the sake of revenue! Tea was cultivated In China 2,700 years before the Christian era and In that country was first used ns a bev-frn-'e wire The Fence that OUTLASTS THEM ALL. Admitted to bo the Strongest Wire Fence in existence . And twciity-ilvt l,a . ,i.),t.,i.- t leu. le strength of the best Beasemer Bteel Ly uctuul iuois prove that lis years of coiiiiiiuous test . i v a -, .1 for luiu and satisfactory wrviie, uuuer iub um e- Tosts by txi't 1 1: prove tli ?spd lt comniou wire fciie.'. durability Is phenomenal., X'n nttir-r vulra finrn 1ms en iilltil Its l'lCIU'l treme conditions to which a fmce may be subject-d. ' u,IlUonii , wbm. -This wonderful wire is H ;n-('a, hon, It.-..- 0.,m. H-urth Stee . "" inn, Tho Page Knot THE KXCT THAT WOX1 COMi: HFK-I. actually 0 of .nt uou . . .. .. . -n nr n "we d" to WUUKVU tll lr. 0 KID It OI wwand Is not a mere "Btapn or umK " ,.,u, , th .bole fabrlc. 1,m.nno1 frl-o. nn r.iw e u' j to (HtCh. P HI KUOI Uf . u. - r w euN to catch, p ill ooi or B" "; " cent hotter than Is usod oa common fence wire, glvlu, utruo.t 1 tST-I t ,11 gH-os the marvelous EL.WTIC1TV vrblch prevent. aad adapt. no raw e-nU The Balvnnir.iug is BO per a WSTANCK. The Bplral coll g: tauk rjSNCK to hills ana noi.ows. ,,v. t.nmtii,1r ovor The co.l supplies the TENSION which mukes PACK FKNtB elf-. po Jt. over thua Bavins GQ posts every 10- rod,, besides .avlas staples, nails and labor. a lung spuu, PAGE RABBIT AND STOCK FENCES u'lewe produce, they are the vrrv l.est. ilint iiioney can i.i tiny f.-uees cold; b-'tt.-r spa"os Ml? Ii r.i? nLnrv for "It .!' ' t !' io ir .itt..'. ii ui ,-,. r a r ac. pack vf-no: p-h.i far ) moiic four or more stramia oi uurm-u miii, rD nf IHtfl 1-iiy or modern .... - ; thev will acmauy m"i .wm,... c- I.wt Hi (!(!. till' .M.-srK--th" f' i'e prot'-cts use. i. tv runs d'Teil rod cf PAfiE twice as full a res, wire" than any nt her fence besides we furn- ii.4 ,i t!ie erenion of every 1!'b:- n;l tooN and Exa, !f!1, all fence., of ..11 then .all nml we lll .ho Hm,...i ... .... . . . . - i ni.v nnioilllt or Btjle, a"' iVC ". .. .. , ...mates on any am e r nee f.nn.s comiilete, ntu cau kmc ''tlN'S. without extra co.4. PAGH l'KNCK and explain V (lllIit of either recilar or Fpedal n a -C Gaddis & Dixon rENCE - J. D. FRANKLIN, Local ReP"'""1 oa Of,rn lh M ii i. ii , . i ,, , i Cinni) itll" LGON XEItVors DVSI'EI'SI.V. If Yon Have It, Ilcud This Letti-r. ('. II. lVmnNiy Ciiiirnn.ecs Ml-o-im "1 was taken last August with a severe vtomah trouble. The doc- i tor said It was nervous lvqiH'nln l!o gave me piedlclne for that. I took his treatment four weeks, didn't feel any better at the end of four weeks than I did when I commenced taklm; hla medicine. I took every thlnir I beard of. The first dnv of December, 1908. I got a box of Ml-o-na tablets. I took them that after noon nnd the next day, and haven't had one bit of unln In my stomach since thf 2nd of December. I took five boxes. Feel well now, Bleen good that Is something I haven't done In a number of vears." Mrs. M. V), Mnxfleld, U. V. D. 9, Avora, N. Y.. June 9. 19no. Ml-o-nn In the form of a tablet Is the lief prescription for Indigestion ever written. It relieves after dinner distress. Iu'lchlng of foul ens, foul breath, he ullMirn. etc, In five minutes. It Is guaranteed by C. H. Demaray to permanently cure Indigestion, unite or chronic, or any disease of, the Mtomnch, or money line!.. Ml-o'i-a Is sold by lending drug-:.'!!?-: cvervwhei-e. 'nnd In Grants Pas? liy C. H. Deiuiirnv at fi0 cents a large box. Test remnle free from Booth'r Ml-o-na, Buffalo, N. Y. VI PtmXlHCtDHISH-O MC) : s cnturrh or money brick. Jost , .'.lioitin. Comiilete outfit, including :,.ilcrfl. Extra bottles oOcj. Drnggista The best pill is HeWitt's Little Early Risers the an re. easy, pleas ant and sure little liver pills. De Wltt's Carbollzed Witch Hazel Salve Is the original. Good for cuts, burns or bruises and especially for piles. Sold by all druggists. Stockholders' Meeting. The annual stockholders' meottrtg of the Wlldervlllo Irrigation Com pany will be held at tho residence of Jacob Wagner, WlUlcrvlIle, Ore., January 6, 1910, at 1 o'clock p. m. A. E. SHEKIIAN, President. PAUL RUTTENCUTTHH, 12-3-5-t See. nnd Trens. H NOTICE TO ritEIMTOICS. Notice Is hereby given, that O. A. Baldwin, the undersigned, tins linen appointed administrator of Wie estate of Henrv J. rtocers. deeenseil liv .ho Countv Court for .Toseohlne Coun.v. Oregon, and all persons hnvlng claims against said estate are hereby noti fied to present the same, duly veri fied, to the undersigned administra tor at the law office of II. I). Norton, at Grants Pass In Josephine County, Oregon, on or before the expiration of six months from the date of the first' publication of this notice. Date of first publication, Novem ber 10, 1909. O. A. IJALDWIN, Administrator. NOTICE TO CKKIHTOKS. In the County Court of the Stnto of Oregon, for the County of Jose phine, In the Matter of the EBtate of Eda M. Larson, deceased, Notice Is hereby given that tho undersigned Is appolnt-vl admlnlif trator of the estate of Kdn M. Lnr- son. deceased, bv thn f!ountv Tour. of the 8tate of Oregon for tho Coun ty of JoBephlno, and that nil persons naving cintms ngninst Raid estate are notified to nresent thn same ilulv verified to Bnld Administrator nt the office of Marcus V. Uobblns, nttor- ney-at-law. Grnnts Pass. Ot-eeon nn or before six months from the datp or the flriit publication of this no tice, which dute of unld first pulillcn tlon Ib Friday, November 19, l'in:i, JOHN A. LARSON, Admlnlstf.t..r PAGE ELEVEN Sieiflcatlni9 for the Const ruction of n Dam Situated on RHRgt -CrtH'k, JoM'pMne County, Owgtm. Dam to be constructed as follow-: Excavation of Dm. The excavation tn h. foic . ncu vui mm roiiows: All surface formation to b removed down to thA both ends of dam to ho i-xrnvi, il to the solid rock to a depth of 10x with , timber sitting on the solid rock at oach end: all nrBtinn work to be taken out in a workman like manner and In accordance with the plana and specifications. Width of l)ro. The Width Of dam tn ha VK tan by 7 feet In the clear and to be built of the very best of rough timber and io oe wen strutted together; all knots to be cut level with logs and laid even throughout; 'all ends of logs to be sawn. off level bo aa to form an even close Joint throughout the length: the dam to be well stay ed tnroughout the full width and completion of same. Llnlnir of Ham. V The dam to be lined tnroughout with 1H tongued boarda well put together and cramped up; the flood gate of dam to have an opening of seven feet, to be boarded throughout with boards same as lining of dam. Supports for Dnin. Supports to be Joggled into solid rock at the lower end of stays, l ugging of Dam. The dam to Le well and faithfully pugged to stop any leaks or any soaknges that might occur with the weight of water therein; also the side nearest the placer formation to be we.l and faithfully built to pre vent any breaking away on the side of the gravel deposits. Dam to bo excavated back to the length of 2S0 feet from abutments of dam on each side and also full bnRln to be sloped on each Bide with a bat ter of I In 40. Completion of Contract. Tho contract to be completed with in 4 months of signing of same. P. S. Excavation also to be taken out tor water wheel 17 feet by 4 feet In the clenr; the plnee to bo se lected upon after completion of dam. P. S. The depth of excavation of dam irom the center of embnnkment to be not less than fifteen feet and to taper out In one even average to inn inn extent or two hundred and fifty feet In length and breadth. Ppecltlentlons to bo seen at the Courier office. NOTICE OF CHANGE OK (Xmi-OKATE NAME Notlco is hereby given, that pur suant to a meeting of stockholders of tuo Halr-Rlddle Ilardwaro Com pnny, a corporation, heretofore or- innl7ed iinrler thft Inwa nf tho Rtn.A of Oregon, held nt tho office of the company on Nftember 1, 1909, at which were present all the Btock holders of said corporation, and at wnlch meeting was voted all the stock Issued by said corporation; a resolution was unanimously adopted to change the nnmo of the corpora tion to Rogue River Hardware Com pany, and the directors of said cor poration wero therby authorized and directed to file with the Secretary of State and with the County Clerk for Josephine County, Oregon, supple mental articles of Incorporation, changing the name of the corporation as aforesaid, and to publish notice thereof within Josephine County, Oregon, as required by law. Thnt pursunnt to Buch resolution the board, of directors have filed said supplemental -articles of Incor poration wnn i no iseereiary or Kiate and the County Clerk ns directed, nnd do hereby give notice that the snld Halr-Rlddle Hardware Company will hereafter bo known and trans act its corporate business under the name nnd style of Regno River Hard ware Company. Dated November 9, 1909. CEO. R. RIDDLE, M. C. RIDDLE, V. L. I It FLA ND, Directors, ilf mm 1 mm Soil Li V , '4 What makes a good fence? Should it have wire hard as flint made with the highest carbon the same as the makers of American fence put into its piano wire? Or should it be a soft wire such as they put into their weaving wire that is sold to manufacturers of wire cloth? Neither it should ho. n mr-ilinm vurn tlmf m-imt - - - v ' . . w A i A C4 A 1 years experience has shown to be exactly right for the purpose, V, The American Steel & Wire Co. makes every kind of wire that ffi is used, beginning with its own mines, through its own iurnaces and steel and wire mills and they know what is the right kind of steel r r rr . .i i to use lor a icncc. l rust their judgment. Should a good fence have a rigid itay? No we believe in the hinged joint that is strong, flexible, yielding to pressure like a spring bed and snnpping back again to its place. Flexibility is its life. A pneumatic tire on a bicycle f!- .1 .! .1 ... .. . ... is muro uuraDie man a soua tire lor this reason. American fence is made of lartre wires Sr:aAw5&tBtf thoroughly galvanized and proof against weather. T1TT 1 1 1 TT coot 4 im.1m. .ly'wMat. JLmm Vmm . r ' - - 1 - - ' ' ' 11 I I II . 1 U JI"j,2W',! ROGUE RIVER HARDWARE CO succMsors to Kair-Riddle Hardware Co.