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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1909)
FRIDAV, DECEMBER 10, 1000. CONCRETE BUILD IS POPULAR fjjlALL AX1 LARGE CITIES USE IT EXTENSIVELY f3 S. GOVERNMENT USES IT it will Stand the Test of Time as Well as the Shock of Earth quakes. ifko concrete business houses filch have been erected in Grants Pass are an object leBSon in city con duction and will prove that this ! of buildings will become even 'more popular in the immediate fu- m. 1 IV. . - VI 1- . : i tur lne Aiueria uiuuk ana me Courier building are fair samples of Vlist c&n De done in concrete con i . . . n i i . itruction, ana u nas ueen aemon strated in this city that the price of jthls work, while it is more than 'trick, Is by no meanB prohibitive. In Ismail cities of the country this class 0f building material is iinaing its 'say and in the large city the 20-story sky scraper is of reinforced concrete. Experts claim that these structures tll last for many centuries, in tact, there Is no reason why they should nt remain perfect for all time. They are, It is claimed, earthquake proof and lor 11113 renson iney are me only safe builfllng3 as we know not which city Is to be the next victim of this iiind of disaster. The general gov- f ernment lias for years led the way In concrete structures, as mis material Is used in all the irrigation plants. Two years ago the government put In some concrete piers along the Mis souri river at St. Joseph and it prov ed that they resisted the floods and Ice much better than the wooden piers. Next spring the work of build ing dykes along the Missouri will be commenced with a view to prevent damage by floods, which have cost the people in that valley so many million dollars within the last few years. In public work, in both cities and counties and in all the states, cement In concrete form is used in lnrge i quanuues, noi vuiy ueeuuse it uoes better work than stone or brick, but because It Is simply indestruetable. Grants Pass should have the coun try about It prospected for cement rock for use as a building material. The high freight rates make concrete building expensive, but If we can have our own mills for the manu facture of Portland cement, it will save many thousands of dollnrs nn- (nsually In the building of bridges an- Itulverts in county Improvements. In connection with this subject we : till mention that Thomas A. Edison U Quoted as saying that his latest Invention, the cement house, Is his peitest one. It is difficult to agree tin this, when we think of the tele phone, but. the Edison cement house Mr be of Immense value in the torld. Edison says that all his pre liminary experiments have been suc cessful, and within a month or two he will ciist his first house. He thinks It Till anlvn M, 1 1-.. n'v );i uuicm ui uuuKiiin tW-e-arnlng people of small means to cities, and "will take from the city ileitis everybody who is worth tak W He says he will make It pos sible to build a house of seven lame or ten smaller rooms, with n. hnth 4 cellar, for $1200. He will dig cellar with a steam shovel and Mst It In six hours. Locomotive will im th 1 " - - w MUM VUUH JBIUO Qhristmas j& Shoppers Can be supplied from our complete line of Musical Instruments with anything from a TIX WHISTLE TO 71 PIANO Violins $5.00 to $500.00 Guitars $5.00 to $175.00 Banjos $9.00 to $75.00 Mandolins'. $100 to $60.00 Violin Cases ' $1.50 to $35.00 Violin Bows.' $1-00 to $10.00 Musi, Stands 75c to $2.00 Musir n(,ljs ail(l Satchels 50c to $5.00 I'iai .'s on the easiest of payments. besides musical instruments, you can f ind Jin kv Stationery Trimming, Cards. Booklets, ct, i ffivat variety and at most attractive prices. RoweWs Music Store 609 G street phone 151'R ll the house Fuur u mm nnul. . .. whence It will n" "'V6' hftrM . ;- -u8a iz sluice with Iron bar,, tC IT8 U .. .7 "went nowg " I I? UUS tne BPace tween two vu uuuseg. one nRMa m, , . vud utuer -'u. as soon as It hra. .u... removed. tQ b(j u8ed vuuuuuousiy. Fonrs wauicuj Die- ture moldings, bathtub, washstands, an wm be of concrete and can be made as Bmnntk i If desired. These houses need not ue unirorm m design or color. They may be of as many forms as It Is found profitable to make molds for and they may be made in gray, or" red, or brown, or yellow; the cement u uniea any color before It Is u may indeed turn out to uc a great invention. Electric clocks that run without winding and keep perfect time. Run two years without change of battery. The only place in Josephine county where they are for sale Is at Letcher s. University file n,,i, I College songs, comic songs and ,lots of enthusiasm will be the order (Of the evening when rnt0u of Oregon Glee Club, numbering 30 members, appear at the Grants Pass opera house. The Glee and Mandolin clubs are making a tour of Southern Oregon during the week before Christmas, stopping at Roseburg, Grants Pass, Medford and Ashland, Oregon. Three years ago the club appeared In this city and gave a splendid performance. You will miss a good time if yon do not attend iuesuay, December 21. Clemens sells Xmas Books. If we couldn't save you money on that suit this ad would be a foolish investment for us. If you never read advertisements, read this one any how. It's on the eighth page. Wake up take a look at this then come to HEADQUARTERS and get a BARGAIN New Goods JUST UNPACKED Alumlnnm Pin Trays, 5c and 10c. Combined Thermometer and Barom eter, 15c. Steroseope Views, set of 25 for 25c. Steroscopes, Gun Metal, 50c. Alarm Clocks, good ones, 85c. Hand Saws, spring steel, 75c -to $1. High Back Dining Chairs, $1 to $2. O. K. Rockers, $2.25 up. Dressers, with good bevelled Mirrors, $8.50 up. SIX'OXI) HAM) GOODS come and be convinced that they are I wo ! Cheering Horns for football games, j 15c. ! Extension Hanging Lamps, $1 up. Stand Tables, 50c up Large Easels, 50c up. Child's Tricycles, $1 to $3.5(1. Sewing Machines, In good order, $3.50 and $5. Washing Machines, $2 up. Pet alu ma Incubaior, $15. Good as new. Petalunia Tlrooders, $1.50. Stoves from $1 to $10. Ranges from $10 to $30. Two Good Organs, $20 and $25. HEADQUARTERS City Hall, 207 Sixth Street. h, K V IMlLMt I'l-ncnvi, "ui. J. 8. McMurrav .111 t- A for San Francisco on Monday on a uuomeus inp. returning tn hu snowing Saturday. ur Amas sabin ha mnn . " " . n Sixth street is In a terrlhi onHi tion; mud and slush Is on every side uu teams get throueh thA fr wun great difficulty. me age of the doll? Yon with each 50c purchase and If cor rect you get the doll. Th n Racket Store. Senator Albert Abraham nf "urg, was in the city first of th week, acting as attorney for the nomesteader in the Ble Pour Mini vo. contest easa Bishop's Ready Tailored nthi, mv mere is one special feature about our Clothing, It will t you and again Its wearing qualities are un surpassed. Get one of our winter suits. C. P. Bish nn A Pn The members of the high school are planning to give a receDtlon to the University. Glee and Mandolin clubs on Tuesday, the 21st, after the entertainment to be given by the club. Is It safe to buy jewelry of Irre sponsible people or those who are not permanent residents? Ruy from Letcher, who guarantees evervthln? as represented. Go to the Elertrle Th enjoy the show, you may get the beautiful doll on Christmas Eve also. It Is given away free. The doll Is on exhibition at the ticket office. Ellas Ruud has just completed the survey and cutting up of a piece of orchard land above the Anient dam on the north side of '.he river to; W. F. Hill, who will piur it to ap ples next spring. Meet me at Coe's Saturday, Dec ember IS, 1909. Toyland now open. Have a nice, useful present for every child in the county. SANTA CLAUS. A. L. Loomls, who Is a wholesale fruit dealer In Fargo, X. D., and E. J. Manning, chief of the fire depart ment of the same city, both friends of George C. Sabln, the druggist, ar rived here last Wednesday and laid over one day to visit their friend and look over the town. They went on south, but will stop off when they return. That $1.00 Work Glove for 50o looks awful good. You can get them at Bishop & Co.'s. Earle Young, mine expert for the United States forest service came through Grants Pass on his way to California, on the 27th stopped off to visit his mother, Mrs. A. L. Fish er, and eat a belated Thanksgiving dinner at his home. Mr. Young is the youngest mine expert In the service of the United States. Ills duties call him to California, Ore gon, Washington and Alaska. He called on the forest service here and renewed old acquaintances going to the nine Ledge and California. Cliilstnuis Trade nt Bishop's. Al ready Christmas trade has begun at Bishop's. The ninny and numerous things they carry for men; go and ask to see them. You always get good service there. The Cnrlitilst Aucllon Sal". Carlqulst brothers have opened n new jewelry store at H01 From street, corner of Fifth. The stock U a very large one ana consis;s oi watches, clocks, Jewelry, silverware, cut glass, hand painted china and manv other articles usually knit In such an establishment. To the new place known far and nuike wide. the firm has decided to make an auction sale and thus give people an opportunity to purchase whit they need at their own prices. School Clow 2:ird. Superintendent Turner has an will nnnnced that the city schools close on the afternoon of Thursday December 23, for the Christmas vaca tlons and will reopen again on won' day, January 3. Clemens sells Choice Calendars. Exceptional prices on Oil Heaters at Cramer Bros. just received a new carload of Drain Tile In 3, 4, 5, fi and 8-lncti sizes. Rogue Illver uawe. to. Meet me at Coe's Saturday, Dec! pmber IS, 19nj. Toyiana now oi-n. i child In the county. SANTA CLAl'S. . 1 2-1 0-2t Look over our large stoi k of hlRhi Inwelrv. You find very tensive up-to-diite goods, rnmpi te exp In all line. Wo nv to Von to these eoodrt for yourself, you want t ho best and hnve cluinccs now vnnr own Mice. Oood presents lUtle money. Auction sale Friday r.M Front ft ret n,;i for I ' x IVI tVuit Meeting Postponed. The meeting advertised to be held at the Commercial Club rooma on Saturday, December 10, to hear O. A. Hoover on the consolidation of the entire Roeue River ..ti. thus secure for all fmif . better market, has been postponed uuuj December 17. Mr. Hooer U one of the most prominent fruit growers of this valley and he Is deep ly interested In the subleet of unit Ing all parts of Josephine and Jack son counties to the end that we may bave a representative In the m. cities or the east and thna - w v5 better prices for our fruit as n .. avoiding the delays which are now encountered in reachlne thn cities of the middle west and extreme 6a8t. Thlfl In An Imnnrtan . "(iwi vnui, mailer and a movement in the rleht Ur. tion, for it means manv thoiiunii. nt dollars added to the returns of our rrult crop each year. The time h certainly come when Josephine and Jackson county fruit arowera hri,i unite In the Interest of better mar. kets. It Is to he hnnorl th.t irun grower In this section will at- tend the meeting on Saturday of next week. mi. , . ine auction sale Friday la the chance of a lifetime to buv beauti ful presents. anvthin -.. lewelry, silverware, cut elass. rhlnn ' w j v i n a ii l in clocks, novelties and diamonds at your own prices. Tickets free for the diamond ring and other valuable presents given away each sale. Carl qulst & Co.. 501 Front Rtreof For Xmas -Sabln has wood to burn. Uuy a Presbyterian Cook Book for a Christmas present for your wife. A Parker Fountain Pen makes a nice present for him or her, and get It. at Demaray's. Largest stork of gold and gold fil led jewelry In the city Is at Letcher'R at prices that are right. ' You can make good money writing life Insurance. Columbia Life & Trust, 203 Conklln Bufldlng. 12-10-tf A housekeeper always appreciates reliability In a cook book. That Is found in the Presbyterian Cook Book on snie December 18. Southern Oregon. Supply Co. 204 SOUTH SIXTH STREET, GRANTS PASS, OREGON Something for a Christmas present is the (piestion now. Wo are prepared to help you out by having a large assortment. SOFA PILLOW TOPS, LAUNDRY BAGS, CENTER PIECES, JAPANESE DRAWN WORK LINEN-Genuine Hand work, SHAWLS, SCARFS, FANCY BELTS, LADIES, AND CHILD REN'S HAND BAGS, LADIES' PURSES, FANCY BACK COMBS AND BARRETTES. These are only a fewof the things wo have that will make a suit able present. Clothing Men's Youths' and Boys' Quality Style and Price We arc at the top on finality and style at the bottom in prices. GlRLOCEIRllEg) This is the season of CANNED GOODS and DRIED FRUIT. We handle nothing but the best. Our constantly inncasing grocery trade is proof positive that our goods are all that we claim for them. AGENTS The Hevy Storms of Early Winter. The rain which has fallen nearlv every day for three weeks or more has become somewhat monoto-noua to the average citizen. Were It not tor the fact that the Mthr i. fairly warm and rather pleasant, It would Interfere wtth business. The country roads are quite muddv. con sequently farmers and miners only come to town when they are obliged to do bo. These rains are bad enough and yet we should not complain for in every place beyond the Rogue River valley conditions are worse Just think of It. 600 men in Portland last Tuesday were flghttnir the storm to Veep the electric cars going and the telephone and telegraph sys tem in order. Terrible storms pre vailed In the states of Washington. Idaho, Montana, Wyoming and Color ado. These storm conditions also prevailed in other states. We had a little Bnow Saturday night but It soon disappeared, being melted by the rains. We are likely to have floods but nothing serious Is apprehended. Old timers claim that the present winter will more than likely be as as bad the severe winter of 1891, which abounded in floods that car ried away many bridges In Josenhlne and Jackson counties. "FLASH" Is a household necessity and is most popular with the house wife cleans woodwork, sinks, bath tuba, floors, paint, kitchen utensils and everything about the house. Fire Xenr Merlin. The residence of O. W. Wood- worth, threo miles up the Southern Pacific road from Merlin, near Three Pines station, was burned to the ground last Saturday forenoon. It Is supposed thnt mice had gathered paper and cloth about tho stove pipe running through the celling and, tho fire started from this rubbish. Mr. Woodworth discovered tho blaze hut was unablo to extinguish It and when ho finally turned his attention to the household goods the house was w far gono that ho was only able to save a small amount of bedding. The loss will bo something over $(100. Mr. Woodworth In saving tho bed ding was considerably scorched and his head blistered I OUT BY jj&iV OPYTTtOHT ! UOMTNBTrjN mak3 or omc eunrtco FOR THE STANDARD Myrtle Wood Novelties at Clemens. Chafing Dishes, Carving Sets and Nut Sets at Cramer Bros. Glassware, Chlnaware, Toys, Pen ny Christmas Cards and Beautiful Dolls at the New Racket Store. 12-10-2t Wire Rope, Clips. Blocks and other tools used In pulling Btumpa and brush, at Rogue River Hdwe. Cor - Isn't It "the dd man's" turn now" to get a suit of clothes? Send htm to Calhoun's. Meet me at Coe's Saturday. Dec- Have a nice, useful present for every child in the county. SANTA CLAUS. lM0-2t Ohristma! Christina! Now is the time to come in and select your Christmas presents. Se lect them while the stock is complete and they will be laid away for you until you are ready for them! Pack ages to be sent away will be packed for you. 1 before buying look' our line over. Store Open Saturday Evenings Hall's Art Store Store Telephone, 10S Residence Telephone, 88 Overcoats 'rind Cravcnottes Top Coats Ulster Overcoats Cravencttes and Mackintoshes arc in great de mand these days. It will pay you to pivo us a call if you need anything 'in this line. PATTERNS 1 Clemens sell Children's Hooks