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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1909)
PAGE HIX IHB BOOUB WOVSS OOVKC3. mo Until science discovered a way to construct the Automatic Smokeless Device, and make it completely dependable, all ou beaters had one common great fault smoke. With ths advent of the Automatic Smokeless Device, and its practical application to the nmff T3yT II Heater (Equipped with Smokeless Device)" the smoke problem was successfully solved. The Perfection Oil Heater is the only heater equipped with this Automatic Smokeless Device r5 ksLiSA which insures a steady, full-glowing her.t, with the wick turned up as high as it will go, without a shred of smoke. Reverse the motion, turn the wick down there's no odor. The smokeless device automatically loc's and prevents the upward movement of the wick beyond the proper exposure. That is the secret. This splendid result gives leadership to the Perfection. tr . I,-,,, oil ti iiMt von want when vou want it and I OU Illrfjr nun i j , where you want it without the annoyance of smoke or odor. Brass font holds 4 quarts of oil, which permits a glowing heat for 9 hours. Brass wick tube damper top cool handle. Cleaned in a minute. The Perfection is beautifully finished in Nickel or Japan. Every Uier Evrywhr. H Not At Your, Write for Descriptive Circular to the Neret Agency of the STANDARD OIL COBIPANY (Incorporated) KESMITH COMMITTEE THANKS THE PEOPLE Nettinltli County Committee Sim-civiy Appreciates Assistance Rendered. The Nesraith County Committee desires, through the columns of the Rogue River Courier to express Its appreciation and extend Us thanks to the citizens of Oregon for the as sistance rendered It In procuring the requisite number of signatures of legal voters to a petition for the creation of Nesmlth county. It Is through the liberal mlndedness of the cltzenshlp of the state that the committee has been enabled to file the petition with the Secretary of State with 35 per cent more signa tures than required by law, show ing that the people recognize the justice of our claim and are willing that the( qualified electors of the state pasij Judgment upon the ques tion at Issue at the next general election. COMMITTEE, By 0. L. Rees, Secy. If you want good goods for little money go to Paddock & Manuel, City Hall. 10-22-tf PERSONAL AND LOCAL A. W. Moon, of Central Point, was a Grants Pass visitor first of the week. A large line of books for Christ mas are displayed at Demaray's Drug Store. H. T. Wimer, the Waldo black smith, was a visitor at Grants Pass for several days early in the week. For 'Xmas Sabln has albums. P. H. Harth arrived here Monday morning from Portland to 6pend a few days with old friends and to at tend to business matters. The ladies of Presbyterian church wish to announce that their cook book will be ready and for sale about December 18. ll-26-3t Ben Haviland and sister, Miss Delia, left Saturday for Klamath Falls to visit with relatives and friends until after the holidays. Twenty per cent off on diamonds until January 1, 1910, at Letcher's. Freely Sawyer and Harry Smith were visitors to this city Saturday, remaining over until Monday when they returned to their home at Kerby. Go to Mrs. E. Rehkopf's for bar gains in Trimmed Hats. S. M. Husselman left Monday for California to visit two sisters whom he has not seen for 30 years. He will stop at Fresno and Berkeley and will be gone during the winter. For Xmas Sabin has Confectionery. Henry Booth, who arrived here last Saturday to attend the funeral of his little nephew, Minor Booth, returned Monday evening to his home at Portland. For Xmas Sabln has cut glass. R. C. King, representing the Jack son Loan & Trust Co., will be at the Layton Hotel for a few days. Any one desiring to build a home, or get a loan at 5 per cent Interest, will do well to call and see him. For Xmas Sabln has safety razors F. 0. Mallory, a recent arrival from New York, started Sunday for a trip through California in the hope of finding a more desirable place In which to locate. We expect him to return, shortly and settle among us. ELECTRO CHEMICAL SYS- I TEM GOLD EXCRACTION To recover all the free gold, or gold not encas-d from their respee-. tlve ores, it I; not necessary to a complete plant of machinery, or! 0f.n nnv sDecial crushing device. I Any good stamp mill, Huntington, Chilean, Klnkead, Gyratory Tube, Giant; or even an arastra, .will work equally as well as far as the recovery of the precious metals in their free state are concerned, so long as the mills, whatever they may be, will mlverize the ore fine enough to lib erate all free gold. Mills that have a tendency to slime are not detri mental to this process, but. If any thing, beneficial, except where con centration as an after treatment is necessary, then sliming would be de Sliming would also be detrimemai to cyanidation, but cyaniding is wholly unnecessary (with this treatment) except in very rare cases, and should it be necessary to cyanide thl can be done by crushing in cyanide solution and depositing the gold upon the plates by the aw oi the electric current and proper electrolyte. The cyanide solution is not in any way detrimental to the electro chemical process of amalgamation; it only makes the treatment more ex pensive and should he eliminated whenever possible. The large expensive cyanide plant will be a thing of the past. A simple mill for amalgamation is all that is necessary, except where concentration is to follow, then a complete flow sheet, with slime plant if necessary, should be Installed. Most of the concentrates in this part of the country can be treated by the electro-chemical process and the values recovered in the form of amalgam at a much less expense than smelting. Josephine county has a great fu ture in store for it if the mine owners I and operators would only get right before milling their ores On all sides we see mines start up, mills put in, some of them of crude construction, but most of them are good mills for crushing; and if the operators knew what to do and how to treat their ores, most of the mills would be a success. Yet how many are there In Josephine coun ty ta:- are successful?. y t we believe that all those people that have tried milling in this county were fooled In their ores? Ho, we must not. We have some good miners In this part of the country. They had their ores tested thrtrmich'v ro C..:ltt and found them to be carrying good ' values, but in their milling practice they could not recover their values be cause they were not acquainted with the proper method? of treatment. We cannot put too mucn stress on getting absolutely right in our methods of milling, for our ores riirrv the values. The success of our mines and camps depend upon it. The electro-chemical process Is not expensive to install, neither is it expensive to operate or maintain. A few hundred dollars will Install a plant of sufficient capacity for most mills in this part -of the country. The cost of operation is practically nothing, compared with the recovery obtained over the common way of , umalgamatlon in vogue through this- I part of the country. T. J. BRINCKERHOFF. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10, j propelled by an electric storage, tery, fertilize our 'fields with" nib gen extracted from the air by 'a! same subtle force ana our Bpeeh , 1 lainvu iu uisuiui inenas by tv mysterious -and invisible element 1 111 Health Is More Expensive ThJ any Cure. ' ' ' . 'This country is now . people who migrate across thfi I tlnent in all directions seekin which gold cannot buy. l f f of them are suffering from ftp and lung trouble or chrni .;.r01A resulting from neglected colds, 3 spending fortunes vainly tryne tn . gain lost health. Could evert , t ferer but undo the past and cure Z' uibi nrsieuiuu coia, an this gorro, pain and anxiety and expense c,Ji have been avoided. rhamvJ,Ulll Cough Remedy is. famous for it cures of colds, and rnn t " pended upon. Use it and the r. serious diseases may be avoided t sale by M. Clemens. 1 For For Xmas Sabin has post ' card boxes. Cook your Christmas dinner after the recipes in the Presbyterian Cook Book. On sale December 18. Don't Be Hopeless about yourself when you're crippled with rheumatism or stiff joints of course you've fried lots of things and they failed. Try Ballard's Snow Liniment it will drive away all aches, pains and stiffness and leave you as well as you ever where. Sold by National Drug Store. Milking Machine Installed. A. L. Blodgett, of Williams, has the honor of being the first dairy man in Josephine county to Intro duce the milking machine into his dairy as a substitute for the old hand method of extracting the milk from the udder of the cow. The ma chine is propelled by a gasoline en gine and will readily do the work of eight or ten milkers. We live in a wonderfully progres sive age; we milk our cows with a milking machine propelled by gaso line or electricity, take It to a dis tant creamery in a flying machine NOBODY SPARED. Kidney Troubles Attack Grant Pa Men. and Women, Old and Young. Kidney ills seize young and old Come quickly with little warnint Children suffer In their earlier years Can't control the kidney gee tions. Girls are languid, nervous, tuf pain. Women worry, can't do dally work. Men have lame and aching backt The cure for man woman or chili Is to cure the cause the kldnert Doan's Kidney Pills cure sick kid neys Cure all forms of kidney suffering, The following testimony proves It' Mrs. W. R. D. Allen, cor Pine and Nutley streets, Ashland, Ore., sats; "It gives me great pleasure to sc. knowledge the satisfactory results that followed the use of Doan'i Kid ney Pills in my family. For back ache and other symptoms of kidney dlsian3. there la no rempdv ah tki i market today equal to them. They) at. uiive lu lug ouai ul iuc IrOUOlg, dispose of It and bring about the sired relief. I have no hesitation Ii recommending Doan's Kidney Pi to others." For sale by all dealers. Price M cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan't and take no other. V4pr And a Happy New Year NOW PLAY BALL r r3 r KU in ARE JUST AS REPRESENTED SO ARE Fairbanks-Morse Gasoline Engines Monarch Malleable Ranges John Deere Plows Schutler Wagons Swenson's Malleable Stump Pullers Our Hydraulic Pipe properly used gets the gold to pay for these goods. Then dad, ma, sis and the kid all smile. That makes us smile. mm IP ASS CO.