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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1909)
The Rogue River Courier Published every Friday by A. K. VOOUU1KS, Proprietor. C. O. COUTANT, Editor. Eutercd at the Postofflce at Grants fabb, Oregon, as second-class matter. Hulcrlplion ltatetf. Oue Year, m auvauce $1.50 fou Monliia 75 Four .nonius. &(( ttlugle Copies 05 Advertising Rates Furnished on application at the office, or by mail. Obituaries and -resolutions of con dolence will iju charged fur at 6o per line; Card of thaiiKs, 60c. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10, 190K. THE CITY ELECTION. On Monday lust there was a muni cipal election in Grants Pass at which time a mayor, city treasurer and foiir members of the council were elected. There were two tickets, of course, In the election, but the interest taken was ull on oue side. What was known as the Smith party drilled night and day from the time the nominating convention was held, down to the close lf the polls oa Monday night. This proved they were good politicians and good or gauizers. The Norton party made no effort to organize until about three Jays before the election; they felt Buro of the result being iu their favor and oue of the moat prominent and conservative men on that side Informed the Courier on Saturday that he was as sure of a majority for Norton as It the election had been held and the vote counted. The Courier Lad figures at the time which, In Us Judgment, gave Smith 60 majority, but the authority from which came the claim of a Norton majority was from so high a source we felt that the Courier figures might bo wrong. The Norton men did what they could, It Is true, but Smith was real ly elected before the other party took the field. This accounts for the de feat of Mr. Norton. The Observer Is In error when It says there was a church pnrty In this election. The church by request stay ed out of the fight and had not this been the case, the result would have been the election of Norton. Our esteemed contemporary made an other stab at the churches by saying the voters asserted their Independ ence and mental liberty by voting down all church candidates. This Is Imply a misrepresentation. There were no church candidates. In the first ward Leo Calvert was nomin ated by popular vote and he was elected by the same vote. The church people voted for what they thought was tho best Interest of the city. No one will deny that the church peo ple or the temperance people have as much right to organize as tho anti church or anti-temperance party has. It Is a well known fact that the sa loon forces were fully orgnnlzed and they voted as one man as they had a right to. There were a few anti church men and they worked and Toted with them and both of these always favor turning tho churches Into taverns and club rooniH. Grants rnss Is a church town, and when tho linos aro drawn, tho church people can, aided by tho moral clement, enr ry any election, In spite of the wets or the disbelievers. next day and more than twenty ! every face. And these are all towns thousand weekly naoera published It that have banished the saloon. before the week was out, and then there were thousands of editorials about the Rogue River valley and the wonderful distinction It had won. This was not all. It was not the no- Now we come to one strange ex ceptionand In touching this we do not wish to fall Into the error of subordinating facta to a theory the city of Woodburn. There is no toriety gained, but the fact that the j town In the Willamette valley that Rogue River valley has the soil, the j has greater natural resources or a climate and the conditions gener- J richer surrounding country tributary ally for growing fruit which Is su- than that same Woodburn. Yet this perlor to that grown In, all other 1 is the one town that seems to be sections; added to this was the fact stationary, there being scarcely any that the prize won carried with it i perceptible progress. And this town the title of "King of the apple grow-jhis the open saloon In all Its power Ing world." " 'for evil. If It is a power for progress, This, It will be seen, Is a kind of j what alls Woodburn? Is this a case advertising which can only come to ; of cause and effect? There are those a country that has proven Its Bu-jin Woodburn who do not hesitate to perlorlty through Impartial experts j answer this question In the affirma ln apple growing. The value of thlsjtive and declare their determination advertising which has come to us to work for the removal of the evil cannot even be estimated. It tells that they may join the procession, a story which will go to all the fruit i Whether this be a case of cause growers of the world and be read and effect we will not attempt to de by them with deep Interest. All j cide, but there Is one lesson that honor to Tronson & Guthrie of Eagle should come home to us: Loyalty to Point, who have by their superior our own interests requires that we COMPLETE Line of Talking Ma chines and Records at Rowell's Music Store. FOUND Kebekah Pin. Owner can have saiua by proving property and paying for ad. 12-10-tf CHRISTMAS Decorations for win dows, trees, packages, etc., at Rowell's Music Store'. knowledge and intelligent work add ed Intrinsic value to every acre of land In the Rogue River valley and made It an incentive to other fruit growers to go and do likewise. IMPORTANCE OF HOME BUYING. Too much money is going from this county to the mall order houses of half a dozen big cities. It is an old story that has often been told, but this is so vital just now to the prosperity of the people of this sec tion that we feel it a duty to urge the Importance of dealing with your home merchant. This does not ap ply more to the farmer than it does to the business and professional man of the city. The merchant favors home buying when it applies to others but he too often sends away for articles which he does not keep rather than to give his trade to fel low merchants In other lines. This is setting a bad example and he will be certain to be hoisted on his own petard If he does not reform. If you are looking up this subject and will investigate you will find many homes In both city and country supplied with catalogues and they are con stantly in use. Ladies whose hus bands are in business cannot afford to send out of town for those articles which are kept In our home stores. Farmers may think they are In dependent of the town merchant, but they are mistaken. The facts are that we are all In some way Joined together, and every man's prosper ity depends largely on the prosperity of those around him. The farmer, if he builds up the town, partici pates directly in its prosperity by en larging the home market for his products. The merchant, If he will buy the farmer's products, will keep the money at home and It returns to him directly. If the money Is kept at home we have both the goods and the money; If that money is sent away for goods we only have the latter. 8TNI HY Til 14 ""W OFFICERS. It matters not how It happened, that certain candidates were eleth d or defeat. , In Hi,. bio iuiii!i'l,.i el'vllo'!, ir. nut el' order to lie . lllt ili' .n ; i ', !. ; in' itiejiiif 1 ., , r t. .. . , ,1 rill.'., us In ,, untie to ,i,vi w ev, IV laudable ;M of Hie i:. ft ;,!!,. !.!,t!':iM,m and v t,.., Vl:;e SHld I. !o.'.;il 1(1 mil' ,'y Ul;. Uh li I I'!', iv ;.: (,.'il;.;,' In potty i . ;;i: dti'i; those In pow ,-r. A loii:; hi o;n' officials carry out the policies to W III, h they were pl,.,,;, ( piclous to (;o ( led Ion all should stand by It,, in. win n they lull la their duty in their pledges It will bo time enough to show disapproval. The new mlin'iii si rat Ion can add greatly to the propeilly of the city and If the mayor and council are wise they will earn the applause of eoty loyal chl en. Opportunity Is Injt at the door ,,f Mayor Smith and If ho hears and heeds the call he will make a nvoul during the next twelve months of which wo will all l,e Justlv proud. OREGON'S PROSPEROUS TOWNS. It is unfortunate when facts are subordinated to a theory, and It Is especially unfortunate when those who should bo most deeply Interested In the prosperity of a town are en gaged In giving It a black eye to sus tain a vicious theory. This observation Is suggested by a remark made by the secretary of the Portland Commercial Club In a meeting of the Commercial Club Noveiu her 10. Mr. Richardson stated that the town In Oregon having the largest percentage of growth for last nr I-' F'ceue. This statement has tl'.i.n a -en-.: Imere-u lo us. i.'- ' he. ii repeat, dly claimed, and stat tin nt has he. ii sou u hi'iiad- cease giving the town a black eye, retarding progress and crying that It Is the lamb of temperance that has spoiled the drink of the patient wolf. Every town that has turned the money from the saloon Into the legi timate channels of trade Is moving forward, developing Its resources, receiving the best class of settlers and developing the best type of young manhood and young womanhood. Last week we were visited by some Medford citizens, and a3 they saw our beautiful river and park they sald,"If Medford-had Grants Pass' location we would make a town of It." Of course they would, and not by putting In saloons, for they were not that kind of citizens, but they would do It by pulling together, and by loy alty to their own home. Medford has the saloon fight on her hands; we have It settled. Med ford would not tolerate an organ that would run down the town on any pretext; and In this she is wise. "It is an ill bird that fouls its own nest." Cut It out! SOCIAL EVENTS Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Goettsche were taken completely by surprise on Monday evening when 10 of their young friends came, unannounced, to spend the evening with them. The time between 7 and 12 o'clock was agreeably filled up with games, cards and music and everyone was glad to be there. Those in attend ance at this jolly evening party were Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Goettsche, Misses Joslo Van de Walker, Essie Martin, Jessie Layton, Merle Caldwell, Hazel Morey, Reba Smith; Messrs. Horner, Jack Bratton, Clarke Morey, John Denlson and Glen Eddings. Pocket Knives for the small boy at Cramer Bros. . Large line of Xmas Post Cards at Clemens. A New Program. Our readers are reminded that the Schubert Symphony Club and Lady Quartette give an entire change of program each season, so those who have heard this superior company before can attend again on Decem ber 14 at the opera house and rest assured of hearing a program that will be new and entertaining. Re member that this Is positively this company's last appearance In this city for several years. BLACKSMITH shot) fully equipped, gasoline power, 2 acres of ground with residence and barn and outbuildings. Good regular patronage, no competition, off the railroad. Price,- exclusive of stock, $1000. Part cash, balance on time. Address "Blacksmith," c.o. Courier. 12-10-tf EXAMINE 6urpTalosof QUALITY. Rowell's Music Store. FOR SALE A beautiful modern bungalow in Lincoln Park, just com-. pleted. All modern improvements, lot 75x153, fine shade trees, east front. A snap If taken at once. Terms to suit purchaser. Edward S. VanDyke, owner, Opera House' Block. i2'lf FOR SALE 300 acres, situated on public rf.d, 40 acres can be Irrl-j gated. Splendid location for hotel. See It and you will take it. Ad dress Box 506, Grants Pa:3. 12-10-tf CHRISTMAS Post Cards, lc and up, at Rowell's Music Store. FOR SALE My bungalow less than cost. Any old terms. Also 58 acres choice soil cheap. J. D. Drake, 511 L street. 12-1 0-1 1 GREATEST values yet in Christmas Stationery at Rowell's Music Store. Dennlson's Tags and Stickers at Clemens sells Post Card Albums. FOR SALE FOR SaLE or trade, good paying hotel business In Medford. Will Bell on good terms or trade for real estate. For particulars in quire of G. M. Rawley at Jewell Hardware Co. ll-26-4t Are Yob Ready f, C I Iiristoas? We Are " with the most complete and best select ed stock we have ever shown. Our Dutch Collar Pins, French Jabot Pins, in bug designs, and articles in Cloisonne are especially popular this season. " , We are also showing a very com plete line of Sterling Silver Novelties which make such acceptable gifts at such a moderate cost. Surely the most exacting buyer can not fail to find just the very article to fit the place. The great quality of our goods never disappoints. Jeweler SOUTHERN PACIFIC TIME INSPECTOR Bert Barnes FOR SALE Fine residence, two stories, 8 rooms, bath and sleeping porch, modern plumbing through out, lot 95x150, handsomely im proved, fine shade trees, roses, etc. Inquire at Cramer Bros.' hardware store. 11-19-tf HOLIDAY GOODS Headquarters FOR SALE 1 team, lumber wagon and harness, 1 light spring wagon at $25. N. Y. trap buggy, cost $185, Bell at $35. Organ, cost $125, Bell $35. New kitchen range, 20 tiers wood at $1 and $1.25 per tier on the ground. E. M. Austin, 3 miles down Applegate from Murphy P. O., on Section 14. 12-3-4t FOR SALE 2900 choice cedar posts. Apply at Elmer Shank's of fice, Grants Pass. 10-15-tf $2000.00 equity In $3500.00 resi dence property to exchange for good unimproved fruit or alfalfa land. See The Clements-Basler Realty Co., room 4, Masonic Tem ple, Grants Pass. ll-26-2t For Xmas Sabln bus bibles. I-' II -t, thai Or;1. nt 3 Puss bus he. n los in ',' finaii'iilly and t Ix-i vl. t,y the (losing of tlie Miliums. Wh.thor tint has kept any who inl'iht be de-' slrnble cltl'ens from coining here Is liardiy a debatable question, but that j It lias tended to dlseournge some and ha, In a measure, prevented unliy if effort In the development of the' city Is an admitted fact. 1 Passing by the absurdity of the, claim that that wi.lh produces i nothing but laziness, crime and mis-1 cry ran be a factor In the prosperity of u community, let us et nt the facts. A trip down the Willamette valley brings to lkht remarkable condi tion, conditions that reveal with startling emphasis tho absurdity of Try Mrs. Tafi's puddi'i'. byterlan Cool; Boo;. (;i ember IS. , In Pres- s".!e Oec- W ANTED To rent to a man with family a small ranch In Frultdale, 4 miles south of Grants Pass, 25 acres In cultivation, 2 acres alfalfa, 2 acres timothy, family orchard, berries, good 4-room house, barn and outbuildings, plows, harrows, etc., on telephone line, rabbit-proof fence, good neighborhood. Terms very rea sonable. Address II. II. Wardrip, No. 490 Base Line, San Bern ardino, Cal. i-d-4t A complete selection of thousands of different articles from a complete range of the different holi day lines. All is ready for your quick and correct inspection and purchase. The range of selection includes: " Fry's Cut Glass, Copyright Books and Reprints, Leather Goods, Children's Books, Calanders, Dennison's Tags and. Stickers, Triplicate Mirrors, Shaving Mirrors, Anti mony Bronzes, Military Hair Brushes, Choice Box Papers, Fountain Pens, Post Cards and Post Card Albums, Collar and Cuff Boxes, Cigar Jars and Cases, at At CLEMENS sells DRUGS drive siugle or double. Inquire J. J. Moffat, Grants Pass Hotel. FOR SALE in I Ik cow. st reet. -Piano, nearly i;.v; Al Inquire 71." .;n!i 7u 1 f FRUIT Trees for Immediate delivery. Good home grown nursery stock, Yellow Newtowns, Spltzen bergs and Jonathans. From 3 to 4 feet, 15 cents; 4 to C feet, 20 cents. In quire of or address J. C. Dutcher, 2 Ms miles down Applegate from Murphy. 10-15-tf for l.M"ll Tor S;'e. 1l'0 aciv, one-half sulfa fruit, r. o o y fe,'t sfa.ulin- timber, county road nn.l acoil s. hool near by. i ....... , .-en or iraue. )o:ir nrlre and terms. Address Itev r0(. O.mts in.:s iMo-tr CLASSIFIED ADS. m:v toihv, KODVKS and Supplies im;,k Christinas dirts. Umveir Store! Flue Music jthu tinlm that a town Is In any way GKANI) I'KIK WON AT Sl'OKANi.;. impendent ,, ,no s:(iltnu r;. u The real value of the honors won 1 icsperlty. by the Kogue Ulver Milley m the Na-j TaMng Kugene. a dry town, as a tlonal Apple hhov lu Spokane can 'arter, we have here the most re- UUIih Pe overestimated. JeOO.OOO i'cut. in ndwitWim In nil wntll puWie. 'i.m Otic halt a . i kliortn th, prov. I;-;-, i. $10'." ,;,, pie i i d.ilV . ould not havo been (" 1 In ltukiii.' 1 i ii"il.y of this fruli v. in til I..; if the !' : ' : t iho l,i'",. ns 1 t'atkable growth that Oivi:,n La .witnessed In Its hfstory. Then visit-In-; lhnny, Corvallis. Indeprmlen.v Dallas, MiMlnnvllle, New berg we find tlu to i greater or leu In.:. lrn Hrowt's !. .:, Is ;t a' e I"V. . ',"1. Pf .';! . I ''.ViO'l same coiu'. de,-,, ,:- ' " '. '':: and .iil- slept thin FOP NO A three colored "don. (iwijl cr can secure Information at Courier office, k'-lO-tf FOK SAM; or ovluiu'.e timlc'r. The N'l''i S.v. :i:, tW)1 ;;- ,,,,,1, of ,!'"' -', I West of WT.lamelte Morl 'l!'"i fr sale. o will ev hnm.;o for ' ' s "''l-S. al.. of tiearhv nrn. 'it of about e.iual value. Timber I "bo'it five tulles north of Wood Orciron, and near a good ro.vl. Address Lincoln Hall, Hex '-!, l.os Angeles, Cal. 12-10-3t WANT KD life insurance agents for city and country. Columbia T.lfe "t'3 Cor. kiln Hulld-lMO-tf ruu t.i,is limber claim, SV See. M, Twp 37, 7 West, Jose phine county. For particulars address 11 Walter, conductor, 3rd Townsend street, S. P. Co., Sau Francisco, Cal. V-'i-tt INSTALMENT 5-room cottage and three lots on Overland Ave. for sale on tho instalment plan. In quire Mrs. N. P. Dodge, 211 West A street. 11-12-tf & Ti n st Co. lug. FOR SALK Good roll top desk, rea sonable. Demaray's Drug Store. 100 ACRES red fruit landTT-room house; barn and other outbuild ings; small stream and springs for irrigation; about 35 ncres cleared or partially so; no rock or gravel; free from frost; main county road runs through place; It; n,uos from Wolf Creek station; 4 miles from Glendale. This is especially good fruit land. Enonsrh bnr.i wood to pay for place. Price IiTiOO; half cash, balance one year, Interest 7 per cent. Martin Angel. ll-26-4t FOl'R counter show .rnscjT'l'ii Tgood condition for sale by Cramer llros. FOR SALE--? IN and instructions dress P. (). l!ox ; PEACH trees, 14"; Newtown Pippin II. Robinson, II. Pass. ir:i case for playing. Ad 3 22. I3-3-2t Spiuonberg and apples, 15e. J. F. D. 2, Grants 12-3-4t WANTED in Grants Pass, a furnish. ted house In desirable part of ton Will pay good rent. Addrea, stating terms to M. N. Coitwa. Gallce postofflce, Josephine Co .Ore. 12-3-31 SCHOOL WANTED I would like to secure a position as teacher alter December 10. I am now teaching tit Central, 3 miles cast of S"ini Vy work may be Inspc-tcd tli" M. Reckev. Kelma. Ore. 13-3-31 FOR SALE Horses and wagons, top buggy, mower and rake, plow and harrows, 12G egg incubator, No. C Sharpie's cream separator; also other farm tools and Implements. Call on or address E. M. Cocker line, Murphy. 12-3-3t SQUASH for sale, about 2 tons, Ilub bards. Inquire M. C. Carver, R. F. D. No. 2, 2 miles west of town on river road. 12-3-2t HOARD. msCELLANLOuo. DESIGNS, Cut flowers, potted plan bulbs. Medford (JreenbouBi phone tiOG. H-6 MONEY "to "'icTou"''lrrigtitedliiJ by C. G. Ament. RANN1 Et'ho plumper ir"ioad l any minute to repair your plumb" Ing. 609 H clreet, Telcphnu 555. MONEY to loan on reaTMtateTMorv gages bought and sold. Mircul Robblua lftwver. l-'"5Jt STRAY 101 . TEAM with harness and wagon for sale cheap, about 900 pounds each, spring Weight g.'tit'c. FIRST class board and room, 809 M street. 12-3-3t WANTED WANTED New and second hand goods. Headquarters, City Hall building. 10-22-tf WANTED to buy 1250 or 1400 pound work horses or mares. For partjculars address K. J. Kubll, R. F. D. No. 1, Murphy, Ore. Phone 55. 12-3-3t lo-niD homo for elderly lady, small wnifes. Address lork bvr r.a? 12-3-21' STRAYED Came to the premie? of tho subscriber, April 1, this yr a red muley cow, marked smooth crop and slit on the right ear, and a plain slit on the I ear, small white spot on the bad Owner can havo the same by pr" Ing property and paying charf Mrs. Josephine Mcsslnger, nf Murnbv. Or. ll-H'51 ESTRAY There came to the ruu of the undersigned early In ember, . one 2-year-old bel'fj' marked under half crop and i j on right ear, color black a3 white, mostly black. Owner t. i, nrO?0f!J nitre Hume vj iruui "- and rnylng charges. H. S. R. F. D. No. 2.