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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1909)
FIUDAV, DECEMBER 10, 1909. 5 , uF.i-0niandi0re jPUSHIKG WORK ON THE PACIFIC & EASTERN 500 M,n E'"1WI on Line Extend ing Eastward Prom Med-ford. TUE ItOGUX RIVKK WIRIER. I ' 1 - - ... r.on SMVFJ VALUABLE INFORMATION for the Buyers of SETTING MACHINES QUALITIES TO COV i iu MAIUNQ A FUJU Does it run easy. Doe 11 look good. Does it make a good stitch. Doe it mw foot. Is it woll made. Is it ea&r to operate. Is it aimpla in construct! Does the m&nufacturcr put h!a nanio a lit THE FREE ecw'ing machine recently phced on the market by the Free Sewing Machine Co. combines the best qudiiiec of all other machines. It u the latest, best and most com plete achievemcntin buildin? t : i o c: a sewi;i macnine. Uom r.are it with all other, m. chines in anything in which they claim to excel and you will find FSIEB easily Jtbc best. FREE SEWING MACHINE CO, CHICAGO. ILL. ' For Bale By Ike SI. Davis A special from Medford to the rortland Journal gives some import ant particulars regarding the con struction of the Pacific & Eastern railway. That man. John Ain,n u a real find for Medford and it can be said that he is appreciated. The following is the special: . As rapidly as 500 men ran do at work manufacturing limber. The future never looked "suter ror payrolls in Medford. the v"ing mat the city has lacked "Another advantage that the road will give to this section t. . Hne east which win save at least a uay in trult shinmenta M.t.. . big item to a section which 50,000 acres of fruit. The earliest mat tnis rruit can be nlaeed on eaaf r.u mantels Is 12 days. Rf ...ftn a aay or possibly two days, much noma be gained in increased prices." Sowing Hover Seed. A. R. Bush, in the Pacific Farmer fr TAV&fnhf.. 4 1 ... the w0rk the Pacific Eastern rall-W most important subject 0f sow- way is ueing extended - rn Medford towards the .,1 Z ,w , ' "1 v' . .r. ' T CrP belt in th ,.i i . "u'u" "' ueuer ,n ne Rogue CHICHESTER S PILLS 7 v vmjiwiiir lli4lfllP, aau jaapurnuEliitfof A I UI-theMer". Ulumond TlnindV i Rd ina Odd ml" c() twits, tealed with Illue Rlhlwn. V Take no other. Ilur of your V VIAHOND 11HANI HILLS. SOLO BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE And President Allen hna - ouuuuutru that operations will not cease when the timber is reachedbut the line ''111 be pushed rapidly, over the Cas cades to a connection in rentt rw gem with the first line to be con structed as far south as ifinmn(, More men are being coantly added to the gangs. The contractors, Por ter Bros., are under oiV.ers tn mh the work as rapidly a: possible. It is the intention of the company to complete the ronrl to the central Ore son connection within hv years. "This city is oin ahead more rnHrtly than ever a result of the construction of the road. It Is known that with another road, possibly a competitor, that this city will develop more rapidly than In the past and many investors are taking advantage of this fact. Rehabilitated Old Line. "The affairs of the Pacific & Eastern were in a bad tangle when John R. Allen, of New York, became interested in It. He visited Medford and after buying several claims against the road succeeded in getting control of it. As the old Medford & Crater Lake road It had been com pleted 12 miles, to Eagle Point. The roadbed had fallen Into such a bad state of repair, however, when Mr. Allen purchased it that traffic had been suspended. He has rebuilt the old roadbed and is rapidly extending the line. "The various companies which own the heavy timber in the neighborhood of Butte Falls say that with the coming of spring they will commence the erection of mills and that next summer they will have several hun- Plant it has few equals and as a fer tilizer it has no superior. Farmers and stockmen are now be ginning to understand the Talue of TRUTH ABOUT CATARRH SensiHe Methods Will Cure It. C. H. Denuirny Guarantees Hyoinel to Cure Catarrh. clover growing as a means of restor ing fertility to unproductive soils, and Incidentally that It ts the best grass to grow for hay or pasture. Many grain growers have objected to growing clover because they had no use for the hay, but since learning that a crop of seed at present prices Is worth more than a bumper crop ot wheat, they are growing clover In ro tation with small a-ralna and thus largely Increasing yields as well as fertility to their soils We believe all our readers now un derstand the value of clover because correspondents for the Agriculturist have made a specialty on the auboect. We are very anxious, Just now, to give the information that we . have on hand for sowing this spring shall so inform our people that the seed oe used to the best advantage. Don't waste It by careless methods of sow . . ing. a loss or the seed will be no small item, but'an additional Ins of the crop would be a much more seri ous matter. So much has been said and written concerning the matter of preparing the land and sowing clover and other grass seeds that no one is excusable for failures with favorable weather and good seed. A firm soil la Ininort- Catarrh can never be cured by tak- Rnt se the ro11 or Plank to secure ing medicines into the stomach nor th,s condition. Don't be stingy with TnPtnIlaIml,Zer,9,0r d0"cn?s- the seeds. Clover Is a failure Intelligent nhvslclnna hnvn loner . . "lr ago discarded such Idea, n,i not nnl. na n,any ,)ernnse d ot sow enough seed. This Is specially true on slight soils where seed must be sown with a generous hand to Insure any degree or success. Good, pure seed Is another secret, of nnirf.a Of them WOUld be worth ronsMom. tlon were it not for the fact that un scrupulous persons prey upon the Ig norance of the people In regard to new discoveries. Catarrh Is caused hv Just as long as these germs thrive In' Mucn ot the cheaper clover seed on me iuius. crevices, nook nnrt corn ers of the mucous membrane that line the nose,' throat and chest, JuBt so long will you have catarrh. There is onlv Ollft WAV tn mm ro. tarrh, and that Is to kill the germs.' ( sowing such a vile mixture and ex- 1 ' the ,erZ It h. PPCt U t0 "0P Of Clover. NEW TRAIN SERVICE ON : CORVALLIS & EASTERN On November 1 a straight passen ger train was established on the Cor- rallls & Eastern between Albany and Yaqulna, leaving Albany nt 12:55 p. m. and arriving In Yaqulna at 5:15 p. m. Returning leave Yaqulna at 7:15 a. m. arriving in Albany at 11:15 a. m., making direct connections at Corvallls and Albany with Southern Taclflc trains to and from Portland and other S. P. points north and south. Newport In Winter. Newport Is an Ideal winter resort and the low rates now In effect from all 8. P. and C. & E. points, with the Improved train service now establish ed, places it within a few hours' ride from the Valley, . arriving there at 8:00 p. m In time for dinner. Ex cellent "hotel accommodations at rea sonable rates. For further particulars call on any S. A E. or S. Pr agent, or write to Wm. McMurray, General Passenger Agent, Portland. Ore. ll-19-4t War With Juiian could not possibly make so many cripples as rheumatism does every year. And yet there Is no reason why this disease should cripple any one, If all sufferers will rub tho af fected parts night and morning with Ballard's Snow Liniment. Cures all aches and pains. ' Sold by National Drug Store, the market Is a combination of T.he best pi Is DeWItt s Little . ..... .... Kariy msers tne sare, easy, picas- seeds and dirt with Just enough clo- ant and sure little liver pills. Do ver to give It a name. Don't Insult Witt's Carbollzed Witch. Hajiel Salve iann worm sr.o or 75 per acre by kill the germs when It gets where me germs are, and that Is Hyomel. Hyomel Is made chiefly from Aus tralian Eucalyptus and Enralyptol combined with other germ killing an tiseptl. Just breathe It In through the hard rubber Inhaler that comes with each outfit and relief Is Im mediate. Used regularly for a few weeks Hyomel (pronounced hlgh-o-me) will cure chronic catarrh. Com plete outfit $1.00 at C. H. Demary's and leading druggists everywhere. Ml- Cures Indigestion It relieves stomach misery, sour stoin. ach, belching, and cures nil stomach dia ease or money back. Lariro box of tab. lets 60 cents. Drurrists in oil towns, Page W ire JP ence The. Fence that OUTLASTS THEM ALL. Admitted to be the Strongest Wire Fence in existence. Tests by experts prove that PAGE WIRE has double the tensile strength of the best Bessemer steel JTJlH X. And twenty-five years of continuous test by actual users prove that it. used In common wire fence durability is phenomenal. No other wire fence has equalled its And twenty-five y record for long and satisfactory service, under the most ex- . . . m V. treme conditions to whlcn a ience muy ue This wonderful wire is Hgh-Carbon. Basic Open Hearth Steel. It ha not b Ing The Page Knot THE KNOT THAT WON'T COME OFF-ls actually t ing. ine I age Knot j we)d., tQ WQaken , It has not been weakened by weld- OVEX of continuous to weaken the wires. No kink of i" no "n n vn i II ii ii n i n ii ui u -- wire and Is not a mere siap.c - - " Mna.a ,,,, , nolaon the whole fabric. lh hori,ontl wire: no raw ends to eaten, pun wuu, u. e. - r .a J nnWl mOfl raw ends to eaten, pun wuui u. 6-" ---- -- r- .. w .ioni,in i. Kn ner rent better than a used on common - - The galvanizing Is 60 per cent neuer iu .,, .UTiriTV which nrevents sagging and adapt RIBTANCK. The spiral coil gives tne munnxu. over a long span, FAOH FENCE to hills and hollows. self-sunuortlng The coll suppllos the TENSION which makes PAGE FENCE self-supporting ,k...T!1" aVTZ r, 100 rods, besides saving staples, nail, and labor. PAGE RABBIT AND STOCK FENCES , .hat monev can buy or modern science produce, they ar. guaranteed twice as are the very best that money can nuy or rabblt-no guess work or failures, strong as any fences sold; better p.e " (01)r or more strand, of barbed wire" and It Is not necessary for "protection against stock, time , i r u ii is "" r ' - vfck the fence protects ltseir. to be stretched along side a PAGL rt.w ronsldered than any other fence-besides we turn- ,sh rs ai:r,r;L ?! fence without ... w. SUaFaxanlCeVan' SL of a,, makes then cal, and we wl show you PAGE FENCE and explain its .nperlorlty and give you prices. rm any amount or Bt, e. of of tpKM We fence farms complete, and can give ou fcnet'S. Gaddis c Lixon rtsct men- I. D. FRANKLIN. Local RP m oimon onin. a.iih n,nn.nrtoth Hsrdwnr tompanj -w nim Many stockmon and farmers who had arranged to sow clover seed were not able to obtain the same when tne neids were sowed to grain. Do Ir the orlelnnl Hood for ruta Inirns or brulBPs and especially for piles. Sold by all druggists. Stockholders' Meeting. The annual stockholders' meeting of the Wlldervllle Irrigation Com pany will be held at the residence - " iu miu, UJ J SIB iiviu n V vuu ivoiuvutv not allow this to cheat you out of a of Jacob Wagner, Wlldervllle, Ore., crop of clover. The seed can be sown January 6. 1910. at 1 o'clock p. m. broadcast by hand, or with a ma chine, on the grain after It Is up and worked into the soil with a weeder or light harrow. If the weather Is not too dry and windy the harrowing of the grain when well rooted will bo a decided benefit to the same in de stroying the weeds, saving soli mois ture, and stimulating a rapid growth. Tho loss to the grain by the weeder will be confined very largely to the weaklings. A catch of clover seed Is almost sure to grow and make a splendid crop when sowed In the corn field and worked Into the soil during the last cultivation.' Uso a harrow tooth cultivator or a section of the drag for this purpose. One-half of all our farming lands cculd profitably grow clover for hay, Picture or fertility. Stock should tc nt homo on the lands to convert the same Into marketable products. Increase profits, save the expense of Mred help and restore fertility by growing more clover. A. E. SHEEHAN. President. PAUL RUTTENCUTTER, 12-3-5-t Sec. and Treas. The Correct Time to stop a cough or cold Is Just as soon us It btnrts then there will be no rlanpcr of pneumonia or consump tion.' Just a few doses of ltallard'B lloretiOiind Syrup taken at the start will stop the couL-h. If It has been running on for sometime the treat- NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given, that O. A. Baldwin, the undersigned, has been appointed administrator of the estate of Henry J. Rogers, deceased, by the County Court for Josephine County, Oregon, and all persons having claims against said estate aro hereby noti fied to present the same, duly veri fied, to the undersigned administra tor at the law office of II. D. Norton, at Grants Pass In Josephine County, Oregon, on or before the expiration of six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. Date of first publication, Novem ber 10. 1909. O. A. BALDWIN, Administrator. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Jose phine, in the Matter of the Estate of Eda M. Larson, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned Is appointed adminis trator of the estate of Eda M. liar son, decensed, by the County Court of the State of Oregon for tho Coun ty of Josephine, and that all persona having claims against said estate aro notified to present the same duly verified to said Administrator at the office of Marcus W. Robblns, attor-ney-at-law, Grants Pass, Oregon, on or before six months from the dato of the first publication of this no tlce, which date of said first publics Si'fiti,ations tov (lie Count ruction of a Dam Situated on Rilggs Creek, Josephine County, Oregon. Dnm to be constructed as follows: - Excavation of Dam. Tho excavation tn ha iai.n ... v ii w u t, a m lOllOWS: All SurfACA fornmtlon n ha removed down tn tha on t ... both ends of dam to be excavated In to the aolld rock to a depth of 10x9 with timber slttl nc on tha anlM. rock at each end; all excavation work, to be taken out in a workman like manner and In iwpn.,lnn .ui. the plana and specifications. Width ol Dam. ' The width of dnm to l 7S fan by 7 feet In the clenr nnd to Un hi.iir of the very best of rough timber and to ne wen strutted together; all knots to be cut level with loss nnd laid even throughout; all , ends of logs to be sawn off level so as to form an even close Joint throughout the length; the dam to be well stay ed tiifbtithont the full width and completion of same. : , Lining of Dnm. The dam to be lined toroughout with ltt tongued boards well put together and cramped up; the flood gate of dam to have an opening of seven feet, to bo bonrded throughout with boards same as lining of dam. Supports for Dnm. Supports to be Joggled into solid rock at the lower end of stays, t ugging of Dam. The dam to le well and faithfully pugged to stop any leaks or any soaknges that might occur with thfl weight of water therein; n! .-.o th i sM nenrert tho p'necr fori i Ion to bo we, I nnd fnlil'f.tlh- !ii!t t rw,. vent nny brcaMm? nvuv on the. shlo of the gravel deposits, Dnm to he oxnmtot! bnrk to tho length of 250 feet from abutments of dam on each side and nlso full basin to be sloped on ench side wtth a bat ter of 1 In 40. Completion of Contract. The contract to be completed with- . In 4 months of signing of Bame. P. S. Excavation also to be taken out lor water wheel 17 feet by 4 feet In the clear: tho nWa tn ha an. lected upon after "completion of dam. ". a. -me neptn or excavation or dam irom the center of embankment to bo not less than fifteen feet and to taner nut In nna ovrtn nvAmtrA to the full extent of two hundred and fifty feet In length and breadth. Specifications to be soon nt the Courier office. ment will bo longer, but the cure Is tlon is Friday, November 19, 1909. sure. 8old by National Drug Store. JOHN A. LARSON, Administrator. NOTICE OF CHANGE OF CORPORATE NAME Notlco Id herebv irlven. thnt nnr. sunnt to a meeting of stockholders of tue Halr-Rlddlo Hardware Com pany, a corporation, heretofore or ganized updor the laws of the Stnto of Oregon, held at the office of the company on November 1, 1900, at which wei'A nreoent nil the Mlnck. holders of said corporation, nnd nt wnich meeting was voted all the Stock Issued 1V unlrl pomornt Ion a resolution was unanimously adopted to change the name of the corpora tion to Rogue River Hardware Com pany, ann tne directors of snld cor poration wero therby authorized and directed to fllo with the Secretary of State and with the County Clerk for Josephine County, Oregon, supple mental articled of Innornorntlon. rhnncrlnip tho nnnin of thn rornorntlnn as aforesaid, and to publish notlcw tnereor within Josephine County, Oregon, as required by Inw. Thnt purBiiant to such resolution the board of directors have filed said supplemental articles of Incor poration witn tne secretary or Htnte and the County Clerk ns directed, and do hereby give notlco thnt the snld Halr-Rlddle Hardware Company will hereafter bo known and tnmv act Its rorporate business under th name nnd stylo of Rogue River Hard ware Company. Dated November 9. 1909. GEO. R. RIDDLE, M. C. RIDDLE, W. L. IRELAND. ''' ' Directors. f Mi no tnnr i Whir milpe n ernnA ffnrp? rimilfl if Vinvn xnrirr linrrl llltlVJV Will tllV llllV3b VAAl UVyil tltvy vjc i i mj UtV 1 11UIWI U UI A lllW14vi4l fence put into its piano wire ? Or should it be a soft wire such as they put into their weaving wire that is sold to manufacturers of wirn rlnf h ? NpitVipr if sriniilfl rw n. mrrlinrn wir years' experience has shown to be exactly right for the purpose, I The American Steel & Wire Co. makes every kind of wire that'l is used, beginning with its own mines, through its own turnaces and steel and wire mills and thev know what is the ricrht kind of steel I to use for a fence. Trust their judgment - - -.- Should a good fence have a rigid itay? Ho we believe in the hinged joint that is strong, flexible yielding to pressure like, a spring bed and snapping back again to its place. Flexibility is its life. A pneumatic tire on a bicycle "is moro durable than a solid tire for this m reason. American fence is made of large wires wtaifi thoroughly galvanized ana proot against wcatticr. ah- - - m n ! tmmm mi VMM. f yf- - mm tm m vmmm wmo mm. im I 1 . 4 I I I I I L I -JL 11 I t - t I 3rrr; ROGUE RIVER HARDWARE CO. successors to Hair-Riddlo Hardware Co. i m m