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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1909)
FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10, THE ROGUE IUVEK COURIER PAGE FOURTEEN AMOS ANDERSON I PROFESSIONAL CARDS General Confectionery 308 So. Sixth St. GRANTS PASS, OREGON Raltet the dough and compile with oil pure food laws. lit 1 I lid 1 1 II 1 11 M. C. FINDLEY, M. D. Practice limited U M. BAR. NOBE and THROAT. Glasses fitted and farnlafced. Offloe tours to II; I to l! u jn anointment. Phones 111 ! iranta Pass, Oregon. RESCENT MFG. CO. Makers oJMAPtEINK (better than Maple). 3. LOUGHRIDGK. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON Res. Phone 714 City or country calls attended day jr night. Sixth and H, Tuffs Bldg. Office Phone 261. UrauU Pass, - Oregon. li. h DeVORE, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON City and County calls rromptljr mowered. Office hours, I to 11 a-na. iu& 2 to i p. m. Phones: Res. 471; Office 141. Rooms 1, 2, 1, Snallhera Bldg. UrauU Pass, - vngon. "Covets a freak, smootli, satiny complex iAn onI what jllifarllon and neaca of mind Its possession brings. The lines of age, worry and overwork are render ed well nigh powerless by Mrs. Nettle HARRISON'S LOLA MONTEZ CREME A wonderful soother, healer and protec tor to a dry, contracted or chapped skin. It Is Complexion Insurance. Convince yourself of Its remarkable power by obtaining a free sample and cower by obtaining a free sample a Book "SECRET OF BEAUTY AHO GOOD HEALTH" CLEMENS' DRl'O STORE Grants Pass at laiieyentistry DR II. G. KIMBLEY OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN General, Acute and Chronic Practice HrucLlco of Obstetrics a Specialty. Office Hours: 9 to 12 a. m., 1 to 5 m. Other hours by appointment. Phones: Office 17-11; Residence 88. Rooms 201-201 Conklln Bldg. Grunts Puns uregon J. S. McMUHRAY V oice Cult ui Studio over Residence nail's Art Store 716 Lee Street - fin nt Inm Mnnlll " .""' . J'q ! their plata '4 3n" brldgework Bo. l.liiid in one uy IWenillflvtyod 1 food QUK ol or Bore i 2N-..Meriiltf S3.6L .fy,,);Molr Crowm 5.6( 7 t ,.f;iMolr Crowm O.U " t r X i 1 22K BridB.Wh 3 . 5 Jooid raiing 10 Jtntmol Filllnffe 1.0 i mil .SQ 2.50 Sllvir Filling! Inlay Fllllnn iliooo nuowf - nn Plate Q.UU Boot Red Rub - .n M. W. A. mU,rumun wKuw ... ..... s0 n nix nun nm . WOUK SUAMNTIID FOR 1 YKARO . tt.ini. i .tr.iinn t ma whan tltor brldie wor f. ln.iilttlon Froa. Yna cannot ant I i - - i 1 l..,lnn Vm. VnHMnnntfllitMtUI MtDII-M WtirH aone Mjwnpra, nil ""T. "V" 7. ltntl. Mmlura gliw-trlu equlpniat. Hott noUuxH. tiixiiira nw-iriM inn)niu. "- Wise Dental Co. m n n mt m TH B rlJ??J.,!.I.VILl!L0 pftTi aMOORCQOPi n rut boomi s a. m. to r.M. twtn, toh Elizabeth Robins the eminent English authoress, writes about the English Suf fragettes. She tells why they resort to the violence that lands them in jail. Save a little of your indigna tion for the chapters of w The Beast and the Jungle "that are to come. Judge Lindscy hasn't really started to get to the heart of his story yet. DECEMBER EVERYBODY'S AA it tu lit frtnmpitH Special dlBplay by Clemens', Nntlonnl, Subln's and iVtnnrny'n. H. D.NORTON, ATTORNHY-AT-LAW Practice In all State and Federal Courts. Office Opera House Bldg. Grants Pass, Oregon. THE COLO KING WINE (WARRANTS DEVELOPMENT The Gold King mining property, situated on Josephine creek, about 4 miles from Kerby, and owned by D i T. Evans and associates, of Fort Worth, Tex., was visited and exam-; lned by Adolph Maler, a prominent metallurgist and chemist of Color ado, In behalf of the owners. He; states that in his opinion the prop erty Is warranting more development work, or In other words, the devel opment work performed upon scinie . only proves that more Bhould !-3, done in order to determine the lair extent of the ore body and Its valuer ; as the previous development per-; formed upon the property Is of no; great value to the owners and does not amount to very much In the way of development. He found several tons of ore on the dump, some of which showed quite a good deal of free gold, and as a whole, of good milling value, which had been taken out of the two shafts, 30 and 70 feet respectively, neither of which were sunk on the main nav chute. In his opinion, a deep shaft should be sunk to determine the extent and values of the ore body below the ser pentine zone, as serpentine 13 seldom encountered at depth. Mr. Maler thinks it more than likely that a large body of hlsh erade ore will be encountered with depth, or as soon as the true con tact between the porphyry and lime is reached and found In place. The surface showing of the rich quartz surely warrants the sinking of a shaft to further determine the real extent and values of the prop erty. A good working shaft can be sunk on the vein all the way down from present Indications, as the vein Is as perpendicular as can be wished for. A Won derful Display OF- Toys for the Children Gifts for the Older FolRs Everything you might desire Now awaits you Call and sae them SANTA CLAUS HEADQUARTERS Smith's Remember the beautiful 23 inch Doll we are going to give some little girl NLlR Store BAZAAR AND SALE WAS A BIG SUCCESS OLIVER S. BROWN, LAWYER Office over Bijou Theater. UrauU Pass, Orego. 0. S. BLANCH ARD, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Practice in all State and Federal Courts. Banking ft Truat Co. Bldg. Grants Pass, Oregoa. D. M. WOODSON Civil EngiiietT, Surveyor and Draughtsman Formerly employed In Surveyor-Gen eral's office, Washington 30 years' experience. Residence: Third house Bouth of bridge on West side. Grants Pass. Taxidermist and Furrier I mount bin giiii" ili-da, fu i; nmUo fur x niik.u nnd iUih' fur Kiinmtlt; buy furs nnd Hxtl nieiiK -f i'U Mud. lCxproM and tniill or-.i.n, nnMiiir iy nttiMukvl to. C. M. HAKK1S it3 Vnliliiit St, Portland, Oro. Telephono Main 3000 M. T. UTLEY t wuri.N 1 1 it ;i;m ui. idVi uuTiu; m II Di li Jobbing Viik a Kin-dally I'lioiit- Ull 7l:t X. "ltli SIH-.1, Grants Pa--, On-. D. L. JOHNSTON ASSAY l it RooniB C nnd 7 Optra tlou-u) Mock North Stairway GUAM'S PASS, OltKl'.ON GRANTS PASS TRUCK CO. lU'NCM DUOS., pivpilrli-r. (S'.UVl'SMH-H 111 N. H. Ml'lllTW.) PKOMl'l AND Ul I.I Mil I! Ki:itVI( K I' In iiex and Orin Can-fully llemou-d I' I MM I, rant Paw, r IVr I'.wi "'.I. 4 1 i- imil Silt KluH'ii. Tin' '.uii'ino W i 'iiwa-'t- i l-!'b' of tli n.'.nn'iiU In almi-it liinlautly Blln;. f.l Cltnmli.-i'i.lti' i'-ilvr. Mm'.- . 1 (-' SI C.IH '1 by It 1'i-i- nilo l.y M. CK'isiv-na. First National Bank OF Southern Oregon Granti Pati, Oregon Some of the Service that a Bank Renders the Public DEPOSITS The safest and simplest way of kwipuiK your ntuncy Ih by tlitofirting it in a Kelinhhi I tun a. This ltan k rm-eivea De iHPiu ubjt'i-t to Cbwh, oronili'inuiiil I't-rtlttcatim of rlt (iilt or mi ttxne iVrtiin'iiu-s of t'vponits. On tiimi ili-pofiiH o pay DRAFTS Tito lu-sl nttit rlicapcHt wn to tniiisfur moiipy is bv Hunk I raii. We i-ell l'rafis pHyublu in nil avt.H of the louutry. LOANu Hue of llm iihinI i nipor tmit luiulum tl tlui IWnk. U i- t-iiileiivnr to ouil'ly nil minomible lU'VttN Of Olir I'tlMiiHUM-H. Capital and Surplus $73,000 Etockholdova' AiUhtioual Kespon-lbiilty $50,000 OFFICERS V. Hali , Tre-Mi'tit J. C. ('AMfHKi.l,, Viie l're.t. II . l Un ki v, l iiliier li. iv. IUm rr, Ant. Cn-liler Klks Perform I-nst Sad Rites. The funeral of Walter Smith was held in this city on Monday after noon, the services being in charge of the local Elks of Grants Pas3. Mr Smith died last Friday, but the fun eral was delayed until Monday, when It was planned to have the head of ficers of the Roseburg lodge, of which he was a member, present to conduct the services, but they, miss lng their train and failing to arrive, the local Elks took charge and the deceased was burled under the Elk ritual, according to his last request The impressive burial service was read bv Rev.. Frederick Bartlett. A largo number of friends were pres ent to witness the last sad rites, and these, together with the large num ber of beautiful floral offerings, testi fied strongly as to the high esteem In which this young man was held In this community. Interment took place at the I. O. O. F. cemetery. "On Plymouth Rock," Friday, December 17, High School library benefit. Secure your seats at Rus sell's. 35c and 50c. Friday, December 17, "On Ply mouth Rock," Opera House, by High School. Is there anything you can use $2.50 to $12.50 for? That Is the amount you will save on that suit at this sale. Calhoun's. ECZEMA A One of the biggest successes which has been scored for some time among the religious fraternities of the city was the New England supper ana bazaar held at Hall's hall on Sixth street last Friday afternoon and pvpnlne. The affair was in cnarge of the Newman M. E. church ladies and they certainly deserve great praise for the creditable manner in which they carried the enterprise .t,nn..rrh in nnmnlete BUCCeSS. The ladies realized over $300 clear from their supper and bazaar. Over 200 people were fed and as many more turned away as there was not rooa enosiKh. In addition to this, every article on sale, consisting of every thing imaginable in the way of beautiful and useful Christmas presents, met a ready sale, and the ladies are highly elated over the re sults of their efforts. The proceeds of the bazaar and supper go toward the Improvement fund and the money has already been turned to good use In this manner. The Newman M. E. church Is this week in the hands of the carpenters and painters and the Inside of the building will be thoroughly reno vated, the walls and ceilings re varnished and recalclmlned and evervthlne made bright and new. A beautiful new carpet has been ! ordered and M. E. Moore says he has already received the bill for it, which Indicates that it will be here soon. In addition to all these Im provements, another and still great er Is In course of construction, this being the new parsonage, which Is to be completed by March, 1910. This parsonage Is to be the finest In the Oregon conference. With all these modern Improvements and ad ditions to their church home, the Newman M. E. church congregation can boast one of the finest places of worship in Grants Pass, and one that Is an honor to our thriving city. Tit Is Headquarters GERM DISEASE Myriad of Microscopic Animals In fest the Kklit of the Sufferer. When tlse s.ktn of nn cczrtisa suf ferer Itches nnd burns In 1 I ( i 1 i I ! 1 untold ! ...mi agony, do vies what Is KoJng on within th" pores of that skin? Myriad nt microscopic animals are pinwlsn: nt the fler-h, breaking! hen the ivf down the fine cells at-.d lau-lii:; fos ters, thick pcnlc nnd that tM-rlbl" Strings Recognition. James Syrae, the eminent Scotch surgeon nnd professor In the Univer sity of Edinburgh, was entirely de voted to his profession. A .r.-ilnt in cident In his prnetlee will kIkuv this. A well kn .mi public character nt one time consulted him about an nl'l'eellnn of the lungs. Years afterward lie re turned on the same errand. ii hiiic; announced lie wns nettled to observe that Mr. Syine had neither nnv reeul- f his lace in-r - wlii.-ii w as i.!"re galllns-iiequaliitance v!;h , his iia-e.e. lie thcivi!:o!i 1 the I act of 1:1 fcriuer vis:'. : ' t-jino failed tn remember him. Hut :sr put Ids car t. !tr patient's dust i::;( Iic;;i.l tu. .,.( u:i.i sound v, Id h (he old ailment !,u THE ROSEBUD has the most delicious candy to be found anywhere. THE ROSEBUD has' the newest thing Rough House Chocolates. We have them in twenty dif ferent varieties and have the exclusive sale. THE ROSEBUD carries the Rubcdoux Chocolates, a rich confection which is very "popular and everybody likes them. THE ROSEBUD has a varied assortment of fine Candies and they are of the choicest makes. the very best things for Christmas. THE ROSEBUD has Fresh Candy every day in the week. Give us a call and you will be delighted with the assortment. THE ROSEBUD furnishes Christmas Tree Orna ments of every kind. If you want these come to us for the best and newest things. THE ROSEBUD carries Christmas Sweets of all kinds. We can fit you out with everything in our line, and we can give you the full value of your money every time. Come and see us. Give the Rosebud Your Order Early ii 1 Is Headquarters tt.b. The genus multiply than Nature can throw them off. Now, there I only one way to set rid of these germs -they must b killed 111 their lodging place:), Dos ing the stonmi h or trying to cure the blood will not, of course, kill the gernif. nnd that In why all the blood remedies fall In eczema: that Is also why salves which do not penetrate 1 How One Doetor Successfully Treats ran do no permanent good. Pneumonia. Ordlnnry oil of wlntergrrcn prop- ting pneumonia, says Dr. erly compounded In liquid fo-ns will peni-iiiiie tin- pores of th iK i:i and kill the eczema germs. If properly r.ilvd with thymol, glseetlne and other Ingredients (as In 1) D. I) made . I ...... t . i faster' cniouic ne ni once exeiainieit aii, t reiucuKier you now: I Umm yon by your lun!" "In ti V. J. Smith, ol Sanders, Ala., tin onlv remedy I use lor i he lungs I Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. While, of course, 1 would treat other wviin.ioms wis i iliereni menu in How's Tills? We offer One Hundred Dollar. 1! ward tor any cannot Cure. V. J. CHENEY Co.. Toledo (1 We, the undersigned, have known .1. Chenov for tho lncf 1, v...,,o find believe him perfectly honorable In all bu.iluess transitions, nnd fin ancially able to carry out tiny oldle.a t Ions made 'v )ii firm WAl.IilNn, K INN AN & MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O 1I..U1. .,.., ...... n ... linn s v iiuirni v nre i taken In Meredith s Publisher! Reader. George Meredith wns render for many years for Chapman & Hall. To say be wns dlllk-ult to please Is to understate the fact. Ills standard wns treineudo iKly high, nnd from thnt pin nacle his jiuk".nent wns right nnd sound. P. ut seme doubt' may be ex pressed a-) t,, whether thnt standard wna 11k. t!.rnt ...... J...-.... l.i-.i. ,... ' " I ' "i-"v "in,- uom wmcu io judge V 'Vl or,,(,i,,i,ri' "i"' " book for commercial purposes. Thus by Halls Catarrh VMilt Lymte" -was In 18.11 judged by iuereiiitn in tiuso words: "Opinion em phatically ngalnst It." ."Decline." wrote Meredith of a novel bj Ouldn. entitled "Vlllers." nnd of n story by Mrs. Lynn Linton. "Isohi," "Very sour in tenden cy, hard In style," ho observed of nn other novel which Mrs. Lynn Linton submitted to Cluipinnn & Hall years inu-r. opeiiKing or Mine. Sarah Grand s ternnlly. iirlln-f dlrectlv upon symptoms won uu.-.y.- .,.... .... o, i, j,. ,,. ti,0Oi nm, nuirn I have used this remedy many time i',.,,Serltlon) this wash will hulld up svst-ni Testimonials in m medical p. a lice iin. Ite., (,k, ()f ,h , .,, ,-,.,e, TTm- per bottle. I,,iled to tmd a ia wln te It has no ' ,nln,kl, ,,,pj ""vol. "The Heavenly Twins," he wild. ine nutnor is a clever woman nnd nas uieaa. for which reason she Is ! controlled the troulde ' It in It', a ha: ah Cotiulm 11 I'd ' ''bis 1 ' p most wlllngly and i h n-end H a snpvil"! 1 '!' ' t 1 . , i tm'io l M. 1". .. 1 have used u neanny growtn, givi-i:; .Nat are n my wife for ilmnee, while kllllni: the p-rins fast- alcdly, lllld I , r tlmn l1,, v .mm innliliitv DruggUt M. Clemens, of thl city, rei nmnu'inl I). D. D. Pn al'o D. D D. Soap. ally rei em ail y ether l,twkil ite." ' ' H 'Oil Oil Idood nnd nittrnug surfaces of the sent fr.'e Soli! hv nil i liailinel'ed nt iirosoiif I Pniiiiiist. i novi'llsit " iin uif un stlna.len "U f'"' ' i ,,,0HM ,,p to nmnu- " "'""n- frt aside until she has got the art Inf ili'lvl.... . r...- . A Prenhvterlan Pool, n.Tm, i. ,. 1 . .' mty .. .. . ' " : vuiMicii. nnn a ii,i.;on. i nristmns present easily sent u. ail. Tft-rr - - -ir 5 '.n- rCTrr as IVY r '-.v . - u by .and there promises well for the fu ti're."-Foftn:;l, y Kovlew. Coffee The sroms-tiRht cn prowj It against Impurities nd oration never 6oM In tm' Your proeer will pr'.nd It better if ground t botae-'m too flno.