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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1909)
FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1909. THE ROGUE RIVER COURIER PAGE ELEVKX . A A. i . . . 'avemenf . . . UUU4' ' TKMPEKAXCK COL1TMX. St. Luke's Episcopal Church. "Prohibition does not prohibit!' Is the best Propi Pavement for the irty Owner IT INCREASES VALUES Clean, Sanitary, Durable Safe Footing for the Horse Sure, of Sundr VT T m- 8eS8,0,8 th0 8,0Kan of th " lests. Vave an7 1: " n- ' the, are deeply pained at the leeXvu V""!011; SubjWt' "Olo-ilnJury done to the cause of temper- 7:30 P- m- by the injudicious fanatics who "FrJrdom f rm0n' SubJm i ,nSist thHt the t0 8lP th iuor 1 deal H n r B'illevinS-" Arch-' traffic is too stop it. The liquor men u-m u Chambers- of Portland, say the true solution is to license and 1 hi preach at the morning service. ! regulate tho evil. If that Is not done .. " inipn will continue to break the law. , 1M .any Presbyterian Church, j Let us look at the logic of the : -eivicis at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. ' argument. How docs this look? ; m. Sundav school ni in.iHi . . I i ...... , . . .. i v.vU a. m. m successive issues or tne UmJun Endeavor mectins at 6:50 .Evening Telegram of Portland. some-. e. ..... aua junior meeting at 3 p. m. 'thins like this has appeared: ' In the morning the pastor will speak KKIGX OF ClltMK j on -The Rarest of Virtues." The! RAFFLES POLICE I iinuarens sermonette will be about! Law Rrrakrra Ply Their Voca- uuxiug uesson. The topic Will be "What Mon evening Cannot tion AViih Apparent ImpunitT Then follows In each case a series1 Warren Construction Co 317 Reck Hldg., Portland, Ore. Understand." Free pews and a rnr- of hold-nos and huririnriAa that m-.,t,i dial Invitation to all. convince any fair-minded man tw the prohibition of burglary and hlgh- i nrst i iiristiun Science Sucicty. j way robbery does not prohibit. In Christian Science service will be j act, the prohibition of robbery and held In the W. 0. W. hall Sunday, t murder does not prohibit. Our pcnl Deceniber 12, 1909, at 11 a. m. Sub-, tentlarles are full of murderers and ject, "God the Preserver of Man." j thieves In spite of prohibition and Wednesday evening meeting at 7: 30 ; penalties. And what shall we do I P- m. in the same hall. You are cor dlally invited to attend. about it? Does any sane man ad vocate licensing robbery and murder? It has been found much easier to put a stop to the sale of lln nor hv Temper-,,aw tllan to stop robbery and nmr FLOUR FEED Grants Pass Feed Store Corner 6th and J Streets. A Splendid Overall for every use. Cut generous ly full. Two hip pockets. Felled seams. Continuous fly. M ill Wat MURPHY, GRANTS CO. MinulKtuieri SllfrMUKI (itlKlil V. C. T. l The Women's Christian ance Union will meet with the presl-!der! and 11 has also been found that .ma. uraiiam, on .North sixth j " 1111 u ll" re nas oeen an enforcement street, December 17. An luterestlne of the ,aw against liquor selling program is promised and all friends "lines have been reduced three- are Invited. j fourths. Tho three principal towns of the Newman M. E. Cliurrh. I Uogue River valley are Ashland, (Cor. B and fith Streets.) J Oranta Pass and Medford. The first On Sunday, December 12, the two nre Prohibition towns, while the usual services will be held and Inter- ,ast nas the license, the regulated esting topics will be discussed by the Ba,oon- ln the first the law Is pretty pastor, D. II. Leech. A cordial In-' riK'(,1-v enforced, while in the second vitation Is extended to the public to ' it: ls enforced as well as could be ex attend all the services of the church, i ',ertt,(1 w,th so large a number of " j "soft drink" establishments, mnny First Baptist Church, Sun. Dee. 12. f tnPm 1Bt bllnd l'1?8- Th last . At 10:30 occurs the morning wor-j nanied vhire Bedford, has had a ship. Another sermon In the series, ' l'nam'e ln ,he year Just closing to put "The Disciples' Magna Charta," will ' ,,aelf on m,rd and bIiow how much be given; subject, "Counsel for Re-'lcss of dl'nk'nS and crime there is formers." The Bible school wlll!whero there ,9 a regulated saloon meet as usual at 11-is i,nr ti, thn where wicked prohibition direction of R. K. Hackett Albert ,eml,ts nien to crime; and the record Paddock leads the B. Y. P. U. serv-has been made- 1Iere we 8've it for lee at 6:30. "Crossing the River" Is i comPar'son: the topic in the Pilgrim's Progress series. The evenlnir ann? Korvlro nnH sermon on the topic "Hating tho Preacher." A cordial welcome ls extended. COME IN AND PICK OUT A CHOICE PIECE OF Christmas Furniture I HAVE EVERYTHING IN THE . LINE AND I AM Selling' at Recuced Rates Come Now Remember the Sewing Machine to be given away . December 20 M. E. MOORE U)) St. TREEN ! TREES ! BUY YOUR TRltES FROM TREES "Old Reliable Albany Nurseries" and you afe sure of petting just what you order. We crow our trees for quality not cheap prices. GEO. H. PARKER, Agent Office with J. E. PETERSON Courier's Subscription Campaign The Rogue River Courier during j the past year has been trying to be come a faithful representative of the wonderful valley the name of which Is Included in Its royal head. While doing this It hns conducted a sub scription campaign In the East, so as to bring to the Rogue River valley Investors and settlers. Every paper Isued has heen a. special edition ln the Interest of the country. It has Since January 1, 1909, the police record for Ashland shows tho follow ing: Arrests for drunkenness, 7; for all other causes, 17; total, 24. Grants Pass for the same period: Arrests for drunkenness, 30; for fighting (drunk), 10; for soiling liquor, 6; total, 46. Three-fourths of those arrested for drunkenness and fighting claimed that they pro cured their liquor ln Medford or Woodvllle. Now we come to the model city, that Is to tho model method of regu latlng the traffic. From January 1, 1909, the arrests tin Medford were as follows: drunk enness, 162; fighting, 36; selling to represented the farmer, the lumber- Tnor8' 001Klp'01"' na" man ihi n ,, (v, k.,.. J obscene Innguage, 20; profane lan guage on street, 3; gambling, 3 other causes, 34. Total arrests In Medford, 263. The people are not deceived by the man. the miner and the business man, and has done what It could to advance the Interest. The ambition of the publisher of this paper has l.nnH A n...t. I. ...1 ... . 1 . ... mill iu iiinitf it liMvnu io me cm- ...... zens of r.rants Pn H .w,.Mnn ! ovAn"a gument, and the voice of , ...i i.... ........ ,. ." , 'the peoplo Is being heard through uimi in m mm i uri ncr Hinii'd io give ., , , . .... , ,, , i r. . ...... i the land. Cut out the booze and Tis Its subscribers In the East and : Middle n . , , . , I) il nn rW Putin a" 111 a Innfwaa lm f flrt West a con-oft idra of roiulltlonH 14 Bi ... 4t ... . , . .... ; wiw HMirv u win uiMii nprur win mo Wo nro plonsod to noto that! ' i nn nan Our Sale of Vehicles has been so great that we have had to order ANOTHER CAR OF STUDEBAKEfl VEHICLES Consisting of AUTOMOBILE SEAT BUGGIES RUBBER TIRED BUGGIES NOVELTIES IN BUGGIES We have a Fine assortment of Lap Robes ranging in Price from $3.00 to $20.00 JEWFLL HARDWARE COMPANY l cause. here. o;ir efforts have been to a consider able extent successful, aa we are re-j rclvlnir orders for the minor from I l'""''"' ""WmUn. i '.;.le in at least a half d.i".en state.i. : C. H. Clements, of this city, wrote IT!;" fullnvvlng letter Is a fair sample 0,10 (l "", '. mnny letters received, oxcm.t. ' .v n eiitinn the game qiietlmi. 7 (892 PUR Tighten your KITCHEN CAHL? m ALUlfiay via; It fed I MMtima" to l million hinov houicwie who kve I Inund kitchen Mtlt- 1 (action in (he only ware that wi V5AVES MONCV .MCALTH, Tiwvy kNOTtMetHy .,u!,lr-, l.y ihh.wii.k away ) " "!i ,J1' C'nrc.ii'a l Hi. l.ouls, Mo., Nov. 0, 1fie. rul.H liers r.o'iie River Courier, On nf Tils, Ore. I ;i r Fir- i-ntly you sent sri'ii " re; Ii (.f ('mirier to K Ilk wo'id, lnv b'liue ;i 11 !'.-, v;th n'rnii'p.-i'iV-Ii:4 b!aiil; s'-ndlntr my 8iib--erl:- I do I -ll tO Hu'e-rrllie, Ihrer ot In f lin n, iw:-ni lativi In .ffj. n, nre lat"resle(t H!i rue 'I cMM-rtlng to keon I'l fnl':i:e. Soiilliei'ii frcc'in tbroni'li ili -. V : Wlll It llllorteil n-. I 1 nil tl-st flln. W b:ive county !. (ntwl u'T-i' r ll,.m I r. fit i I aa I . V. - i II 9 li WI KOW ON tXMlSJTlON NA tlmi. since this n ii il ; 1 1 ' r ( ! I (',r;i l'.nve pttl-i-1 ! ' ' ' l.'l'nl ill "i'f vl-I'l- It-, ; i viei t to iifint It. In fruit ncd la'er innl,!- it our lmme, so we want to lie. ) oni 'lv. f Informed. Some t!'e It tii m In Uie t"i'" i-" t i i" to thitiKlliL'. ir nuin v hi;i)iers co out In'o the p'M-ronndlni: ("linfitM I'lim tl!l. r, n,tn eft: rylnir, i" ""' i' or I e i " , , r ,,ne bear," how 1" ; !'. V t-,i" ll tO l.'ll;t f).v;-.,n J.i : ! to t.w.i.ii,;; ,.h 'i f,f r:i:n ! fore It V too , e nrri' fi' " liest iirtli-les on Grants I'.vs and vicinity which has appeared lor a 1'iiik lime. H will be Heen In the Sunday Onroiiliin of November L's, u'ld the weekly Issue of that piiiicr i,1 December 2. Tin; article! was jnibllshed under the heud of "I. niul ol l'r.ilt, 'riinber and (lold -Lower lioKue Klver Valley, of Which tiiantit I 'aim Is the Coiiimerclal Cen ter. " The lift it-It wild handgun' ly Illustrated and aUracted much at tentliui. If we had more of this kind f i:ewn.itn r work It would be a meat help In advertising the re hoaices of (liadtii I'usi and Josephine ft l,:e J mo lv'n'n Woul In't .1 1 well to V-citi N'ONV wllle!.ll' fl'i uchter Why not barn a b-wn lie- late from th" unhappy of cotmntiriltei farther Tor XtniiH - Sabln bus i;lf t book- 8 lets. I Rogue River Hardware Co. vlli'l'i'SSOl'S t I 1 r ;.p .1 'top l!fl ,r I v nnt a 1 nn'" t.n fi.-cr my-!f!f. Y'j'irn 'f.'y, l-1 ktc nr. a v. fit I'M (rr.v?wiim The Wonderful Rogue River Valley liogue Hivcr Valley took the $1000 jirize over all others at the National Apple Show at Spokane in November, 1909. That prize carried with it the title of Apple King. This distinguished the Rogue Hiver Valley, in which 0 rants Pass and Josephine County are located, as the finest fruit country in the known world. As experienced dealers in real estate we make this' assertion. The amount of money made by our clients and others who purchased farm lands near (1 rants Pass during the first nine months of 1909 amounted to as much as the original investment, that is, the investment doubled. There are now opportunities to buy farm proper ty at, from $2.'), $50, and from that to $100 per acre which will be under irrigation before twelve months expire, when it will pell for more than double the figures mentioned and, in some instances, these lands will hi'in ;m advance of i!00 per cent. There are now better opportunities for invest ment in .Josephine County surrouiidin (1 rants Pass than ever before, and those who are wise enonyjIHo invest without delay will he certain of a lare in crease iu the near future. The Josephine Irrigation and Power Company are building ditches to cover 18,000 acres. These are fine fruit lands and when planted will more than double in value every year. We invite those in search of homes or opportunities for investments to investigate. Write for booklet and special information. Address .... .1. JOS PRINTING NEATLY DOSE AT THE COURIER OFFICE Hair-Kiddle Hardware Co. .A" .i Grants Pass, uiuu