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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1909)
'Ml rAGE TEN LOUIS WEBB CONVICTED SETTING FOREST FIRES THE ROGUE RIVER COCKIER U of O Glee Glub, Opera House, Tues. Dec. 21 ' ii Louis It. Webb, of Dcerlng, Ore., .fcnU(, tihil for rnaltc IohkIv sottlim fire within a wtlonal .forest vas hdd in the dlHtrlct court for the Northern -DiHtrlct of California at San Fran ci. -'i '.n the 15th inbtant, resulted in IU . o:ivicU"i: and he was sentenced to year la Alameda county Jail. In Air,-! i. ;f l'JOS Louis H. Webb, in with .Martin Peterson and Von V.Tlllani AbIi, of Deerlng, yeht. on a hunt in;,' and fishing trip to Saddle For ' k, a tributary of Elk river in 1 Nolle county, Cal. Webb, with PeterH.on decided to fih and after purlins with Ash, they tra veled on the trail to Saddle Bar creek where Webb, bo It Is claimed, deliberately set fire to dry leaves along the trail for a distance of three miles. The immediate motive was probably to drive the deer from his lde of the ridge to the other where parties were hunting at the time, but back of it was a more probable motive. Webb, with neighbors, had made efforts to have certain lands within the Siskiyou National forest listed as agricultural and opened to entry under the Act of June 11, 1906. Al the lands did not come under the act they could not be listed, owing to the timber values. This action of the forest officers made Webb the enemy to the forest service at once and he severely criticized the actions of the local foreBt officers. Webb was at once suspected when It was learned that he was in the vi cinity on a hunting trip when the fire started and after Borne effort a state ment was obtained from Martin Peterson, who was an eye witness, that Webb had set fires along tho trail. Webb then made affidavit that lie had set the fires as a back fire to protect two small cabins which were in the vicinity, claiming that a fire was already raging. The cab ins were not the property of Webb and were probably of $25 value. The first trial of Webb was on December 28, 1908, in the same court, which resulted In the disagree ment of the Jury, it standing 9 for conviction and 3 for acquittal. The testimony of witnesses that there ; m - i0i '4 m m ! Ml M V m, ft, i; ' 0 xo T. V V -.4 a A v. i rlelson, Calvin Welch, Alexander Martin, Samuel Davidson. Bottom Ron-Melvln ugaen, u Burns Powell. . Q . Tuesday, December 2 1. The program promised is a com- The above is the Oregon Glee Club which shows in the Grants Pass Opera House blnatlon of snappy college songs, comical grand opera burlesques and excellent solos. PRIDAV, DECEMBER 17, 33 HUGE FREIGHT ENGINES FOR THE S. P, Probably the most remarkable comotive order in the history of Jf roads is being delivered to th : " crn Pacific. It consists of 33 froigv' , . iui. uwiici compound Tivpnlv-rmo r.T thr.o .. , ' , ' i me sam mm an iwo wnicn now are at on me. moiintain division of ti Southern Pacific. These 'elS weigh 200 tons and are In facti loconiotires In one. A peculiar' f, J is that sonic of the railroads betwee) um; eastern . worKS and the we?vJ u. pmiHuun reniseu to haul therf over ineir tracks, rcarins both hi tne tracKs anu the bridges. DrspitJ thh fact, the Southeru Pnrin n..l .v. v,, iitjj- ed 20 locon'.olives of this kind anl weight, knowing that thev wero r.J especially hard on track. "Each o the monsters cost $30,000. Those Christmas Stamps. Some people seem to have the idea ; that they can make their money do double duty at Christmas time, and that the pennies they pay to secure lAN INSIGHT INTO set the fires left a doubt in the minds of three of the Jurors as to intent, hence the disagreement. Thi3 fact was dlsproven at the trial Just closed. The fire burned over many square miles and destroyed thousands of , u rxf oaui. "n. v. - - i clear lucu ui i rewuvi iot... -- dollars worth of timber, much or . - 8tampg placed ' f haa taVon Aoon hnld of the nub soup," said the doctor, cheerfully, "t will however, ask you to try it. FLETCHERISM 11 wlu ,rnprove the 80UP and help J "Never eat when worried, nervous a Ww York newsnaner nas ine or anzry. It is maKing anu aoaoru For Xmas Sabin has gift book? 1-1- .i lets. Don't fail to read the Silver WarJ Ad of the Rogue "River Hdwe, Co 01? page 3 of this issue. that tne pennies llicj ya.j wi n. irw uv..ri ui ow " " rhnrltv stanins are good with Un-le ,h,h wlll elve a pretty 1 ing poison to do it. You should chew vnr Tnrio Hnp not obiect to ! ,j' , i7iMv,.riam Tho move- vour food thirty-two times every; oaiM. v. - clear iucu. ui iiciuivna.... . u Tn Prnao otnmin iilaeed I i-, vio nuVi. mniithf ui. If you do this, you Will nuviiiH mo 11 v-.v- r- - i mem nas wkbu u-u umu , . which was owned by Grants rasa on ,etters and packages, either front ; ,fc mlpd and lg rapl(ily extending live to a great age.' people. The lands where the fire on corner but theyor whnlA rftlintPT and through- people. The lands where tne nre hM on ftny corner but they burned were almost all In private the tran8. ownership. The government spent m)ggon of thg parcel of ma matter, thousands of dollars to quench the gtampg lsg(jed by the government are fire and the forest officers were sue- Qnly ones recognlzed by the can. cessful in keeping it from crossing ng machines, and if you depend the Oregon and California line. j qr thg Chrgtmaa 8tamp y0UP fath is . . , 1 ill founded, for your letter will be re The symptoms of kW" lub, turned to you or sent to the dead let are urinary disorders, weak back and ' backache, rheumatism and rheumatic ter office. pains and twinges, pains In the groin, j Letters addressed to points in etc. There Is nothing as good for Qreat nritian and her colonies will SKSSlkS Ynou,not be delivered if they carry stamps may depend upon them to give -en-'other than the regular postage tire satisfaction. They are antl-, stamps. In Germany they are per Beptlc, act promptly and Bootho the nitted on the back of letters only, pain. Sold by all druggists. F,rgt pace a postage stamp on The ladies of Presbyterian church vour 1f,ter ?,nd thn ,add a Chrlst" wisn to announce that their cook maa Btlcker lf yu deslre book will be ready and for Bale about ! was a fire burning at the time Webb j December 18. ll-26-3t Clemens Sells Fountain Pens. over the whole country and through out Europe. It Is simply a preventive of most of the Ills to which lesh is heir, but here Is the clipping: "If you want to be fashionable and In style, you mii3t chew your food," was the observation made today by Horace Fletcher, M. D., the famous exponent of rational eating. Dr. Fletcher, who with his wife sailed abroad on the steamship Sla- vonia to observe mastication In for eign lands, added the comforting in telligence: "In five years from, now it will not be considered respectable to be sick." Dr. Fletcher Bays the great Bource of unhapplness In the world comes from the mouth. "You may feel like redlcullng the idea that is well to chew your A pair of Draw Cut Slieurs will please your wife or mother for a Christmas present. We guarantee every pair we sell. Rogue River Hdwe. Co. Auction sale continued. This large stock got to be sold. Most high grade valuable line of Jewelry, Sil verware, Cut Glass, China and Clocks will be sold regardless of cost or value, at your own price. Call in and see for yourself that we have the best up-to-date line. Complete se lection beautiful Xmas presents, at whatever it will bring. Carlquist & Co. 501 Front street 12-17-lt Smith's Guaranteed for 25 Years Soup Ladles for $2.25, at Rogue River Hdwe Co.'s. TREES Fruit, Shade Ornamental CYPRESS AXI) PRIVET HEDcJ PLANTS j Urape Roots First class, 4 to 6 feet, 1 year old trees in Apple, Pear, Peach, Cherry, Etc. It will pay you to see tne be- fore buying. Special prices on large orders. J.T.Taylor Office In Brick, near Court HoubI Opticfen TION aszc FROM Lit I VMM 4 You will agree with me that it is not a very easy matter to choose presents for your friends, so if these suggestions will help you, call and get what you want from my large stock Diamonds A Uintr, actually worth 100 cash, will soil for $OU.UU A Rinir, actuallv worth $80, will . sell for A Kintf, actually worth $10, will sell qq A Kin;;, actually worth $20, will soli QQ A Rlnu', actually worth $H5, will soil t, 0A for 3lZ.ou A Rinu;, actually worth $10, will soli 0 nA for ' O.UU .1 have any quantity of S'w Diamond Rimes at prices that cannot he beaten in tho city, lf you want a Dia mond for your wife, your sweetheart, daughter or yourself, don't fail to look my stock oyer. b vfit im k v,;l A.fe":-.vJ;'U A"' : .r'i-'. 'K&$ feV'i :.v'v..-i':.' vz.r f::- ":V-r., . Silverware T have a good assortment of Solid Sterling Silver Flat-ware. T have Silvor-Plntpfl Tvnivos and Forks from $2:50 iter set mi 'to $3.5 Solid Silver Teaspoons, good weight, at, per set, $4.51 I" nil line of Berry Spoons, Pic Knives, Carving W and all at prices that arc as low as can be sold.. n ' Gold Jewelry of the Best Makes Cuff Pins; whv some of the Brooches will just maM you want them; Cuff Buttons, Cuff Links, StickpinsI Chains, Lorgnettes, La Vallicres Neck Chains, and ij win guaraniec you tne largest assortment ui lets in the city to pick from. Watches 1 have tho largest stock of "Watches in this citv. 1 handle the Klgins, Wallhains llamiltons and personally stand hack of every Watch sold. I will place these Watches against any, and for beauty and workmanship all vou need to ilo is to compare them with others. 1 buy Watches by the hundreds and of exquisite designs, with reliable timekeeping move ments. Tell me what you want I have it. SF.E MK rou n.vuY Silver Clip Napkin King Knife, fork and Spoon Neik Chain Locket Kaliy KIhk Kracelrt rou mm: vui (j i.ady mill's rn.iiiviia Nerk Chain In rolled roM plate or solid cold l.oW.i ti with or without diamonds A rli e KImu Cold Wat rh. $15 to $('.0 IVoiK h, Hrui't'h't Trail rin. Gold Tlu liar Screw for non pierced ear 1011 ll Hi Yol'XO MAN Sthk Tin from COc to $7.50 Watch Chain C'utr Links Match llox 'est Chain Koh Fnnntaln Ton Klnn l.odiu; l'ln or Charm Cigarette Cutter rou lATiiru Cold Spectacles IV tin h;iMo llamllo I'lnbiella CU'ld Wntch or Chain Wutei i;:au' Fountain l'cn Sou(!'li' Spoon of Omuls l'a, IOU MOTIIliK (iold or Silver Thimble Silk I'tnl.rtUa Hold Nice Mi'oocli Fine .V.;u,U l Clock Set Sllvi Tcaspi im.s i ok wiit: Mat l'ln. larue ns-iortnient StnrM Hold Watch l.iu Flu w Ith lMnnioiid Silver Knives and Forks Sash Fin Urooi h F.a r ret to Collar Fln l'Olt lltSll.YM) Cold Wateh Vest Chain, solid or rolled Kf'lcl I od ;n Charm Fountain Ten Sl ;in t Fine; Minionnd Stick Fin l'i'ie I'uibrclla Umbrellas I handle the Hull line; the handle? arc in solid silver, gold or gold-filled and arc built like a gold watch case, simply, strong, elegant and durable. One of these handles will wear out several tops. The handles are scpar able from the tops, permitting yoi to carry a complete Umbrella in youl grip or trunk. Each and every w die guaranteed.