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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1909)
FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1009. THE ROGUE RIVER COURIER CE TIIIuTEEX TRIMBLE-MONTGOMERY At the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Trimble, on S.v day, Dtwber 5 1909. Claude Trimble and Miss rannie Monttromerv lw. ... . j t uuiu Wright PERSONAL AND LOCAL Benjamin A. Jones has been ap pointed reelstpr nf tho. nf I... ... " " ,"" vu" Grants Pas, Ore, judge Stephen " "T j. nt-nancK, or Salem, wbo was appointed census superintendent of the first district of Oregon, is the brother of our townsman. Mrs. Smith, of Gold Hill. miont a few days with her daughter, Miss Josie Vandewalker, in this city wind Don't 3e the Wrong j Holiday Advertisinj I, the Aeroplane L. 1Urtl wves Business a Lift. GET ABOARD I TAKE A FLYER I The Allen Electric Line. John R. Allen, the projector of the electric road which is to run from Grants Pass to Ashland by the way of Medford, was in town Thursday and had an interview with the com mittee on streets during the after noon. He is very anxious to secure the franchise to run his road to this city and the people of Grants Pass are anxious for him to do so. The matter will be up in a special meet ing of the council next Monday night and will be acted upon with great prmptnesa. This road will do much for Grants Pass and be a great convenience to orchardists and farmers all along the The Man of Enterprise. ! How the man of enterprise stands j out in the world! ! You can't overlook him von don't 1 want to! He's worth noting-al-ways. He's a lesson, an Inspiritor! He makes us sure of him sure of what he will accomplish, of how much he will add to the zest of life In our environment! Of the merchant who is an enter prising advertiser we always feel a civic pride an inclination to say to our acquaintance of a neighbor ing city: "Ah, but if you had a few merchants like Blank!" In every issue of this paper you'll find the ads of merchants whose en Jewell offiolatin Th" yo'iT!? poo,,,-, are well and y !:r" '' ,; ',"p find are very -Mlar it; the vovmsior circle- in 'nir.t thry move. The bride was for' .i t T. an ient clerk in Hie Rosebud confectionery parlors ana made many friends by her sweet and grarious manners. Tho cmnm is a bright, industrious young man, wno holds a position In his father's . umrKsmim snon in this citv. Th i young folks will make their future j home here HUFFACRE-FORD At the home of James Holman. on Saturday, rw ember 4, 1909, Frank L. Hnffacre. of Kennet, Cal., and Amanda Ford, oi Grants Pass; Justice Holman officiating. DIED. ?.3CEnP At Fruitdale, Oregon. Sunday, December 5, 1909, H. J. Roger, of liver trouble, aged 77 year-:. Funeral services were held Tc-.dny, with interment at Gran ite Hill cemetery. Help! Help! Help! IF YOU NEED IT If you DON'T KNOW WHAT presents this may help you: 1r"'.- for Xuiui line. Mr. Allen can feel that the.terprlse is exhilarating-who make good people of this city will do , this town the one best place In which everything in their power to help in to live and thrive, and -find bargains' the construction of this road and , They make every issue of this paper they want him to know that they 1 worth money to every reader of it gtana reaay 10 m evey way do their including this present issue! part. , John R. Allen is the right kind of people, and don't you forget it. Gillette Safety Razor Sets at Cramer Bros. Clemens sells ,Cut Glass. Just received a new carload of Drain Tilo In. 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8-inch sizes. Rogue River Hdwe. Co. That's enterprise and it's fine. inspiriting! Don't undervalue it don't "take it for granted" for it earns your appreciation, your en thusiasm. Medford Mall Tribune. In your Christmas Shopping don't fail to go to Cramer Bros. 174-R. Grand Union Tea Co. For Xmas Sabin has books. Hand-made, tool steel wedges and sledges can now be had at Jas. Trimble's blacksmith shop, 515 I street. 10-29-4t Actor Drew Has Collar Rone Broken. A dispatch from New York dated November 8 states that John Drew, the actor, whose collar hone was broken when he was thrown from his horse in Central Park Tuesday, Is resting comfortably today, according to his physician's statement. His condition is said not to be serious. Drew was thrown from his horse while riding with his daughter, Lo uise. The animal trampled him, and he was unconscious when picked up. A passing automobile was pressed Into service and he was taken to the Presbyterian Hospital. Miss Drew remained at her father's bedside un til the doctors announced that Ms in juries were not serious. Drew is 56 years of age. He is ap pearing at the Empire theater in the comedy "Inconslstant George." .1 .1 Jr . 1. t Sale Next Week at O'Neill's Busy Store Have one of those nice Chairs, Rockers, Dressers Rugs, Art Squares, Pictures, Buffets Dining Tables, put aside to be delivered Christmas Eve to your friends. Our assortment is large and complete. Li M&k On all Fanoy Cn.ina and Glass ware, iiiohidir.g Berry Bowls, Salad Bets, Berry Sets Fancy Plates, Cups and Saucers, Cut Glass, r 1 1 CAea Voeoe rr. n ni i ;i ii uiuoo v returned to her home thu ph.i auernoon lust received a new carload of 'nstn Tile in 3, 5, 6 and 8-inch sl-es.- Rogue River Hdwe. Co Useful Christmas presents to suit everybody at Cramer Bros. HnA V. - 1 . u. me uHBgago trucks in uso at the S. P. depot met its fate Friday mgnt at the hands of the local freight. Some one had left it across the siding in front of the depot and the freight in switching ran over the truck and demolished it. uur sister city, Grants Pass. seems to have been visited by some member of the Black Hand gang. It Is to be deplored that individuals who make threats against life or at tempt to abduct children cannot be speedily hunted down and treated as vicious animals. Roseburg News. Pendleton Kobe and Fancy lUnn- fccts. The Robes that made Pendle ton famous. They are made in Ore gon of Oregon wool, by Oregon boy3, and are especially practical and highly appreciated as Christmas gifts. For sale by C. P. Bishop & Co. For Xmas Sabin has purses. Rex and Roy Campbell were In this city on Monday, en route to The Dalles from the country adjneent to Grants Pass where they have been engaged on a surveying contract, but were driven out by the deep snow. The boys are old school friends of Vernon Anderson, and while here they spent a pleasant time in the re newing of old friendship. The Camp bell brothers will return in Juno to complete their work here. Everything in Toys at the New Racket Store. 1 2-1 0-2r W. D. Finch, of this city. Is the owner of one of the finest animals In the cnnlno lino we have seen for some time. The dog Is of the Blune Dane species and was brought from California when a pup. The animal is now only six months old but stands almost two feet high. When full grown he will weigh between 175 and 200 pounds. Mr. Finch Is training the dog to drive In a wagon for the use of his little child, as this species of animal Is the natural pro tector of children, always kind and affectionate. Fine Brush and Comb Sets for holiday presents have Just arrived at Demaray's. O. A. Thomas came down from Salem the fore part of tne week and made a trip out t the Pickett creek to the properties of the United Copper-Gold Co. Mr. Thomas says that they now have the best quarters for the men of any mine In the country. The new mesB and bunk house will accommodate about 50 men. At present there are but 11 men on .the ground, the outside work having been stopped on account of tho deep snows. George C. Westby, formorly with the Nevada Consolidated mlno, It superintendent of the mine. Subscriptions for all magazines laken. We meet all combination offers. C. H. ilomitray, druggist. For Ladies Scissors Toilet He's Chafing Dishes Silverware Bread : v; s Coffee I Motors Fern I) Nut (:x For Gentlemen Wiaviiig Carving Sols Match' l?ovs Pocket Knives Tool Sets Safetv K-irors Fish Iiods Kifles. . For Boys Air Guns Express Wagons Pocket Knives Tool Chests !H;hku r.o.i tax is .ra:in:i iv mrxTV Don't Forget the D 7h npr'cem UH JV W iscount Beautiful Souvenir Given to every purchaser from no to Christmas Eve. Come before our assortments broken ITMTTT V A. (I'm It. drown", i Tin fe u 111 be 1,000,000 fruit trees ' i! ;: iibiitn! I i Jarlumn lounty tl'.l'i winter. The large nerc ui'.( now pliiiiled and the Immense number of trees certain to bo planted within the next ten years makes the transportation problem n most im portant matter to the fruit growers. Allowing for nti average yield It Ih a i (ni'.ervnt Ive (tlmate that the crop for 1 ') 1 0 wia iM'oitnt l' S'OO i nts and the crop for I'M' to cooo cars and that df i;i:'0 to L'0,000 cars. To lia il this fr.iit from the onlmrd to the railroad would mal. S0(0 wmron loadM for l'lio, for 19. r, r,i),O00 loads ati'l for 1 ! 20 I'On.onn loads. On n dirt rond durlni! iivcragi) wagon load Is ilxty boxes On a mar adnriiled road tho uveran" farm twuu rcn haul 100 boxen hnfl i, i n-!l.v In Dr r i tille r In 'epternber. TliU I- a for !be nrttnrnent thai JarVsMi rrinnly choiihl ru ih the good jroa l w,rk. T! e county ihoii!d hnvr I a b vy of not 1 than three nillls i for tir t year and hav n fund lari;" ;ri)i to do tome nrmanint road IW'Th. n ft p-rr-ym irM U ;i' j t.iv ,ntn Into t!l 'i' ' ft' 1 r tlowlng the Fcriurh Scissor Sets Toy Sad i iviis Animal Pnnks Silver Sjiorrs Eoy3' Fccket Knives, 25 and 50 cents. Carving Sets, three pieces, $2,75 to $12.00 Silver-Plated Knives and Forks, $2.50 to $12.00 Coffee Percolators, $2.25 to $4.00 Safety Razors, $1.00 to $5.00 Presents to suit all purses at CRAMER BROS. Odd Fellows Block BUSINESS rOLXTEKa 4 Dr. Flanagau, Physician and Surgeon. Clemens Bells Bibles. J.E.7eterson,PionerlnsuranccMan M.ClemenB, Prescription Druggist Clemens sella Military Hair Brushes, Alfrtd Letcher, Registered Opto metrist and Jeweler in Dixon's old stand, Front St. Eyea tested free. Curtlss & Co., Jewelers, are still In business at the same old stand Ramie, the plumber. Paddock Manuel buy second hand goods. City Hall Bldg. 10-22-tf Nickel-plated Coffee Percolators, only $2.00 and $2.25, at Cramer Bros. The beautiful doll Ih given to the correct guesser. New Racket Store. 12-10-21 Sterling Silver Teaspoons, Tea Balls, Napkin Rings, etc., at Cramer Bros. lllKhcst rash price paid for green and dry hides at J. H. Ahlf'i meat market. 10-1-tf RoRers 1847 "Vlntwro" Silverware In large selection at Cramer nros. Remember the auction sulo for your Xmas presents big up-to-date llncB of Jewelry. A good man'e or lady's watch at your own price. Must sell regardless of cost at any price It brings. Carlqtilst & Co., 601 Kront street. A handsome caso of Clauss Shears and ScIbsoih makes a fine Christmas present. See them at Crumer BroB. AMERICAN OKDKK IMTi:i) woitKMHN' si;ci:iti; Oregon liefer to lie Taxed for the Benefit of Other Jtirlsdlc lions. Rattier than submit loinvr to what It retarded a. ( mi tin (nl'iil.!o and tin Jii'l Iii'!.:i lot: of ta-.. . f,,r ii,.-. bene fit of otlier Jul id: II- Mi' by the I'-n prr-tne I od-' of t !.' Aml'-iit Oi 'l'T oT Pflted V.'ei I ii"ti, tlf n;ni-l ,- rif OfCK'UI has ne:cl.., ;n, i ,r-;r eoiiin a sovr-n li;n brnh'. nays ycati r- day's Portland Tcl"i'ran. Not only has the rrand lodco by this drnsllc a'tlon rciiouneeil its nlh'clanee and severed nil connection with tho su premo lodne, but It lias n-vlxcd Its eoriKtltutloti nnd bylaws no t tint nil reference to the (oipreme lo l ;.. nn i been omitted. This stop was tnheti nt n called riui-tlnn of the pratid lorliro Monday, Novefliber ?.''. over the pt'Ote it of Supreme Master W. M. Nnrvls, who in 1110 to J'lirtlnfid frofti Mini-n f I mi the dry vnw,n the ,OWMi , rn(,,nvor to wnnl ()ff wh,l(' tin forr-naw would bo a solar plexus blow to the national organization, and despite th eloquenio exhibited by Cmnd Ker-ord- r C T. Fpe;, i-r, of t'allfornla, In ndvo'a's' of nutircmn lorU'e pulley, Tile Cobleu Ktati) tif- fl'lal liapji'ti'vj io bn in this city on hit way to fan Pian! to from I! "lit tle, wber b' ln' 'M.;."ite-! a r lalrn laid by rr lathi i f a n,i t I r " ho hn ill "appear I, nil f,ii "ai t r Narvla pf tub d h'tn Join brndl In Hie rf.'rirls to h'.i.v tl.e Ihr-fttetind prreedlntl'l. Till lllil to have extended the more willingly for tho reason that the secession off tho grand lodge of Oregon, the rich est In proportion to membership lit the Jurisdiction, meant heavier bur den for California to bear. Action Taken in Secret. So far as possible, a cloak of b.w recy was throw nabout tho affafr with success that beyond those vital ly Interested In the facts connected with tho step placing the grand lodg of Oregon on an independent piano have not become known until 16 daya after tho called meeting wan held. Not only do grand lodgo of ficials declare that the action wasi perfectly Justified, In fnct Inevitable unless the Oregon Jurisdiction waa wiUlns to bow its nock under the yoke of taxation nnd watch a con stant stream of Its coin flow out of the state, but they assort that since the secession a livelier Interest had been awakened in lodge affairs In this state, and tho outlook for the fu ture on an Independent basis Is rose ate. Membership FhIIh Awnjr. Various meetings of the officiate wero held and conditions wore look ed squarely In the face. It was found that undor the word ing of tho system proposed by th Su premo Lodgo tho membership In Ore gon hnd dwindled from 11,000 to about 3500. This reduction In mem bership placed tho Grand Lodge of Oregon In the enviable position of being tho wealthiest fraternal or ganization of Its kind In tho United States, and It wan to conserve Itsr funds and maintain this hkh finan cial standard that tho action ultim ately taken was decided upon. Tho reservo fund of tho Grand Lodw consists of $120,000 In boniL and $0800 In cnnh. To th credit or the interest fund In $3HC; of the benefit fund, $34,000, nnd of fh general fund, $1900. This mailed the amount rrf cnpltn about fGO lm the reserve fund. The officers of the irrntid lodi'e of "re-;-"..!! are: dainl lUfo-ter PI '"vtinz; j'iuit foreman, f, T. T'.-.M ul't; rraii'l over.-rr. Marrv M.-f'aJ len; eratol leci.rder, r. m. ? ! i ernrd reeelvi i , t;, j,, ,r .,- . ,. ciilde, RniniKl Roake; (itand lm-bti v. "ti bnjati, ( K. Bali 1; rord niU- al pxnmlner, David Walker. nliiil fjymphony ?jJlj and Lady Quartette Asslnted ly th Fimious Kntertalner i and tlm celebrated Youin; Amerlenr : Violin ami Mandolin Vlrtmisn. j Thomas Valentine Purccll In a delightful prociMtn tntlrely fre I fintit dull nei mi, conilntliiK of I -tidy tiaitetl.s, Violin end Vocal Nolo, Miitulollii ihhI (iultir C lub, Comle ami HcrloiM llcjidlnifn, Mc., lilc, I,"(c A Miidlral riiilc)tiileeie.t i!,n 4 cn. j'lynl ht slll e to th'i mn.dclsn ti'ld the r ,!iien ol fStnrt-l Rr-.-ordrr rpencer It reten-l.-l I ('T M1KH Tlim I 111" AT Si Our l' ' 'I a il t ! ' . ! f. .i- T 'I' m : r -, , ,, . ,t. ;t h. Wlltlt t ' ' I